Billion Dollar Love

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Billion Dollar Love Page 20

by Sam Crescent

  “Tell me more.”

  Nikolai pressed a gentle hand to her chest, urging her to lie flat on the desk. Not the most comfortable position, but both of them couldn’t wait any longer. Besides, she feared Nikolai could still change his mind about all of this.

  “Well, you’d throw me on your desk, just like this,” Risa said. He pulled her knees apart, then slid her shorts off her legs. She lay spread out before him, completely nude while he still wore his clothes. The thought only turned her on. Risa wasn’t aware of reaching for her clit until Nikolai grabbed her fingers.

  “Naughty girl,” he said, pressing a kiss to her hand. “Your cunt belongs to me now, and so do your precious breasts and the rest of your body. No touching yourself until I permit you to do so.”

  Nikolai undid his tie and began wrapping the silk fabric around her wrists. The maroon stripes contrasted nicely against her skin.

  “Ooh, kinky,” she commented. Risa experimentally tugged at the bonds. They held tight but didn’t cut into her skin. Nikolai raised her bound hands above her head.

  “Keep your hands there, while I get a taste of you.”

  “A taste?” she managed to ask. All logical thought emptied her head as he left a trail of sizzling kisses down her marked breasts, her stomach, and thighs.

  Nikolai gripped her knees and then put his mouth to her most intimate place. She clawed at the wood as he pushed his tongue into the wet folds of her pussy. Nikolai licked and explored, opening her up like he couldn’t have enough. Risa squirmed as he moved his tongue to her clit. He circled the sensitive bundle of nerves, before biting down lightly on it.

  Risa expelled a breath as the pressure building inside her burst. She came, moaning out his name, her head in the clouds.

  Nikolai rose up to kiss her on the mouth. She tasted the combined taste of her and him on his tongue. He pulled away, undid the buttons of his shirt, then tossed it aside. Risa licked her lips at the hard planes of muscle across his chest, his six-pack abs, and the V that tapered down to his waist.

  “Pants,” she managed to utter.

  “Your wish is my command, angel,” Nikolai said, finally unzipping his trousers.

  Chapter Seven

  “What if someone walks in on us?” Risa asked. When Nikolai lowered his pants and boxers to unveil his cock, she was temporarily silenced. Nikolai’s dick was long, thick and meaty, exactly how she imagined it.

  “No would dare,” Nikolai said. “Even if someone did, I pay them enough to quietly walk away.”

  “Will it hurt?” she asked. Risa knew he’d never hurt her, that Nikolai would be the last man on earth who’d do that.

  “It will. I won’t lie to you, but it would only be the first time,” he assured her. “Look at you, angel. You’re so wet for me you’re dripping. It won’t hurt as much as you think. I promise to make it good.”

  “I know you will,” she whispered. “Take me, Nikolai.”

  He gave her another kiss on the mouth, a slow and sweet one, before gripping her hips.

  “Remember this, angel. I’m one possessive bastard. I’ll be the only man allowed inside this sweet body of yours. Any rival, any threat, I will end.”

  Nikolai pressed the tip of his dick to her entrance. He didn’t shove in his prick right away. He left droplets of his pre-cum over her thighs, her clit, her pussy lips. Marking his territory, she realized. Risa didn’t mind one bit. Nikolai had nothing to worry about because she wasn’t capable of looking at another man but him.

  It was like she’d waited her entire life for him, for this moment.

  Nikolai pushed in. She gasped as a burn started. Risa felt something tear inside of her. When he pulled out of her, she saw his dick had come away with a little bit of blood.

  “Good job, baby.” Nikolai pressed a kiss to her mouth. “The hard part’s over. I’m about to make your body fly.”

  He pushed inside her again. She breathed in and out, allowing herself to relax as he made his way slowly in. Nikolai gritted his teeth but didn’t speed up. He was so careful with her that it was sweet. Finally, he buried himself hilt deep inside her. Nikolai rested his balls on the curve of her ass.

  She willed her inner muscles to relax.

  “You’re so tight. Your cunt feels so good,” he whispered in her ear. He left another kiss on her mouth, then picked up the pace.

  She moaned as he rode her faster, harder. Risa’s tits bounced as the desk underneath him began to shake. He reduced them both to pants, moans, animal noises. Each time their bodies met, collided, it felt like Nikolai was reaching deep inside her, her most intimate place. Like he could almost touch her soul and vice versa.

  She found herself meeting Nikolai for every thrust. He shifted the angle of his hips and found that special place inside of her. She didn’t realize sex could be so good, so special. Maybe it was only because she was with the right man. The initial pain she’d felt when he first penetrated her, she could no longer remember.

  Risa gasped, leaving nail marks on his forearms as he kept aiming for her G-spot. Her mind blanked out as he reached for her clit. One pinch and the room fell away from her line of sight. She screamed out his name and came, long and hard, panting.

  Nikolai pistoned in and out of her several times, before filling her pussy with his warmth. He collapsed against her, resting his head between her breasts.

  “Perfect,” she heard him murmur.

  Risa blushed, glad he couldn’t see the expression on her face. He stayed there a few moments, fingering the bite marks he left on her breasts, before lifting his face.

  “There. I’ve ruined you. No other man can touch you now.” She loved the possessiveness in his voice, how he touched her without apology. Nikolai fingered her breasts, slipped his hands lower, down the curve of her belly, and rested them between her thighs. She could feel his cum, dripping down one leg.

  Risa rose up, kissing him. “I told you before. Only one man exists for me. That’s you. I love you, Nikolai.”

  He returned her kiss, kissed her fingers. “I love you back, angel.”

  Those words didn’t fail to make her heart race. Hearing them from Nikolai’s lips filled her with contentment. Relief. She’d thought they would need to play this game of cat-and-mouse a little longer. Risa was ready to work for it. She’d die trying to convince her Nikolai she was the only woman for him.

  “Wait here,” Nikolai ordered.

  He left her, only to return seconds later, with a towel and two bathrobes. He used the towel to clean them both off, before discarding it. She stood from his desk, letting him put the robe on her.

  “I don’t feel cold,” she informed him.

  “I can’t focus if you’re prancing around my office naked. Besides, we haven’t eaten breakfast.” Nikolai wore his robe.

  What a pity. Risa could ogle him all day.

  “I don’t prance,” she informed him.

  Nikolai sat back on his chair and patted his lap. She grinned, straddling him as he reached for one for the plates containing French toast.

  “It’s gone cold now,” Nikolai said with a frown. “I’ll send for another one.”

  “There’s no need. I don’t mind. Let’s not waste food.”

  Nikolai used a fork to cut the toast. He added some cream and a strawberry on the piece of bread, before lifting the fork to her mouth. She took a bite. Somehow, breakfast tasted more amazing than usual. Like last night when he washed her hair, there was something incredibly intimate about him feeding her.

  Once the plate was empty, he set it down, leaning in close to lick away a droplet of syrup from the corner of her mouth. Risa rested her palms on his chest as he slipped his tongue down her throat.

  “I can get used to this,” he said after the kiss. “The sweet taste of you.”

  “You can have me anytime you want. I belong to you now, don’t I?” she teased. Risa experimentally rubbed her breasts against him, making him groan.

  “Don’t tempt me, angel. I’ve just fucke
d you, and you’re probably too sore. We will wait.”

  He was right. Risa did feel a little sore, although she couldn’t wait for Nikolai to send her body and mind flying ten thousand feet in the air again.

  “Aw. Fine. That’s an order, isn’t it?”

  Nikolai nodded. She loved how he easily held her, how he settled his arm on the curve of her ass like it was the most natural thing in the world. Risa leaned in close, so she could whisper in his ear. He listened.

  “Can I make one request?”

  “You’re making demands of me now?” Nikolai looked amused. He nuzzled the hickey he left on her neck. “You know I’d give you anything. Ask.”

  “I don’t share either,” she said. “I get jealous easily. There’s one more.”

  Nikolai snorted. “Angel, I’m yours. There’s no one else.”

  “I know. I like hearing those words,” she said.

  “What’s the other thing?”

  “Keep me. Never let me go.” Risa felt a little cheesy, foolish for asking that of him, but she needed reassurance. “My father would be happy, knowing it was you I ended up with. No one else.”

  Nikolai chuckled. “It took me a long time to overcome my insecurities but not anymore. Dan will rest easier, knowing I’ll be always there to protect you. You’re mine to keep, angel. Now and forever. I’ll even put a ring on your finger to prove it.”

  Her breath caught at those words. Nikolai seemed to study her carefully.

  “Marry me,” he said.

  “Hmm. Let me think a little longer.”

  He gave her a pointed look as if he knew she was toying with him. Then again, it was not much of a surprise. Nikolai knew her inside out. He could always read her.

  She threw her arms around his neck. “Of course it’s a yes.”

  “I can’t wait to make you my wife.”


  Two Months Later

  Hearing a growl, Risa stopped checking her phone and lifted her shades. She was unsurprised to see her man walking up to her, a scowl on his face. Nikolai looked good in his swimming shorts. She took a few seconds to admire his sculpted body and felt him assessing her up and down.

  “If some asshole saw you half-naked and lying in the sun in that skimpy pink bikini, I’d murder him,” Nikolai said in that no-nonsense voice of his that told her he was serious.

  Risa laughed.

  “Good thing we’re on one of your private islands and I know your staff won’t talk.” She rose to her feet, about to put her bikini top back on, but Nikolai snatched it away. He closed his big hand on her wrist, lifted her fingers to his lips and kissed each one.

  “What were you looking at?” Nikolai glanced at her phone screen, then frowned. “News?”

  “Just scanning for news of John, but there’s nothing,” she told him. “I know you brought me here for our honeymoon so we could get away from the city, but I was just worried his body would surface.”

  He tugged her close, making her gasp. His chest crushed her breasts, and she could feel her nipples tightening to points. If Nikolai shoved his hand down the thin strip of pink fabric covering her pussy right now, he’d find her soaking wet for him.

  “You don’t have to worry about a thing, angel,” he told her. “John’s ashes. There’s no body to find. My contacts are good at their jobs.”

  She smiled up at her. “Good. Now that’s done and over with, I want to focus on pleasing my new husband.”

  Nikolai cocked one eyebrow at her. “Oh?”

  Risa dropped to her knees in answer. She grabbed the hem of his shorts, tugging them down. Nikolai reached for the tie holding her hair in a ponytail and tugged the band away, so he could sink his fingers through her hair. She pressed a kiss to the tip of his dick, before opening her mouth to take him in.

  With a bit of practice, Risa was becoming good at this. At pleasing her man. Nikolai let out what sounded like a rumble of appreciation as she blew him. She ran her tongue up and down the length of him, using a bit of teeth, knowing he liked that. He tugged at her hair, and she pulled her mouth away from his shaft, licking at the droplet of pre-cum on her bottom lip.

  “Hands and knees,” he ordered.

  God. She loved this man. Every inch of his possessive and commanding nature. Risa wouldn’t want him to ever change. No one, not the household staff or Nikolai’s men, seemed surprised when they announced they were engaged.

  They’d had a small, private ceremony. Nikolai had asked her repeatedly if she wanted a big wedding. She knew he’d give her anything she wanted, but her answer seemed to have satisfied him. Risa told him she had everything she needed: him.

  She did as he asked, happily wagging her ass at him. That earned her a swat. Risa groaned when he ripped the bikini off her. Ever since they got on their private jet, they’d been at it like rabbits. Not that she minded. He couldn’t stop touching her, and she was the same. Hard to believe that it was only two months since he first took her virginity.

  She clutched at the towel underneath her as he angled his cock into her dripping pussy. Nikolai gripped her hips and penetrated her, not pausing once until he was buried deep inside of her.

  Risa groaned, hyper-aware of how huge he felt inside of her. Nikolai stretched her out completely, but she liked being reminded she belonged to him and vice versa. Risa was territorial, too. Before Nikolai put a ring on her finger, there were always women throwing themselves at him, but not anymore. Risa drove them all away.

  My fierce little angel, he’d whisper before fucking her rough or making sweet love to her, depending on both their moods.

  Nikolai pumped in and out of her, reducing them both to panting animals. The sun bore down on them, but a nice breeze came from the direction of the clear-blue ocean. There was no one but them, their little cabin up ahead, and their discreet staff. Her cries of ecstasy and his primal groans were lost in the sound of the lapping waves.

  Nikolai drove faster, deeper inside her. Risa moaned, lifted her hips, and began meeting him for every thrust.

  “You close, angel?”


  Nikolai reached between her legs and squeezed her clit. That gesture undid her. Risa gasped, arching her back as the pressure inside her broke loose. Risa came, screaming out his name. Nikolai pumped in and out of her a few more times, before filling her with his seed.

  They both collapsed on her towel, their limbs tangled over each other. She rested her head on his chest, purring when he ran his fingers through her long hair. Risa snuck a kiss to his mouth, and he kissed her back, taking his time.

  “What did I do to deserve you, angel?” he asked after.

  “We lucked out with each other,” she told him.

  “I love you, angel. More than anything in the world.” Nikolai reached for her fingers, and she gripped them hard. Risa snuggled closer to him, feeling his cum in her.

  This, Risa thought, was paradise. They could live here forever if she asked, but she wouldn’t do that. Risa intended to stand by Nikolai’s side, become his wife and partner. She wanted him to breed her, to create a beautiful child together. Bring more chaos and laughter into their home. Her heart warmed at the thought. They had an amazing future ahead of them, and she couldn’t wait to see it come true.

  “I love you back, Nikolai. Now and always.”

  The End

  Find more books from author Winter Sloan:


  Sam Crescent

  Copyright © 2020

  Chapter One

  “I don’t pay to have interns do any job close to me,” Nate Cowley said to his PA, who was currently pissing him off. Rebecca knew how he liked to work, and it wasn’t having some young child giggling around him. He’d tried to have interns around to learn the ropes, but after finding one in his office, naked and offering her services, he wasn’t interested. He had security cameras in his office for a reason.

  The last woman wh
o tried to extort money out of him in a sexual harassment case had failed miserably. Nate didn’t take kindly to being manipulated and spent a great deal of his time hiring the best lawyers, who knew what their job was, and it wasn’t sitting on their ass. The woman had been caught on camera explaining to one of her girlfriends how she was going to win a case against him.

  Being the billionaire businessman that he was, he was used to gold-diggers and manipulators who wanted a piece of what he’d earned through his hard work. He wasn’t interested in any of their bullshit or excuses.

  “Sir, I know you’re not happy about this, but Leah Hart is a different kind of person.”

  “Please, I’ve heard all of that bullshit before, and I’m not buying it.” He finished signing the latest contract that would cement another avenue into the cosmetic industry. His company would be able to expand and dominate the market, which was exactly what he was hoping for.

  “You do surprise me, sir.”

  “Do you want to speak frankly to me and keep your job?”

  “I will keep my job as I know I’m the best kind of woman there is to deal with you.”

  He chuckled. One of the reasons he liked Rebecca so much was she wasn’t afraid to speak her mind, and well, he liked to have a woman around who wasn’t scared of her own shadow. She also knew when her opinion wasn’t wanted, and now he was curious as to why she would defend this woman. Clearly, it was important to her, which made him interested.

  “I’m listening, Rebecca.”

  “She comes from a similar background to you,” Rebecca said.

  It was no secret he’d been abandoned as a child, grew up in the foster system, and from the age of eighteen, fought hard to be the proud owner of one of the biggest empires in the world.

  He had the complete power and control of thousands of people’s livelihoods. His past also spurred him to fund many charities directed to helping children less fortunate.


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