Whiskey Lullaby

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Whiskey Lullaby Page 12

by Keren Hughes

  He smiles and waves as I turn to look at him as I exit the shop.

  It wasn’t a conscious thought to come back and purchase Bess, more like an instinctual thing when I got to town. I strap the case to my back and pull my phone out to text my mum. We spoke yesterday, but I’m used to speaking to her every day, so I send her a text to let her know I’m thinking of her.

  My phone chimes and I smile, expecting it to be mum, but it isn’t.

  >Hey stranger. How are you? Haven’t seen you around for a couple of days now.

  My smile spreads as a warmth. Runs through me. Shit, how I’ve missed that sweet girl.

  >Hey Caleigh. I’m good. Just needed a couple of days to chill out, you know?!

  >Are you busy today?

  >Not really, I’m just over in Pedmore. Was about to get a taxi back.

  >How about I come fetch you and we go somewhere for lunch?

  The warmth I felt blooms.

  >That would be great. Where shall I meet you?

  >There’s a diner called American Honey. They do great pancake stacks. I know I’m normally about healthy eating, but I could just eat some pancakes with bacon, eggs and maple syrup.

  >Bacon and eggs with pancakes sounds a little too weird, but adding syrup? You’re a monster, Caleigh Flynn ;)

  >Don’t knock it until you try it. I’ll make a monster out of you yet.

  >Where am I headed to find this diner?

  She gives me directions and I walk around town, looking for the shops she tells me about, to make sure I’m headed in the right direction. A light bulb goes off in my head as I realise that I can use Google Maps. I’m such an idiot.

  “Howdy stranger,” she says, startling the ever-loving shit out of me.

  I turn around and see long legs that seem to go on for miles. My cock twitches a little as the thought of those legs wrapped around me plagues my mind. Looking her over, I see her tiny denim shorts and a tight purple tank top. Damn, she looks too good to be true.

  “My eyes are up here, perv,” she says in a teasing tone.

  Looking up, I see her gorgeous green eyes glistening with mirth.

  “Can’t a man appreciate a fine-looking woman?”

  “That depends if she can eye-fuck him right back.”

  “Oh, I’d say that was allowed. In fact, scratch that, she’d be actively encouraged to eye-fuck the shit outta him.”

  “What’s that?” she asks, gesturing to the case I’d forgotten I had on my back.

  “Oh, that? It’s this thing made of wood and some strings.”

  Caleigh raises an eyebrow at me and puts her hand on her hip.

  “Don’t sass me, boy.”

  I poke my tongue out, earning me a light chuckle in response.

  “It’s not an it. Her name is Bess.”

  “You’re cheating on me with someone called Bess?”

  “I happen to believe there’s room in my life for two ladies, or more accurately, three.”

  “I don’t believe in polygamy. Are you seriously trying to tell me you’re polyamorous?”

  “There’s plenty of me to go around,” I reply with a wink.

  She cocks her hip to one side and just stands there, looking at me. “I’m afraid I’m a selfish bitch. I like it when my man is my man.”

  Her man? Really? Is that what I am?

  “Well, I’m sorry, but any woman who loves me has to love Bess and Jeri-Lynn too.”

  Loves me? What the fuck am I even saying? It’s like my brain isn’t sending the correct signals to my mouth like I have no filter. What the hell?!

  “Who the hell is Jeri-Lynn? Isn’t that a woman from Star Trek?”

  “Damn straight it is.”

  “You’re telling me you’re dating an actress?”

  “No, silly, I just named my beauty after her.”

  “I’m starving, let’s go eat while we debate your polyamory.”

  I hold out a hand, and Caleigh takes it. Her small, soft hand fits snugly into mine like it was made purposefully for me.

  Walking into the diner, we spot a free booth and take a seat. Caleigh snuggles up close and ghosts a kiss over my lips. My cock stirs, so I try to discreetly rearrange myself under the table.

  “Hey,” she says as she sits back and grabs a menu. She hands it to me and tells me to decide what to order, because she already knows what she wants.

  I take a moment to look over the menu but decide to be brave, and when the waitress comes over, I order the same as Caleigh—a short stack of pancakes, crispy bacon, eggs and maple syrup. It makes Caleigh chuckle as I ask for the syrup on the side so I can taste test before pouring it over.

  “So, are you going to introduce me to Bess?”

  I open the case and Caleigh looks over my “other woman” as if appraising her to deem her worthy of my affection.

  “She’s a beauty alright. But I must ask, why the name?”

  “We had a dog named Bess when I was little. She was black and tan, just like this Bess.”

  “Aww, you’re sentimental. How sweet.”

  I lean in and brush a strand of hair out of her face before cupping her cheek in my palm. Looking into her eyes, I feel hypnotised. I ghost a kiss over her lips then go to pull away, but she draws me in for a deeper kiss. I gladly submit to her strawberry-lip-gloss-tasting kiss. Inhaling deeply, I smell her strawberry shampoo and the floral undertones of her perfume. She really is hypnotic.

  It’s only when the waitress coughs that we pull apart. Caleigh blushes as she realises we were being watched. She smiles up at the waitress as she hands us our food, then she thanks her. My manners escape me as I am too enthralled with watching Caleigh.

  “Thank you,” I call belatedly to her retreating back.

  “This all smells great, but I’m still not sure I can get my head around the sweet and savoury combination.”

  “Just eat, will you?”

  I do as she commands and actually—although I’m loathe to admit it—the combination of sweet and savoury isn’t as bad as I thought it would be. I was a bit of a fussy eater as a child. I said I didn’t like things when I hadn’t even tried them. My mum would pander to me, but my dad told me I could eat what I was given or go to bed starving. But as he can’t send me to my room as a man in my thirties, I’ve become a bit fussy again.

  “So?” she asks as she finishes her food.

  “Hmm,” I pretend to ponder, scrubbing a hand over my chin for good measure.

  “Just answer me, you jerk,” she says as she nudges me in the ribs.

  I pretend to be winded and Caleigh gives me a hard stare.

  “I liked it, okay?”

  “Only like, not love?”

  “Love is pushing it.”

  “Oh please, it’s the best thing invented since carbs themselves.”

  “I submit, okay? It was delicious.”

  “Well, you seemed to enjoy the syrup. You might as well have licked the plate clean.”

  I pick up my plate and Caleigh reaches out to stop me, but she’s too little too late as I stick out my tongue and lick the plate a little.

  “Eww, Rhett, stop it.”

  She bats her hand at me, and I can’t help but laugh. She’s got her nose all scrunched up and her mouth in a grimace. She’s so damn cute.

  “Okay, okay, you win.” I put the plate back down and reach for my milkshake. Slurping it through the straw makes Caleigh cover her ears, so I do it again, only harder.

  “You’re such a jerk, Rhett Butler. Do you know that?”

  I’d be insulted if I thought for one moment that she meant it.

  “A cute jerk, though, right?”

  “I don’t know about that.”

  “Well, at least Bess and Jeri-Lynn won’t have to fight you for my affection.”

  “You never told me you played. Are there really no ends to your talents?”

  The change in topic throws me off for a second.

  “I’ve played since I was a kid. But I don’t know about my
talents. I mean, you make it sound like there’s a long list of them.”

  “Oh, there are. Trust me.”

  “Name one.”

  “You’ve got the voice of an angel.”

  “I don’t know about that. Name another.”

  “You play guitar.”

  “Ah, but you didn’t know that. So, name another.”

  “Y-you …” she begins as she squirms under my gaze. “Y-you …”

  “Haven’t got all day, Miss Flynn. Spit it out.”

  “Well, you’re extremely good with … you know …”

  “Nope, got no clue what you mean.”

  “Fuck. Are you really going to make me say it? Jerk! You’re really good with your … tongue,” she finally whispers the last word.

  “Name another.”

  Her cheeks become the darkest shade of pink and I can feel my cock beginning to stir as I look at her. She’s so goddamn beautiful.

  “You … you make me laugh.”

  “Uh-uh, not a talent. Try again.”

  She squirms in her seat and I find myself happy with how uncomfortable she is.

  “You’re incredible in bed,” she whispers.

  “Why thank you,” I reply as I lean in to kiss her neck. I tuck a stray strand of hair behind her ear before kissing my way up to her ear and biting gently.

  “What do you say I get you home and treat you to a repeat performance?” I whisper in her ear.

  “I’d say let’s pay the bill and get the hell out of here.”

  “I was hoping you’d say that.” I stand and pull out my wallet.

  We walk to the counter and pay the bill before walking hand in hand to her car.

  “Drop me at Audrey’s and I’ll sneak down the path by the river.”

  “Don’t keep me waiting,” she almost begs.

  “I promise.”

  I push Caleigh up against her car, and before she can protest, I slam my mouth down over hers and demand entry with my tongue. She submits all too willingly, and fuck if it doesn’t make my cock harder just knowing that she’s so ready and willing to comply.

  Tracing a hand over her hip, I left the hem of her top and run my fingers along the waistband of her tiny shorts. Caleigh sucks in a sharp breath as I dip my finger between the material and her silky skin.

  “Rhett, we could be seen,” she says, breaking the kiss.

  “I don’t care,” I reply before slamming my lips back over hers in a brutal, punishing kiss. We haven’t been public about us, and God knows we could be seen by anyone from River’s Edge if they were here shopping, but I can’t find it in me to care. I’m hers and she’s mine.

  I slide my finger underneath her panties and her breathing is ragged. She wants to resist, but she’s not going to. She’s too far gone to care.

  She’s wet as I slide a finger through her folds. God how I want to strip her and fuck her over the bonnet of her car. My cock hardens just thinking about it and I grind myself against her.

  “Shit, Caleigh, get us back to town. Now!”

  Chapter Eleven


  It feels like a lifetime before Rhett finally slips in through the back door. I’m in the kitchen, waiting for him, wearing nothing but a silk kimono. His eyes bug out as they land on me.

  “Fucking hell, Caleigh, are you trying to give me a heart attack?”

  “No, baby. I’m giving you this,” I say as I drop the material to the floor and stand before him completely naked.

  It takes him all but a nanosecond before his mouth crashes into mine. His arms come around my waist and he slaps my ass hard enough to leave a handprint. I’d be lying if I said that wasn’t hot as hell.

  “God, you’re so beautiful,” he says as he comes up for air.


  That’s all I say, just one word. More of a command really. And yet, he’s eager to comply. He stands back and starts to peel off his shirt. Good god, I could stare at him all day. He’s too perfect. I know I told him before that nobody is perfect, but he is—and if he’s not, he’s as close as anyone will ever get.

  “My eyes are up here,” he parrots my words from earlier.

  I don’t bother making eye contact, though. I just watch as he kicks off his jeans and stands before me in all his naked glory.

  His hands are on me and all I can think is that I can’t wait to get up to my room. I want to taste him. Now. But he doesn’t give me chance when he lifts me effortlessly and sets me on the breakfast bar.

  “You’re mine, Caleigh Rae Flynn,” he says, before kissing me until my toes curl and my blood sings in my veins.

  I wrap my legs around his waist and my arms around his neck, drawing him closer to me. I don’t know how we’ve gone from not labelling whatever this is between us to me being his, but I can’t find it in me to care as he aligns himself with me and grips my ass. As he sinks into me, a moan escapes me. It’s pure bliss. It’s like we were just made to fit.

  Rhett fists my hair in his hand and tugs my head back to expose my neck. He kisses me, his lips as delicate as a butterfly’s wings as they trail down between my breasts and then across to suck my nipple into his mouth.

  It’s like an out of body experience as he thrusts into me and bites me at the same time. I can’t describe how it feels, because there aren’t enough words in the English language.

  “Shit, Caleigh,” he whispers, kiss breath fanning out over my skin, leaving a trail of goosebumps in its wake.

  “R-Rhett, I’m so c-close, baby.”

  His grunts punctuate each thrust of his hips. He fills me in the most delicious of ways. My head falls back as he grips both of my hips in his hands and thrusts faster. My breathing becomes more and more ragged as he pushes me closer to the brink. It’s not the brink of an abyss, because an abyss is nothing. This—this is something. The way he makes me feel is beyond compare.

  I dig my heels into his ass and buck my hips to meet each thrust. He’s pushing me higher and higher towards my climax and I know I can’t hold on much longer. I’ve held it back as long as I possibly can to stop this from ending too soon.

  “Shit, Caleigh, I can’t hold back much longer.”

  I look up and see his hooded gaze watching my breasts bounce, but he must notice me staring because he looks up at me with a gaze so intense it could very well burn me alive.

  Leaning all my weight on one arm, I reach down with my other hand to play with myself. Rhett’s eyes follow my hand and he watches me as I touch myself. He leans down over me to bite my nipple again, and it’s like a detonator switch as I feel my orgasm roll through me like thunder.

  Rhett reaches around me and palms my ass before pulling me close to him. I wrap my arms around his neck, and he lifts me effortlessly. I don’t know what he’s doing until my back comes into contact with the cold wall.

  I keep my legs around his waist as he begins to thrust inside me once more. He ups the pace, but it isn’t long until his movements begin to falter. He slows his pace down, but each thrust is harder than the one before it.

  I clench my walls around him, really feeling him as deep as he can go. He leans in and claims my lips in a white-hot kiss before pulling back. His hips slam into me and my cries can probably be heard from a hundred miles away, but I don’t give a damn. He said I was his and he was mine—well, he’s right.

  “Fuck me, Rhett, fuck me. Do you hear? Are you scared I’ll break?”

  “Hell, Caleigh,” he rasps out before doing exactly what I told him.

  He fucks me so hard it’s now me who’s scared I’ll break. But I don’t care if I do, because Rhett will put me back together again piece by piece like he did the shards of my heart.

  When I fell, I couldn’t tell you. I can only say that I fell hard. As hard as humanly possible.

  The moment Rhett comes inside me, all I can see is his face. All I can feel is his hard body pressed up against mine as he comes to a complete still. All I can hear is our ragged breathing. If I could freeze one mo
ment in time, it would be this one. The one where I finally admit to myself that it truly is possible to love again.

  I never thought there would be another man who could make me feel like I was the centre of the universe. But I was wrong.

  The only question is, does he feel the same?


  After showering together, Rhett and I collapse into bed and wrap ourselves around each other. I could lie here forever, just a tangle of limbs. I know that isn’t possible, but the mere fact that I am already in love with him means that I can never lose him. If I did, then the heart he pieced back together would be broken irreparably.

  I survived losing my first love. Could I survive losing my second? My last?

  I doze off into a peaceful sleep as Rhett lies stroking my hair. The little gestures really do mean the world.

  Chapter Twelve


  Caleigh and I have spent another amazing week together, and although I haven’t said it out loud, I know the truth of how I feel inside.

  We were made for each other, her and me. I may not be her first love, but I want to be her last. I want her to fall in love with me the way I have fallen for her. Hard.

  My phone disturbs my peace, so I reach over, fumbling around on the bedside table without looking.

  >Dude, Gordon knows where you are. I don’t fucking know how. It wasn’t one of us though, I swear. You didn’t even tell us where you were, remember? So, if I was you, I would say goodbye to that girl of yours and get your ass on a plane before he comes to you.

  Shit. Fuck. Bollocks. It can’t be true.

  >How could he do that, Jude? My own mother doesn’t know where I am and nor do any of you. The only people that knew were … fuck … the airport staff. He must have paid them off.

  Holy crap. What the hell am I meant to do? I launch myself out of bed and grab my clothes, dressing in a hurry.


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