Billion Dollar Love

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Billion Dollar Love Page 47

by Sam Crescent

  “Which can be true with the right partner. I want you to live the experience of a lifetime. One night. It’s all I ask. Let me show you what it can really be like. Let’s both take the edge off.”

  Chapter Six

  Jeffrey held his breath. He kept his gaze on Amalia. He knew she wouldn’t be an easy nut to crack, but he almost had her where he wanted her. She was curious, and from the way her body was angled and her nipples showed through her sports shirt, he would bet, also aroused.

  As was he. Having her here, in front of him, living, breathing, doubting, fed his libido. Tracking her down had been easy. A few dollar bills and he had all the information he needed about Amalia Garcia. Having money, no matter what others thought, had its advantages.

  And though he wasn’t exactly proud for resorting to extortion, as Amalia called it, when money wasn’t enough to bribe a person then you had to find another price, and he knew what hers was. Adrenaline. Pure. Unadulterated. Wild. She was obsessed with seeking the next thrill. Unable to sit still for too long, Amalia was always searching for the next best thing, be it jumping from a cliff or finding the next guy to shag.

  Well, he was going to be her next ride into blood-pumping madness. His cock twitched in expectation.


  Jeffrey ran the pad of his thumb across her lips, feasting on the sound of her breath catching. He clenched his jaw to keep from swooping down to kiss her. She wasn’t ready for that yet. First, she had to say yes. He trailed a digit across her collarbone, over the swell of her breasts. She swayed ever so lightly.

  “Breathe, Ms. Garcia,” he reminded her.

  She inhaled sharply, and he chuckled.

  “You respond to me instinctively, firecracker. I’ve barely touched you, and your body knows what it wants. Let me show you more. Let me give you what you seek.”

  “Why this interest in me? You could have any woman you desire.”

  Jeffrey pursed his lips. He had expected her question, but still it was not an easy one to answer. Why indeed? Because one look at her and he’d become infatuated. Because the women who normally hung around him were simply interested in a quick fuck and his paycheck. Because there was something about Amalia that called to him like a siren’s song to a sailor. Because she toyed with him as if she had control over the situation. Because he hadn’t indulged in BDSM in ages and he was eager to return to his true nature with an eager neophyte. He said none of that.

  “Precisely. I can choose whomever, and I want you,” he said, instead.

  She shook her head. “I need to think about it.”

  “You have thirty seconds.”

  “You can’t expect me to make a decision right now.”

  “Why not, Ms. Garcia? You make in the moment decisions all the time. When you’re climbing, when you’re jumping. This is the same thing. Something has gone wrong, and you have ten seconds to decide what to do or else your life is in peril.” Her eyes widened, and his lips quirked. She just needed one final push. Modulating his voice a tone deeper, he asked. “What will it be, Ms. Garcia?”

  Chapter Seven

  Amalia sucked in her breath. She could picture herself dangling from a cliff. If she made the wrong decision, she’d plummet to her death, but if she took the right foothold, she’d survive. Jeffrey wasn’t wrong. This was much the same. He’d placed her between a rock and a hard place, which had been what she wanted all along. She relished it. The exhilarating moment where she had to make a resolution which could change everything. What did she have to lose? Rich guy and hot, sexy games. With the added bonus, he’d fix up the area.

  And who was she lying to? If he hadn’t been such a dick at the club, she would have played with him that night. Then, life had offered her a second chance when he’d shown up at her parkour session. There’d be no fourth time. She’d be a fool to say no. Looking him squarely in the eyes, she made her choice.

  “All right.”

  JC’s smile was intoxicating, and she had to purse her lips to keep from responding.

  “A wise decision, Ms. Garcia.”

  “You can call me Amalia,” she said.

  “I know,” he replied, with a mischievous twinkle in his eyes. Throwing the doors open, he called for his private security to come release her. It was done without comment, and she absently wondered if that was how Jeffrey Clay led his life. He ordered, and people rushed to obey without questioning it.

  The handcuffs clicked open, and she shook her arms to get the blood flowing again. Jeffrey grasped her hands and gently caressed her wrists. His warm touch sent a shiver through her.

  “The redness will fade. You’ll be fine in a little while.”

  “Thank you, doctor,” she quipped.

  “I prefer to be called ‘Sir’.” The commanding tone she’d instinctively reacted to when he’d arrived returned tenfold with the knowledge she was now in his power. Amalia swallowed.

  “Jeffrey? JC?” she offered.

  “Sir will do.”


  “Because it’s the game we have chosen to play. Didn’t the guy you scened with the other night ask you to call him anything?”

  She nodded.

  “Master.” She scrunched up her nose in distaste.

  Jeffrey’s snort caught her off guard. “Pompous ass.”

  Amalia smiled. “He did give off the vibe. I just wasn’t paying too much attention.”

  “When you’re an adrenaline junkie you sometimes make wrong decisions.”

  “Are you saying this was a mistake?”

  “Not in a million years,” he replied.

  Something beeped, and Jeffrey checked his smartwatch.

  “Let me drive you to your car. I believe you parked it on the other side of the estate.”

  “That’s all right. I think I’d rather walk.”

  “I’ll walk with you.”

  “It’s not necessary. You seem as if you have places to be.”

  “There is no other place more important at this time. Let’s go. I’ll show you a shortcut, for the future.”

  He motioned for her to follow him.

  “You really don’t need to go with me.”

  “I take perverse pleasure in watching you squirm,” he said with a grin.

  “Really? And I’m supposed to trust you?”

  “To give you the necessary dose of pain and pleasure, absolutely.”

  “Not an easy feat when you’ve duped me into this situation.”

  “This way.” He opened a rusted gate she’d never noticed before. Different shades of broken cobblestones lined what must have once been a nice path into a small wooded area. “I don’t consider myself a con-artist, and I honestly think I haven’t tricked you into doing anything you didn’t want.”

  “Maybe not a con artist,” she agreed. “But you’ve used your money to get to me.”

  He shrugged. “I wish I could say I’m sorry, but I’m not. I wanted you, so I set out to find you. The price is irrelevant.”

  “That’s crass.”

  He grabbed her arm, forcing her to face him. A sliver of fear wedged itself in her throat. They were alone, out in the middle of nowhere.

  “Crass would be kissing you right now. Imposing myself on you against your will. Yet, I’ve barely touched you. Though, tell me, Ms. Garcia. Would the touch of my lips be so unwelcome? Would you repulse me if I tried?”

  “Of course.”

  He laughed. The sound bounced across the surrounding trees and the tufts of unkempt grass.

  “Liar. We’ve both wanted this from day one.” He came closer, snaking his arm around her waist and drawing her to him. The length of his erection bumped against her, and she sucked in her breath. Her heart pumped with excitement, every inch of her body begging for more and obliterating any reservations she had. His mouth hovered over hers, and her lids fluttered closed. The tantalizing smoothness of his lips brushed across hers.

  “I’m not charity,” she said for the sake of her dignity.
  “I know.”

  “I’m not some kind of science experiment either.”

  “I know,” he murmured. “You’re my submissive.”

  “For one night,” she reminded him.

  “Of course.”

  He nibbled on her bottom lip, sending tingles of desire racing across her body. This didn’t feel wrong. It was electrifying, stimulating. Exactly what she had been searching for.

  “You’re going to be able to wait that long?” she murmured, leaning closer to him.

  Jeffrey cupped her ass and brought her flush against him. Her pussy throbbed, pleading for more.

  “Certainly, but will you?” Abruptly, he released her, distancing himself from her. A cool draft swept around her, and she shivered at the lack of contact.

  “Tease,” she groaned.

  “Just building some momentum,” he said with a laugh.

  “I don’t see the need.”

  “And that’s part of the reason you got nothing at the club. It’s the kind of place where if you find a good partner you can get your need for pain subdued, but for what you’re seeking you need more than a hastily secured thirty minutes on a Saint Andrew’s cross or a bench. A great part of this game is the foreplay, Amalia.”

  “So I’m to be waiting around for you to get hard or take your Viagra.”

  “Have you ever used a ball gag?”

  Her pulse skipped at the sudden change of topic.



  “Are you—”

  The corner of his lips lifted.

  “One word and you’re already dying to know more. Anticipation, Ms. Garcia. I’ll pick you up tonight. I’ll send you a dress to wear. Don’t wear panties.”

  “Are you serious?”

  “Absolutely. If you want to experiment, I’m going to give you a taste you’ll never forget.”

  Jeffrey pulled out a key and unlocked another gate she’d never seen. With a sweep of his hand, he indicated she should go first. As he led her to the left, she was surprised to suddenly stumble upon her car.

  “That is a new route,” she admitted.

  “I told you so.”

  Amalia searched for her keys and unlocked her car.

  “Do you want my number?”

  HIs grin grew predatory, his gaze becoming steel.

  “Amalia, in case you haven’t noticed, with the amount of money I have I don’t need a girl to give me her number. I can get it myself.”


  He placed a hand to his heart. “Now you’ve hurt my feelings. I might just have to spank you as a punishment.”

  “Be my guest,” she taunted. Turning on the ignition, she rolled out of the Clay estate without looking back.

  Chapter Eight

  Amalia ran. Adrenaline coursed through her body, pushing it to do more. Faster. Bigger steps. The wind whipped past her. Her heart thrummed loudly, almost drowning out all other sounds. Except, she couldn’t relax. The anticipation was killing her. Jeffrey said he’d call her, but that had been hours ago. She’d had a small bite to eat and had gone out for a run, unable to sit still for long. She desired him more than she’d ever wanted any man, and the knowledge ground into her like a swinging anvil.


  Her phone rang loudly in her ear, shutting off her music and startling her. She skidded to a stop and answered.


  “Hello, Ms. Garcia.”

  Her heart jumped to her throat, and butterflies swarmed in her belly.


  “Sir,” he corrected softly.


  He chuckled. “I’ll spank the word into you eventually. Unfortunately, I know I promised we’d see each other tonight, but something has come up and I can’t make it.”

  “Are you serious?”

  “I’m afraid so, but I promise to make it up to you.”

  Amalia huffed. “All talk and no play, typical men.”

  “Ms. Garcia, there is nothing typical about me or you. As I’ve told you before. I don’t play games. As a matter a fact, just because I can’t make it tonight doesn’t mean we’re not going to play.”

  “How so?”

  “Along with the dress I’m going to send you this evening, I’ll be sending some ribbon. You’re to tie them to your thighs and wear them all day tomorrow.”


  “Tied to your body. I want a picture.”

  “What’s the purpose of this?”

  “Because I want you to feel me all day.”

  “Feel you?”

  “I want you to carry it secretly, where no one knows you have it but yourself and me. Our little secret. This tiny sliver of ribbon close to your pussy, weighing on you, a reminder of my presence even if I’m not there with you.”


  “Yes, Sir.”

  “Huh?” she said.

  “That’s what you’re supposed to say. ‘Yes, Sir’.”

  Her sharp intake of breath was loud to her own ears. Silence stretched between them. He’d managed once more to throw her off balance and to heighten her expectations with his game. To think they hadn’t even had sex yet.

  “Yes, Sir,” she murmured.

  “Good girl,” he praised her. “Also, you will not masturbate.”

  “What?” she shrieked. “Why not?” Her pulse quickened, and her pussy immediately clenched as if it wanted to defy the order.

  “Because I say so and because I want to be the one to give you pleasure.”

  “How will you know if I do it?”

  “Trust me. I will.”

  “All I hear are big words, but so far you haven’t fulfilled anything.”

  “Don’t worry, Ms. Garcia. I’ll be bringing you fulfillment real soon. Be home by seven. The messenger should deliver the dress and ribbons around that time. Get some rest, you’ll need it tomorrow.”

  The line went dead. Amalia stared at her phone. Rest? She was on edge, ready for more of this intoxicating madness. She checked the time. She could still exercise a while longer and, she hoped, burn through the need coursing through her before she had to be home.

  Chapter Nine

  Amalia arrived to work earlier than usual. She wasn’t even supposed to be in, but she’d gotten the call asking if she could substitute one of her colleagues who was suddenly out sick. She’d accepted, welcoming the distraction from her maddening thoughts of Jeffrey.

  There was something about him. It didn’t have to do with this game they played, nor his money; she didn’t care a rat’s ass about that. No, it was something else she couldn’t explain but which had her dropping her guard in leaps. She’d gone through a phase of promiscuity in her life when she’d been in her early twenties, searching for the kick of adrenaline. Then, she’d discovered other passions. But now, Jeffrey had reawakened not only the sensual hunger within her, but something deeper. She shook her head. It didn’t make any sense. She wasn’t the kind of woman who fell for a guy on day two, but she could picture herself seeing Jeffrey again, making this game into something permanent.

  “It’s ridiculous,” she muttered as the gym’s doors slid open.

  Amalia stopped in her tracks. Jeffrey stood a few feet away dressed in shorts and a t-shirt. He was deep in conversation with Rachel, who smiled at him as if he held the key into heaven. Amalia scowled. She cleared her throat, and they both turned to look at her. The moment Jeffrey’s gaze landed on her, her unfounded anger evaporated. His face lit up, and the grin spreading across his features had her own lips tilting in response and her heart duplicating its beat.

  “Amalia,” he said. The growl in his voice was possessive, filling her with warmth from head to toe. “I was just signing up to try out a beginners’ parkour class, and they told me you’d be teaching it today.”

  She blinked.

  He’d called her Amalia. Not Ms. Garcia. The distinction became clear at that moment. She was Amalia, a friend,
an acquaintance. When he said “Ms. Garcia”, she was his to command. His woman. His lover.

  “Claudia’s class? Isn’t it full?” she asked, turning to Rachel.

  “There’s been a vacancy.”


  Rachel nodded enthusiastically.

  “Yes. Morgan called yesterday evening because he had an unexpected trip, so I in turn called Jeffrey. He came by a few weeks ago, but we were forced to turn him down.”

  “Morgan? PHD student Morgan had an unexpected trip?” Amalia asked, unable to keep the incredulity from her tone.

  “Apparently, he won a little something in the lottery,” Rachel said.

  Amalia’s eyes widened. She turned to face Jeffrey, hands on her hips.

  “You didn’t,” she murmured.

  “It was going to enable him to study ruins in Greece. He was a history major, wasn’t he?” Jeffrey said, the mischief in his eyes twinkling brightly.

  “I can’t believe it.”

  “I know right,” Rachel piped in. They both turned toward her. Amalia’s heart kicked up a notch. Only Jeffrey was capable of making her forget she was in a room with other people.

  “Well, Jeffrey,” she said, enunciating his name clearly. “You’re early. Class doesn’t start until nine and it’s barely eight-thirty.”

  “I know. Rachel said I had better come early to sign the membership and to get a tour of the gym.”

  Jealousy slammed into her gut, robbing her breath. She took a step back. She had to remind herself she hardly knew Jeffrey. They were simply playing a game. It was nothing personal. Nothing real.

  “Well, I’ll see you in thirty minutes,” she said.

  She headed toward the locker rooms before either of them could respond. What was wrong with her? She had no right to be jealous. Jeffrey didn’t belong to her. What was more, he had coerced her into this situation. Amalia swept off her dress and pulled up her leggings. She stared at the ribbons entwined around her panties and legs. And she’d accepted it. She’d said yes to this game, so she was as guilty as he was. She bit her lip. Damn man. Her phone chimed. Quickly, she finished getting dressed. She checked her device.


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