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by Justice, A. D.

  “Precisely. Which is why I want you to look into someone else for me. Since I’m technically a fugitive from justice right now, I can’t very well call up my friends at Langley and ask for a favor.” I hand him a piece of paper. “Find out everything you can on that man for me.”

  “You got it. Of course, you know this is the first place they’d look if they really wanted to find you, right? Your friends aren’t trying too hard to hunt you down.”

  “You’re right. No one is actively looking for me right now. Since I know the CIA has already found me. They’re just biding their time right now, in case I’m right about everything.”

  Shadow nods slowly, weighing my words against his intrinsic understanding of how the agency works. But he doesn’t verbally confirm anything.

  The door to the deck opens, and Kira calls us both inside. “Brad said he’s got something new for us.” Shadow and I jump up and follow her into Noah’s office.

  “The senator is on the move,” Brad says from behind his computer screen. “I’ve got eyes on him, so we’re good.”

  “Just don’t lose him. Let’s see where he goes and what he’s up to, preferably before it’s too late.” I sit down beside Brad and watch the red dot move on the map.

  “They’re headed to the private marina,” Brad points out.

  “I remember reading in his dossier that he has a boat there. Could that be how they’re transporting the people into the country?” Kira moves to stand beside me and puts her hand on my shoulder when she leans over to stare at the red dot.

  “That’s a very good possibility. I’m sure a man of his stature has a large yacht with plenty of holding space.” I sit back and fold my arms over my chest. “If he goes out into international waters, that’s a sure sign he’s up to no good.”

  “Anyone have an overwhelming urge to rush out and shop for a boat down at the marina right now?” Shadow asks.

  “As a matter of fact, I do.” I stand and follow him out to his truck. “I’ve always wanted a boat.”

  “You’re not leaving me behind while you go boat shopping. I’m coming with you.” Kira is hot on my heels, refusing to stay here.

  The three of us head down to the marina to be there when Senator Hunt’s boat docks again. If he unloads his side business of human trafficking tonight, we’ll be there to witness it and put a stop to his activities. The haunted expression on Cristano’s face still bothers me. Plus, I have no idea what they’re doing with the other people they’ve reserved beds for in that basement. They’re not all working inside the spa, that’s for sure.

  We reach the docks and prepare to spend a long night waiting for the yacht’s return. Depending on how far out they have to run to meet their suppliers and the sea conditions surrounding their return, we could be here until sunrise. We stroll around the boats for sale, looking at everything from a small fishing boat to a luxury yacht that’s bigger than my house ever thought about being. Kira ventures off into another ship, daydreaming about what it would be like to own one, and Shadow and I hang outside, keeping an eye on the horizon.

  “So, what’s your hang-up about having kids with Elle? Why don’t you want them?” My casual tone belies the loaded question. Shadow visibly tenses before he answers.

  “It’s not that I don’t want them. I’d love to have kids with her—one day. But we haven’t been married that long yet. I’d like to be able to travel more and spend time together as a couple longer before we take that step. Babies will change everything. I’ve seen Noah and Brianna try to pack up to move across the country for an extended stay at their place in California. There’s absolutely no spontaneity—everything has to be planned down to the last snack and nap time.”

  “Or, you miss being in the middle of danger, chasing bad guys across the stormy seas at a moment’s notice. Or jetting off to the Middle East wearing a flak jacket, hunkered down behind a .50 caliber machine gun while cruising across the desert terrain. And you’re afraid that having kids will change you.”

  “Shut the fuck up, Silas.”

  There’s that nerve I’ve been looking for. Target acquired.

  “Convince me I’m wrong.” I stop walking and turn to face him.

  His deadpan stare is his only response.

  “Ah, I see what’s really going on here.”

  “Silas. Let it go.”

  “Elle doesn’t know you never actually left the CIA, does she? You never told her they convinced you to stay on in a specialized capacity when you moved to California. That’s why you’re avoiding having kids. You’re afraid of blowing your cover. You sneaky dog.”

  “So help me, Silas…”

  “Save your threats, Shadow. Your secret is safe with me.”

  Shadow’s phone rings, saving us from an all-out brawl. “That was Brad. He said the boat stopped a short way down the shore. He hacked into the senator’s phone camera and verified the senator and his wife are just enjoying some time out on the water. The senator opened a bottle of wine, and the two of them talked about their plans now that the last of their kids is married and off living her own life. He’ll check in on them periodically, but there doesn’t appear to be anything illicit to their excursion.”

  Chapter 19


  Two and a half weeks.

  That’s how long we’ve been watching the spa, the senator, the marina, and combing through every little detail of the senator’s life now. Every day, Silas grows more irritated and aggravated. We’re somewhat hiding from the government—even though we should’ve left the country a long time ago if we had any real hope of escaping punishment. But it’s his promise to Cristano that weighs the most on his conscience, more and more with every passing minute. Freeing the janitor from his five-star prison is vital to Silas. After spending every minute of the last month and a half with him, I’d like to think I know him reasonably well.

  He bends and breaks the rules that don’t help with meeting his objective, but there are a few lines he’d never cross. He has a strong sense of protecting the innocent, and failing at that particular mission simply cannot happen. Knowing he’s left someone in that precarious position eats him alive inside. Not making any headway on this case makes him a little crazy. But someone beating him at a game where he’s usually the victor downright pisses him off.

  The only thing that seems to relieve his stress is our time alone, and he uses every precious second of that to work through his frustrations. Night after night, he makes love to my entire body, even my mind. With his whispers and his vows. With his lips and his hands. He elicits feelings and desires that I never knew existed from deep inside me. The licks, nips, and kisses he feathers across my skin in the middle of the night are never enough. He gives until I can’t take anymore, but my hunger for him is never fully satiated because I eagerly take him each and every time he reaches for me. When he leaves marks in places that only he and I have seen, it seals a bond between us.

  Even if I’m the only one who feels it.

  Even if I’m the only one who wants it.

  For a long time, I never believed in love. It was only a fairy tale people believed in a hollow attempt to fool themselves into thinking they were happy. I felt sorry for those poor souls, walking around in a self-induced haze until they just woke up one day and realized they weren’t “in love” with their partner anymore. Then they left and found the next person they were “in love” with, hoping to fill the hole deep inside them.

  Now I have a slightly different outlook.

  After watching Noah and Brianna together, hearing their story and seeing firsthand how they never gave up on each other, I’m a believer.

  Imagining going back to a life without Silas in it feels empty and pointless.

  My instructors back at the Academy never would believe I’ve turned into a dreamer, trusting in the power of love.

  Yet, here I am.

  A Russian spy.

  Hopelessly in love with a CIA officer.

  How can this story e
ver have a happy ending?

  The realization that I only have one ending, and that it’s already written in stone, is enough pressure to bear. But every minute that passes with this loving family in harm’s way—because of me—nearly destroys me. Watching everyone with their children, so happy, so full of life, and so caring, makes me so envious. I’ve never wanted that life before. Being trained to never expect happiness beyond what serving my country could bring me set my expectations very low early on in life.

  Outside of Mira, I don’t remember much about having a family around. I still miss my parents, but my childhood memories were all but pushed out of my mind by the endless drills the Academy put us through. We would whisper our memories to each other at night, trying to hold on to a wisp of our formative years. But we were soon discovered, and they separated us at night, putting us in solitary confinement as punishment until we learned our lesson.

  Now I see Mira with Brad, even when they don’t think anyone is watching. He’s head over heels in love with her, doting on her every need and showering her with affection. She’s just as smitten with him, sidling up beside him to steal quick kisses while he works. The way he looks at her when she walks away melts even my cold, black heart. He wants to spend his life with her—that much is crystal clear to me.

  I’m afraid to admit, even to myself, that I wish Silas looked at me the same way.

  All I really need is a life filled with love and happiness, surrounded by family and friends, with a good man to keep me warm at night. That’s my dream life.

  Add one more item to that list. I’ve always wanted a dog, but I was never allowed to have one. A furry, four-legged best friend would complete the perfect picture.

  I’m sitting outside by the pool alone, finishing an early morning cup of coffee with only my musings to keep me company, when a voice from the chair beside me nearly makes me jump out of my skin.

  “When you went to Russian spy school, did they teach you the art of disguises?” I snap my head to the side, and I find Liz staring me down intently, waiting for an answer.

  “Um, yes, ma’am. We were taught how to change our looks and blend in without any distinguishing marks.”

  “Good, good. And did they teach you other tricks of the trade? Insider secrets that the general public would have no way of knowing?”

  “Sure, I guess so. I mean, if everyone knew what to do, it wouldn’t be considered a spy trade, would it?”

  “Smart girl. Now, here’s what you and I are going to do. You’ll teach me everything you know, then I’ll teach you everything I know, and we’ll save the day together.” She gives me a long wink along with a sharp nod.

  “No. No, no, no, Liz. I’ve told you a million times. We can’t reveal insider practices to you. Stop asking and putting Kira on the spot like that.” Silas sits down beside me with two cups of hot coffee and slides one over in front of me. “Keep it up, and I’ll slip some sodium pentothal into your drink and make you spill your guts.”

  Liz stands, leans over the table, and levels her gaze on Silas. “Let me remind you of something, Mr. Steele. You should never make threats to me that you know you can’t carry out. They never end well for you. But now that you’ve thrown down the challenge, I’m thrilled to accept it. The game is on, big boy. I sure hope you’re up for it.”

  She stalks away with a swagger in her step and a scary aura surrounding her.

  “She’s a formidable foe, isn’t she?”

  “You have no idea, Kira. No idea. She’d be the world’s deadliest weapon if she knew half of what we know.” Silas shakes his head, but he can’t hide the smile on his face. He loves her, even if she drives him crazy.

  “So, what’s the plan for today? Since we’re not training Liz in the ways of espionage, what else should we do with all our free time?”

  “I can think of three or four things that would be a much better use of our time. And a lot more fun for us.” He waggles his eyebrows at me. “For one, the pool is heated. We could take a skinny-dip right now.”

  “Well, if that wouldn’t invite the wrath of Liz on us, I don’t know what would.” I laugh, knowing he’s kidding, but the thought is still appealing.

  “You have a point there. Although, I’m more afraid of her joining us than anything else.” That makes us both laugh out loud. We’ve grown more relaxed around each other outside of the bedroom, as much as we have inside it. “I suppose we’ll have to stick to our standing date of sitting in a car, staring at a building, and waiting for something exciting to happen.”

  “When it finally does happen, I think we’ll have all the excitement we can stand.”

  “I’m glad you said that. You just jinxed us, so we should have our hands full today.”

  “It’s about fucking time. We should probably get over there in case we just jinxed Nick and Roman.”

  “Hold up before you two go anywhere.” Shadow walks up behind us wearing a grim expression that instantly puts me on alert.

  “What happened? Did someone get hurt?” My stomach drops, and I wait for him to relay the worst news possible.

  “No, nothing like that. I need to talk to you both about something Silas asked me to look into for him.”

  “Oh, okay. What was it, and what’d you find? Will it help us put an end to this once and for all?” Looking on the bright side has never been my strong suit, but I’m trying to find a silver lining to balance the solemn expression on his face.

  His long, hard sigh isn’t a good sign. “I’m legitimately concerned that will be the outcome, but not in the way you meant.”

  “Just spill it, Shadow. What’d you find?” Silas doesn’t even sound like himself. His tone is cold and distant all of a sudden.

  “Do you recognize this man, Kira?” Shadow opens the manila folder and holds up a picture.

  “Of course. That’s David Groves. He’s the senator’s aide I picked up in the DC bar to get into the secure office.”

  “His name isn’t David Groves. It’s Viktor Sokolov.”

  “As in, Ivan’s younger brother?” I take the picture from his hand and stare at it, trying to find some resemblance to how I remember Ivan.

  “The same.”

  “Oh my god. I can’t believe it. Are you sure?”

  “I’m positive.”

  “I don’t understand how that can be Viktor. How was I able to fool him and gain access to the senator’s computer? That makes no sense. He would’ve suspected something and been on his guard the entire time.”

  Shadow stares a hole through me for several long heartbeats. Deep inside, I know what he’s about to say, but I still hope I’m wrong.

  “Those were my thoughts exactly, Kira. So, I did a little more digging. According to Russian intelligence, you and Sokolov have a long history of working together. You’ve perfected the divide-and-conquer technique. You knew Silas was tailing you, so you concocted this whole charade of drugging ‘David,’ breaking into the office, and stealing documents to send us on a wild goose chase. You knew Silas would catch you, taking the focus off your friend ‘David,’ allowing him to finish his mission undetected.”

  “No, that’s not true!”

  “You gave just enough information and just enough evidence to lend credence to an otherwise impossible story. It’s no secret the GRU has moles everywhere—from personal assistants to congressional staffers. The GRU also knows way too much about Silas—so ‘David’ just had to find a document from one of Silas’s former cases to rein us in. And you just happened to download that file from the senator’s files…from the office ‘David’ helped you get into. That all seems a little too convenient, doesn’t it?”

  “I have never met Viktor Sokolov before in my life, so I’ve certainly never worked with him. I met David that night in the bar, on purpose, because I’d researched my target. The only reason I wanted those documents was to show the senator was selling secrets to the Russian government. I didn’t even put all the pieces of the puzzle together until Silas and I talk
ed about the human trafficking racket. Even though I know I’ll be sent back to Moscow to face the firing squad, I still only want to stop them from abusing more innocent people.”

  I turn my attention to Silas, who is uncharacteristically quiet.

  “Silas, you know I’m telling the truth. You were there. Tell him this isn’t true.”

  “Your involvement with Viktor would explain a lot of things. Like why we haven’t found one shred of evidence against the senator when you’re the one who implicated him from the beginning.” Silas’s response cuts me to the core. “And playing on our emotions over sending you back to your death would be an effective ploy.”

  “Are you serious? You’re doubting me now? Yes, I thought Senator Hunt was behind it. But if Shadow is right and that’s really Viktor, it makes just as much sense that he’s behind it since he has an all-access pass to the senator and all his files, whether Hunt knows it or not. That means Viktor is running the entire operation his brother used to run, only under someone else’s name. He’s stepped into his brother’s shoes and has been doing it right underneath the government’s nose.”

  Silas and Shadow exchange a wordless glance, but the message comes across loud and clear.

  I’m once again the enemy.

  A seed of doubt has been planted, and they no longer trust me, even though I’ve done nothing but share what I know and help every step of the way.

  “And your documented involvement with Viktor? How do you explain that?”

  “Oh, I don’t know, Shadow. Maybe if your government found out one of their main operatives went rogue and joined forces with the enemy, they’d conjure up some fake mission reports to discredit her and cause the rest of the team to doubt her motives. Sounds a lot like what we do for a living, doesn’t it?”

  “Unfortunately, so does that answer, Kira. You could be playing all of us right now. Telling us what we want to hear so your partner can carry out whatever plans he has. With him working in the senator’s office in DC, I can’t imagine his main objective is to sell slaves in a Miami day spa. He has something much more nefarious going on, and we’re a thousand miles away. That takes a lot of heat off him to do whatever he needs to do in Washington, doesn’t it?”


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