The Lost Connection

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by Jen Talty

  “Where is everyone?” he asked. When he’d been told to hunker down with Willow, Gabe hadn’t been informed of what would happen to everyone else. His only instruction had been to ensure Willow’s safety and since they hadn’t been able to capture Roger or Caleb during Kim’s rescue, it was up to Gabe to put into play the final phase of Mallard and Riley’s life work.

  “You know Brett and Hazel are at the Raven residence. Because Alexis is pregnant, we thought it best to have her and Hunter stay at our private residence on the Chesapeake with Riley and Kim. And Savanah and Chad are going to stay the night at Chad’s house, but they will be on the move first thing in the morning, following leads, searching for both Caleb and Roger,” Mallard said. “But you should know they’ve been followed as well. So, Caleb and Roger still have a hold on our energy, which pisses me off.”

  “Do you believe him?” Willow projected to just Gabe, and he knew that to be true based on the way the projection flowed through his body like a lightning bolt versus a wave of electricity.

  “Even though I resent the hell out of the man, I do trust him, so yes. I believe him.” Gabe saw no point in lying to Willow. Not about Mallard. There might be other things he would need to bend the truth about and that would only prove to make it more difficult to win her back.

  But he first had to make sure they all had a seat at the table, even if it meant they would only be there as protectors of the future kings and queens of the New Order instead of the leaders, then so be it.

  The only problem with that was it meant his family had no future, something that tore his heart in two.

  “All right. We’ll sit tight for the night.” Gabe couldn’t stand being this close to Willow and not have his lips on her skin. He kissed her temple. It was short, but it sent a shock through his system, reminding his body of every single night they had shared.

  For as long as he could remember, Willow had been his best friend. They would communicate with each other telepathically almost every day, even after his mother died and he’d left for the Navy.

  She’d gotten him through some of the worst moments of his career until the day Mallard told him she either had to come to the dark side or he had to say goodbye.

  That day had been harder in some ways than the day his mother had died in his arms.

  “Good. I’ll touch base in the morning,” Mallard said.

  “I’m going to reach out to Brett,” Gabe said. “But I need your help to do it.”

  She tilted her head. “Are you sure that’s a good idea?”

  “It might be the worst decision I’ve ever made, but then again, I’ve made so many, so there is that. However, before I do it, we might want to get a go bag ready and have a plan.”

  “We need to get out of here without those assholes seeing us,” she said with the kind of twinkle in her eye she used to get as a kid when she was about to break every rule her parents had and then some.

  “Something tells me you have a plan.”

  “Can you remote view?”

  He nodded. “Have you developed that skill?”

  “Not yet, though I’m sure it will happen any day now. However, both Brett and Hazel can with me being able to control the energy in the psychic particles.” She raised her hand and wiggled her fingers, changing the colors of the fog slightly. “I can tell what is you, and what is me, and what the purpose of our energy is supposed to be doing. I can even tell how many beating hearts are close by. I can feel Brett and Hazel. It’s amazing.”

  “You can feel all that?” The entire point of the wrap was to protect what was inside, but Gabe could always sense there was more. His fingertips sizzled with the desire to do more every time he created the fog. Maybe this was the more. He pressed her hand against his cheek and closed his eyes. A surge of power pumped into his heart. He gasped as a river of psychic energy flooded his body. “Holy shit, it’s intoxicating.”

  “It’s overwhelming,” she said. “But I can move it around and as long as you can remote view through your own, you can meet Brett and Hazel in the space between.”

  “That puts me next to my brother, putting us at risk. We know that Caleb and his people have the ability to look inside someone else’s view.”

  She shook her head. “I can see your aura, so I can wrap it in some of this stuff.” She held up her finger and gave it a good swirl. “And Brett can transfer objects. It sucks up energy, but he and Chad have gotten good at it.”

  “What’s your point?”

  “You could do some recon. See who is really out there because if it’s just those two, perhaps my sister and Brett get a little too close to them, create a cosmic stir, and you could contact Caleb telling him you have to take me somewhere else, but we make sure they don’t follow us.”

  “Not a bad plan, but Caleb isn’t stupid and if it were me, I wouldn’t have just two men on this job.”

  “That’s why you need to go find out who, what, why, and where, and then we can make our escape plan.”

  “But we don’t really want to escape. We need to keep Caleb close. Real close. We need to find Roger. It’s the only way to end this.”

  “Didn’t you say he was going to give you a few days alone with me?”

  Gabe nodded.

  “He just went back on his word. He’s been using you from the start.”

  “That’s funny,” Gabe said. “You don’t get it. I never went AWOL. I never turned on our country. Or you for that matter. I did what Mallard told me to do in order to ensure today would happen. If I hadn’t, Hunter would have never been found and his aura would be used as a weapon.”

  “You really expect me to sit here and wait until Mallard comes up with a plan, or Roger and Caleb decide to show their ugly faces?”

  “Yes and no.”

  “What the fuck does that mean?” Only Willow could turn colorful language into something beautiful.

  “It means that I think it’s too dangerous to leave, but I like your plan on going to the space between. That’s doable. And I, too, can bring objects back from the virtual plane. The original plan has always been to make Roger think I was turning you against your sisters.”

  “And how were you going to make them believe that?”

  “I’ve been planting the seed for the last year of how vulnerable and in love with me you are and how you’ve been looking for me and are desperate to reach me.” He winked. “You’ve made that kind of easy to prove.”

  “That’s a fucking lie.” She poked him in the chest.

  “Perhaps I’ve embellished a little.”

  “More like you’ve woven a tall tale,” she said. “But it is an ingenious plan.”

  “Why, thank you.” He glanced out the window. “Get that protective shit going. I’m going to reach out to Brett.”

  She nodded.

  He closed his eyes and concentrated on his brothers. They’d all shared one womb for seven months, but they’d shared a common bond their entire lives. They didn’t need to know each other to understand one another.

  “Hey, Brett. It’s Gabe. Can you hear me?”

  “Barely, but yes,” Brett said, though it was more like a muffled whisper than anything else. “This isn’t a good idea.”

  “Willow is protecting our energy,” he projected. “And she thinks it might be safe to meet in the space between.”

  “Not here. Not tonight. There are too many unfriendlies out there to risk something we haven’t done before without more backup,” Brett said. “I did a remote view, and there are at least six that we can count.”

  “Holy fuck. That’s not good. Caleb promised me time. This sounds more like an ambush.”

  “I did overhear them say there would be a changing of the guard at four in the morning. I’ve been watching their walks around the perimeter, and it seems they do it every hour on the half hour, but they have holes and now that we can talk, it might be a good idea to plan an escape during one of those checks, but before the changing of the guard because I think they pla
n on attacking then.”

  “Sounds like a plan. I’ll be in touch.”

  “Before you go, Hazel wants to know how Willow is holding up. More importantly, she wants to know if she’s removed any of your limbs.”

  “If looks could kill, I’d be dead; that’s for sure.” Gabe let out a long breath. He’d crossed paths with all of his brothers at one point or another, and it had killed him not to be able to put his arms around each of them and let them know how much he cared.

  And to prepare them for the hell that lay ahead.

  Especially for Hunter.

  But even Brett had to deal with his own torture.

  “For the record, I only went to work for Caleb because Mallard said it would be the only way to save all of us in the long run.”

  “We’ve been filled in. Now it’s our turn to save your ass and make sure that you and Willow don’t have to become protectors and outsiders at our table. I won’t have that.”

  Gabe blinked and gasped. Willow’s eyes turned a bright orange as she glowered. “Thanks.”

  “I have a message for my sister.”

  “That’s interesting. I can hear you,” Hazel cut through the fog.

  “This is probably too much energy, and my wrap is weakening,” Willow said. “But I think Mallard and Riley have it wrong and they shouldn’t keep us apart.”

  “We were just talking about that,” Brett said. “Let’s touch base in a couple of hours. Chad and Savanah are doing some research at Perception Project. Farrah Milestone has some interesting ideas on the subject.”

  “Has she been read into any of this?” Gabe projected. “I know she and Mallard have a history.”

  “I believe she knows more than she lets on.”

  “Time to cut this connection,” Willow said. “My wrap is deteriorating.” She waved her hand and shut it down. “Sorry. But I could feel Caleb’s men, and I didn’t want to cause too much suspicion.”

  “That makes sense. They will be expecting our powers to intensify.”

  “We need to get to a space where we can breathe easy for a short time so we can explore exactly what our skill set is going to be, and I don’t think it should be in Baltimore. I’m thinking we should head north. Maybe to Lake George, New York. Do you remember that awesome little cabin we rented?”

  “How could I forget.” Boy, had that been a week for the sexual record books.

  “You know, my car is by the entrance to the park.” Willow hooked her ankles behind his knees.

  He rested his hands on her shoulders. It felt as if he’d come home to be in her arms again. He’d missed her so much that he almost told Mallard to go fuck himself. There were many times he nearly went AWOL, but every time he even thought about it, his mind’s eye was bombarded with all the horrible outcomes for himself, but more importantly, for innocent lives.

  And he wouldn’t be able to live with himself if he allowed that kind of loss to happen on his watch.

  But he could live with a broken heart and so could Willow. If she knew the choice he’d made, she’d be okay with it, only he didn’t want to have to use that to make her understand and have her come back to him and love him again.

  He wanted her to love him for who he was, not what he’d done because any decent man with half a soul would do what he’d done for the sake of mankind.

  “Mine is right out front,” he said. “And it’s filled with two AK-15 assault rifles, a couple of machine guns, three handguns, and a few grenades.”

  “Next thing you’re going to tell me is that you have a bulk box of condoms in your nightstand,” she said with a laugh.

  “Not a bulk box, but I do have a couple, in case you’re interested.” He waggled his brows. He knew her words were tongue in cheek, but if she pushed, he wouldn’t shove back.


  She wouldn’t have to twist his arm to get naked.

  “You haven’t changed,” she said.

  “That depends on how you look at me.” He tilted his head, his lips scant centimeters from her mouth. He could taste her minty breath. “You either see me as the man who betrayed you or the man who did what I had to in order to get to this day so all of us can have a future.” He didn’t wait for her to respond. He knew what her answer would be, and he rejected it so instead, he kissed her.


  It was wet and out of control. His hands cupped her ass, heaving her to his body. His chest expanding into hers as he took in a deep breath through his nose. His tongue pushed between her lips, finding all the deep crevices in her mouth. He had to believe she’d come around, but even if she didn’t.

  He’d remember this moment in detail simply because her fingers were laced behind his neck and her ankles locked behind his back.

  This, he could get used to.

  Chapter 3

  What the hell was she doing?

  She should be retracting her tongue, not twisting and twirling it in an all too familiar dance that would only end up a wild tango between the sheets.

  She’d been in love with Gabe for as long as she could remember. As a little girl, everyone told her it was a crush and she’d grow out of it. Even he told her that the day he left for the Navy, but she made him promise that when she was an adult, he’d take her out on a date. He’d kept that promise, and that was the day her world had changed in a way she’d never recover.

  He broke off the kiss, fanning his thumb across her cheek.

  He’d been her first lover and since they’d broken up, the few she’d had paled in comparison. Of course, that right there had been her problem. If she could have forgotten about him, perhaps she could have gotten to know the other men she dated instead of constantly reminding herself they weren’t Gabe.

  “Can you control your protective psychic wrap without thinking about it?” She bit down on her lower lip.

  “Once I toss it over an object, everything is locked inside, and the outside world can’t get in until I call it off and that actually takes some doing. It’s not like I can just wave my hand like you did.”

  “I bet now that we’re in the same space, that is something you will be able to hone.”

  “You could be right, but I really don’t want to talk about this right now.” Swiftly, he bent over and lifted her into his arms.

  “Whoa. What the hell?” She gripped his shoulders. “I am capable of walking.”

  “I know.” He kissed her nose. “But it’s been years since I got to sweep you off your feet.”

  “I would not call grabbing a woman and racing her to bed a romantic gesture of that nature.”

  “What would you call it?” He turned and took the stairs two at a time.

  Her heart pounded so fast she worried it would beat right out of her chest. “Even if I do agree to have sex with you, there will be no repeats.”

  He kicked open his childhood bedroom door and tossed her to the mattress. “Are you actually thinking of turning me down?”

  She bounced twice, laughing as her shoulders gently tapped the headboard. She stretched out her legs, crossing them at the ankles. Being with Gabe was like surfing the most radical wave as it curled toward the beach. He was wicked and wild and brought her more pleasure than she ever imagined. He’d taught her all about her body.

  And about his.

  He’d been a tender and patient teacher.

  An aggressive lover.

  Her equal in all aspects.

  And, he’d been her best friend.

  Her confidant.

  The one person she could trust with anything and everything.

  Until the day she couldn’t.

  Yet, here she was, ready to ignore the little voice in the back of her head telling her that going to bed with Gabe would be a mistake.

  That voice screamed at her that he would break her heart.


  But she didn’t care. She needed to feel him, even if it was for only one more time. It didn’t matter if it would crush her soul. She told herself that they had t
o be together, to help her begin to forgive him and trust him, in order for the Collective Order to be reinstated.

  Having one last roll in the sack would give them closure.

  Whatever this was, it was something she had to do.

  “I’m too horny to turn you down,” she said. “Besides, you’ve always told me I was a selfish and demanding person, and I’ve had sex with you before when I’ve been thoroughly pissed off.”

  He climbed on the bed. “The part about being selfish isn’t entirely true.” His fingers fiddled with the hem of her shirt, lifting it up to the swell of her breasts. “So, you’re just using me for sex.”

  “Are you going to deny me if I say yes?” Quickly, she undid his zipper and slipped her hand inside his jeans.

  He growled. “I don’t think I’m capable of saying no to you,” he said behind a tight jaw. “And I’ll let you use me forever.”

  “It will only be this one time.” Gliding her fingers up over his taut stomach, she tore his shirt over his head and tossed it to the side. Pressing her lips against his hard chest, she flicked her tongue over his tight nipple.

  “You’re going to want more. Demand more. And I’ll pretend to protest for about half a minute.”

  “Unlike you, I have self-control,” she said, kissing her way down his belly, shoving his pants over his hips.

  He narrowed his eyes. “You don’t want to play this game with me.” He rocked back on his heels and tugged her shirt. Before she could brush her hair from her face, he’d unhooked her bra, letting it drop to the floor. “I’ll show you how little self-control you really have.”

  “Is that a challenge?” She wiggled out of her pants, taking her tiny little lacy thong with them, tossing them in Gabe’s face.

  “This is going to be fun.” He gripped her knees, spreading her legs. His thick tongue stroked his plump lips while he stared at her as she shamelessly let her legs fall wide open. He massaged the inside of her thighs.

  She propped up on her elbows and cupped her breasts, tugging and twisting her nipples. Sexually, she’d never been shy with Gabe. Not even the first time they’d been together. He taught her the art of making love, he helped her find and express her sexuality in ways she hadn’t even imagined.


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