Dragon Billionaire's Bargain

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Dragon Billionaire's Bargain Page 4

by Mina Carter

  The door opened and he turned, but he wasn’t prepared for what he would see. Yes, he’d told Adra to dress for the evening since as soon as they stepped off the plane they’d be going right to one of the weekend’s social functions, and yes, he’d seen her dressed up before for the queen’s wedding.

  There was, however, a distinct difference between the sheath dress she’d worn then and the outfit she wore now. The first had been classy and elegant but the second short-circuited his brain and sent fire through his blood.

  The black dress clung to her figure, highlighting every curve and dip. It finished mid-thigh, giving him a tantalizing glimpse of the creamy skin of her inner thighs before his gaze traveled down. Legs for days. Fuck me heels. Toenails painted scarlet red.

  His mouth went dry, his cock hard in an instant, and he was forced to bite back the possessive growl that wanted to escape his throat.

  He swallowed.

  Fucking hell. How the fuck was he going to manage the journey to the retreat in close quarters with her when all he wanted to do was pin her to the bloody door and make her his here and now?

  “Hello, Adra,” he managed. “Ready to go?”

  Then he kicked himself. Fucking great conversation there... Of course she was ready to go. Ignoring the weird look she gave him, he moved forward, just about managing to stop himself crowding her against the door, and reached for her bag.

  “I can carry it myself,” she argued, reaching for it at the same time. Their heads collided with a loud crack and pain blazed through the side of his face. But that was instantly forgotten at the sound of her small cry, and he reached for her, pulling her into his arms.

  “I’m so sorry. Are you okay?”

  Chapter 4

  The feel of his arms around her and the solid heat of his body against hers was enough to make her forget the ringing pain in her head.

  “I’m good. Thank you.” She risked a small smile up and was caught by his intent gaze again. It was a hard habit to break, and each time he held her, she found her resolve softening that little bit more. “You have a hard head.”

  It was easy to stay settled in his embrace, her hands resting on his upper arms. It was just because she was rattled... risk of concussion, she told herself. Dragon skulls were one of the toughest things on the planet, even when they were in human form. She needed to be careful.

  His lips curved into a smile and she was forced to suck a breath in, the need to kiss him almost taking over. Grimly she got herself together, the memory of her cousin Christy alone and pregnant filling her mind. The asshole that had gotten her pregnant had been one of Nik’s set. Maybe not one of his inner circle but certainly someone he knew.

  Slowly, she pulled away, crossing her arms around herself self-consciously. For some reason she could be half-naked in a swimsuit in front of him when they trained in the pool, but here in a sexy dress and she got all nervous...

  He didn’t pursue it, letting her slide from his embrace, and bent to pick up her bag, making a show of checking where she was before he did.

  “Shall we go?” he asked, indicating for her to precede him.

  “I can carry my own bag, you know,” she commented again over her shoulder as they headed down the stairs.

  “Yeah, I know. But I want to.”

  The deep rumble before he spoke made her dragon purr. She’d noticed it before, and that it never happened when he spoke to anyone else. Just her. She tried hard not to let that thought go to her head, but warmth spread through her chest anyway.

  They reached street level in silence, Nik’s hand lightly on the small of her back as he ushered her out of the door. She knew what to expect but still couldn’t help a swift intake of breath at the big, expensive car waiting for them. Not used to cars, she wouldn’t have been able to say what it was, just that it was probably worth more than everyone in her building made in a year. Combined.

  “Thanks, Phil,” he said to the chauffeur , handing over her bag to be put in the trunk, and opened the door for her. Feeling like a princess, she slid as elegantly as she could into the back seat.

  “Whoa, a family could live in this thing,” she said, stretching her leg out as far as she could.

  It still didn’t reach to the other side of the passenger compartment. She’d probably be able to lie full length. A sudden image of her on her back on the plush carpet with Nik leaning over her filled her mind, and color hit her cheeks.

  “Probably,” Nik chuckled as he dropped into the seat next to her. “It’s a bit overkill. I don’t use it much to be honest.”

  She quickly sat upright, banishing the naughty thoughts before he could pick up on them. Not that they were telepathic. He wasn’t her mate so he couldn’t pick thoughts out of her head like that. But still... it seemed wrong to perv on the guy, even in her own head, when she had no intention of following through with it.

  Her dragon grumbled, not happy at all with her decision. It was getting far too interested in Nik’s dragon for her liking.

  “Oh? What do you use?” she asked, the small cabinets and compartments at the side of the plush seat catching her eye. She couldn’t resist pressing one of the buttons, squeaking as a small cupboard opened to reveal bottles and glasses.

  Nik reached past her to pluck the champagne bottle from its nest of ice and popped the cork. “Something without a minibar for a start.”

  He motioned for the glasses and she held them out so he could pour. Her brain short-circuited again as he leaned past her to put the bottle back. The scent of warm man and expensive cologne surrounded her, and her traitorous knees went weak. She stuffed her nose in the glass to cover the little hitch in her breathing. Then she choked as the bubbles from the champagne went up her nose.

  “There, there... slowly and... breathe.”

  Nik coached her through the coughing fit, taking the glass out of her hand as she doubled up, and rubbed her back until she could breathe again.

  “Okay?” he murmured and she realized that, somehow, she’d ended up in his arms again. But this time she didn’t push to get away, her dragon firmly taking charge as her gaze latched on to his lips. He moved and anticipation filled her... would he kiss her again? He had to. Tension held her body in thrall as he leaned forward.

  Then the car slowed and he looked up.

  “Ah, we’re here,” he announced, letting her go. His lips quirked as though he knew the disappointment that rolled through her system as he sat up. Reaching for the door, he climbed out of the car with a wholly masculine and graceful movement and then extended a hand to help her out.

  She emerged, her smaller hand held tightly in his, to find them parked in front of a private jet.

  “Have you ever flown before?”

  She hadn’t ever flown before, not in a plane anyway, so the whole experience was a novel one.

  Frustration and awareness rolled through Adra’s system in equal amounts as Nik settled into the plush seat next to hers. He hadn’t kissed her. She’d thought he was going to... but he hadn’t.

  But you didn’t want him to, did you? the little voice in the back of her head pointed out. Teasing her. Tormenting her with her own words. Just work. That’s what you said.

  She ignored it, smiling in confusion as Nik leaned over to make a fuss of clipping her safety belt in securely.

  “There’s no need,” she pointed out. “If the plane crashes both you and I would probably survive. You know that...”

  He looked up, warmth in his deep brown eyes. “Yeah... but I need to make sure you’re safe.”

  She didn’t argue, instead looking away as the plane taxied onto the runway. A gasp escaped her as the engines roared, propelling them forward strongly enough to push her back into her seat. Within, her dragon grumbled, not liking this new form of transport.

  There was a bump as the plane left the runway, and she gasped as the earth fell away. It felt weird seeing that while still in her human form.

  “This is... awesome and weird at the same ti
me,” she admitted, looking over her shoulder at Nik.

  He was watching her, chin propped on his fingers, and for a moment she saw right down to his soul. She read the hunger, longing and fascination as though it resided in her own. She dropped back into her seat, color building across her cheeks. He’d been pursuing her since the first day she’d arrived at court, subtly... not aggressively... and she had no idea why.

  “Why me?” she asked bluntly, matching him look for look. “Are you one of those guys who just want to do it with a black for the novelty?” She lifted her chin in challenge. “Because if you are, let’s get that out of the way and join the mile-high club while we’re at it. Then we can stop these silly games and get back to what’s important.”

  He blinked, surprise flowing across his features before they tightened in anger.

  “No. I couldn’t care less whether you’re a black or not,” he admitted tightly, obviously keeping a rein on his temper. “I’ve l... wanted you since the moment I saw you. Nothing to do with the color of your scales and everything to do with the fact you’re a very intelligent woman with a lovely personality.”

  Her lips quirked. Oh, he was good. Very good.

  “You don’t think I’m beautiful then?” She kept her expression level. “Women are told they have a lovely personality when they’ve got a face like the back end of a barn.”

  He growled at her, hand snapping out to slide into the hair at the nape of her neck. He pulled her closer, resting his forehead against hers. “I think you’re the most beautiful woman I’ve ever seen. But I am not one of those men who only see your outer appearance. Who only want a woman for what she looks like. I want you because you stir my mind and my soul as well as my body.”

  Nik’s words still ran through her mind as they landed. It was another new experience and, to be honest, one she really didn’t want to repeat.

  Landing as a dragon was an exhilarating experience, requiring split-second timing and skill to avoid dashing a body the size of a city bus against the ground. But in a plane? It was a nightmare experience of g-forces and clutching at the armrests.

  Nik had just smiled at her, offering his hand. She’d about broken his fingers, her knuckles white as her dragon grumbled in discomfort and demanded that next time, they were flying. Even if she had to carry her bag in her damn mouth.

  But Nik had let her hold his hand and hadn’t said anything. Not even when she’d abandoned it without a word, disembarking the plane to find yet another limo.

  The journey to the beach-front villa they were staying in had been short and sweet, but she felt Nik’s attention on her all the way. He was leaned back on the other side of the limo, his arms spread wide across the back of the seat as she explored the little cabinets and found the snacks.

  Somewhere along the way, the mood between them had changed. Tension had crept in and now he was stalking her. She’d become the prey. Rather than irritating her, though, that thought sent shivers of awareness and anticipation down her spine.

  “Oh, this is beautiful,” she murmured as they drew up in front of the villa. The drive was already filled with expensive cars and limos, the party obviously well underway.

  “You wait until you see sunrise,” Nik said as he helped her from the car. With a nod to the driver, he led her up through the gardens toward the main terrace of the house. Night had already fallen, so it looked like something out of a fairytale, twinkling lights strung in arches over the terrace as music and laughter spilled out of the open doors.

  People stood around in small groups, chatting as wait staff moved between them with trays of drinks. They were all well dressed, the men in suits like Nik and the women in beautiful gowns. Instantly, she felt underdressed in her borrowed dress... which was more inner city nightclub than swanky billionaire’s getaway.

  Then there were the women themselves. All primped and preened and utterly gorgeous. Her smile froze on her face, her fingers tightening on Nik’s arm. With women like this here, what the hell did he see in her?

  “Hey... they’re just people,” he murmured, obviously reading her distress, and pulled her onto the little dance floor in the middle of the terrace. “Concentrate on me, not them, okay?”

  Just being in Nik’s arms calmed her down and she moved with him. She didn’t do this sort of dancing, the ballroom sort, but Nik obviously did and she found it easy to follow his lead.

  The music made her dragon happy and she moved closer to Nik as they glided around the dance floor. For a moment she could believe they were the only two people here and they were a couple celebrating something...

  Our mating, perhaps? The little voice in the back of her head suggested, and she missed a step. Instantly, he was there, strong arms around her when she would have stumbled, sweeping her into the next turn of the dance. He smiled as the music ended, taking her hand to lead her from the floor.

  “You dance well,” he complimented her and she snorted in amusement.

  “Yeah, right. I dance like a sack of potatoes. The only reason I didn’t step on your toes was because you kept moving them out of the way.”

  He winked, a broad smile on his face as he found them a clear spot by the steps to the garden. “I’ll go grab us a drink.”

  Then he was gone, disappearing into the crush of people. He was obviously well known here, several people greeting him with smiles and waves as he passed, but he didn’t allow himself to get drawn into conversation.

  Once he was out of sight, she leaned one hip against the railing and looked out over the garden and, beyond it, the beach and the sea. Moonlight glittered on the water, the soft sound of the waves filling her with a sense of peace. Unlike most dragons, she loved the sea—no doubt due to a sea-dragon great-grandmother way back—and just being near it soothed her. Maybe, if she was lucky, she could grab a swim in it before they had to head back.

  “Hey there. What’s a pretty little thing like you doing in a place like this?”

  The unfamiliar male voice made her turn, a polite expression on her face, only to find a tall man with blond hair scraped back from his face leaning on the railing next to her. She took a quick breath automatically, scenting the air, only to realize he was doing the same.



  They said it at the same time. He smiled, concealing his initial surprise quickly, and held out his hand.

  “Johnson Jones. My friends call me JJ.” He dropped his voice to what she assumed he thought was a seductive purr. “But you can call me whatever you like.”

  “A pleasure to meet you, Mr. Jones,” she said, giving the briefest of shakes.

  He tried to hold on to her hand, but she’d met enough creeps in her time and was ready for it. When he gripped tighter, so did she, almost to the point of breaking bones. He smothered the small gasp of pain admirably and let go. She hid her smile. Lions always thought they were top of the food chain.

  “So... a dragon, huh? You must be here with Waldek.” He looked her up and down and whistled. “Lucky guy. Where’d he manage to find you?”

  “Yeah and yes, I’m here with Nik.” She didn’t smile, not liking Johnson’s assumptions one little bit. “And he didn’t ‘find’ me. We’ve known each other for years.”

  And they had... ever since she’d joined the council of twelve.

  “Guy has all the luck. I bet you’re one of those delicate little dragons... what do you lot call them?” He frowned, clicking his fingers as he thought. Her dragon growled, not liking the lion male near them at all.

  “Elementals,” she supplied. “But they’re mostly called fairy dragons because they’re so small and their wings are iridescent.”

  Johnson missed the clue, the fact that she’d referred to the elementals as they. “That must be wondrous to see. You want to be careful...” He grinned broadly, showing teeth way too sharp to be human. “Lots of predators around here. A little thing like you could get all eaten up.”

  She managed a small smile, tempted t
o blast him with a fire bolt, but held the urge in check. It was probably bad form to roast another guest, and she didn’t want to get Nik into trouble. “It’s a good job I’ve got Nik to look after me then. Isn’t it?”

  As though the mere mention of his name was enough to summon him, Nik reappeared, glasses in hand.

  “Well, pretty lady, this is where I love you and leave you,” Johnson said hurriedly, backing off. Within a few seconds, he had melded into the crowd.

  “What was all that about?” Nik asked, a frown on his face as he approached and handed her a glass.

  “Him?” She didn’t spare Johnson a glance as she turned her smile onto Nik. “Forget about him. It was nothing.”

  Chapter 5

  Kill the lion! Stomp him! Smash him! Burn him!

  Nik had to keep firm control of his dragon as he led Adra away, the creature railing against his control and trying to make him turn around. Go back and find Johnson. Kill him. His dragon had never been so violent and possessive before, not ready to kill another male for encroaching on his territory.

  But Adra wasn’t his. Not yet anyway...

  He took a deep breath and calmed the creature as much as he could. Touching Adra helped to ground him, his hand in the small of her back as he ushered her from the room.

  There hadn’t been a chance for him to introduce her to anyone yet, so they garnered curious glances from the women and knowing looks from the men as they passed. He caught the latter and had to bite back a snarl. It was the nonverbal equivalent of a “get in there, son” and he gritted his teeth in irritation.

  It wasn’t like that. Not with Adra. Maybe, yes, he had to admit it had been that way with other women. He’d used them in very much the same way they’d used him, but all that had stopped as soon as he’d seen her.

  Our mate, his dragon announced, a soft growl of pleasure echoing through their link at the feel of her waist under his hand.


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