Red Eclipse

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Red Eclipse Page 10

by McKayla Schutt

  “Why do you hate wolves so much, Aunt Jina?” Alia asked as she grabbed Olsen’s arm.

  “I don’t need to answer you. The choice is up to you. I wouldn’t make the same mistake as your mother did. She left her entire coven to go searching for her mutt.”

  “My dad’s a werewolf?” Alia stood, her legs shaking a bit. Jina’s face scrunched up like she wanted to take back her last sentence.

  “Yes,” Jina hissed like a snake.

  A light tap on the door made both females turn. Another female entered Jina’s house. Olsen recognized her as the older female from the battle, but had yet to learn her name. Elder Cherish, he thought he’d heard his mate say at the fight, but he wasn’t sure he remembered it right.

  “I’m glad to see you’re awake, Alia. Right on time.” The female intentionally ignored Olsen.

  “What do you need from me, Elder Cherish?” Alia’s voice had gained more resonance, making her sound stronger. Looks like I’m right.

  “I need you to testify about the night you killed the seeker.” Elder Cherish stood tall with her long grey hair pulled back into a loose braid.

  “I can do that, but I would like my mate to be there,” Alia said. Olsen’s heart swelled at the mention of mate. It had only been the second time she had said it aloud. Elder Cherish’s eyes narrowed on Olsen. Her grey orbs seemed to be sizing him up. Olsen sat taller in his chair and never backed down. As the second-in-command, it was his job to stand his ground. No one, not even a seasoned witch, would make him bow down, only his alpha could do that.

  “Fine, but he stays silent.” Elder Cherish walked out of the cramped house.

  “Get dressed.” Jina moved to leave, but Alia grabbed her.

  “Explain why you hate wolves so much.” Alia might have pushed her aunt too far, as Jina’s face turned red.

  “Because they steal every ounce of happiness if you don’t complete the stupid imprinting bond.”

  “What?” Alia let go of Jina’s arm.

  “Oh, yes! I imprinted with a mutt, but unlike you, my parents forbid me to mate with him.” Jina straightened up a bit more. “The boy took all of my happiness away. I couldn’t even find a nice boy to keep my damn interest.”

  “Why didn’t you tell grandma and grandpa to shove it?” Alia asked. Olsen liked her question, as he wondered the same thing.

  “I...” Jina shook her head, grabbed the remainder of her sandwich, and walked out of her home. Olsen grabbed Alia’s hand and kissed her knuckles. A short smile graced her perfect lips.

  “Soon, we can find your mom and ask her what really happened.” Olsen helped her sit back down on the couch. Alia’s gaze turned hazy, but then cleared up as she turned toward Olsen.

  “True. We need to find them, which could be hard.” Alia ran her hands through her hair.

  “Don’t you ever scare me like that again. If I’m hurt really bad, you just get the metal out of me, then I will be able to heal.” Olsen’s stern voice brought her gaze to his.

  “I will do my best.” Alia leaned toward him for a short soft kiss. “Now help your mate get dressed so those seekers can pay for what they did to me.”

  “Sounds good to me.” He wrapped his hands around the back of her neck, bringing her in for a bruising kiss. His cock hardened, and he stifled a groan.

  “Later, you will be all mine.” He stared into her eyes. A bubble of giggles escaped her lips, while her eyes lit up with lust.

  “But you need to eat.” Olsen handed over his sandwich. She scarfed it down in four large bites. A weight lifted off his shoulders as he looked into her beautiful eyes. Safe and sound. The words repeated as the scent of arousal filled his nose.

  There is my fiery mate.

  Chapter Twenty-Four


  ALIA SAT IN A CHAIR at the front of the hall with a short table in front of her. Her body wanted to move, do more other than sit in a damn chair in front of the entire coven. Well, not everyone in the coven, but every witch over eighteen years old, a few elder seekers, and her mate. She didn’t recognize the seekers sitting in the front row. More than half of the younger coven members stood, as there weren’t enough chairs. She loved how the younger generation actually respected their elders in her coven. Elders were the ones to spread their knowledge, and if they didn’t share, then the craft would die off fast. Alia’s hands trembled under the table resting in front of her. She took a deep, cleansing breath, then scanned the crowd to find comfort. Her eyes landed on Olsen’s dark blue ones, and her body relaxed from gazing into those beautiful orbs. It gave her the strength she didn’t realize needed.

  Olsen looked uncomfortable sitting in the room, surrounded by mostly women in the coven. Most of their births were females, and a male birth happened to be rare. A majority of the covens seekers had come from some of the other covens to help the balance ratio of males to females. But the main section of the coven consisted of females. Olsen shifted in his seat. Alia wondered if he’d been keeping a secret from her earlier, before Elder Cherish had appeared in Aunt Jina’s home, but he had kept it to himself.

  Before they left Aunt Jina’s house, he looked as if he’d wanted to talk, but again had kept it to himself. She wondered if something had happened while she had been asleep. Her eyes stayed on him until Elder Cherish cleared her throat.

  Elder Cherish stood and moved to the center of the room, quieting all the small chit-chat in her wake. “Thank you all for coming today.” Her grey hair was the only indication of her age, as her eighty year old body looked as young as a fifty year old. Everyone knew about her power. If a witch got on her bad side, it could be the last thing that witch ever did.

  “I know we’re all busy, so let’s get started.” Elder Cherish turned to face Alia, her grey eyes hard and cold. “Please walk us through the night of your initiation.”

  “When I came home, I decided to go straight to bed.” Alia went into detail about the fateful night which had changed her life. Everything she had been working on had been thrown into the trash, making her adapt to the human world without any help. It wasn’t until she imprinted with Olsen that she realized it needed to happen in order for her to find her mate. Destiny needed me to find him.

  “Why didn’t you stop when he was off you?” Elder Cherish asked after Alia finished recounting her story.

  “I was in shock and pissed that someone would try to attack me. After he said I wouldn’t be a part of this coven if I didn’t fuck him, I was angry. I didn’t know what was true, and my anger fueled my power. I couldn’t have stopped.” Alia looked away from the Elder. She had imagined this scene many times after she had run away. Each time had ended with the coven crying out for the death sentence. Voices yelled at her, telling her she should have just taken the abuse. Even worse, would be Cherish saying she should have taken it willingly. Her gut turned at the thought of his hands on her.

  Elder Cherish turned to face the seekers. Each nodded once and then stood to leave the room. She turned to face Alia with a tight smile. “We welcome you back, Alia Lyco. You have been cleared.” Really?

  Alia nodded and stood to walk straight for Olsen. They quickly exited the hall and Alia led him toward the forest. Her feet couldn’t move fast enough to get away from the hall and the thoughts of the evil seeker. Once they were surrounded by trees and a mile away from any home on each side, she turned into his arms and pulled him in for a kiss.

  “I can tell you’re keeping a secret from me. Now spill it.” Alia breathed as she looked into his eyes.

  “You’re pregnant,” he said as he pulled back some of her hair.

  “Really?” she asked before her brain fully wrapped around the words he had said. I’m pregnant. I’m carrying his child. Her mind wandered back to their first night together when she had been determined to run away from him. She would have completed the bond so he didn’t lose his wolf, then ran off so she could protect him. Yet, he had been the one to protect her. He was responsible for getting her name cleared so she n
o longer had to run. He was the reason she was a werewolf-witch. She looked into his dark blue eyes and saw the worry there. She placed her hand on his chest, feeling his heartbeat.

  “I wanted to tell you earlier, but we had to deal with whatever that was.” He pointed toward the coven’s town.

  “That was like a trial. They must have already started while I slept, but needed me to testify to sentence the remaining seekers responsible. If I didn’t convince them the seekers were the problem then your life would be on the line.”

  “I see.” He scratched his head.

  “I really am pregnant? How can you tell?” She saw a twinkle in his eyes and he pointed toward his nose.

  “Your beautiful scent changed before you woke up. It’s unmistakable now.” His lips pulled up to flash his strong white teeth. I don’t have to run anymore. The thought settled down in the back of her head. Freedom to live with her mate forever lay ahead.

  “Well then, I better tell the coven I need to go back to my mate’s pack.”

  He pulled her into a kiss, making her core tighten, a deep want spread through her body. “I’m so glad to hear it.”

  The need grew too strong to deny. She backed him into a tree, his eyes focused on her and his lips pulled up in a smile. Her hands roamed down to his jeans, and with a snap of her fingers, they were off his body and on the ground, leaving him naked from the waist down. Her mouth watered as her eyes took in his rock hard cock.

  “I think I’ve waited long enough.” She was glad she’d picked a dress to wear to the trial, as it would now come in handy. He lifted the soft fabric up to her hips and tore her underwear to shreds, making her breath catch in her throat.

  “I agree.” His eyes filled with lust. Olsen grabbed her waist and lifted her body up. Swiftly, he impaled her with his swollen member, making her cry out. She loved how full he made her feel. She gripped his shoulders and he rocked his hips, making her moan his name.

  He turned to push her into the rough tree, scraping her back a little. The pain faded fast as he pumped into her. The need was palatable as he kissed her swollen lips. His head buried in her neck, he nipped at her sensitive flesh. Goddess! He feels so fucking good!

  Every fiber of her being wanted him. Her extra sensitive skin vibrated with pleasure as his grip tightened on her hips. Alia felt no pain, only pleasure, as he rocked into her body. Her hands gripped his shoulders tighter as she inched toward her bliss. She brought her lips to his. He slowed his punishing pace while his lips devoured hers.

  Yes! I need more. She shifted her hips to bring him deeper into her. His hot mouth trailed kisses down her neck and shoulders. He picked up the pace once more. His nails dug into her hips. A low groan vibrated against her neck, sending her over the edge. She gripped his shoulders, trying to hold on as her orgasm pulled her body apart. She slowly came back to the present until his teeth sunk into her shoulder, sending her over the edge again without warning.

  “Olsen,” Alia screamed in ecstasy. Her walls clamped down on his cock as he spilled his seed into her body.

  This man was her undoing, and she loved it.



  ALIA’S NAILBEDS WERE raw from being picked at so much. Olsen finally let her drive so she wasn’t going insane from only sitting in the passenger seat. Her nerves inched higher the longer they drove to find her mother.

  A small mountain gave way to a valley. A tiny town of houses rested in the snug base. At first glance, it looked like manufactured homes that had been run to the ground. A second glance, and she noticed the shine of a glamour shimmering in the sunlight. She whispered something under her breath, and the mirage faded away to show a modern community behind its magical veil. Alia pulled off the highway and turned toward the houses. Her grip on the wheel tightened as she crept toward the first row of homes.

  “Love, you need to loosen your grip, or you will break it.” Olsen’s voice caught her attention. Looking down, she saw bits of the wheel had fallen in her lap.

  “Shit.” She let go and hit the brakes.

  “Breathe.” Olsen put his truck in park. Alia let out the breath she’d been holding in. A man tapped on her window, making Alia jump. He had the same blue eyes as hers. His dark blonde hair could almost be mistaken as a brunette. She rolled the window down and noticed he was a wolf by the way he carried himself. His muscular chest overstretched his shirt, making it look like it might rip apart at any moment.

  “Are you lost?” His voice was calm. He couldn’t be much younger than Alia, but he stood way taller than her.

  “No, we’re looking for someone,” Olsen said.

  “Oh? Who are you searching for?” He looked at Alia, but her voice wouldn’t work. She knew her spell had worked as the ball of purple light still glowed on the armrest. When they started the journey in search of her mother, she cast a spell on the ball. Each color meant different things with a direction of north, south, east and west on the ball of light. Blue signaled they were too far, while red meant they were getting closer. Purple meant they reached the right place.

  “Alia...” Olsen’s hand touched her shoulder, seconds stretched as the guy stared at her. He sized her up like she might suddenly attack.

  “We’re looking for Celina.” Alia finally slipped out. Her hand moved to her swollen belly. Her due date approached soon, and she had this need to find her mother.

  “Who are you?” He folded his arms in front of his chest. His defensive state put Alia off guard. This might be a bad idea. Alia wiped her hands on her shirt to calm herself down.

  “I’m her daughter,” she whispered.

  “Turn off the truck.” He nodded toward the steering wheel.

  Alia’s hand fumbled with the key and she climbed out as gracefully as she could. Her swollen belly was always in the way. Olsen was already out and helping her down. Her head became light and her legs shook.

  “Damn it, Alia. You should have eaten.” Olsen grabbed her side, pulling her tightly to him. The pressure of his body brought her strength.

  “I’m not hungry,” she said. Her stomach growled, and the baby flexed, hitting her bladder.

  “My baby girl says otherwise.” Olsen raised an eyebrow. He grabbed a bag of chips from the truck and shoved them into her hands. Olsen glared at her until she popped one into her mouth. Her mouth watered as the spicy flavor covered her pallet. She nodded to him and he smiled when she pulled a second chip out of the bag. The male watched with silent curiosity.

  “Follow me,” the guy said in a gruff voice. They made their way to a large house at the end of the road. A huge male with blonde hair and brown eyes walked out of the home.

  “What’s going on, Dalton?” The bigger and older male asked. The hair looked similar to Dalton’s, but the eyes were different. They shared the same posture, and he radiated strength. Alpha. Olsen’s nose flared, confirming her suspicions.

  “This female is looking for Mom,” Dalton said. Wait, did he say Mom? Alia glanced at Dalton, then back to the older male. He met her gaze and stopped in his tracks.

  “Alia?” he asked just above a whisper. “I never thought...but you were...” His voice stopped. The door opened behind him and Alia saw her mother walk out the door. Mom!

  “Honey, what is...” Her hand slammed against her mouth when she looked up from the glass she held. The glass plate hit the ground and shattered on impact. She ran past the man and pulled Alia into a tight hug.

  “My baby girl,” Celina choked out. Her hands pulled Alia tight and started moving over her head and back like Alia might vanish any second.

  “Mom,” Alia whispered through tears. Celina released her from the hug, but didn’t let her go.

  “You’re alive.” Tears streamed down Celina’s face. “Cherish said you’d died in a fire.” Alia remembered her old home on fire as a little girl.

  It happened a few months after Celina had left to search for Alia’s father. Alia finally connected the dots. Jina had made it very clear she didn’
t like wolves, and family was important to her. Cross those together, and Jina must have felt betrayed, and had Cherish lie to her mother so she wouldn’t come back. I want to hurt them so bad. A sudden rage filled her body. She pushed it down so she could stay in the moment. She had dreamed about this for years, it wasn’t exactly like she expected. Dalton moved closer to the small group, distracting Alia from her horrible thoughts of how to get back at the two deceitful women.

  “Well, looks like I have another sister.” He chuckled. Alia looked at him, his eyes full of delight.

  “Wait. How many are we talking here?” Alia had been used to being the only child. Now, all of a sudden, I have siblings?

  “Our parents don’t know how to stay apart. Five sisters and four brothers, not including yours truly.” He winked. Alia looked over to the man who still stood frozen in shock. He must be my dad. Alia was relieved to find her mother, and her dad and siblings were welcome bonuses.

  “Dalton, don’t overwhelm her,” Celina yelled at him.

  “Too late,” Alia said. Olsen’s hands laced around her hips and steadied her. She leaned into his touch, his warm hands calming her nerves.

  “You need to rest,” Olsen whispered into her ear.

  “Who are you?” The male finally spoke up moving closer, his eyes on Olsen.

  “I’m her mate, Olsen.” He extended his hand.

  “Pico.” They shook hands. “Wasn’t expecting to be a grandpa yet.” He chuckled looking at Alia. Celina slapped him. “I’m glad you are alive and well.”

  “Let’s get you off your feet.” Celina smiled and led them into her home. I can’t believe I finally found my mother.


  “DAMN IT!” OLSEN HISSED. All the stress of meeting her family had sent Alia into labor a full month early. His stubborn mate had insisted on finding her mother before she gave birth to their little girl.


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