My Cruel Lover (Wicked Poison Book 3)

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My Cruel Lover (Wicked Poison Book 3) Page 15

by T. L Smith

  “I’m happy you’re happy.” And I am. Glenn is an amazing guy who lost the only person he ever loved. His daughter, Paige, and Beckham’s first love. And from what I have heard, he hasn’t been the same since. And today, he is standing in front of me smiling.

  I can’t wait to tell August.

  “I’ll tell August,” Glenn says, looking at both of us. “I’m glad to see you back, Beckham, I always knew you were bound to be a father. A good one, too. You have always had that kind of soul.”

  I turn around to look at Beckham to see his reaction to those words.

  “Goodnight, gentlemen,” Beckham says.

  Glenn smiles, knowing full well how Beckham is and nods to me before he walks back to the car.

  “Next weekend still okay?” Leo asks.

  “Yes. Why don’t we make it a regular thing? He loves hanging out with you. How about every second weekend he spends one night at yours?”

  Leo beams proudly and leaves with a, “Thank you.”

  Beckham shuts the door. “Now, where were we?” he asks, pushing me up against the door and sliding his hand up my skirt.

  “Oliver,” I remind him.

  “Occupied with my phone.”

  That will keep him busy for a while.

  “What about photos on your phone? You don’t have any naked women on there, do you?”

  “One day, yes, I plan to photograph you naked and have it as my screen saver.”

  I smile at his answer as he lifts and carries me to my bedroom. He throws me on the bed, and we are quick with removing our clothes. Once we’re both naked, he comes over and sits. I climb onto his lap and wrap my legs around his waist.

  “I love you, too,” I say to him as he reaches for his cock between us and positions it so I can slide down.

  “I already knew.” He smirks, then leans forward to bite my lip.

  “I could be lying,” I say, my head dropping back. He takes the opening to bite my neck, then slides his teeth down until he reaches my breasts and bites them too.

  “Now that is a lie.”

  And he’s right.

  Oh boy, is he right.

  “You should make me tell the truth all the time,” I taunt him, my body moving against his. I go to say more, but he grips and holds me down on him, stopping any form of movement.

  It’s torture.

  My body wants what his can give and is currently not.

  “I’m not lying,” I say, and he loosens his hold on me, bites my ear before he proceeds to fuck me until I see stars.

  And what magical stars they are.

  Chapter 28


  I haven’t left Jacinta’s house for two weeks. I go to work, then take her home.

  I like being around her.

  Consumed by her.

  She slides her hands up under my arms and hugs me from behind as we get out of the car and walk to her house. As we reach the door, she pulls back and stops.

  “Your mother is here.”

  I turn and see my mother getting out of her car. She straightens her dress, her heels digging into the grass as she walks over to us.

  Assessing eyes fall on me, then Jacinta, who’s now standing by my side, frozen to the spot.

  We haven’t spoken of my mother since the incident a few weeks ago. She made no attempt to apologize, so I made no attempt to contact her.

  “Did you take a wrong turn?” I ask.

  Her head snaps in my direction, and she narrows her eyes. “No, I didn’t expect to see you, though.”

  My brows rise at her words.

  “You came to see me?” Jacinta asks, and her hand slides into mine, where I clutch it protectively.

  My mother’s eyes don’t miss the movement as she watches and nods. “Yes, I did.”

  “What for?” I ask.

  “I’m direct, harsh, and sometimes mean.” Her nose is pushed up as she says the words. “And I want to take the time to apologize to Jacinta personally for my words.”

  I turn to look at Jacinta and see a small smile on her face.

  “Thank you for taking the time to come over and apologize. I just want you to know, I don’t want your son for his money. And for you to think that before you even got to know me … well, it hurt.”

  My mother’s eyes fall to me before she nods. “I understand. My girls always like to point out that I can be quite rude and harsh. So once more, I apologize and will not speak ill of you again. And I’m glad my son has found someone who makes him happy. Like Paige did.”

  “Paige sounds like a wonderful girl, and I’m sorry I’m not her. But I don’t think Beckham would want me to be like Paige anyway.”

  I look down at Jacinta. “No. No, I do not.” I lean down and kiss her forehead.

  “You’ll start coming again? To family lunches?” my mother asks in a hopeful voice.

  “With Oliver,” I tell her.

  “Yes, nice boy, that kid. Well mannered. You’ve done well raising him.” She turns and walks back to her car and slides in.

  “Is your mother affectionate?” Jacinta asks as we watch her drive away.

  “No. Only with my father.”

  “You two are a lot alike, you know. Blunt, rude—” I reach for her at her words, cutting them off as I throw her over my shoulder and carry her inside the house.

  Then I smack her ass, hard, for those words.

  Even though I know they are true.

  “Your tits are getting bigger.”

  “Oh, fuck off,” she says as she looks down at them. Then in one swift movement, she is off and running to the bathroom, slamming the door shut behind her.

  With quick steps, I run after her and knock on it.

  “Leave me alone.”

  “What the fuck is going on?” I ask, clearly confused.

  Jacinta doesn’t answer. Instead, she makes me wait. I lean on the door, and she opens it with a white stick in her hand. Her eyes are glassy, and she looks up at me with wide eyes. She’s rubbing her forehead, and there are no words.

  “What’s wrong? What’s that?” I nod to the stick and go to reach for her.

  “I’m pregnant.” The words slip from her mouth.

  It’s late. Oliver’s asleep, and I am staring at a white stick as if it may grow a head.


  I look up and search her face.

  “I’m on birth control. I told you this. So …” She pauses and takes a deep breath. “Whoever thinks they’re going to be in that small percentage of where it fails? That was not me.” She answers her own question as she walks past with the stick still in her hand and waving it around.

  “Move in with me.” The words leave my mouth before I have a chance to think about it, and she looks up at me with teary eyes.

  “That’s your response? Move in with me?”

  “Yes. Is it … wrong?” I ask her, confused.

  “It’s just … when I told Anderson I was pregnant, he asked me how much money I needed to get rid of it.” She wipes away a stray tear. “It’s a very different reaction and not one I was expecting.”

  “I’m nothing like that piece of shit.”

  She hiccups. “I know.”

  “I hope in a good way,” I say. Walking over to her, I place my hand under her chin and make her look up at me. “Move in with me?” I ask her again in a low tone.

  “You don’t want to live here?” she asks. She hasn’t wanted to go back to mine, as she doesn’t want to break Oliver’s routine. So, I happily stay here. Oliver is a priority for her, just as she is to me.

  “Where are we going to put the baby?”

  “It could be false symptoms and a false positive test,” she blurts out.

  “It’s not. Your tits are bigger, and you’ve been more emotional.” I wipe her face and lean down to kiss her tears away. “My sister was a bitch when she was pregnant.”

  “Are you calling me a bitch?”

  I laugh. “No, but I’ve made the decision. You two are moving
in with me. I have the room, and Oliver will be happy there. He loves my place, which will now be our place.”

  “I don’t know …” I kiss her to shut her up. “I know what you’re doing,” she says as I continue to kiss her.

  “And what’s that?”

  “Distracting me,” she whispers before kissing me back.

  “Is it working?”

  “Always,” she says, reaching her hands around my neck and pulling me down to kiss me.

  “Mom.” We both pause as the bedroom door opens and Oliver stands there rubbing his eyes. “I had a bad dream,” he says.

  “Book a doctor’s appointment, and I’ll put Oliver back to bed,” I whisper to her. She doesn’t speak, but I know she understands me from the slight nod. “Come on, buddy.” Oliver is a good kid, and he goes back to bed with no problems after I read him a short story. When I get back to the bedroom, Jacinta is sitting cross-legged on the bed.

  I stand at the door, watching her as she stares down at the white stick. She turns her head to me when she notices me standing there.

  “You can run. I’m used to men running. Now is your chance,” she says in a shaky voice.

  “I would never do that to you,” I say, walking over and climbing in behind her. “I may be an ass, but I would never do that.”

  She chuckles, and it’s music to my ears. “We’re having a baby,” she says.

  “We are,” I confirm.


  “Fuck,” I say, smiling from behind her.

  She turns and lets me kiss her cheek.

  “I once described you as my cruel lover. Now … well, you are anything but.”

  Chapter 29


  One Year Later

  My hands caress his face. Who would have thought he would look at me the way he is, with so much love and admiration? It’s a beautiful thing to have someone you love stare at you like that. It’s something I will never take for granted.

  Beckham’s hands touch my flat stomach, now scarred with white lines and ripples. He smirks as he moves closer, his lips finding mine in a frenzy of passionate kisses. Then, like clockwork, the baby starts crying.

  “She can cry,” Beckham says, and I chuckle because I know what’s coming next. He groans as he moves me and touches between my legs, finding me already wet. And just as her screams become louder, he’s up and off of me, adjusting himself. “I’ll be back. Stay where you are. Do not move.”

  “I need to shower,” I tell him, resting up on my elbows.

  He points at me. “Stay.” So, I lie back down as he leaves.

  I never expected this life, but I am not complaining about it.

  Somehow, I found a man who’s not only a great father but a great man in general. Well, at least to me, he is. He’s still an asshole to almost everyone around him, and most of the time, I have to remind him to walk away.

  He’s especially standoffish to the mothers who try to talk to him when I’m not with him. He gets a lot of them, a lot of attention, and he’s just plain rude to them. But for some strange reason, they keep trying, which confuses me.

  I still work for him, part-time. Shandy fills in for the other half, which works out great because anyone else would probably quit, as he is a complete ass to work for.

  I hear our beautiful girl, Estelle, stop crying, and know Beckham has it under control. It’s so different for me this time around. It’s basically a whole new experience.

  It’s not just me.

  I have Beckham this time.

  He is the best father, even to Oliver, who asked if he could call him dad.

  That broke my heart, just a little, that I had failed him in that department. But Beckham puts it all back into perspective.

  Oliver, well, he is the best big brother a little girl could ask for. I feel like I hired two nannies without actually doing it. We moved into Beckham’s home, as his place is bigger, and my house didn’t have the room to add him and the baby to the mix.

  It took a lot of adjusting.

  Just like things with his mother.

  I’m pretty sure she still to this day dislikes me, thinking I am some sort of gold-digger, but she’s a good grandmother, and that’s all I can ask for despite her bitchiness toward me.

  “You moved.”

  I roll over to face him. He has Estelle against his chest as he rocks her to sleep. Her eyes are fighting, but they are slowly closing, losing her battle with the inevitable.

  “I need to shower.”

  “No. Wait for me.”

  “I need to shower,” I tell him again. “I have to get ready for work.”

  “You’re fired. Now stay in bed and listen to your boss.”

  “You may be the boss at the office, but you most certainly are not here.” I wink at him, getting up and tearing off his shirt that I like to sleep in.

  “That’s unfair. No.” He shakes his head. “That’s just plain fucking cruel. You do know you’ll be spanked for this, right?”

  I turn around and wiggle my ass at him.

  “Now you’re simply asking for it,” he says as I walk to our very, no, enormously large bathroom. “Mommy is a tease. A dirty little tease who is going to be punished.” I giggle as I hear them walk away and step into the shower.

  As I am rinsing my hair, I feel hands slide up behind me before they drop farther down to my ass and lightly tap it.

  “I warned you.”

  I turn around to face him. “That you did.”

  He smacks my ass, not hard enough to make me scream but hard enough to make me yelp and pay attention.

  I went through a stage where I worried about him falling in love with another girl. What if he saw another woman and wanted her instead of me?

  Then, one night, as I was walking out of the bookstore, he was waiting for me at his car, not paying attention to anyone around him. It was like his whole word was solely focused on me. And I knew then, with certainty, how much he loves only me.

  That I was it for him.

  As he is for me.

  I haven’t been sure of many things in my life, but of him, I am.

  Beckham’s my favorite asshole, and I think I may just keep him forever.

  The End.

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  Also by T.L. Smith


  Pure Punishment (Standalone)

  Antagonize Me (Standalone)

  Degrade (Flawed #1)

  Twisted (Flawed #2)

  Black (Black #1)

  Red (Black #2)

  White (Black #3)

  Green (Black #4)

  Distrust (Smirnov Bratva #1) FREE

  Disbelief (Smirnov Bratva #2)

  Defiance (Smirnov Bratva #3)

  Dismissed (Smirnov Bratva #4)

  Lovesick (Standalone)

  Lotus (Standalone)

  Savage Collision (A Savage Love Duet book 1)

  Savage Reckoning (A Savage Love Duet book 2)

  Buried in Lies

  Distorted Love (Dark Intentions Duet 1)

  Sinister Love (Dark Intentions Duet 2)

  Cavalier (Crimson Elite #1)

  Anguished (Crimson Elite #2)

  Conceited (Crimson Elite #3)

  Insolent (Crimson Elite #4)


  Love Drunk

  Hate Sober

  Heartbreak Me (Duet #1)

  Heartbreak You (Duet #2)

  Find all of her books on

  About the Author

  USA Today Best Selling Author T.L. Smith loves to write her characters with flaws so beautiful and dark you can't turn away. Her books have been translated into several languages. If you don't catch up with her in her home state of Queensland, Australia you can usually find her travelling the world, either sitting on a beach in Bali or exploring Alcatraz in
San Francisco or walking the streets of New York.

  Heartbreak Me

  Enjoy this free sample of Heartbreak Me!

  Chapter 1


  My breath shakes. How is that even possible? To have your breath shake? Shit!

  Rough hands shove me, and I fall to my knees. My tied hands shoot out to catch me before I hit the ground. If it’s rough, I’m afraid they may bleed.

  Really, Theadora, that’s what you’re worried about?

  I shake my thoughts away as I hear a laugh. I am unsure if I should sit up straight or stay bent over—I’m wearing a skirt that’s way too short to stay this way—but if they wanted to do something to me, my guess is they would have by now. And so far, all they have done is tie me up, put a beanie on my head that covers my eyes, and throw me in a car.

  “This is her!” A deep voice grumbles, which makes me sit up straight as it rumbles through my chest. I glance up to see this man, but then realize there’s absolutely no reason at all to do so, considering I cannot see with the black beanie over my head effectively blocking my vision.

  My hands are still tied in front of me, but they’re no longer touching the ground, which is a hard surface. Cement maybe? I can’t really tell.

  “Yes, her.” I’m kicked forward again, this time I’m not fast enough to stop the impact of my face meeting the floor. My forehead cracks as it makes contact, and my eyes squeeze shut as a burst of pain shoots through me.

  “Gentle,” that gruff voice states. “I don’t want to break her…” I swallow as he pauses, “… yet.”

  Hands push me back, making me sit on my doubled back legs while one hand wraps around my throat and tightens.

  This is the part where I should be screaming. I should be doing something, anything to fight this man. Except my body doesn’t want to. Instead, it locks and freezes at his touch.

  I’ve heard stories of this happening, how your body locks up, even though you should be running, screaming, anything to get yourself free. I didn’t believe it was possible until this very second. How can your fight or flight response not kick in?


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