My Cruel Lover (Wicked Poison Book 3)

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My Cruel Lover (Wicked Poison Book 3) Page 7

by T. L Smith

  “Beckham—” Before I can finish my words, he slides in, effectively cutting me off. My legs wrap around his waist, and my head drops back at the pure pleasure my bikini bottoms lay on the floor discarded.

  It’s been so long since I’ve felt this good, this sexy. The way his hand slides up my leg and caresses it with his touch leaves fire in his wake. And I can feel it over every inch of my skin. We are nothing but hands, heavy breaths, and lips.

  My gaze catches his when he pushes in farther, gaining a steady rhythm. He holds my stare, no shame and no emotion on his face.

  What am I doing?

  His hand slides between us to rub my clit, giving it just the right amount of pressure, and my head tilts back, and my eyes begin to close.


  I almost still at Shandy’s voice.


  But he doesn’t stop his relentless pursuit to make me come, and I don’t push him off to stop him.

  I hate him.

  But I want him more than anything at this moment.

  I think I’m really going to regret this.

  But the thought doesn’t stop me either.

  “Fuck off, Shandy,” Beckham growls, then pushes into me harder and faster. His hand that’s rubbing me picks up pace, and my hands drop to the bed and clutch it tight as the orgasm hits me.

  “Oh, my God,” I scream. Loudly.

  Beckham leans down and places his mouth over mine to shut me up, and I know for a fact that Shandy must have heard that.

  I just don’t seem to care.

  As I kiss him back, he flips until he’s under me and I’m on top, then he grabs hold of my hips and starts moving me fast. My hips rock back and forth, back and forth, at a speed I can’t help that builds and builds until I’m screaming again.

  What the ever-loving fuck?

  How is his cock this magical?

  I collapse on top of him, my body spent and my mind blown.

  He pushes my hair to the side, and I feel him kiss my shoulder before he speaks, “I always knew you would be an easy fuck.”

  His words don’t register at first, and when they do, I sit up abruptly with him still inside of me and a smirk on his face.

  Goddammit! He knew what he was doing, and I was a fool to let it happen.

  And I’m afraid I would be a fool who would let it happen again. And again.

  But those words, those awful words, they make my hand come up, and then I’m smacking him hard across his face before I climb off of him. I reach for a towel, anything now that I’m naked, and turn back to him sitting up on his elbows. Not even bothered I just hit him.

  “You’ve got a lot of nerve,” I bark, my hands clutching the towel to my body.

  “I may, but one of my nerves that was just inside your body I know you quite enjoyed. Actually, if I remember correctly, you even called me god. How many men do you call that?” He sits up fully, swings his legs off the edge of the bed, and stands.

  Completely naked.

  My eyes rake over him. He has long, tanned legs that are toned. He has an eight-pack, and just below that, a cock that I already know can serve me magic on a platter.

  A platter for my pussy.

  “Fuck, you are a real dick.”

  He glances down at his cock and back to me with a smirk. “It is real, isn’t it? And he’s almost ready to go again if you think you can?”

  “Nope. No fucking way. Get the fuck out.” I point to the door he slithered in through, but he makes no move to leave.

  “This is a change. Usually, it’s me throwing the women out,” he comments.

  “That’s because I can already see what an incredible ass you are. They’re blinded by good sex,” I spit back at him, hugging the towel to my body as if he hasn’t already seen every inch of me.

  “Hmm,” is all I get in response. He’s looking at my body, seemingly lost in thought.

  “Leave. Now,” I say, hoping he will. I’m tired, and it’s not just from the great sex. It’s from multiple things, including my illogical mind telling me to make him stay, do it again, and my logical mind saying no fucking way.

  “So you’ve said. Why the rush? We have all night.” He starts toward me again, and I step back.


  I turn to that voice.

  Shandy is standing on the balcony looking in.

  How long has she been out there? I don’t know if I want to know the answer to that question.

  Shandy doesn’t seem to care that he’s naked. Her arms are crossed over her chest as she stares him down. “Get back to your villa and leave her alone.”

  “Go to your own fucking villa, Shandy. Fuck off,” he bites back.

  “You should leave … right now,” I plead with him while holding open the glass door that leads to where Shandy is standing.

  Beckham looks shocked at my words, and I don’t get why.

  Does he really not recall what he said to me?


  When I look back, I see Shandy is no longer standing there.

  Beckham scoops up his shorts and pulls them on before he walks toward me. When he gets to me, he smirks. “It was all my pleasure.”

  “I didn’t say thank you.”

  “You didn’t have to. It’s written all over your face.” He leans down to kiss my lips, and I am in so much shock that I pull away at the last second, letting him kiss my cheek.

  What in the actual fuck?

  Beckham walks off, leaving me standing at my door, wondering what the hell I just did.

  I can’t blame it on the alcohol because I’m pretty sure I’m sober right now. Let’s face it, he just fucked it all right out of me.

  Locking my door, I go to the bed and throw myself on the soft comforter.

  It smells of him.

  I smell of him.

  What did I just do?

  And the real question is, would I do it again?

  Chapter 13


  “What in the actual fuck did you just do?” Shandy says as soon as I walk into the room. She’s shaking her head as she walks to my minibar and pulls out a small bottle of vodka, drinking it down in one go. “You fucked an employee, which, I might add, you said you would never do. And even worse … she works directly under you. Fuck, man, how dumb can you be?”

  I sit opposite her.

  Shandy hands me another small bottle, and I drink that. “Are you going to respond?” Shandy looks directly at me. “I know you, Beckham. You may think not many people do, but I do. I know you drink most weekends so you can numb your pain, or you fuck so you can feel nothing but pleasure. You have no respect for the women you fuck. Jacinta has been through enough without you treating her like absolute shit. Plus, I’m not sure you can afford to lose her.”

  “I can’t. She’s good at her job, but—”

  But what?

  I liked the way she tasted.


  And I would do it again.

  “You’re starting to see the dilemma, right?” Shandy comments.

  I turn to face her, and her eyes are glossy. She’s clearly drunk.

  “You should get to bed.”

  “I was in bed. Then I heard you two yelling, and when I came to investigate, I saw you naked and her with a towel and you told me to fuck off.” She shakes her head, picks up another bottle, and drinks that too.


  “I wish I were more like you. Not caring. It would make my life so easy to not care about who I fucked. Or if they broke my heart. How easy would my life be then? But it’s not. I care. I care that my girlfriend of a year decided to break up with me because she found someone else to love her more than she said I was able to—”

  “You don’t want to be like me. No one does,” I interrupt, my head dropping back. “I don’t even want to be like me.”

  “You loved Paige so much that now you can’t even see the good things that are right in front of you.”

  “You ma
y be right, but the one good thing in my life was killed. And there’s no coming back from that. No matter how hard you try.”

  “There is, though. You simply haven’t tried. And don’t tell me you have. Fucking bitches don’t qualify as damn well trying. It’s only one of your coping mechanisms, so you don’t have to feel.”

  “I felt something with her,” I say more to myself but for some reason out loud.

  “Jacinta?” Shandy asks.

  “Yep. Haven’t felt like that for a long time.”

  Shandy sits up straight and looks at me. “It’s probably because she hates you. You’re used to women who fall at your feet. She doesn’t fall. She takes the glider out, and you go along for the ride.” She laughs at her own bad joke.

  She’s right, though.

  But I won’t tell her that.

  “Rylee is going to kill you,” Shandy sings. Then, before I can stop her, she clicks a button on her phone, and my sister’s voice comes through.

  “I’m so sorry. Are you okay?” Rylee says through the phone regarding Shandy’s broken relationship.

  “Your brother is here,” Shandy says to Rylee.

  “How’s Jacinta?” Rylee asks. “She rings many times a day to check in on Oliver. It’s cute. She having fun at least?”

  “Oh, so much fun,” Shandy says, wiggling her brows at me as I reach for the phone. Shandy pulls it back and shakes her head.

  “Huh?” Rylee says.

  “Beckham is caring for her every need,” Shandy says with a laugh.

  “What?” Rylee says. I reach for the phone again to hang up, but Shandy pulls it away and cackles loudly. “Did you really fuck her?” Rylee screams. “Fucking hell, Beckham, she works for you. She’s a nice girl.”

  “It’ll be fine,” I say.

  “Yeah, whatever. Nothing is ever fine with you.”

  “Go to bed. Shandy, hang up and stop causing trouble just because your own life is a shit show.”

  “Hey,” she says as I stand and walk away, heading for the shower.

  As I step in, her smell instantly falls off me. Throwing my head back, I wonder if fucking her was the smart thing to do.

  But I had no choice.

  My body wanted it.

  It wanted her.

  I may pay dearly for this.

  But it was totally worth it.

  Chapter 14


  His mirrored sunglasses reflect my approach the next morning as we get on the boat that will take us to our plane. I saw no one this morning, and I was thankful for that. My head is sore, and I hardly slept a wink. My dreams consisted of his hands on my body, roaming around, then what they could do if I let him touch me again.

  It’s dangerous.

  It is stupid.

  We sit opposite each other, and he doesn’t speak the whole trip. He works on his phone as I lean against the edge looking out over the water.

  If you have never been to the Whitsundays, I highly recommend you go. The water is next-level, crystal clear, pristine, and so incredibly blue. It’s the most beautiful thing I’ve ever seen.

  When we arrive, Beckham stands and walks off without me. I take my bag and follow him straight to the plane that is waiting for us.

  He doesn’t speak to me on the flight home either.

  I pretend to sleep, so even if he wanted to talk, I’m choosing my own path.

  As soon as we land, I’m off, straight out to where I left my car for the weekend.

  “I’ll see you Monday.” I stop at that voice behind me, and when I turn to look over my shoulder, he has his glasses covering his eyes.

  “Okay,” is all I manage to say.

  Do we pretend what we did, didn’t happen?

  I’m not really sure how it works. But I am also fine with playing dumb. Because now I have to look for a new job, and while I do, I somehow have to go into work every day and see him there without showing how I feel.

  Rylee is standing at my door with Oliver next to her, and they are both grinning at me. When I open it, he barrels into my legs, hugging me tight, and I pick him up and hug him back.

  “I missed you.”

  I kiss his cheek. “I missed you more.” And I did, I always will. When I put him down, he runs to his room, leaving me standing there with Rylee.

  “Are you okay?” she asks.

  “I’m fine,” I reply, smiling. She stares at me, and I instantly know that she knows what happened. “You know?” I ask.

  She nods. “I do. Do you need me to transfer you? What he did is not okay.”

  It wasn’t only him. We both had a part in it.

  “No, it’s fine.” I check on Oliver, who’s going straight to the fridge before I look back to Rylee. “Do you want to come in?”

  “I just wanted to make sure you’re okay.”

  “I’m fine. I’ll be fine,” I tell her.

  Her head drops to an angle. “I feel like you tell yourself that, but you don’t really believe it.”

  “Beckham …” I don’t finish my thought because when I turn around, a car I don’t recognize pulls up behind Rylee’s. A blond man gets out, and my heart rate picks up as I take a step back into the house, somehow hoping he never saw me.

  Even though I know he did.

  “What the fuck! When did he get out?” Rylee states. Her history with him is much deeper than mine, but that doesn’t mean I don’t have one with him as well. He is, after all, Oliver’s father.

  “I don’t know,” I manage to say.

  “I wouldn’t recommend coming any closer,” Rylee says.

  “I’m not here to see you.” His eyes fall to me. He looks bigger, different, but still Anderson. I’m not even sure what I saw in him all those years ago. Maybe I had too much to drink, I’m not sure, but I was stupid. I know that much. “I came to see our son.”

  “You can’t just turn up to her house demanding to see your son,” Rylee butts in.

  I grab her arm and squeeze it. She is visibly shaking, and I don’t blame her, considering all the things he’s done to her. How he tried to control and hurt her so badly she ended up in the hospital.

  “Can you please go in and make sure Oliver stays inside?” I ask Rylee.

  Her gaze bounces from him to me, then back to him. “I don’t want to leave you alone with him.”

  “I’ll be fine. Please. All I care about is Oliver.”

  She nods as if she understands, then walks inside, and I shut the door behind her. I step down until I’m closer but not within reach, and I glare at him.

  “You can’t see him,” I say firmly.

  He grinds his teeth. “I understand I have issues. I’ve taken classes. But I am also that kid’s father, so I should get to know him.”

  “You signed away your rights,” I tell him.

  “I’m contesting that … it won’t hold up in court.”

  “You never cared about him before, so why start now?” I bite back.

  Anderson shakes his head. “Because I’ve come to realize he’s all I have. And I will fight for him, Jacinta. No matter how far you run, this time, I will fight for him.”

  “Maybe you should leave. This is most definitely not the way to go about this.” I take a step back, and he looks to the house. “I know I have fucked up, but I want to be a part of his life.”

  “You’ve come to this conclusion after what … a few months in prison?” I laugh at him, but my laughter is forced. “No, it takes longer than that.”

  “My father sees him, does he not?”

  “Maybe you should ask him that. I will not discuss your father with you.”

  Anderson smirks. “He’s an ass and tells me to grow up and fuck off.”

  “Well, he’s right. You have always had everything handed to you, so it’s about time you tried to grow up and do things on your own.”

  Just as he’s about to say something else, August pulls up with a screech. He jumps straight out of the car and walks to me, his hand coming in front of me to b
lock me from Anderson as he pushes me back.

  Anderson holds his hands up in surrender. “I didn’t come to cause harm.”

  “What the fuck are you doing here?” barks August.

  “I came to see my son. You should know what it’s like not being able to see your child.” August does, but that’s because he wasn’t aware he had a child because back then, he moved away and cut all contact with Rylee. Until one day, he came back, found her, and the rest is history for them.

  That will not be Anderson and me.

  We will not get a happily ever after.

  It’s not in our cards.

  “Glenn lives down the road. Should I call him and tell him you’re in the vicinity of Rylee when you know you aren’t meant to be?” August growls.

  “How the fuck was I meant to know she was here?” Anderson says to August, then looks at me. “I came to be civil and talk to you. I’ll be back.” He turns and heads for his car.

  “You aren’t welcome here, Anderson. Don’t ever show up like that again.”

  Anderson stops with his hand on the door then turns back to me. “Do you think you can keep me away from my son, Jacinta?” The way he speaks, it’s like a threat, and August touches my shoulder because he knows it as well. I watch as he starts toward Anderson, but I grab his arm and pull him back.

  “I can. It’s my right as a mother to protect him from those who would cause him harm, and you will, Anderson. Fuck, you absolutely will. Maybe not physically, but if he turns out anything like you, that will be the same way your mother harmed you.”

  He doesn’t say anything to me in reply, simply shakes his head, and gets in the car.

  We watch him leave, and it isn’t until I can no longer see his car that I feel like I can breathe again.

  How does he even know where I live?

  I moved and ran away from him for a reason.

  I changed my name.

  Started a new life.

  All because his family has power.

  They have the money to fight me for my son, money I could never dream of.

  I was too afraid they would win to come back here, but then I had August, and we came back. And though it may not have turned out the way I had hoped, I still have Oliver, and he’s my main concern. He is my everything.


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