Home > Romance > BLURRED LINE > Page 14

by Justice, A. D.

  One side of his mouth lifts in a sexy smirk before he pulls me into his arms. “No, baby, there’s no way you’re doing this alone. I’ve already stepped across that line in the sand, leaving a blurry mark in its place. We’re past the two weeks my deputy director gave me to finish this. My family and friends, unfortunately, are accustomed to handling themselves in dangerous situations. They can hold their own in this one, too.

  “We’re made of Steele, baby. And we know we’re stronger with each other, without a doubt. If one person involved didn’t want to take the risk, they wouldn’t. The fact that they are means they believe you’re worth it. You’ve been inducted into the family, Kira. They’d never turn their backs on you, even if you tried to run away.”

  Chapter 16


  “Might as well get up now. We won’t get any more sleep after all.”

  After we get dressed, Kira and I head down to the kitchen for a quick bite to eat before our brainstorming session with Noah and his team. Chaise stands at the counter, sipping on a piping hot cup of coffee when we enter the room. She sets down the mug and rushes into my arms.

  “Hey, big brother. It’s been too long since I’ve seen you. I’ve missed you.”

  “I’ve missed you too, baby girl. You know you’re welcome to visit me in DC anytime you want to come.” With a kiss on her cheek, I release her and head for the coffee carafe myself.

  “Be careful, I just may take you up on that and leave Colton with the kids.”

  As soon as the words leave her mouth, her husband enters the room and walks straight to her. “What was that about leaving me behind?”

  She dismisses him with a wave of her hand before raising up on her toes to plant a kiss on his lips. “You know I’d never leave you, babe.”

  One thing I can give Bull full credit for is how much he loves my little sister. His protectiveness of her is second only to his deep adoration. I couldn’t have handpicked a better man to care for Chaise.

  Bull turns to me and extends his hand. “Good to see you, Silas.”

  “You too, man.” I turn and draw Kira to my side and introduce her to my sister and brother-in-law.

  “Now, do you prefer I call you Colton or Bull?” The confused expression on Kira’s face is endearing. She’s trying to keep up with all the names and faces being thrown at her all at once.

  “You can call me Bull. The only person besides my parents who calls me Colton is Chaise.”

  “That’s only because I refuse to admit how stubborn and bullheaded he is.” Chaise laughs as she wraps her arm around his waist. “But he knows how much I love him.”

  Their son rushes me and wraps himself around my leg, holding on as tightly as his hands can grip. When I reach down to ruffle his hair, he grabs my hand with both of his in our standing tug-of-war fight. “And this is their son, Cason. He’s six, so only a little younger than Amelia. I’m also his favorite uncle.”

  Kira smiles and says hello to Cason. He studies her for a second before looking up at me. “Wow, Uncle Silas. She’s too pretty for you. She should be my girlfriend. And I’m six and a half.”

  “Hey—watch it now. We have a guy code around here. No stealing of women. Check the rule book.”

  “You are such a handsome little man.” She runs her fingers through his thick hair. His cheeks lift with a big smile.

  “Uncle Silas always says lines are for crossing and rules are for breaking.” Cason looks back at me and shrugs. “Your loss, dude.”

  The room erupts with laughter while Cason and I pretend to have a serious staring contest.

  “This little beauty is Chaise’s daughter, Lex. She’s recently turned a year old. I’m also her favorite.” I lift her out of the playpen to cover her little face in kisses. She laughs and puts her little hands on my face. Then she turns her attention to Kira, extending her arms and leaning toward her.

  Kira is hesitant to take her at first, but the two seem to form an instant bond. Kira can’t wipe the smile off her face as she coos at and talks to Lex. Then Kira’s eyes roam around the room, lingering on every face sitting around the table a little too long to be considered casual glances.


  “There’s one more part of the extended family I want you to meet. This is Rebel and his wife, Heather. Those adorable twins beside them are Kinsley and Elias. They’re the same age as Cason. I’m also their favorite uncle.”

  “Now, Silas. We all know I’m the favorite uncle here.” Shadow and Elle walk into the kitchen together, but he has the nerve to smile right to my face after all his games and trickery. At first, I’m tempted to call him on his bullshit, but I decide revenge is better served cold. So he’ll choke on it.

  “Whatever you say, Shadow. You keep believing that lie.”

  With introductions out of the way, Kira and I join them at the table and eat until we’re stuffed. Kira refuses Chaise’s offer to take Cason so she can eat in peace. She takes one bite and gives him the next one. One seems to be equally as taken with the other.

  “It looks like Shadow and I will both lose our ‘favorite’ status to Kira any minute now.”

  “You’ve both already lost it. You just don’t realize it yet.” She cuts her eyes up at me and flashes a mischievous grin.

  “There’s finally someone who can keep Silas in line. I love it,” Shadow quips.

  As appealing as the initial notion may be, I’m not looking for anyone to keep me in line or keep me anywhere, for that matter. I like my life as it is—uncomplicated with a lot of freedom to do as I please. Roaming from shore to shore or anywhere around the globe at a moment’s notice doesn’t exactly lend to a happy home. In fact, a serious relationship isn’t even anything I’ve ever seriously considered before.

  “I’m glad you’re having such a good time at my expense. You’ll pay for this later in a very painful way.”

  He just laughs it off like he does most everything else, then follows up with a shit-eating grin. The bad thing about Shadow is he’s a damn good CIA officer himself, with an uncanny ability to see through others, even those who are deep undercover. Knowing he’s actively trying to probe my mind through watching my body language is a little unsettling. I don’t like being on this side of the equation…and the bastard knows it.

  By the time we finish breakfast and head toward Noah’s office, we have additional visitors and even more backup for the major trap we’re laying for our friendly senator and his partners. Nick, Roman, and Brad arrive with Savannah, Mira, and more kids in tow. We stop in the foyer to greet everyone and chat before disappearing into our version of a war room.

  “If all else fails, at least we can build our own army with all these kids around here. They may be more effective than we are anyway. When are you and Elle having kids, Shadow? We may need to start recruiting them sooner rather than later.” I turn my attention to my friendly adversary.

  A look passes between the couple after my question—Elle is aggravated, and Shadow is uncomfortable. There is no way in hell I’m letting him off the hook with this one. She’s ready for kids, and he’s not quite there yet. Time to stoke the fire under his ass and use it to my advantage in every way possible.

  “Uh, we’re in active, hostile negotiations about that very sensitive topic right now. Let’s not muddy the waters by bringing that into our more immediate plans.” I’ve literally never seen Shadow nervous in this way before. I really like it.

  “All right, let’s get this locked down as soon as possible.” Noah nips that conversation in the bud before it can gain traction. “Brad, let’s get the blueprints up in my office and go over every inch of the building layout.”

  “On it, Reap.” Brad leads the way, and the rest of us follow.

  “Savannah and Mira—bring the babies into the den with the rest of us. The guys have plenty to keep them busy for a while in Noah’s office. We girls can all get to know each other in a more relaxing setting.” Brianna, ever the gracious host, leads the way for her comp
any. That little lady has never met a stranger in her life.

  Kira hesitates for a moment until I take her hand in mine and pull her along with me. “You come with me, love. You’re part of this op too. You have more at stake than any of us.”

  “I wasn’t sure how much I’d be trusted in a room full of federal agents and military commandos. Especially when they’re all here for recon on a covert and illegal operation.”

  “Are you kidding? You’ll fit right in.”

  We walk into the office together, and Shadow’s eyes immediately drop to our joined hands. He hits me with a satisfied smirk, and I know this is only the beginning of our incessant bantering. So I purposely continue holding her hand so that Shadow doesn’t think his taunting is getting to me. I mean, it is—a little—but he doesn’t need to know.

  “Shadow did some initial recon for us, gathering insider information on the senator and what he does in his free time while he’s in Miami. Other than the beach, golf course, and a weekly visit to the spa, he doesn’t do much else on the regular. The extended stay of three or four weeks is out of the ordinary, though.” Noah boots up his computer and turns on the large TV screen so Brad can display the blueprints for the day spa facility.

  “Silas and Kira, we have the original blueprints and an expansion filed later for a building permit, but there’s always the strong possibility the new plans don’t include everything. You two have an appointment for a couple’s massage later today. Get inside, get lost, and figure out what’s missing from our information.”

  “Can I request that we get lost inside the building after our massage? I could really use one and don’t want to be kicked out before our appointment.” I’m only partially kidding. Now that Noah’s mentioned it, I actually am looking forward to it.

  “That would probably make more sense anyway. When you get dressed again, just turn the wrong way out of the room and have a look around.”

  Kira examines every detail of the screen, her eyes slowly moving from room to room. “Okay, that layout is burned into my brain now. We shouldn’t have any trouble finding a new door or extra room once we’re inside.”

  “Photographic memory?” I ask. “Nice.”

  “Yes, pretty much, for as long as I can remember. It has its pros and cons. I’d rather be able to forget some of the things I’ve seen before.”

  “Not knowing where or how this is going down means we’ll have to take shifts on stakeout so that someone is always close by to make a move if needed. We’ve already set up a schedule with teams of two. Brad, I need you to stay here and help coordinate the tech piece. If Silas and Kira find undocumented rooms, they can put mole cameras in place if they can get a clear signal. Once you have us linked up, we can rotate watching the inside cameras too.” Noah’s always been the man with the plan. That shows how brothers’ personalities can be in stark contrast—he plans every last detail, while I prefer to wing it and see what happens.

  Noah gives us the days and times of our shifts for the week, along with our marching orders. He and Rebel are taking the first night. Our working theory is it’s too dangerous to bring the people they intend to sell rather than enslave inside the business during the day. They’ll most likely attempt to make all their shady deals at night, with each buyer walking their new merchandise out just as quickly as they walk in.

  But experience and common sense tell us this will never happen the way we expect, so we have to stay alert at all times. We review the area around the building once again, identifying the best spots to park and observe who comes and goes, walk and peruse the block, and watch different angles of the building for any signs of trouble. When they make their move, I hope I’m the one on watch so I can tear those assholes apart with my bare hands.

  “You two should get going. Don’t want you to be late for your massage.” Noah opens the door and steps out into the hall. “The rest of us will be around here somewhere. If you don’t hear from us in a few hours, send help because that means all the kids have hog-tied and stuffed us into the closets.”

  “Now that I might even pay to see.” I grab Kira’s hand again and head toward the front door. “We’ll check on everyone later—after our relaxing massage and a long stroll inside the building. That should give the kids plenty of time to stage their coup.”

  Kira and I walk out the front door with a mixture of laughter and obscenities coming from the group of men behind us. She looks over at me and bursts out laughing. Seeing her carefree side tugs at my heartstrings because I know she hasn’t had many opportunities just to relax and be herself. Even though we’re still technically working, my goal is to make the next few weeks as fun and special as I can under the circumstances.

  When we’re in Noah’s truck on the way to our appointment, I glance over at her with an intentionally flirty and naughty expression. “You know what?”

  “What?” Her bright smile covers her face when she realizes I’m still in playful mode.

  “We’re getting a couple’s massage.”

  “Yeah, I know. And?” Her eyebrows draw down, and she tilts her head to the side.

  “That means we’ll be in the same room, so I get to see you completely and totally butt naked. Like, your boobies and everything.” I waggle my eyebrows and nod, keeping a huge grin on my face.

  When she leans her head back to laugh at my stupidity, her long black hair cascades over her shoulders and down her back. The sheer magnificence of her beauty takes my breath away.

  The first thought that fires in my brain is, How can I ever let her leave?


  I may be in trouble after all.

  Chapter 17


  Whatever I expected a shady spa that acts as a front for a human trafficking scheme to look like, this isn’t it.

  This is a five-star luxury health resort with every possible amenity I could imagine, and some I didn’t even realize existed. After we sign in and complete the required paperwork, the receptionist brings us each a glass of chilled water flavored with cucumber. Softly in the background, sounds of nature come from the speakers strategically placed around the room. The extra-padded Adirondack chairs instantly put me at ease. The mixture of ambiance and comfort is perfect to create a feeling of serenity.

  “Silas and Kira?” A soft voice calls out, and I look up to see an attractive young blonde.

  Her hair is pulled back from her face in a ponytail, and she has a welcoming smile. She leads us to the back and shows us to the separate dressing rooms. After explaining how to use the lockers and where to find the robes and slippers, she points out the adjoining waiting room where we’ll wait for our massage therapists to come get us.

  Nothing about this establishment has raised the first red flag yet, prompting a slight panic attack to flare up in my chest. What if this is the wrong place? What if we’ve completely misread all the signs? What if this is a wild goose chase, and the very people we’re trying to take down have gotten away with everything after all?

  After I secure my things in the locker and meet Silas in the posh waiting room, I walk straight up to him, ready to abandon the entire mission. I feel like I’ve wasted everyone’s time and energy on top of putting them all at risk of being arrested just because they wanted to help me.

  “Don’t say it.” His voice is low, and he leans in, his lips close to mine. He rubs his knuckles over my cheek, igniting every nerve ending in my body at once with his simple touch. “We’re not wrong. This is a legitimate business, but that doesn’t mean they aren’t dirty. You have to trust me on this.”

  “Silas, I do trust you. You have to know that by now.” The rest of what I want to say—what I need to say—is on the tip of my tongue. The expression on his face says he knows there’s an unspoken “but” at the end of my statement. This is entirely the wrong time to bring it up, though.

  His ability to read me like an open book is equally comforting and unsettling. No secrets and no surprises, but that leaves me very few options to pro
tect him…even from himself.

  He acknowledges I’m not ready to voice my reluctance with a simple nod. “We’ll finish that conversation later. For now, let’s suffer through one of the highest-rated massages in South Florida, then we can get lost in the maze of hallways and doorways.”

  Then he closes the gap between us, and his lips cover mine. The smoldering spark that’s always burning just below the surface immediately ignites into an inferno. He slides his hands around my waist, the warmth seeping through the terry cloth robe as if I’m not even wearing it. The tip of his tongue glides across the part in my lips, seeking entry—only he doesn’t need to ask for permission. I’m already there, willing and waiting for him when his velvety soft tongue strokes across mine.

  I move my hands up his chest, committing every dip and curve of his muscles to memory until I reach the back of his neck. His hair is probably the only soft part of his entire body, and I feel a slight shudder travel through him when I run my fingers through it. My nails lightly scratch his scalp just before I close my fist, gripping his hair with a small tug. His lips leave mine, trailing across my cheek and down the side of my neck. The licks, nips, and bites he scatters across my skin between kisses kick my libido into overdrive. I’m more than tempted to initiate a repeat of our ocean excursion right here in this room—the one anyone could walk into at any moment.

  “This is going to be a long fucking day,” he murmurs against my skin. “Only one taste of you is cruel and unusual punishment.”

  “Tonight.” My breathy one-word reply is all I can manage at the moment.

  “Fucking right, tonight. The first second we’re alone, you’ll be mine in every possible way.”


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