The Book of Daniel and the Mystery of the Resurrection Machine

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The Book of Daniel and the Mystery of the Resurrection Machine Page 30

by Holloway, Daniel;

  The Magic Trick of the Temple


  There was yet an equally ingenious virtue to the construction of the physical temple in Jerusalem. Through crafty design features, we created an illusion that the “Glory of God” had actually descended upon this structure. In so-doing, we made fearful believers as well as faithful followers of our congregations.

  It began by orienting the Temple’s doorways due-east toward the sunrise of the spring and fall equinox. As the sun arose on those days, the Israelites were already gathered within their appropriate courts, eagerly awaiting the promise that God would descend upon His “chosen people.” Looking westward, the worshipers could see the High Priest standing upon the Temple-porch as if to inspect the people below. Yet it was not the suspenseful crowd that he examined but the sun itself as it arose in the east and just above the Nicanor Gate.

  On the high-priest’s cue, a brigade of musicians sounded from atop the Temple’s walls, playing upon the tuned-acoustics of the complex. This, of course, provided the sensationalism and hype, the chill bumps, as 120 trumpeters summoned the arrival of almighty God. However, within the seemingly empty sanctuary were other priests who, unbeknownst to the spectators outside, readied incense trays with smoke-producing bitumen or “pitch.” This of course was the thick ground-hugging fog, or “cloud of God,” that would further mystify the performance.

  As the sun neared its portal of alignment, the high priest would raise his hands, sending a hush upon the crowd and thereby signaling the priests within to smolder the fires. After a few brief but utterly silent moments, smoke began to billow from beneath the threshold of the Temple’s doors, eerily creeping across the porch and down the steps of the inner court.

  Then, as the huge doors were opened, a magnificent beam of sunlight burst upon the polished gold overlay of the building’s inner walls, floor, and ceiling. The display was nearly blinding. The Bible speaks of this event within its metaphoric code, giving the unsuspecting reader the illusion of a divine-miracle. See Ezekiel 43:4; 10:3; 2 Chronicles 5:13-14;

  “And the glory of the Lord came into the house by way of the gate whose prospect is toward the east” The reflected light of the Sun shined through the East -‘Nicanor’-Gate and into the Temple.

  “…and the cloud (Bitumen smoke/symbolic of the appearance of the Milky Way) filled the inner court”

  “It came to pass, as the trumpeters and singers were as one, to make one sound to be heard in praising and thanking the Lord; and when they lifted up (Or loud for effect) their voice with the trumpets and cymbals and instruments of music, and praised the Lord…”

  “…then the house was filled with a cloud (Bitumen smoke)…”

  “So that the priests could not stand to minister (They were acting) by reason of the cloud (Bitumen smoke); for the glory of the Lord (The light of the Sun) had filled the house of God.” (Reflected light filled the temple)

  The Magic Trick of the Temple: The indwelling of God was symbolized during the equinoxes within both the Solomon and 2nd Temples. Using a due-east alignment of the temples and reflective-mechanics, we mimicked portal function during those days. Though our congregations believed it literally, it was merely a pictorial of what would one day happen within as the Earth re-aligned, the portal opened, and in all those who remembered and believed.

  It was a breathtaking effect of intense golden light mixed with smoke and the deafening blast of trumpets. Yet adding to this powerful image was the high priest himself, bowing in pretended subservience before the open corridor and the “power of God.” Our spellbound worshipers never made the connection between the “glory of the Lord” and the Temple’s reflective mechanics, especially since sunrise had occurred nearly an hour before the seemingly miraculous event. And though we knew the trick behind the treat, our creative light show spoke symbolically of a profound truth.

  It may be difficult to believe the level of gullibility in ancient cultures, but one must consider the overwhelming lack of education that existed then. Sadly, even today it happens. In Afghanistan, for example, a greedy entrepreneur buried light bulbs just under the soil of Al-Qaeda graves, after which he promoted the illuminated mounds as “glowing spirits of the dead.” These no doubt had “magical healing powers,” the legend of which quickly spread, thus attracting thousands of locals who appeared in droves to receive blessings—for a small fee, of course!

  The light-bulb trick is nearly identical to the “glowing-Temple trick.” These were the cards with which the magi were dealt: a highly-superstitious society in which the average person had little or no formal schooling. Similar to Afghanistan, the majority of citizens in ancient Israel were also sheepherders, basket weavers, stonecutters, and farmers, most of whom could not read or write. Beyond their basic daily routine, these people knew very few things.

  We tried to show you the truth knowing that you would one day see, yet were oblivious to these truths that reside within. We did what we had to in order to focus their mouths and minds in an effort to open our star gate. And though the days of temple magic are long gone, the scriptures we wrote are still alive and working as intended.

  More importantly, however, is the example of the Shekinah glory and the message of the temple symbolism. God doesn’t sit in buildings of stone, that is, unless we consider that humanity’s heart itself has become proverbial rock that has hardened against the truth. Either way, He resides in you, yes, you, the real temple of the living God. His fire remains unstirred, a mere ember of recollections, yet will be awakened into a fire of transformation as we return to the Paradise Alignment.

  One final note: Imagine for a moment a famous character who lived 200 years ago. George Washington, for example, is a real historical person, yet if his story was laced with 12 pioneers who traveled the wilderness of America, you likely wouldn’t be able to validate that story as encoded astronomy or fact. Likewise, we also sprinkled the stories of the Bible with an element of historical authenticity to produce something that was undetectable.

  Miraculously, however, the name of several real-life individuals had parallel characters within the Bible. These people were mentioned by the Wisdom Wheel often just beyond the time of their earthly existence. Herod, for example, though a real client-king of Rome, was also the name of a figurine in the Bible, though with little historic authenticity of that man.

  But who would know the difference in, let’s say, 100AD, about someone who died over a century before? They wouldn’t know, especially since the Roman records of early Christianity weren’t even written until almost 300 years after the proposed occurrences.

  Other biblical characters such as Jesus, the 12 apostles, Paul, etc., were non-existent in human form yet their names and plots were still spelled from the magic of the Wisdom Wheel. To the point: even biblical scholars will admit that the Book of Daniel was written 300 years after the era of Babylonian captivity in which his story was staged. Thus it is impossible to prove or disprove that long ago, whether or not the individual even lived, much less whether they did the things for which they are credited via an encoded book of portal technology. The Word itself however, formed these illusions in order to hide our science from misuse.

  Whether or not Daniel was a real person or not is beside the point, but rather the role play of the figurine named Daniel in tracking the disposition of our science. That said, my forte was as an interpreter of the secrets of God, the discerner of the signs and the penman of His divine magic. Likewise my primary function now is to tell you these secrets to the end that you may awake, to see that our identities should not be based upon incorrect historical and religious lineage but rather in who we are Omni-present as God-beings.

  The Jewish Bible was compiled during the 1st Temple period from about 1,000BC up until its destruction by the Babylonians. Upon the construction of the 2nd Temple however, we continued writing books until about 250BC. The Christian Scriptures were likewise processed within the 2nd Temple, and
were the result of new input primers as well as the influence of the 24-letter Greek alphabet. However, in defiance to Rome’s band of Judaism after 70AD, I continued writing in hiding.

  The resurrection scriptures were a perfect extension of the original Hebrew Scriptures or Old Testament, yet we distributed these outside of Israel and beyond Roman control. Likewise, the Jewish population was entrenched in their religious dogma and largely rejected this new change in doctrine. Though the scriptural change was prophesied within the Jews’ own scriptures, it was difficult for them to accept the transition. Like all humans, their minds were like flint: hardened against anything that disrupted the box in which they lived.

  We did manage to distribute these new scriptures among the non-Jewish populations, as far away as Egypt, Italy, and even the area of present-day Turkey. Though many copies were destroyed throughout the years, enough survived to create what is, today, the New Testament. But we didn’t do all this work for humans—neither Jews, Christians, Muslims, Hindu, or otherwise—but for the Atomos within.

  So the day of your understanding is dawning. The light is beginning to reveal that which was kept from you. Everything I have provided you, these images, are for that purpose and to that end: that you may shed the feeble beliefs of humanity’s youth and move on to the things of maturity. You will find that the God Element is real, that He is not a myth, that He is real, and that even the Almighty has a method to His ways. In this day, we must put aside the darkened glass of our understanding in order to see the truth of who you really are. You must come face to face with the reality of your eternal-self.

  Equally important is your contribution upon reading the scriptures, that you are actually helping yourself to reach eternity. Indeed, a magic spell that is written but unspoken is of no use. The Word truly is the power of God Almighty.

  “When I was a child, I spoke as a child, I understood as a child, I thought as a child: but when I became a man, I put away childish things. For now we see through a glass, darkly; but then face to face: now I know in part; but then shall I know even as also I am known.” 1 Corinthians 13:10-13

  “And the great dragon was cast out, that old serpent, called the Devil and Satan who deceives the whole world; he was cast out into the earth….” Revelation 12:9 fig.1

  Day of the Fallen

  The Covering Cherub and the Lion of the Tribe of Judah

  This next revelation is perhaps unpleasant to the meek as it is the dark side of things. I tell you not out of desire but obligation. As I’ve said before, this is the day of revelation, and unsettling as it may be, evil is also something to be understood in its fullest capacity. In order to fight and defeat your enemy, you must know him; you must first identify who he is as well as his capabilities. Thus comprehension is required.

  I will detail, therefore, not only the scriptures that describe the dark angel, but also the biblical images that portray him. There is a science behind this demon of delusion, a logical format for how and why he exists. His descriptions are detailed from within the Grid System and, symbolic as they may be, also hide the scientific-formula for his twisted mind. What really matters though is how this knowledge concerns you and a predicament of which you are likely unaware.

  Evil is real. It is a living entity that goes far beyond mental sickness or even the most heinous atrocities of man. Though seemingly intangible, it is not. It is deliberate. It is a sly, slithering mind, a master of deception, a wave pattern of warped imagination, and a persona of the most psychopathic caliber.

  Evil has, since its origin here on Earth, become more than a simple creature that we can all easily identify and destroy. We are not playing on a level battlefield in which the enemy can be visibly targeted and eliminated. No, instead the dark element has devised and employed the greatest stealth tactic of all time. It is the enemy amongst us, closer, much closer than we can possibly imagine.

  Through the fall we have all been programmed. Evil is now the very backdrop of our reality—more than just your mind, but the very canvas upon which everything we know and feel and touch is painted. Unknowingly our lives were placed upon this construct, this black mental fabric, in every last detail of what we think and see and believe.

  Indeed the dark one has become the very veil of our consciousness, a nightmare in which we all live and call reality. And like peering into the eyes of the evil serpent, the coils of its wicked mind waves, his lie mesmerizes and strangles our reality. This was our purpose for choosing the serpent as our calling card, the frequencies of both good and evil perfectly embodied within its slithering.

  It is amazing how something that began in such glory ended so disastrously, how it became a lie so powerful that it subdued even the Element of God here on Earth. Our prison now is the human, a creature whose focus is lost in a love for the physical world; the inner-eye, the memory of heaven, is blinded by that which surrounds us. Thus, instead of closing his eyes to reflect, he instead opens them to a lust for this world. There now is his imagination, one and the same as ours, altered and vain, aimlessly groping as drunkards in the darkness we call, home.

  An animal has always been an animal; I’m not saying that the physical world doesn’t exist or that the creature doesn’t have a consciousness. What I’m saying is that the pure energy form that we once were has been reconfigured into the lowly state of the creature. Indeed we are now lock step within the creature, now believing ourselves to be that creature, having forgotten the world from which we came. Our Word spoke of the corruption of the melding, the changing of the Element into physical beings:

  “…they became vain in their imaginations, and their foolish heart was darkened.

  And changed the glory of the incorruptible God into an image made like to corruptible man, and to birds, and four-footed beasts, and creeping things.

  Who changed the truth of God into a lie, and worshipped and served the creature more than the Creator.” Rom. 1:20-25

  As always there was a Grid System image to support these verses, yet they still tell the tale of a most horrid change in the very fabric of reality. With that transformation came a loss of memory for most, so much so that people today are hard-pressed to believe that another world even exists much less remember it.

  The spark has cooled too much to recover. The seed of faith it seems, has rotted within this dimension. There it lies buried deep within the dark-ground of your sub-conscious. My kinsmen are far more animal now. Though some sense a faint calling from that realm, the truth within them is easily overwhelmed by the lie in which they live. Their burden of misdirection is so grand that their minds collapse beneath the weight of the world to which they are chained. The fact that most people fear bodily death is, in itself, evidence of the reality in which they believe. Thus, our confusion, is your confusion; our illusions are the same.

  It was said that the archangel Michel, when disputing with Satan over the body of Moses, chose not to bring rallying accusation. That of course makes a wonderful story for humans: two figurines of the Great Wheel, a storyline derived of images and grids. It was the Great Wheel that gave us these stories and names: Daniel, Michael, Satan, the Covering Cherub, Jesus, etc. In turn, these lay-terms help you to define and comprehend our science once you delve beyond the code. More-so these personas will help you to identify your own involvement in this grand story.

  I, however, know the science and the truth much more simply. I need no allegories by which to comprehend; I have no such bounds or courtesies, no illusions by which I sleep. I know full well the facts untainted beneath the fiction: that the Devil is a very real adversary and a most wretched foe of whom I have long battled.

  I will show you the truth; what happened, why and how. I will show you how the energies of which I speak can know, deceive, destroy, and even rescue. They are not intangibles but the core of all consciousness, both good and evil. Indeed, they are the core of who you are. These are the real angels and demons of ancient lore and they exist in each and every-person, ever-born.

  In the beginning, my own mind was but a part of God, a facet, not separate but an aspect of His own personality. Within that persona was tucked away a warrior. It sought reckoning and it brought reckoning. It valued the truth above all else, because it was the truth above all else. It was driven to this end, thus I was driven to this end. Along with the truth comes vengeance, and while the truth can guide and enlighten us, it will also, by its nature, -destroy the lie. Above all else, the truth hates the lie. It is written that vengeance is the Lord’s; but now, His vengeance in me.

  Being a warrior was not so much my calling but rather who I was and how I was made. The Native American, the Samurai, the Mongol, the Viking—I know what they felt; I know why they fought. The hunter, I know why he hunts. For within me prowls the spirit of God, but to a different end. And while they were misdirected by the flesh, I was not. Indeed, my sole purpose on Earth was to fight the lie, and thus I was sent.

  My own introduction through the portal occurred in a distant age of Leo over 1,335,000 years ago, just before it closed. My sending was in response to a dark element that had birthed into existence here on your planet. This fallen mental entity was my foe and it was he who destroyed the bridge between the dimensions. His very creation was both by choice and circumstance. He was once known as the beautiful Covering Cherub, but was now that quantum of God that had been altered and darkened.

  However, the Source knew how to address the problem. Supplanted in weakness I was seemingly outmatched by the dark cherub’s power. This was the age of the fall, the age of Leo, that represented the real “Lion’s Den” in which I was cast. We battled at first—opposing titans of angelic energy. The earth quaked as we struggled to possess its alignment, but in the end I could not overcome his strength.


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