Billion Dollar Love

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Billion Dollar Love Page 22

by Sam Crescent

  “No, no. I was going to take you to a nice Italian place. I’m intrigued. Best burgers?”

  “Do you even eat burgers?” she asked, chuckling.

  “Not for a long time. Most of the meals I consume have sushi or some other fancy term.”

  “Well, when I’ve had a really bad day or a long one, these are the best burgers ever. They’re not your standard meat ones though.”

  “Wait, what?” he asked.

  “It’s a new food truck I found. It’s about twenty minutes’ walk from here, and they offer veggie burgers in so many different amazing flavors. Honestly, it is the best kind of food ever.” She gritted her teeth. “Do you still want to try?”

  “Why not?”

  Leah wanted to kick herself. Why was she inviting her boss to eat at a food truck? The man was made of money. He was one of the richest men in the world, and she was walking him to a food truck.

  Holding onto her bag, she hoped she still had a job in the morning.

  They walked away from the building, and she watched as he kept looping his keys around his finger. He looked so cool and relaxed.

  She didn’t have a single thing to say to him to sound interesting or witty.

  Not a date!

  “Thank you for all of your help today. I can’t believe I was so stupid. I really need to stop reading and walking. I like to multi-task, and today I paid for it.”

  He chuckled.

  “I mean, you’d think I would know what I’m doing. I’ve handled thousands of letters and stuff. Not once did I drop any. Today I was a mess. I can’t even believe I did that. I’m rambling. I’m nervous,” she said.

  “Why? Why do you have to be nervous?” he asked.

  She laughed. “I’m taking my very wealthy boss to a food truck. They’re not award-winning chefs, and they don’t own restaurants where it’s a mortgage to eat there.”

  “You’re stereotyping me. Good food is good food. I don’t care how I eat it, just so long as it’s worth the walk.” He winked at her. “At least I know you feel something.”

  Chapter Three

  A few days later, Nate was still reflecting on the meal he’d shared with Leah. Rebecca had called in sick, and there hadn’t been a single moment where he could talk to Leah alone. He didn’t like his PA calling in the way she had, but he wasn’t going to upset her. For the past ten years she’d always been by his side, no questions asked. If she needed extra time off, he was more than happy to let her have it, even if it did leave him with temptation.

  He had no choice but to take Leah everywhere. Into meetings with him, flying across the country at last minute detail checks.

  The worst was yet to come. He had a charity event he really needed her to attend, but he didn’t want to have to watch her, as she looked sexy even in business clothes, let alone a beautiful gown. There was no way he’d be able to concentrate with her curves on full display.

  Pushing those thoughts to one side, he gathered up his paperwork as Leah put the finishing touches to one of his boardrooms. In less than ten minutes he had a meeting with one of his latest takeover bids. It was a newsgroup who in recent years had spilled out into entertainment gossip and telling sex stories in a bid to boost its audience. Only, sex stories only sold a story; it had to do a lot more interesting articles to keep bringing them back for more. The takeover bid had been one of his easiest to date, and now he had a meeting with the paper’s executives in order to bring forth some compromise.

  “You ready?” Leah asked. “I have coffee already prepared. Menus per your request. Everything is in order.”

  “Let’s go sit and wait.” He always loved to be the first to arrive to a meeting and to have people a little out of balance to see the boss already there. Sitting in his chair, he watched Leah as she poured him a coffee. She’d become an expert in exactly how he liked it.

  She placed the coffee down on his desk, and she left to go and greet his staff.

  Putting his hands flat to the table, he always took a moment to gain his composure. Being a forty-year-old billionaire, he’d gotten used to many of his staff and competitors believing he wasn’t fit to fill the role as boss. He’d showed them more than once over his time.

  Leah returned less than five minutes later with twenty men and women, taking a seat. He saw his presence unnerved them. He also saw several of the men staring at Leah, which only served to piss him off.

  They shouldn’t be looking at her.

  Their eyes should be on him.

  He cleared his throat and glared at each of them. “You sell sex stories, but I won’t have it in my papers. Not anymore. You show some respect for my staff here, as otherwise you can leave.”

  Leah took a seat beside him, pen poised over her notepad.

  “Let’s get down to business.”

  Over three hours later, he’d fired two of the paper’s executives as they refused to be moved into a different direction. Five more were demoted, and he had names for people he wanted to replace them. The paper would cease production until he had replaced the people present, and then they would flesh out a new direction.

  Picking up his carton of Chinese noodles, he waited for Leah to return. The food had arrived as the meeting came to a close.

  He’d dismissed the meeting, allowing them to take the food with them, but not wanting to eat at the same table.

  Only in rare circumstances did he sit and eat with his staff. He found when he did, it brought a level of disrespect as they believed he was just one of them, and to be frank, they tried to take the piss out of him. He didn’t allow it.

  “Is that everything?” Leah asked.

  “No. Come sit. Eat with me.”

  “You don’t like company.”

  “We eat together on a regular basis. You and I, it’s not about work. Not all the time. Come. Sit. Tell me how much of a dick you thought I was.”

  She let out a chuckle, snagging one of the pots and the chopsticks. “I didn’t think you were too bad. Telling the head of public relations you didn’t want dickless stories or how many women someone could sleep with was funny.”

  “It’s not real news. Sure, the odd story now and then is great, but the entire … thing. I can’t even justify calling it a paper or a magazine.” He shook his head.

  “If you don’t like what they stand for, why did you buy it?”

  “A couple of bad seeds doesn’t mean it’s not … workable. You know. I’ve seen companies failing, and you take out the bad, it can thrive. I mean, really thrive.”

  “You have belief.”

  “I certainly have something.”

  She laughed.

  “I love that sound,” he said.

  Her cheeks heated. “I’m glad you weren’t put off by my food truck choice. I was so worried you’d fire me the next day.”

  “Not going to happen. Now, if the burger had been disgusting, you could guarantee I’d fire you.”

  She burst out laughing. “I’m really enjoying this,” she said. “You’re an amazing guy.”

  He stared at her, wondering if she felt even a smidge of the attraction he had for her.

  “Wow, I know how to make things awkward, don’t I?” She put her Chinese pot down and made to stand up.

  “You don’t have to go.”

  “I shouldn’t have said those things. It was silly of me.”

  “Did you mean them? Not many people think I’m an amazing guy.”

  “Then they clearly don’t know you.”

  He reached out, grabbing her hand, feeling the rapid beat of her pulse against her wrist. “You don’t have to be nervous.”


  Leah didn’t know who kissed who first.

  One moment she was staring at his mouth, marveling at how sexy he was, and the next, she was spread out on the boardroom table, her legs wide as he stepped between him. He’d pulled the band that held her hair out of the way, and he was ravishing her mouth, kissing her with a passion she didn’t know existed outside of sto
ry books.

  Her pussy was slick, her nipples rock hard.

  There was a need to have him fill her, to put his cock inside her and claim her in ways she’d never been taken before.

  She reached for his shirt, opening it up, sliding the buttons open to reveal the expanse of chest. Pressing her lips to one nipple, she flicked her tongue across the tiny peak.

  Nate wasn’t so delicate with her. He grabbed the edges of her shirt and pulled. Buttons sprayed all across the room, exposing her well-worn bra to his gaze. She didn’t have the money for fancy clothes, and was about to tell him so, but he already flicked the catch, releasing her tits to his view.

  “Fuck, I knew you’d be perfect, I just didn’t have any idea how much so.” His large hands cupped her tits, his thumb stroking across a hardened nipple.

  Pleasure shot straight through her body, consuming her. She wanted his hands between her thighs, touching her, spreading her open for him. She was so aroused. His hands landed on her knees, lifting the skirt up, past her knees, over her thighs and resting on her stomach.

  She cried out as he touched her. He didn’t move her panties out of the way but started to stroke her through the damp material.

  “You feel soaking,” he said.

  She whimpered as he slid beneath the edge of her panty, stroking across her cleanly shaven pussy to her core. His fingers went between her slit, stroking her clit.

  She gasped as he focused on her swollen bud, going back and forth, teasing it. “Please, please,” she said.

  He let her go, gripping her panties and tearing them from her body. She cried out at the exquisite pleasure of his touch. He growled her name, and she couldn’t believe as he took his seat at the board once more, but his mouth went to her pussy. She went to her elbows as he licked and sucked at her clit.

  Nate spread her pussy lips, opening her up to him as he ate her. She had never known this kind of pleasure before in all of her life, had never given herself the chance to experience it.

  His tongue was a master at work, and she cried out, begging him not to stop, but needing him to slow down. The pace was driving her to the edge of pleasure and she stood on the precipice, but Nate knew what he was doing.

  When he did finally allow her to come, she screamed for more, begging him not to stop, needing more of him than ever before.

  Before her orgasm had even finished, Nate had his pants open, and his cock, long, hard, and thick, with pre-cum leaking out of the tip, pressed to her clit. With each bump, she moaned as it only served to intensify the pleasure of what he was doing.

  There was no time to warn him as he lined the tip of his cock with her entrance and slammed in deep. She gasped, gritting her teeth at the same time to stop herself from crying out.

  The pain was instant, and she felt like she was being torn in two. Tears sprang to her eyes, and she lifted up, wrapping her arms around Nate’s neck so he wouldn’t know the truth. The pleasure from moments ago disappeared, and this time, she squeezed her eyes closed, trying to contain the pain, but it was no good. There was no way she could control this. It was intense, and painful, unlike anything she’d ever experienced before in her life.

  “You feel fucking amazing,” he said, his lips brushing across her neck.

  He pushed her back down and started to rock in and out of her, driving in deep, pulling out.

  She kissed him hard so she didn’t tell him to stop. She didn’t want him to. iIt felt so good.

  He growled against her lips, and took her, working his dick inside her. This was her fault for not telling him, for not warning him she was a virgin.

  She only hoped he never found out the truth.

  Nate’s thrusts sped up, but she kept a hold of him, not wanting to let him go, desperate for all of this to be over.

  You fucked your boss.

  What did you expect?

  This is something you should never, ever do!

  The warning was too little too late. She had messed up big time, and as he came, she felt the hard ridge of his cock as it jerked inside her.


  A condom.

  In the heat of the moment, she didn’t even think he had used a condom. She had to get out of here.

  “Fuck, that was incredible.” He kissed her lips, and she nodded, not saying a word. It had to be one of the worst moments of her life, but he didn’t need to know the truth. “I’ll be back. I’ve got to go grab the bathroom. Stay here. We’re alone.”

  He pulled out of her, and she quickly sat up so he wouldn’t be able to see her.

  The moment he left the boardroom, she rushed, pushing her skirt down, leaving her panties, and racing out to grab her things.

  She didn’t bother with the elevator.

  There was no way she was ever going to be able to face Nate again.

  She would hand in her notice, and never speak of it again.

  She also would never have sex again with anyone, not even consider it for a second.

  Chapter Four

  Nate was many things but an idiot wasn’t one of them. He’d seen the blood on his cock, the tightness of her cunt. Leah had been a virgin. Even though it seemed fucking ridiculous to him. He had seen many women while being on the streets, and had even sold himself to some older women to help pay for a meal and rent.

  It’s how he knew and recognized desperation.

  He felt it.

  Lived it.

  Hated it.

  He’d vowed to put a stop to it with the good work he was doing. If he ever saw kids on streets corners, he would stop, hand them money, a card where he knew they’d be accepted, and tell them it wasn’t over. He wanted to give others hope, where he’d nearly given up.

  Arriving at the rather dank apartment building Leah had put on her file, he wasn’t impressed. The housing situation and the state of the apartment blocks needed attention. The elevator was out of service, and he passed several used diapers in the hallway.

  Finding Leah’s apartment on the third floor, he lifted his hand and knocked.

  He waited a couple of minutes and knocked again.

  The moment he found her gone, he’d not waited around for his HR department to come back into work. He’d logged back on, found her information, and come to get her.

  Leah opened the door. There was a small chain lock, and he raised a brow. Those things were pathetic at keeping someone out when they wanted to be inside.


  “You ran off in a hurry.”

  “I, erm, I…”

  “You were a virgin, and now you’re not. I don’t appreciate being run out on like that. Open the fucking door or I kick it down.”

  “I’ll call the cops. I’m going to hand in my notice. I don’t want anything. I wasn’t trying to trick you or anything.”

  “Leah, open the fucking door. I won’t repeat myself again.”

  “I don’t have to listen to you.”

  “You don’t. You’re right about that, but I won’t go away. You can call the cops, but I’m Nate Cowley. They’re not going to listen to you.”

  “I don’t want to talk to you.”

  “No? But I want to talk to you. Don’t do this.” He put his hands on either side of the door, contemplating kicking it down. It wouldn’t be hard to do. It would draw a great deal of attention, which he doubted she wanted.

  She closed the door and he heard the lock slide back, and then she opened the door fully. Stepping across the threshold, he watched her as she turned to look at him.

  Her apartment wasn’t very big, quite small. The furniture was threadbare, and there was a musty smell underneath the layers of artificial air fresheners.

  “You were a virgin?”

  She nodded.

  “Why didn’t you tell me?”

  “How was I supposed to bring it up? It’s not a topic of conversation, and I didn’t go to work with the intention of having sex with my boss.”

  “I didn’t know,” he said. “It must have been painful
for you.”

  “I don’t have any intention of repeating the experience, if that was what you were wondering.”


  “I’m sorry. I don’t mean to be horrible about it.”

  “I get it. I do. Believe me. I wasn’t a good bed partner. It’s not like that. If I had known it would have been better.”

  “It would have been?” she asked.

  “It could be.”

  “I doubt that.”

  He sighed, running fingers through his hair. “I never sleep with my employees. Never.”

  “I’m sorry.”

  He laughed. “This isn’t on you. You don’t have to apologize. This is my fucking fault. I wanted you. I still want you.”


  He stepped toward her. He was thankful she didn’t make a move away from him. It would have killed him to see that happen. Reaching out, he touched her cheek, and she pressed against his touch, smiling.

  “I can’t believe you’re here.”

  “I know.” Stepping close to her, he lowered his lips down to hers, and kissed her. “I have never felt this way about anyone. I am so sorry I didn’t know. It wouldn’t have stopped the pain, but I could have prepared you better. I wanted to be inside you so desperately, I didn’t want to wait. When it comes to you, Leah, I have no patience. I hope you can forgive me.”

  “There is nothing to forgive.” She put her hand on his chest. “It’s fine.”

  “It’s not. I’m going to give you a chance to heal, and then I’m going to show you how wonderful it can be.”

  “You don’t have to do that. I don’t know if I want to give it another try.”

  There was no way Nate could allow that to happen. He couldn’t be the cause of a woman hating sex and not wanting to have it again. He was pissed off at himself, annoyed.

  “Do you trust me, Leah?” he asked.

  She nibbled on her lip with a frown. “Why?”

  “I want to know if you trust me.”

  “Yes, but I don’t see why that has anything to do with this. Some people like sex and will go to a lot of lengths to do it, but I’m not one of them.”

  “I’m going to prove to you that sex can be so much more. All I ask is you trust me. You put your faith in me.”


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