Lusty Historical Erotica Stories

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Lusty Historical Erotica Stories Page 1

by Tabitha Jonestown



  This book is devoted to any and all lovers of the lewd, nasty, and bawdy filth that fills our world. Erotica is not a plague or blight upon society – no! It is a wonderland of fantasy and adventure, a place to live out those wanton dreams we try so desperately to keep to ourselves. Set them free and read on!

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  Temptation Tales

  …for all the naughty tales you can't resist...

  The Naughty Stories

  Story One

  Story Two

  Story Three

  Story Four

  Story Five

  Story Six

  Story Seven

  Story Eight

  Story Nine

  Story Ten

  Story Eleven

  Story Twelve

  Story Thirteen

  Story Fourteen

  Story Fifteen

  Story Sixteen

  Story Seventeen

  Story Eighteen

  Story Nineteen

  Story Twenty

  Story One

  Chapter One

  When it came to reviewing games online, Kane thought he was the shit. Admittedly he had been the first person in history to get over a billion subscribers to his MeeTubechannel, and had a number of lucrative merch deals bringing in a steady flow of cash that afforded him the finer things in life.

  As a boy Kane had wanted to be involved in animation, pushing the boundaries of gaming graphics to the limit of known technology. Unfortunately, despite a number of college degree Kane had discovered he was neither talented enough, nor lucky enough, to work for any of the top gaming houses. After working at several fast food outlets and manual labor jobs for a pittance and no respect, Kane used to return home to his shoddy, dirty apartment and play video games. Whatever had been current and on trend at the time was his game of choice and in true disgruntled youth style, Kane would spend hours before his camera, demonstrating his superior knowledge of graphics and how poorly they were all being treated by the gaming houses who, in his opinion, could have done a lot more.

  Eventually MeeTube had got in contact with Kane, telling him he was earning them some serious money from advertising and here was his cut. A quick look at his bank account had shown Kane he was quite popular and he took the plunge to become a full time gaming specialist.

  The stretch limo he currently sat in the back of flowed silently through traffic towards his intriguing destination and Kane watched the city streak by on his journey from the airport. Several hundred messages had been left on his various feeds since he had checked them ten minutes ago and he flicked through them without much interest. A few were suggestions for a new topic, some more were from women declaring their undying love, one even offered the services of her uterus for his first child. Several more were the usual death threats and obscene comments he got from people who either envied his success or just hated everyone for the sake of it.

  Kane looked up from his screen to see the car was pulling into the tall gates of a private estate. His eyes took in the ten foot high fencing topped with what looked like poisonous spikes, the numerous guards, and dogs on patrol, and the cameras which looked to be everywhere. Positioned atop every fence post, on the roof of the security building, the gates and probably attacked to the dog’s collars, were mechanical eyes. Kane also knew there would be automatic hover cams flying randomly above the complex, keeping an eye on everything happening inside the Tanaka compound.

  Tanaka had grown from a modest chain of electronics stores supplying the residents of South Korea, into a multi-billion dollar mega-corporation that had secured a number of large market sectors. Gaming proved to be one of the most lucrative, especially in the VR market.

  Once both he, the driver and the car had been checked for bombs and other horrendous devices, the driver pulled smoothly through the gates and guided the car down the main drive. Kane stared out at the elegantly manicured landscape as he passed, clipped lawns that looked as if they were checkerboards, topiary that had been trimmed and trained into some of the major characters from the headlining Tanaka games. A man made lake with rocky shoreline and thirty foot waterfall twinkled in the sunlight, a group of herons wading in the shallows.

  When a break in the trees allowed Kane to see the Tanaka Corporation’s US headquarters building, his breath caught in his throat. Several stainless steel blocks looked as if they had been placed in a line, with glass pyramids between them. Immense towers jutted into the sky at the rear of the complex, their function a mystery to Kane. The car drew near to the building, synchronized with a door that opened in the side, allowing entry to an underground car park.

  Even this area was well appointed with guards, dogs and cameras, areas zoned off according to color and number seemed to have their own private security force and Kane wondered what the Tanaka Corporation might be up to to need so much security.

  A sign of the times.

  The driver opened the door and Kane climbed from the car, his chauffeur indicated a small, electric cart and Kane sat beside the Indian driver who nodded and smiled at him before driving up a ramp and into the building. Kane’s eyes flicked from sight to sight as he was driven through the Tanaka building. From what looked to be priceless artworks hung on corridor walls, to a twenty foot robotic machine that looked as if it was being taught to dance, to trees that must have been grown inside the building as they were far too big to import now.

  The cart’s silent driver seemed to know exactly where he was going, taking turns and crossing large atrium confidently, eventually coming to a halt before an elevator. Realizing he was expected to get into the car, Kane stood and thanked the driver who turned wordlessly and drove off.

  Was that a robot?

  Without the benefit of any buttons or obvious controls Kane called out.

  “Hello, I’m here.”

  Whisper quiet, the doors slid shut and Kane felt his stomach turn as the cab shot upwards. He stared into the mirror that formed one wall, checking his appearance. Midnight hair had been pulled up into short spikes that had magenta tips, thick brows folded over dark brown eyes that some people described as piggy. His nose was still crooked after an altercation with a former boss over withholding pay and he had thin lips. An immaculately trimmed beard graced his chin while the rest of his physique was slim but relatively muscular. A dark gray jacket had been thrown on over the top of a T-Rex shirt, the holographic logo pretending to roar at a set interval, which was tucked loosely into black skinny jeans that met the top of a pair of red Converse.

  As quiet as before the doors opened admitting Kane into a well appointed office where a woman with shining, dark brown skin and emerald eyes greeted him with a bow. Long curls fell about her shoulders, as brown as her skin which Kane could see through the sheer, white blouse she wore. A dark green pencil skirt showed off curved thighs and a taut belly, a slit up one side revealing a substantial amount of leg.

  “Mr. Doran, welcome to the Tanaka Corporation,” she said.

  Kane listened to the Japanese accent he had heard the head of US operations spoke with. LisiOkenfangu had grown up and got her education in Japan before being headhunted by Tanaka, working her way up and now running one of the most successful satellite branches the company owned.

  “Miss Okenfangu,” Kane replied. “Your invitation intrigued me so much there was no way I could turn it down.”

  “Please call me Lisi,” she said gesturing him inside the office.

  Kane walked in and a
dmired the luxurious décor in the room. Tinted windows kept out the worst of the bright sun while affording a complete view of the complex and its surroundings. Deep pile carpet covered the floor in a dark brown that almost matched her skin while cream and violet walls curved off towards the high ceiling. An oil tanker sized oaken desk dominated one corner with a high backed, reclining office chair behind it. A pair of smaller chairs faced their superior and Lisi gestured to one.

  “Then I’m Kane,” he said, sitting.

  “Would you like something to drink?” Lisi asked.

  “What I really want is to see this new piece of tech you have,” Kane said with a hint of eagerness.

  Lisi’s smile revealed a set of ice-white teeth.

  “Tenacity is a virtue to be valued,” she said. “Before we begin I have to ask you to turn off any recording devices you have and leave them here, this project is top secret and we would not wish any of our inventions to accidentally slip into the hands of our competitors.”

  Kane looked at her, wondering what, if anything, she was accusing him of. He stood and took out three different cameras, his phone, a sound recorder and two tablets, laying each on the large table before him. He shrugged.

  “I’ve got a greedy audience who’d love to see inside your building,” he told her.

  “Come,” Lisi said, standing.

  Kane followed her to a different exit from her office and through to a clinically spotless group of rooms that buzzed with raw energy. Immense servers, hundreds of them, stood in silent contemplation of whatever machines thought about in one room while another seemed to contain fifty different display screens with input devices. A final room contained a white, egg-shaped pod with a comfortable looking chair integrated into it.

  Three other people stood in the room, each one performing some task or other, using iPads to record their progress. Kane’s eyes traced the passage of three arm thick cables that ran from the server room to the pod.

  “We have moved on, Kane, from virtual reality to actual reality,” Lisi said. “Simulations so complete and realistic the human brain is unable to distinguish it from the real thing.”

  Kane looked at her skeptically and she chuckled.

  “I understand you think this unlikely, Kane, but that is why I requested you. Your channel is synonymous with voicing the concerns we have heard from many fans, namely that corporations such as ours don’t utilize the best that technology has to offer. I think you’ll be amazed by what we have achieved here.”

  “Well okay,” Kane said, his anticipation growing.

  “If you’ll come this way,” A tall, balding man with glasses and pencil mustache gestured to the pod.

  Shaped like an egg laid on its side, the pod was about eight feet long and four high. Inside Kane found whatever material it was lined with conformed to the shape of his body, malleable like a thick gel. He laid back and felt himself supported, half submerged in the gel feeling ass if he was floating. Heated to match his body temperature, the gel was virtually undetectable and it felt ass if Kane were floating.

  Lisi’s face hove into view and she smiled warmly.

  “Have fun on your journey,” she said. “And remember it is just a game, there are no rules in AR.”

  With that odd sentence hanging in the air she gestured to her mustachioed minion who tapped the screen of a tablet and closed the pod.

  Kane waited to see what was about to happen, intrigued by the pod and how it might work. He didn’t have any kind of feedback devices attached, no goggles or sensation gloves, no control devices of any kind.

  Is it voice activated? Where’s the screen?

  Just before he lost consciousness, Kane smelled something sweet inside the pod.

  Chapter Two

  Inch long, needle sharp teeth snapped together a hairs breadth from Kane’s face making him flinch. It, whatever it was, was bald with mottled green skin stretched tight over thick cords of muscle. Hate filled crimson eyes burned with intensity as they stared into Kane’s soul. A clawed hand reached for him and that maw opened again bellowing an incoherent scream straight into Kane’s face.

  He could smell the rotten meat in the creatures, mouth, decaying between its teeth. He could hear the sounds of battle all around him as men and beasts died. He could feel the monster as it grabbed him by the throat, lifting him into the air.

  Holy shit! This is a game?

  Kane was treated to a brief glimpse of the area around him. There looked to be a forest in the distance, but he was in the middle of an open plain. Green skinned bodies flowed from the trees like a river and somehow he knew they were going to be overwhelmed. The battle was lost and now all they could do was regroup and see if they could find the king.

  NO! I will not let these Orcs defeat us today!

  That thought had not been Kane’s and he briefly wondered how the Tanaka Corporation had managed to put thoughts into his head.

  Look around idiot! This whole world’s in your head.

  Kane looked down into the savage Orc face staring back at him and thought he was going to die. Game or no game this place was real to him. Sights, sounds and smells combined with real sensations to build an utterly realistic place within his own mind.

  “Save the captain!” Someone screamed and Kane watched the Orc’s face slashed open by swords.

  Hot blood sprayed into his face as he fell from the creature’s dying grasp. The taste of hot copper hit his tongue and a wave of nausea rolled through him, making him retch.

  “Orders, sir?” A fresh faced lad of around twenty asked Kane.


  “What are your orders, captain?”

  Confused and disoriented by his immersion into this world, Kane had no idea what to tell him. More men gathered around Kane, all expectantly searching his face for guidance.

  I’m just a MeeTube creator.

  “Attack I suppose,” Kane said.

  “Attack!” Several of the men around him bellowed and Kane watched them hacking at the Orcs in a mad frenzy.

  Kane turned to see the destruction wrought behind him and almost puked. Dead bodies, both Orc and human, lay sprawled everywhere. Blood soaked and pale faces stared sightless into the sky while here and there he could see sections of bodies that had been hacked off, an arm, a finger. Moans came to his ears as he realized some of these men were still in the process of dying and watched in horror as a young lad of around fifteen was casually walking among them with a dagger, slashing the throats of men and Orcs alike.

  Kane staggered from the field, sickened by the sights he had been witness to. Not watching where he was going he stumbled into the path of a lone Orc who was dragging two young women along by chains wrapped around their necks. Oblivious to his presence the tall creature seemed to take pleasure in jerking the chain to make the women fall and scream as he pulled them into the dim woods.

  Kane bit his lip wondering if this was the point of the game or if he was supposed to go back and lead his men to victory. Lisi’s words echoed inside his head.

  Remember it is just a game, there are no rules in AR.

  Kane slipped into the shadowy forest following the Orc and his captives.


  It was never going to stop Kane decided. The Orc was just going to keep walking through the woods forever, dragging the women along with it.

  His legs ached, his lungs burned and his body felt as if he had been beaten. At one point in the journey Kane had realized he was wearing plate armor and had a sword strapped to his side, a white cape had been attached to his shoulder plates and had some kind of design on it that he couldn’t make out. Thick, black leather trousers clung to his legs and he wore boots that rose to just below his knees. His belly ached for food and throat burned with thirst but still the Orc dragged the women through the forest.

  Abruptly Kane found himself at the edge of a clearing in the trees and peered out to see some kind of structure had been built in the middle of an expanse of grass. Without hesitation
the Orc strode across the grass towards the building while Kane paused, hiding behind a tree.

  One of the women turned her eyes catching his for the briefest of moments and his heart melted at the sight of her utter fright. Slowly he put his finger to his lips when he saw she was about to scream for him.

  What are you going to do, march in there and challenge that thing?

  Kane had no idea, what he did know, however, was he couldn’t leave those women to the mercy of that Orc.


  Night had fallen by the time Kane ahd plucked up the courage to approach the house, somewhere in the forest he could hear bats squeaking as they flickered around in search of flying insects. A cool breeze brought the scent of the pine forest to his nostrils at the exact moment his hand touched the rough wall. It was made of some kind of plaster with bits of straw jutting from it. Wooden shutters barred his view inside and it had a low thatched roof.

  Kane could feel his heart beating, hear his pulse in his ears, as he grasped the wooden latch that held the door shut.

  You’re going to die!

  As slowly and quietly as he could, Kane lifted the simple lever and pushed the door inwards. The dim interior was barely lit by the glowing embers of a dying fire and the single room beyond was bare of anything resembling furniture. He could just about make out the huddled form of the two women in one corner and hoped they hadn’t been too badly used. Of the Orc he could see nothing and his mind screamed at him that this was a trap. He would turn around to face the slavering beast and die at its hands.

  Trembling in fright Kane stepped into the room and padded across to the women who had wrapped their arms protectively around each other. One had blond curls like springs that bounced and bobbed as she cried while the other was a raven haired girl whose face he could not see.

  “Let me get you out of here,” he whispered.

  Curly hair’s head shot up, her blue eyes wide with surprise and hope as she stared at him in gratitude.


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