Rise of the Wolves

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Rise of the Wolves Page 5

by J E Reed

  The detestable man made a sound of disapproval.

  “Something to add?” Grayson asked. His brows rose and Kiuno glanced between the two.

  A smug expression met her gaze again, then he nodded toward K.J. “There’s no reason for all of us to go. K.J. has twice the manpower, let him send his men for a change.”

  K.J. rested his hands on the table. “For the sake of knowledge and the union of our alliances, I think it’s best if everyone works together. Wouldn’t you agree, Atilla?”

  Kiuno swore he said the name for her sake.

  Atilla’s expression darkened. “Since it seems you have no intention of bringing it up, I suppose I’ll be the one to break the ice. Who’s the lightning user?”

  Kiuno’s heart jolted and she froze as every eye turned toward them. She forced her lungs to take slow breaths, afraid any shift would give her away. She hadn’t planned for the possibility of them knowing and prayed they couldn’t see the fear in her eyes.

  Kiuno stared at a swirl in the wood as they awaited K.J.’s reply.

  “Well?” Grayson pressed. Atilla wasn’t the only one eager for K.J.’s answer.

  “I regret to say I don’t know who it is.”

  “Lies,” Attila spat.

  “We received information that one of our scouting teams encountered some difficulties. Naturally, I responded with aid and when we arrived the lightning user was already at work. I’m still not sure if that individual is within our ranks or out running through the woods as we speak.”

  Attila scoffed. “Are you saying you don’t check those who come into your walls?”

  “Clearly not, otherwise your spies wouldn’t have any knowledge of that event.” At that, they all stiffened. “I think we can skip the denial. We all know full well each of us takes precautions against the others.”

  Grayson cleared his throat. “Aren’t you curious who it could be?”

  “Of course, I’m curious.” K.J. said. “But I’m not in the habit of forcing people to work for me. When this individual feels comfortable, they’ll come forward and if they’re within my walls, then at least we’ll know they’re safe.”

  Kiuno let out a slow breath, but when she glanced up, the Asian woman’s curious eyes were fixated on the mark beneath her chin. She gave Kiuno a knowing smile, then slid her gaze back to Grayson. Kiuno chewed her lower lip.

  Atilla clicked his tongue. “Your beliefs are irrelevant for this situation. If that person is among you, each of us has a right to know.”

  “You’ll have a right to know when you’re willing to fight with the rest of us,” Kiuno said. “You want K.J. to send his men to the forest, yet you demand to know who his men are. Seems that only benefits you.”

  The Asian woman smirked and Attila’s face shifted from red to purple. “Seems you brought a mouthy one. Again.”

  Grayson cleared his throat before anyone could respond. “I think a short break is in order. We’ll meet back in about an hour.”

  None moved. Grayson sighed and slid his chair across the wooden floor. The woman followed and soon everyone filed out.

  Once out of earshot, K.J. chuckled. “Did you enjoy that?”

  “Not any more than you.”

  “Attila is a man of power. It irks him when someone else could pose a threat. And compared to his army, we already outnumber him three to one. I’ll be interested to see what he does now.”

  “I think the woman knows.”

  “Leena? I saw her staring. Let her have her suspicions.”

  “You’re not worried?”

  “If she thinks you’re the lightning user, it just means she’ll be more likely to help in the future. I don’t foresee her sharing sensitive information with the other leaders.”

  Kiuno didn’t feel near as confident. The thought of being used as a weapon and fought over wasn’t appealing in the slightest.

  “So how far out is this forest?” she asked.

  “A day and a half from our place, depending where we set up.”

  “I can’t believe how big this realm is.”

  “I fear they’ll only get bigger. If all parties agree to go, I’ll send one of my generals to oversee the troops before I get there.”

  “You’re heading there yourself?”

  “Of course.”

  “Who’s going to watch the place while you’re gone?”

  “I have plenty who can handle it. Palindrome won’t let me go anywhere too dangerous without her. The only threat that concerned me was Reece, but your assurance has eliminated that.”

  “Glad I could help.”

  “His worry for you is what convinced me. He didn’t take it well when you returned unconscious, and I think if not for Elite, he would have been by your side day and night.”

  “I imagine I’ll be joining you in this expedition?”

  “If you’d like. You seem to like the open air.”

  “The castle is a bit stuffy.”

  The two went back to their room and K.J. discussed his decision with a few men she didn’t know. Kiuno listened, then followed him back to the meeting room. They were the last to arrive this time.

  Grayson clasped his hands together. “Now that we’ve had a few minutes to cool down, have you decided?”

  The woman, Leena, spoke first. “I’ll be going.”

  “As will I,” K.J. said.

  “The same.” She met the Middle Eastern man’s gaze but hadn’t heard him speak until now.

  All eyes turned to Attila, who heaved a sigh. “I guess I’ll be going.” His gaze drifted to hers and lingered a moment. “I apologize for my behavior earlier. I wasn’t thinking clearly.”

  Kiuno’s mouth parted, sure she’d misheard, but the surrounding surprised faces told her otherwise. “It’s fine,” she said and smiled awkwardly. He offered a smile in return.

  Thereafter they discussed layout, provisions, and how many it would take to hold such a fort. Each agreed to be separate, but close enough in case of an incident. Kiuno tried to keep up and commit K.J.’s plans to memory. She’d ask him for more details later.

  When the meeting ended, Kiuno all but ran from the room and headed straight for the balcony. Sweat poured down her back and her tunic clung to her wet skin. The sooner they left, the sooner she could get this thing off.

  “A bit hot for that attire, isn’t it?”

  Kiuno shifted as Atilla leaned on the balcony at her side. His gaze ran up and down her form and amusement glinted in his expression.

  “I guess I could have chosen better.” She laid her hands flat on the stone and tried to focus on the landscape, but her gaze flickered to the hallway.

  Where are you K.J.?

  “Are you new to his group?”

  “I’ve been there a few weeks.”

  “I like your brazen attitude. You’d make a great leader.” He took a step closer, glancing over his shoulder as if he were about to tell her a secret. “I wonder if you’d help me in that regard?”

  She chewed her lip and fought against the instinct to step back. She refused to be intimidated. “That’s kind of sudden, don’t you think?”

  He laughed, stepped back, and followed her gaze to the people below. “These days we can’t afford subtlety. Better to state what you want.”

  “I suppose.”


  “Well,” She looked over her shoulder, trying to appear torn, “I’m already in that position.”

  He didn’t look surprised or disappointed. “He picks good ones, I’ll give him that. If you ever tire of his company, you know where to find me.” He smiled and her skin crawled in response.

  “Sure.” He made a small bow before striding down the hall without looking back. K.J. appeared a few moments later with a disgruntled Elite close behind.

  “Offering you the world?”

  She grinned. “And then some.”

  “He’ll try to manipulate you with the allurement of power.”

  Kiuno laughed. “I wish him luck.” />
  10: Quarrel

  Realm: 5

  Day: 246

  Kiuno stood before Maltack’s students and waited for him to finish lining them up.

  “Are you sure this is a good idea?”

  Maltack waved off her concern. “It’ll be fine. I’m here. We need to see what you’re capable of anyway.”

  Those who struggled with their fire magic ranged from a teenage girl to a few men in their forties. Their eyes trailed down her arms and Kiuno resisted the urge to cover them as she awaited Maltack’s instructions.

  “This will be a simple exercise. Kiuno,” he pointed to her, “will hit us with her magic and you’re going to shield. Don’t worry if you mess up. I’ll be taking the brunt of the force.”

  Several murmured amongst themselves but Maltack gave her a reassuring smile.

  Kiuno closed her eyes and searched for the spark that flowed from her body’s center. In a place she imagined her soul to reside.

  To her surprise it met her with the eagerness of a child and flowed through the currents beneath her skin like water on a familiar track.

  Kiuno tested the pathways and waited for the pain. A tingling sensation ran across her marks, but the area didn’t burn as she’d expected. Another moment passed and she allowed the flames to burst forth and fanned them around her body, testing and pulling as one might an injured limb.

  “How does it feel?” Maltack asked.

  She looked at him and then to Elite, whose features carried a mixture of anxiety and awe. “Never better.”

  Maltack shifted his feet. “Whenever you’re ready.”

  Kiuno glanced at his hands. Slender scars ran from his fingertips and stopped just past his wrist. If he could block and withstand the pain of her lightning, then what was a little fire?

  Kiuno gripped the flames and burst them forward. Several students shrieked and fell back before the fire spread over an unseen force and stretched in a semi-circle around the group. Her magic hid their faces from view, so she turned to Elite for guidance. He nodded, indicating all was well.

  “There’s no reason to be afraid,” Maltack called to those beside him.

  Kiuno watched their feet. Those who’d fallen rose one by one and the force of the barrier strengthened. She kept a steady flow and took note when different areas along the barrier’s surface hardened. Without Maltack, she could have easily broken through. The students were nothing compared to the impenetrable wall his magic created.

  After several minutes Elite indicated her to stop and the flames wisped away with the wind. Three faces displayed their triumph while others hung their heads in disappointment.

  “You all did well. Practice a while longer then take a break,” Maltack said.

  He joined her and smiled. “Your control is improving.”

  “You think so?”

  “There were a few strays I had to catch, but most of the flames went exactly where you directed them.”

  She beamed. Control had always been an issue where her magic was concerned. Perhaps now they’d have time to solidify the hold on her abilities. The flames at least.

  Kiuno’s gaze drifted across the field. “Have you seen Scorpios?”

  Maltack tilted his head in thought. “He mentioned training, but I imagine he’s just about finished by now. Follow me.”

  Kiuno and Elite followed Maltack through the lines of those training. Occasionally Maltack would raise his hands to prevent stray magic from colliding with them as they circled toward the back side of the castle.

  Kiuno grabbed Maltack’s arm upon spotting Scorpios in a crouch.

  “Something wrong?”

  “You think I’m going to miss out on the opportunity to see him spar?”

  Maltack chuckled. “Enjoy the show.”

  Scorpios circled his opponent. Iggy, if she remembered right. Both held a staff, and she wondered if they’d use their magic or stick to combatives. Out here, either went.

  The pair lunged, both mimicking the other’s movement like an elegant dance. Her heart raced as she waited for one to slip, but the two collided time and time again with flawless efficiency.

  Both used the same magic. Both used the same techniques. Kiuno had half a mind to ask if they’d trained together in the real world.

  After several minutes, Scorpios and Iggy bowed and turned to greet their new arrivals. Neither man claimed victory.

  “You caught me,” Scorpios said.

  “I didn’t know you were hiding.”

  “Can’t have too many learning my weaknesses, now can I?”

  She glanced at Iggy. “I think he’s learned a lot.”

  Scorpios followed her gaze. “We all need an adequate sparring partner.”


  He cringed at her tone. “I mean someone I don’t have to hold back with.” His shoulders slumped when he realized his statement wouldn’t sting any less.

  Kiuno turned to Maltack. “I think Scorpios just insulted me.”

  Maltack tried to cover the smirk on his face. “I guess there’s only one way to fix that.”

  “You’re still healing.” Scorpios reminded her.

  “That’s what I told her,” Elite said.

  “So, you guys are allowed to fool around, but I’m not?” Kiuno glanced at Elite then back to Scorpios. “You aren’t the only one who needs an adequate sparring partner.”

  Scorpios looked between her and Elite and then to Maltack.

  Their young friend shrugged. “I can make sure neither of you gets hurt.”

  Scorpios raised a brow in question, but Kiuno answered. “It’s true, I might not be able to beat you in physical combat, but we both have other weapons at our disposal.”

  Scorpios frowned. “I don’t think that’s a good idea.”


  He chuckled and those surrounding them backed away.

  Iggy tossed his staff to Kiuno and stood beside Maltack. “I can help shield as well.”

  Kiuno ran her fingers over the soft wood. She’d been so accustomed to using the steel staff, she’d forgotten how light a wooden one could be. She’d need speed if she hoped to match Scorpios.

  The two positioned themselves before one another and Scorpios sighed. “Just remember, you asked for this.”

  Elite whispered to Maltack, but she couldn’t hear. He worried for her and she didn’t doubt him questioning Maltack on how their session would go. She’d make sure he knew how strong she really was.

  Watch me.

  Kiuno tugged at her magic and ran at Scorpios. He dodged her first swing, no surprise there, so she fanned her fire to ensure he couldn’t counter. Scorpios’s tactic revolved around conservation. She’d have to force him into using his magic.

  She shot a ball of fire at him and he dodged to the right where her staff was already in midswing. He met the weapon with his own and twisted it around, but not before she burst flames around her body again. A wall of water met fire, covering the area in steam.

  He didn’t pause, instead he brought his weapon up to collide with her side. Kiuno winced and pulled at the flames as they met in another wall of steam. She met him strike for strike, but as she spun Kiuno pulled her attack and he smirked, sending a wave of water to crash her against the ground.

  “There’s no reason to hold back.”

  She spluttered and water dripped from her hair and clothes. She glanced at Maltack and Iggy. They sat in perfect concentration.

  Scorpios waited; the water coiled tight around his body like a waiting serpent. “Is it Maltack’s abilities you doubt or mine?”

  “I’m not doubting anyone.”

  “Yourself then?”

  She remained silent.

  “You won’t hurt me if that’s what you’re worried about.”

  Kiuno gripped the staff. He was right as usual. Her instinct to protect prevented her from unleashing her potential.

  She took a breath. If she didn’t learn the limits of her power now, it might prove detriment
al later. She pulled at the hot core and Scorpios switched his stance.

  She launched forward again, this time unconcerned with Maltack and the gathered crowd.

  Their staves cracked together in a blinding flash. Searing pain shot through her arm and the force knocked her and Scorpios to the ground.

  Water rained down and Kiuno clutched her burning arm.

  Despite the pain, panic shot through her body and she sat up in search of Scorpios. Maltack pulled him to his feet and both ran toward her.

  Scorpios crouched down. “I’m all right, though I can’t say the same for the staff.” He looked at Maltack who held up two pieces, the center blackened on both sides.

  Kiuno let out a slow breath. “I’m sorry.”

  Scorpios held out a hand and pulled her up. “No harm done.”

  “That was unexpected.”

  Kiuno turned to K.J.’s voice and found more than a few new faces surrounding them. She prayed no one figured out what happened. Elite took her arm to examine the area and she followed his gaze. A raw mark covered her skin, but it followed the path of a previous one.

  “I can’t believe you can do that,” Elite said.

  “Oh, she’s capable of far more,” K.J. said. Elite glared at him, but K.J. didn’t seem to take notice. “We’re about to discuss terms for travel.”

  Kiuno nodded toward the castle. “Lead the way.”

  Their small group followed K.J. back to his office where several faces, including Silver and Palindrome, sat waiting. A map was rolled out on the table with the corners held down by small weights.

  “Have a seat. Before we talk about our upcoming journey, there’s something we want to run by you concerning the battle arrangements.” K.J. sat beside Palindrome. “We’ve agreed Maltack and Scorpios are best suited to be your backup and once your job is finished, they’ll fall back to their preassigned ranks.”

  “Back up for what?” Kiuno asked.

  K.J. sat forward. “Utilizing your unique talent is in everyone’s best interest. I had several take assessments of the damage you inflicted on the battlefield and the results were staggering. Once Palindrome and Maltack figure a way to harness that power I’m sure it’ll only get stronger. Your job will be to scatter the enemy and disorganize their forces.”


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