After Her Flower Petals: A Second Chance Romantic Comedy (The Svensson Brothers Book 7)

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After Her Flower Petals: A Second Chance Romantic Comedy (The Svensson Brothers Book 7) Page 1

by Alina Jacobs

  After Her Flowers Petals

  A Second Chance Romantic Comedy

  Alina Jacobs


  Other books by Alina Jacobs


  Mailing List

  1. Meghan

  2. Hunter

  3. Meghan

  4. Hunter

  5. Meghan

  6. Hunter

  7. Meghan

  8. Hunter

  9. Meghan

  10. Hunter

  11. Meghan

  12. Hunter

  13. Meghan

  14. Hunter

  15. Meghan

  16. Hunter

  17. Meghan

  18. Hunter

  19. Meghan

  20. Hunter

  21. Meghan

  22. Hunter

  23. Meghan

  24. Hunter

  25. Meghan

  26. Hunter

  27. Meghan

  28. Hunter

  29. Meghan

  30. Hunter

  31. Meghan

  32. Hunter

  33. Meghan

  34. Hunter

  35. Meghan

  36. Hunter

  37. Meghan

  38. Hunter

  39. Meghan

  40. Hunter

  41. Meghan

  42. Hunter

  43. Meghan

  44. Hunter

  45. Meghan

  46. Hunter

  47. Meghan

  48. Hunter

  49. Meghan

  50. Hunter

  51. Meghan

  52. Hunter

  53. Meghan

  54. Hunter

  55. Meghan

  56. Hunter

  57. Meghan

  58. Hunter

  59. Meghan

  60. Hunter

  61. Meghan

  62. Hunter

  63. Meghan

  64. Hunter

  65. Meghan

  66. Hunter

  67. Meghan

  68. Hunter

  69. Meghan

  70. Hunter

  71. Meghan

  72. Hunter

  73. Meghan

  74. Hunter

  75. Meghan

  76. Hunter

  77. Meghan

  78. Hunter

  79. Meghan

  80. Hunter

  81. Meghan

  82. Hunter

  83. Meghan

  84. Hunter

  85. Meghan

  Sneak peek

  I Really Lilac You

  1. Meghan

  2. Hunter

  Read I Really Lilac You

  Family Tree


  About the Author

  This book is a work of fiction. Names, characters, places, and incidents either are products of the author’s imagination or are used fictitiously. Any resemblance to actual events or locales or persons, living or dead, is entirely coincidental.

  Copyright ©2021 by Adair Lakes, LLC.

  All rights reserved, including the right to reproduce this book or portions thereof in any form whatsoever.

  Created with Vellum

  Other books by Alina Jacobs

  Check out other books about characters mentioned in this one on my website:



  Five years ago, I royally screwed up, lied, and broke the heart of the woman I love.

  A sane man would buy her a nice present and grovel.

  Guess I must be crazy.

  I love Meg more than anything.

  So why am I running against her for mayor of Harrogate?


  That lying, scheming, son of a *bleep!*

  He handed me a bouquet, smirked, and asked if I liked having his hands on my flower petals.

  Next thing I know, I’m homeless and penniless, and Hunter’s trying to steal my job!

  After imploding my life five years ago, I swore I was going to get over him.

  That’s kind of hard in a small town where he’s schmoozing people at every meeting and somehow crashing all my dates.

  I love my town and care about the people in it.

  I’ve been the de facto mayor since I moved back.

  And I’m not letting some entitled billionaire waltz in and take my job.

  Hunter might think he’s going to win—after all, he is the most eligible bachelor in our small town, with his washboard abs, billions, and fast cars.

  All the women want him.

  Except me.

  Nope. No way. I swear.

  All’s fair in love and small town politics

  I’m not going down without a fight.

  I know Hunter’s still hung up on me.

  A low-cut top and a push-up bra, and he’s a drooling idiot at the first debate.

  The election is as good as mine.

  As long as I don’t let Hunter and his panty-melting promises of—ahem—stress relief distract me.

  I’m going to win this mayoral race.

  As long as I remember not to lose my heart.

  This standalone, full-length romantic comedy has no cliffhangers but does have a swoon-worthy HEA! It features plenty of steam, the largest selection of hot brothers to ever grace your e-reader, and second-chance romance that is long overdue!

  To everyone who loves Hunter and Meg as much as I do and has been waiting FOREVER for them to get it together!

  Mailing List

  Read the short romantic comedy, I REALLY LILAC YOU, along with other novellas and short stories for free when you join my mailing list!



  “I cannot believe he brought her here,” I hissed.

  “He does have terrible taste in women,” Susie agreed. “Except you, of course.”

  “Guests of guests don’t bring guests,” I said, scowling.

  Susie reached over and jabbed me in the forehead. “You’re going to be sad when you get wrinkles. Besides, she’s a plus-one,” Susie drawled as the fit, toned young woman clutched at Hunter’s suit sleeve, giggling loudly over the chatter of the crowd.

  We were throwing an eightieth birthday party for my great-uncle Barry at the Harrogate city hall. In addition to a large portion of the town, the Svensson brothers were in attendance. They were all tall, blond, and entitled, and Hunter, with his toy girlfriend, was the worst.

  “I need a snack.”

  “You need a drink,” Susie corrected.

  I tried to concentrate on the delicious food my younger sister Hazel was serving: deep-fried squash blossoms, grilled cheese and tomato sandwiches on bread she had baked herself, and cheddar, bacon, and potato soup. Though tasty, it wasn’t enough to make me forget about how smug Hunter looked with his new girlfriend.

  “I thought you were over him anyway,” Susie reminded me as we loaded our plates. “You both agreed to mutually move on.”

  “Yeah, but not like that,” I seethed.

  Over the past few months, Hunter had paraded svelte, ditzy models and bosomy young actresses through Harrogate.

  “He’s doing it on purpose,” I said, angrily eating a lobster puff.

  “Yeah, but you totally hate him,” Susie reminded me.

  “I do,” I agreed around the food. “I despise him. Look at him. He ruined my life, yet now he’s over there with some Instagram thot, and the best I’m able to date is Chance, who has
all those feral rabbits living in his apartment.”

  “Are you still going out with him?” Susie asked apprehensively.

  “No. His chunky rabbit gave birth in my purse, then I had to fight with her when she tried to eat the babies.”

  “Lord have mercy.” Susie snorted, then went over to talk to a fellow police officer while I glared at the side of Hunter’s head.

  As if he knew I was watching him, he turned. Gray eyes caught mine, then Hunter swaggered over to me. His date trotting next to him, not taking her eyes off the handsome billionaire, the smile huge and crazy on her face.

  “I hope she slashes the tires on your expensive fancy fucking car,” I whispered.

  “Now, Meg, voicing such violent thoughts is unbecoming of the deputy mayor of Harrogate.” A smile played around Hunter’s mouth.

  “Oops, did I say that out loud?” I said flatly.

  Hunter cocked an eyebrow. “You’re supposed to give my girlfriend a big small-town welcome.”

  “Food’s back there—mind the feral cats in the parking lot—and you used to be able to buy sex toys from that lady over there, but one of her products almost killed a gal, and the company was sued into bankruptcy. But the giant vegetable festival is going to be in a few more months if you can hold on. I know Hunter has his charms, but nothing beats a big cucumber.” I stuffed two more lobster bites in my mouth.

  Hunter scowled. His date was shocked.

  “Fleur, this is Meg,” Hunter said. “She’s trying to block my big residential development. Meg, this is Fleur. She’s a fitness model.”

  “I run a Pilates class!” Fleur told me brightly. “Online. You can sign up and pay, or I do a free one every Tuesday. We have a lot of heavier-set people in the class, so you should feel right at home!”

  If I didn’t want to eat my cheddar, bacon, and potato soup, I would have drowned her in it.

  “I also have a meal plan,” she continued.

  Crunch. I noisily ate my grilled cheese.

  Fleur made a face. “My meal plan doesn’t include dairy.”

  “That’s a bummer,” I said. “I like to add butter to my steak when I cook it. You know, grease up the meat.”

  Hunter narrowed his eyes at me.

  “My meal plan doesn’t include steak either. It’s all vegan,” Fleur replied brightly.

  Hunter’s scowl turned into a grimace. “You’re vegan?”

  “Yes, sweetie!” she chirped.

  “Yeah that’s not going to work for him. He’s from Wyoming, so he eats meat with every meal. Come to think of it,” I said, taking a spoonful of my soup then slowly sliding the spoon out of my mouth, “so do I.”

  “Men can change when they have the influence of a good woman,” Fleur insisted, her grip a little tighter on Hunter’s suit jacket. She tilted her face up at him. “I’m going to make you some fantastic health food, babe. You’re going to be vegan before you know it!”

  I smirked as Hunter squirmed.

  “Unfortunately,” I told Fleur, “some men can’t change. But enjoy your kale and mushrooms, Hunter.” I chuckled as I turned to go grab a plate of parmesan truffle french fries and a cocktail. I hid behind a column to eat them before the townspeople accosted me.

  Eating secretly and dealing with the small-town characters was all that my life consisted of at this point. During the first few years after moving home to Harrogate, I had chafed at being stuck in a small town. But by now I had resigned myself to my existence. In addition to doing my job as deputy mayor, I also did a good portion of Mayor Barry’s work. Between my busy schedule, taking care of my sisters, and fighting the Svenssons as they tried to screw over the town at every turn, was it any surprise that I stress ate?

  I peeked around the column. Speak of the gray-eyed devil. My younger sisters Rose and Minnie were flirting with two of the teenage Svensson brothers.

  My situation might have been endurable if only Hunter wasn’t here. He made my life a thousand times worse. Years ago, he had broken my heart then hadn’t even had the decency to go back to Manhattan to live out his fancy billionaire lifestyle and leave me to my fried food and small-town politics. Nope. Instead, he moved to Harrogate permanently to care for his dozens of little brothers and to make my life miserable.

  “Meg! Yoo-hoo! There you are, Deputy Mayor!” Ida, with her gaggle of fellow senior citizens, hustled up to me. I stuffed another handful of fries in my mouth then downed half my drink.

  “I want to propose a new idea for the town,” Ida declared.

  I took a deep breath.

  “It’s amazing!” Ida chattered on. “Hear me out. I know this gal, Dorothy, great gal. She has a naked yoga franchise—”

  “We are not doing naked yoga on city property,” I interjected.

  “Now wait a dang minute!” Ida put her hands on her hips. “We have a public health crisis in this city. People are eating too much fatty food. Not to mention the drinking.”

  “I have to drink,” I mumbled in my glass.

  “Yes, but everything in moderation,” Edith Roberts insisted. “We need an activity to motivate people to be active and moving.”

  “Keep Harrogate mobile!” Ida shouted.

  “Can’t you do regular yoga?” I asked.

  “We do,” Bettina said, “but no one shows up. If we had naked people, then everyone would show up!”

  Dear lord. Why was this my life?

  “Just think about it,” Ida said.

  I gave them a noncommittal statement then grabbed another drink and joined my sister, who was helping Uncle Barry onto the stage. The mayor was wheezing as he climbed up the three short steps. He stood leaning on his cane while I stepped up to the microphone.

  “Thank you all for coming to celebrate Mayor Barry’s eightieth birthday,” I announced. I raised my glass and turned to my great-uncle.

  Uncle Barry smiled wanly at me. A large man, he was normally red-faced and loud, if not particularly mobile. Now he looked a bit pale. He took a sip of the drink Hazel handed him.

  “Mayor Barry, or Great-Uncle Barry, as my sisters and I know him, took us girls in after our parents passed away.” And never gave us the inheritance, but hey, I’m not bitter… “He has always been here for us and the town. Let’s all raise a glass to toast Harrogate’s esteemed mayor!”

  The crowd cheered as Mayor Barry waved.

  “I’d like to say a few words,” he said, sounding slightly out of breath as I handed him the microphone.

  “Serving my fellow citizens of Harrogate has been my greatest—” He didn’t finish the sentence. Instead, he blinked, let out a wheezing breath, and then collapsed on the floor.



  I had been trying to figure out how to dump Fleur without her trashing me in the tabloids when Mayor Barry collapsed. The fire and police departments were at the party, and several first responders rushed onto the stage while others ran to their trucks to fetch a stretcher. Meg and her sisters clung to each other while Susie did chest compressions.

  I wanted to go to Meg to comfort her, but she was surrounded by people. Besides, with all the chaos as they rolled Barry onto a stretcher to cart him away, the last thing the now concluded party needed was my excessively large family adding our own special blend of bedlam to the mix.

  I whistled to my brothers. “Let’s go.”

  They ignored me.

  I curled back my lips and hissed out a breath.

  They all came hustling over. Well, the younger ones did at any rate. While all of us were the products of a polygamist cult-leader father and his many wives, my little half brothers—the cute preschoolers, the obnoxious middle-schoolers, and the teenagers who I refused to allow run wild in town—were all controllable. The adult ones were my full brothers and were barely civilized.

  Remington—Remy for short—was the oldest and sported a bushy beard and scars, physical and psychological, from his time in the Marines. He was one of my favorite brothers, and the fact that he had even atte
nded the party was a bit of a relief for me, because that meant he was starting to move past his war experience.

  Yours truly, i.e., the only person keeping the family afloat, came after Remy. Then came Gunnar, who, with his shaggy hair and stoner attitude, was a reality TV producer. The Great Christmas Bake-Off was popular, and now he was busy with various reality TV spin-offs, none of which I was allowing any of our brothers to participate in.

  The next oldest were Archer and Mace, the twins. Leif Svensson’s genes were strong, and he also only took blond women as his wives. As a result, my brothers and I all looked eerily similar, but Mace and Archer were identical. Though they were twins, their personalities were polar opposites. Mace was the CEO of PharmaTech and was straitlaced, deliberative, and irritatingly risk averse. Archer was covered in tattoos and slept until two in the afternoon.


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