Untraceable (World of Danger Book 2)

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Untraceable (World of Danger Book 2) Page 4

by Beth D. Carter

  “Fuck, Mae, I’m close,” he said in a thick, guttural voice.

  “Me too,” she gasped. “Oh, I think I’m going to come.”

  “Do it,” he urged. “Grind that pussy on me. Cover my cock in your cum.”

  His dirty talk turned her on even more, and when one hand came up to grasp her nipple and twist, the small bite of pain was enough to push her over the precipice. Her world exploded in a mind-blowing orgasm that hit every nerve ending. She’d never had a release so intense it left all her muscles quivering with pleasure.

  She was barely aware of JD pulling out as he came. She slumped onto his chest, breathing heavy, as the wonderment of their sex blanketed her mind in a drowsy numbness. He wrapped his arms around her, hugging her close. They didn’t talk. They didn’t need to. Mae wanted to savor the moment because she was afraid he’d regret this when sanity came flooding back.

  Chapter Six

  “I don’t regret this.”

  JD tightened his hug around her. “I don’t either.”


  “Really,” he said. “I think something has been building in me since I first locked eyes with you.”

  “I know what you mean.”

  He smiled, although he knew she couldn’t see it. “Is that why you called me Hunky?”

  “I think that name’s been changed to Hung.”

  He chuckled. “I’m glad you think so.”

  “Oh, was there any doubt?”

  “I can’t read minds, you know.”

  “So you’re taking the modest road on that comment. Got it.” She pulled from his embrace and shifted off him until she rested on her side, staring at him. He reached up and brushed some hair off her cheek.

  “This concrete floor is very uncomfortable,” she noted. “And chilly.”

  “Yes, it is,” he agreed. “Although I didn’t notice it one little bit while you were riding me.”

  Even in the dim light he could see a little red flush her skin.

  “Can I tell you something?” she asked, a little shyly.

  “I think at this stage in our relationship, I think we’re free to tell each other anything.”

  She cocked her head. “Relationship?”

  “Did you think this was a spur-of-the-moment, any-girl-would-do kind of situation?”

  “More along the line of a love-’em-and-leave-’em-type of thing.”

  “Can’t exactly leave you for too long in this bunker. I did make sure you wouldn’t get pregnant, although I almost forgot to pull out. You felt so damn good wrapped around my cock. But never mind that. What did you want to tell me?”

  “I’ve never had an orgasm during sex.”

  “What?” he asked, completely shocked.

  “It’s true,” she insisted. “I’ve always had to get myself off.”

  “I … don’t know what to say but your old partners must have been the lamest men on the planet. Well, you got me now. I’ll give you all the orgasms you want.”

  She grinned. “Want to wash off?”

  Even though he’d just had an amazing climax, his dick stirred at her words. “Ever have shower sex?”

  “Why do you think I suggested cleaning up?”

  She stood up and held out her hand, helping JD to his feet. They kissed, holding on to each other. He maneuvered them until they were in the bathroom, not letting go to turn on the shower. In seconds, steam rose to the ceiling, turning the atmosphere thick and moist. Hot water sluiced over them as they kissed. JD slid his hand between her thigh to test how wet she was, which was very, he discovered. Kissing his way to her neck, he spun her around.

  “Put your hands against the wall and spread your legs,” he ordered.

  With a knowing little grin, she did as he said. JD took the soap and lathered her up, starting at her shoulders and caressing his way down, over her arms, down her sides. She giggled a little, twitching under the tickle. The water washed off the suds as he covered her back with his front, sliding his hands around to cup her pussy. He dipped one finger in as he spread her legs even more. Pulling her hips out, he held his cock and lined up with her slit, and then pushed forward.

  The second time felt even better than the first time. After running his hands up her torso, he cupped her breasts and pinched her nipples, while thrusting in and out. She moved with him, urging him on. Their moans echoed through the room. She came quickly, her pussy gripping him tightly as she rode out her orgasm. When his own rose up through his balls, he pulled out of her and emptied his seed onto the floor, letting the water drain it away.

  Mae Sawyer was fast changing his perception of his world. Trouble was, he didn’t know if it was because of the situation or if he truly was falling for her.


  The days began to blend together, especially since they couldn’t see the outside world. JD wanted to make sure they kept to a routine, because that’d be key to keep their sanity. At night, they made love. Sometimes it was fast and other times slow and emotional. Living in the dark narrowed their world until the only person JD knew he could turn to was Mae.

  One night, what he estimated had been twenty-one days after their abduction, they were sitting together on the sofa with her head on his shoulder. It was a ritual they usually did every evening, just a way to remind them they weren’t alone and had each other’s back.

  “What’s your favorite color?” he asked, wanting to know more about her.


  “Mine’s green. Not neon green, more like a hunter green. What about favorite movie?”

  “It’s a tie between The Notebook and Silver Linings Playbook.”

  “I’ve never seen either of them. Mine is Indiana Jones. I wanted to be him when I grew up.”

  “So instead you became a spy,” she murmured.

  “I’m not a spy,” he said. “I am a security analysis expert.”

  “You’re like Bruce Wayne,” she said with a chuckle. “Rich man using his family’s wealth to combat crime.”

  “My father’s wealth, I discovered, was tainted with his own complicit criminal behavior. When he had to get results, but wasn’t getting the intel he needed, he finished the job and created his own intel. He was a traitor not only to his country but to the oath of the office he served.”

  She covered his hand with hers, squeezing. The small gesture meant more to him than anything else.

  “When do you think we’ll get out of here?” she asked.

  “I don’t know,” he admitted. He didn’t want to voice aloud his fear that the bunker might be their tomb. “I would assume that Lee and Lake would come looking for me, but Lee might be pissed enough not to.”

  “Why would he be pissed at you?”

  “Lee had loved this girl when he was young,” he said. “My father ruined it. And then years later, he gets a threat against her. I didn’t even know this woman was real! So he took off after her and I have no idea if he’s coming back.”

  “Does that have anything to do with the article you showed me?”

  “Yeah. I’ve not been a very good friend to them.”

  “We’re all a disappointment to someone at some point in our lives.”

  “Oh? Are you saying you are?”

  She nodded. “My mother. She’d never been able to get over the fact that of all the Asian children she could’ve adopted, she got the one who wasn’t gifted. She wanted the fame of having a daughter who was an Olympic gymnast. Or an award pianist. Or a brilliant mathematician. Instead, she got a whole lot of nothing.”

  “Hey,” he said, tipping her face up. “Don’t ever say that again. Okay? You’re everything.”

  A beautiful smile softened her lips and he leaned down to kiss them. She snuggled into him more, and for the first time in his life, he felt at peace. It was an odd emotion, one he wasn’t used to, but one he knew he could get addicted to.

  “What happens when we run out of batteries?” she asked softly, after a time of relaxing silence.

  JD d
idn’t want to answer that because he was trying hard not to think about it. Once their battery storage was depleted, they’d be in a world of complete darkness. He’d taken enough psychology classes to know the human psyche didn’t fare well in absolute darkness.

  “I can’t imagine our abductors threw us in here only to not play with their mice,” he said. He didn’t want to tell her his own fears. “I’m sure they’ll come and get us.”

  “And then what?”

  He wished she hadn’t asked that question because he didn’t know what answer to give.

  “They’re going to kill us, aren’t they?” she asked. “I know you don’t want to answer. But we’re in danger, aren’t we? Each day brings us one day closer.”

  “Mae,” he murmured, hugging her.

  “Those were rhetorical questions,” she said. “I already know the answer. It’s not the ending I wanted, but if I do go out this way, then I’m grateful I’m with you. I think I’ll be less scared since you’re with me.”

  That broke his heart.

  How could he save her from the danger they were facing?

  All of a sudden, a strange dizziness hit him. His arms went weak, making it difficult for him to hold Mae. Every time he shifted his eyes, the world dragged along, as if he were completely drunk and unstable.

  “JD?” Mae’s voice came from far away. He turned his head to see her standing next to him. When had she left his side? “I-I feel strange. The world is spinning.”

  “Mae, take my hand.”

  He held it out to her, but she didn’t take it. She spun slowly away. He tried to stand, to reach her, but the world shook out from under his feet and he fell.

  “Mae!” he shouted, although he slurred her name. “Come here!”

  He heard a dull thud and turned his head. It took a moment for his gaze to land on her body. His heart stuttered in fear, so using his forearms, he dragged himself to her side. The world swam and he looked toward the vents. They were being drugged. Their captors were finally playing their master hand.

  “Mae!” he called to her. “Stay with me. Please, stay with me.”

  That became a mantra as he repeated it again and again, until the gas got the better of him and he could no longer fight against it. Holding Mae tightly in his arms, he slumped over and lost the battle against the invisible foe.

  Chapter Seven

  Awareness slowly crept back in, waking him from the chemical sleep induced by the gas. The visions that flashed through his brain were chaotic, but the one constant that remained was Mae. Her smiling face chased the disturbing images away, like sunshine peeking through rain clouds. He reached out to grab hold of her, keep her close, but as soon as he touched her, everything changed. The gas surrounded her head, suffocating her, but the more he tried to free her, the more the infectious fumes penetrated. Her beautiful soulful eyes turned milky white, blood dripped from the corner of her mouth.

  He jerked awake violently, jolting upward, only to be brought immediately down by the constraints tying him to the chair. Disoriented, and more than a little horrified from the dream, he blinked and looked around. The first thing he noticed was the large mirror facing him. A two-way mirror, he figured, since he sat in an interrogation room, although it looked a little shabby around the edges. Pea-green paint peeled off the concrete walls and a few nicks had broken off on the vinyl floor tiles. Harsh fluorescent lighting shined down on him, alerting him to the fact he was no longer in the bunker.

  He remembered getting dizzy. He remembered Mae passing out. JD yanked against the ties holding him. He needed to find Mae. To protect her against the danger.

  Movement caught his attention and he looked as far he could over his left shoulder to see a woman sitting in a corner, watching him. Deep lines bracketed her eyes, which had a perpetual squinty look to them. The deep red in her hair looked fake, as if coming from a box and obscuring the natural color. Her face held no emotion, but the “V” on her brow gave the impression she was angry. Or upset. Maybe both.

  “What the—” he muttered and tried to free himself, but the zip-ties held fast. “What’s going on?”

  “I shall ask the questions,” she said calmly. A very faint lilt tinged her tone.

  “Do I know you? You look familiar.”

  “I should,” the woman said, sounding slightly amused. “I’ve been working for you.”

  A memory clicked into place, of her sitting next to Mae.

  “You work in data entry.”

  “Very good.”

  “What do you want with me? With Mae?”

  “Mae was not supposed to be part of this equation, but after she bravely sacrificed herself for you, my men brought her along. But no more questions. Like I said, I’ll be asking them instead.”

  She rose and walked closer to him. A gun hung in a holster on her hip.

  “Under my employment with you, my name was Renee Hammond, but my birth name was Slidell.”

  The news didn’t surprise him because he’d been expecting something like this ever since he saw the newspaper. Tension gripped JD’s belly but he didn’t say anything.

  “Years ago, my father was killed, execution-style, under a false narrative perpetuated by your father,” she continued. “I tried finding information about what really happened, but my operatives unfortunately killed the only man who knew any of the truth.”

  He knew what incident she was talking about. “McMasters.”

  “Yes,” she replied. “I thought my opportunity had passed by, until I saw you turn your company into helping the public sector. Over time, I began to plan and I realized I could worm my way into your life like a virus. Assimilating all the data I needed to avenge my father’s murder.”

  “You hacked into Lee’s files.”

  She nodded.

  “You stole the protoypes.”

  Again, she nodded.

  “What else do you want from me? Let Mae go, and you can have anything.”

  “I already have everything I want or need from you. You spent twenty-two days down there in that pit, a day for each year my father’s name has been tarnished. Now, I can finally exonerate his name while casting your father’s into hell. He is the traitor, not mine.”

  “I know,” JD said softly. “I brought him down. I took all his power away from him in an effort to punish him for what he did.”

  She slapped him across the face, a hot handprint throbbing on his cheek. “You didn’t punish him! He died a natural death with his good name still intact!”

  “Believe me, he lost everything!”

  “No, because he still had you.” She turned around and walked a few steps away. JD watched her warily. “I’ve learned over the years that when a person has someone they love, they don’t care about what happens to them, as long as their loved one remains safe.”

  A chill went down JD’s spine as dread filled him. He didn’t want her to say anything more.

  “Don’t,” he pleaded.

  She turned around to face him. “Don’t … what?”

  “I know what you’re going to say.” He shook his head. “Mae is an innocent woman caught up in all this! She doesn’t need to be punished for my family’s mistakes.”

  “Mistakes!” Renee Slidell screeched. “No, murdering my father wasn’t a mistake! It was a cover-up for your father’s own immoral soul. The Harlan name needs to pay.”

  “Then I’ll pay!” he yelled back at her. “Do what you wish with me! But let her go. Please.”

  She stopped talking, studying him with her head tilted to one side. It was a scrutiny he wasn’t sure if he could pass because he didn’t care what she did with him. All he was concerned about was making sure Mae was safe.

  “You love her,” Renee said softly.


  “Yes,” she corrected. “You didn’t care about Lee Masterson or Mason Lake, but you’re offering yourself up on a silver platter if only I release boring Mae Sawyer. I felt sorry for her, you know. Crushing on you like a teen
ager. Had I known she would become your Achilles heel, I wouldn’t have dismissed her pathetic lovesickness.”

  “Wait. What about Lee and Mason? What did you do to them?”

  “I haven’t done a thing to them,” she replied. “But some of my men had past grievances with them. As far as I know, you might be out of partners.”

  Anger and fear gripped him so hard, he fruitlessly fought against the plastic ties holding him down. Renee chuckled and reached behind him to pick up a boxing glove. She slipped it over her fist. “Don’t worry. It’ll all be over soon.”


  Mae looked at the zip-ties holding her arms captive on the chair. The one on her right hand was a little loose. Remembering how the hero in her favorite spy romance escaped when he had been caught, she focused on moving her hand forward just a bit. The tie moved along with it, just a centimeter, but she smiled in triumph. Over and over, she patiently scooted the tie toward the end of the chair arm until she was able to slip the plastic tie over the handle.

  With a victory surging through her body, she used her free hand to wiggle down the remaining tie on her left arm. It scraped her skin as it moved down. Eventually, it slipped off. Mae stood and rubbed the red patch, trying to soothe it. Moving to the door, she placed her ear against it and listened, but heard nothing. She opened it slowly, noticing it was the type of door that locked by pushing in the button. With the coast clear, she locked it and pulled it shut behind her.

  Several doors lined the hallway. A stale, musty odor permeated the air, giving her the impression of being unused. The only thing she knew for certain was she wasn’t in the bunker anymore, and JD wasn’t with her. If they had any chance of getting out alive, she had to be smart and think things through.

  If I was a character in my favorite novel, what would the hero do?

  She needed a weapon. Walking up to one of the doors, she placed her ear against it and listened. Nothing. Surely if someone was inside, there’d be some type of noise. Paper moving or a chair squeaking. Trying the knob, she found it turned easily and she peeked around the edge and saw an empty room. Hurrying inside, she then closed the door behind her and looked around. The room had an old-fashioned metal desk, a broken chair, and the unmistakable look of neglect. After going to the desk, she pulled out drawers, searching for a weapon of some type.


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