Enemy (The Aces Book 3)

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Enemy (The Aces Book 3) Page 12

by A. J. Macey

  “I’m sure you know all about that, Old Lady,” she said with a snort. Glaring at her, I tried to convey my irritation, but all I achieved was making her lose herself in a fit of giggles.

  “Bitch,” I muttered with a smile. The reminder of how my childhood was once more slipped back into the dark recesses of my mind as we fell into our usual banter.

  “You love me, bitchiness and all.”

  “Yeah, yeah, yeah. Think we could get away with drinking some of Nate’s reserve liquor without him noticing?”

  Abby’s eyes lit up with mischief as she leaned closer. “Let’s do it.”

  Fuck yeah.

  Almost an hour later, my cheeks hurt from laughing so much, my nails were dry, and my face was washed of the mud mask and left feeling oh so smooth.

  “All right, as much as I love you. I want to have some hot sex with my husband,” Abby told me, checking her phone. The tiny pink patches that bloomed on her cheeks shared all I needed to know; the two lovebirds were sexting, and if I didn’t move soon, there would be a whole lot more than just talking about Nate’s dick.

  No fucking thank you. I have four… five… at home I already have to juggle. I don’t need a sixth.

  “Ugh, I don’t want to leave this spot. You’re officially stuck with me forever. Permanent couch potato,” I whined as Nate walked into the room. “Nate, tell her. I’ve officially become one with the couch; it’s accepted me into its trust and if I move then I’ll break that carefully formed bond.”

  “I mean, you can stay if you want. We’ve been thinking about being watched,” Nate countered, scooping Abby up off the couch into a cradle.

  “Nope, nah, no thank you!” I exclaimed, jumping up off the comfy cushions like they were on fire. “Have fun all on your own, you two. I do not need to be a part of it. I’ll talk to you tomorrow, Abbs!” My shouts filtered through the door when I closed it behind me. I dug my keys out of my pocket as I walked to my parked truck.

  The drive was calm, peaceful as I drove the short distance from the compound to the house, my mind processing everything Abby and I had talked about. Abby as a mom. I was almost giddy with the thought. I hadn’t lied when I told her I could see her in the role; she would be strict but fair. She had lived a shit childhood and wouldn’t be willing to put her crotch goblin through that. Any child she had would get the best life possible, no matter what it took. Definitely against my will, her question about me being a mother floated through my mind, and I cringed.

  No fucking thank you. I will stick to being a godmother.

  It wasn’t long until I pulled into the drive, parking in my designated slot only a few minutes later. Whistling to myself, I headed into the house, silently excited to see the lights inside still on even if I tried to tell myself I wasn’t. Though, what I walked in on wasn’t what I had expected.

  You know, boy shit. Like beer and sports. Or whatever it was boys did.

  Not all fucking four of my men and Elliot with guns drawn in a tense standoff in the middle of my kitchen.

  “Sweet baby Jesus,” I sighed, rubbing my eyes. “I leave for two hours. Two hours, and I come home to the fucking shootout at the O.K. Corral. Will someone explain to me what the fuck is going on right now?”

  “You were right, K,” Elliot said, his tone bright and cheery as he looked over his shoulder at me as if he wasn’t staring down four gun barrels. “They’re quite feral. Well, except Chase. He’s pretty well tamed.”

  “I’m a neutral party,” Chase tacked on, pulling my attention from Elliot to him. Unlike the Aces officers whose weapons were aimed solely at Elliot for who-fucking-knows-what, he had a silver gun pointed at each party, keeping the peace no doubt.

  “Yeah, you’ll get used to it,” I told Elliot, coming to stand in the middle of the gunfight. “Now, why are we showing off the toys? Did you little boys not play well with each other while I was gone?”

  “They don’t like Elliot.” Chase smirked as he holstered his weapons, the rest of the men following suit slowly. Abby’s words whispered in my head at Chase’s statement, but I shoved them away, choosing to just get to the bottom of it instead of questioning everything. Not going to learn anything with assuming.

  We all know what they say about that.

  “Why?” My head turned to look at the three guilty guys, all glaring at Elliot. “Hey! Answer me. What’s your problem with him? He’s trustworthy! I’d trust him with my life, as I have plenty of times over the years.”

  “That’s the problem,” Brooks muttered under his breath, but it wasn’t so quiet that I didn’t hear it.

  “How’s that the problem? I thought you’d be happy to know we have another trusted ally?” Irritation was blatant in my words. My patience is officially wearing thin. I thought we put this suspicious shit behind us, but maybe I was wrong. Abby’s revelation filtered to the front of my mind once more…

  “Kittycat, they’re jealous. Worried about him sweeping you off your feet and whisking you away at the end of this.” My jaw dropped at Chase’s observation. They’re seriously jealous of Elliot? God, Abbs is going to never let me live this down.

  Despite the fact that I had been so wrong about the situation initially, and the tension in the room, I burst out laughing, finding the situation funnier by the second. My amusement momentarily blanketed over my anger at their lack of communication skills. There’s literally no way in hell Elliot would ever be a threat to the guys. E smirked, shrugging as I looked over at him.

  “What can I say? I’m pretty irresistible,” he taunted. Tossing an arm over my shoulder, he couldn’t keep up the facade, following me into a fit of giggles.

  “Will someone explain what’s so fucking funny?” Brooks snapped, sobering me slightly as I looked at the Aces. Really looked at them.

  They were angry on the surface, harsh frowns and tight fists giving that away, but when I looked in their eyes, I saw it. Fear.

  “Guys,” I breathed, my laughing subsiding as I straightened, “you don’t have to worry about Elliot trying to take me away. I love this ginger bastard, but it is absolutely not romantic.”

  “Then how is it, Kiera?” Garrett ground out. My brows shot up at the icy note in his words. He’s that messed up about this?

  “He’s gay, Garrett. So if he’s going to try and sweep anyone’s feet out from under them, it’s going to be one of you four.”

  “So possessive,” Elliot whispered only loud enough for me to hear as the Aces processed what I said. “So in love with you.” I ignored the last bit, irritated at the fact that the situation had escalated so quickly when it could have been easily avoided if one of these assholes had just talked to me.

  Chase though, the expression I saw on his face in the corner of my eye caught my attention. His eyes lit up, his lips pressed together, and he shuffled ever so slightly as he did when he was excited or up to something.

  Damn troublemaker.

  “Well, that sure was fun, but I’m tired as fuck and have a shit ton to do tomorrow, so I’m going to go to bed. Night, boys. Kiera.” With that, Elliot left the five of us standing in the room awkwardly. Cocking a brow, I waited for one of them to say something.

  “Can you blame us?” Garrett exclaimed loudly, startling me slightly, but I kept my face the same and didn’t move as he huffed. “Well, it’s all worked out now, and he’s right. We have a big day tomorrow. I’m going to fucking bed.” Instead of turning and going upstairs like I anticipated, Garrett strode forward and kissed me quickly. “Love you, Kitten.”

  “Anything you want to say before you go gallivanting off to bed, Enforcer?” I asked, looking to Stone.

  “Yeah”—stepping closer, he bent down, his lips brushing the curve of my ear—“I’m not going to apologize for being possessive, Brat, and I don’t gallivant.” He didn’t kiss me, but his heated tone sent a shiver down my spine.

  Lastly, I was alone with my little assassin and Brooks, the one I was most surprised—and most irritated—about being jealous. Yo
u would think after his heartfelt apology and us fucking he would be a little less worried.

  “You, Boss, were seriously jealous?” My words were hissed, anger at myself and the mutinous emotions that had long since tumbled out of my control seeping into the situation.

  “Aww, Brooks cares. That’s so cute,” Chase teased, coming closer. Each step purposeful, a thread of predatorial challenge in the movements as he stood next to us, his muscled chest brushing against our arms. “I kind of like this possessive side myself, don’t you, Kittycat?”

  Chase’s heated words caught me by surprise, and my irritation fled, replaced by curiosity. Brooks seemed to feel the same as he eyed my little assassin with a narrowed gaze. I didn’t talk, opting to watch the two of them and wait to see what happened.

  “Of course, I’m possessive,” Brooks murmured. “It’s Kiera. Don’t act like you’re not the same way.”

  “I’m definitely not saying that, only difference is I’m not afraid to show that to her.” With his statement, Chase cupped the back of my head, kissing me fiercely. His other hand trailed down my side, slowly brushing against the side of my chest before cupping my ass in a firm grip. Nipping his lower lip, I deepened the kiss, our tongues brushing together as if we weren’t making out in front of Brooks.

  Speaking of the president, I glanced over at him. I was pleased to find him watching with rapt attention, his hand absently stroking the growing bulge in his jeans. Reaching around Chase, I slowly pulled up the back of his shirt, the material bunching in my hands as Brooks’s gaze trailed over the sculpted muscles under Chase’s tanned skin.

  Interesting. An idea sparked, and I reached out, grabbed a fistful of Brooks’s shirt, and pulled sharply. He stumbled forward, his hand bracing on Chase’s back so he wouldn’t collide with us. I broke the kiss with Chase, immediately capturing Brooks’s lips, his hand still resting against Chase.

  I felt Chase’s grin against my skin as he peppered the side of my neck with kisses, having picked up on what I was trying to do. It wasn’t until Brooks pulled back from me that I realized what Chase was doing. Fingers running agonizingly slowly up Brooks’s thigh, he creeped closer to his cock with each movement. I couldn’t look away. Heat and excitement built within my core at the sight, and I waited silently, trying not to disrupt the moment that I hoped would come next.

  “Kiera likes that, don’t you?” Chase whispered sinfully in my ear, his eyes trained on Brooks. “How do you think the president would handle being fucked, Kittycat? Do you think he’d enjoy it?” Chase’s fingers crept closer, and Brooks’s icy blue irises nearly glowed as he stared. Nibbling on my lower lip, I held my breath and enjoyed the show.

  A deep groan erupted from Brooks as Chase finally found purchase, stroking the straining bulge. Chase shivered slightly, pulling my attention from his hands. Peeking over his shoulder, I found Brooks’s hand clawing into Chase’s muscled back but neither stopped, too lost in exploring whatever the fuck was happening between them.

  “How about we take this somewhere more comfortable?” I whispered, trailing my lips over Brooks’s chiseled jaw while my fingers tangled into Chase’s hair. As if I had broken the bubble, Brooks stepped back, his breathing ragged.

  “Uh,” he said, struggling to come up with a response. His body was tense, fingers curling and uncurling rhythmically as he glanced between the two of us. Icy blue eyes were wide with a deer in the headlights sort of expression, making my lip turn down slightly at his indecision.

  “That’s ok, Kittycat, you and I can head upstairs, and if Brooks wants to join in for some fun, he can come up. He may not be ready for what we want.” The last of Chase’s statement was murmured in my ear, but Brooks’s jaw clenched, telling me he had heard.

  Scooping me up, Chase grabbed the back of my thighs, holding me against his torso. As soon as my legs were wrapped around his waist, Chase started to walk, carrying me up the stairs as I ran my nails down his back and nibbled his ear. My lips curled at the raised lines from our not-so-gentle time together the other day. Glancing once more at Brooks, I watched him stare at us longingly, but he didn’t move.

  Oh well, his loss.

  “Where were we? Oh, that’s right,” Chase teased, lowering me to our bed then following me with a trail of licks and nips across my neck and jaw.

  “Too many clothes,” I whined, yanking his shirt up until it was bunched at his arms. Chuckling, Chase sat back and pulled his shirt off before working my jacket off my shoulders.

  Growing impatient, I sat up, biting down on Chase’s chest and reveling in the guttural moan he made. Lapping the teeth marks, I soothed away the sting, looking up at him from under my lashes as I did so. I had just started to work his belt off when the door opened. Chase shifted to sit next to me on the bed, allowing me to see who had come in.

  Shoulders tense as he closed the door quietly behind him, Brooks took in the scene before him, seeming to need a moment to work up the nerve to speak. He glanced over at Chase, and the look in his eyes told me all I needed to know. “Still got room for one more?”

  “For you? Always.” Chase winked. A pink flush spread over the president’s cheeks, and his hand nervously rubbed the back of his neck, but he stepped farther into the room instead of out of it.

  Ooh, this is going to be fun.

  Standing, I sashayed over to Brooks and slipped my fingers under his shirt to the hard planes underneath. Anticipation grew as I shook my hips for Chase and Brooks tangled his fingers into my hair. Brooks wasn’t hesitant when it came to kissing me, his lips devouring mine as he cupped my ass with his free hand. Pulling me flush against him, he pressed his hard cock into my hip and stomach making me even more excited about what was happening.

  Another heated body stepped up behind me, trapping Brooks’s hand between us. Chase’s gunpowder and musk scent mixed with Brooks’s citrus and grease in a dizzying swirl of smells. Hands roamed my body as my eyes drifted shut. I reveled in the bites and kisses peppered over my neck and shoulders. A shiver worked its way down my spine when I felt Brooks’s fingers brushing against Chase’s cock.

  Chase’s shuddering moan filled my ear as I circled my hips against him and Brooks’s hand. Chase’s fingers dug into my waist over my shirt, but I wanted to feel their skin against mine. I quickly worked Brooks’s cut off his shoulders and shoved up his shirt. Stepping back briefly, he pulled the two pieces off, his eyes never leaving mine. Chase worked my own shirt over my head, hands immediately coming to the front of my lacy bra. He pinched my nipples, the sting radiating through my heightened senses. The sharp pain melted in a wave of heat, my core surging as he rolled the sensitive peaks between his fingers.

  “Why don’t we take this off so Brooks can have a full view of your pretty tits, hm, Kittycat?” Chase whispered, his heated breath washing over my skin and leaving a trail of goosebumps. Nodding, I reached behind me with one hand, unlatching the hooks in a quick movement. My lip quirked as Brooks groaned, biting his knuckle as he watched Chase play with my chest.

  “More,” I murmured, my body quickly igniting with the urge to have one of them between my thighs.

  “Whatever you want, Baby,” Brooks ground out, his tone thick and husky as he strode forward. Without much warning, he picked me up and tossed me onto the bed. Before settling between my legs, he worked my pants off my legs until I was bared to both him and Chase. Propping up on my elbows, I spread my legs, letting them enjoy the sight of my soaked pussy.

  “I think we’re wearing too much for Kiera’s entertainment, don’t you agree?” Chase questioned Brooks, his chest pressing into Brooks’s tanned arm. Tucking my lower lip between my teeth, I watched as Chase quickly unhooked Brooks’s belt and slipped his fingers beneath the dark denim.

  “Fuck,” Brooks gasped, his hand coming to Chase’s shoulder as he shuddered.

  Fuck is right, I thought heatedly while I watched Chase stroke Brooks, cursing the denim that hid the real show from me. As if Chase knew what I was thinking, he took
his free hand, worked the jeans down Brooks’s trim hips, and let the material pool at his feet.

  A gush flooded my already soaked core, my pussy aching for one of them, but I couldn’t bring myself to make them stop. I was enjoying the view way too much for that. Deciding that taking care of myself was the only way to try and soothe the growing need, I put my weight onto one arm and slipped my other hand between my legs.

  I was slick, my fingers coated almost instantly as I rubbed, circled, and teased. Each pass of my fingers on my clit and entrance had me panting harder, aching for more. Finally, I couldn’t take the teasing; I needed my men, and I needed them immediately.

  Darting forward, I hooked my arms around Brooks’s waist and yanked him to me. Chase’s chuckle was soft but lost amongst the moan that left me as Brooks’s hardened length ran over my slit.

  “Someone’s sure impatient,” Chase teased softly, “but I have a better idea. Hop up for a second, Kittycat.” I whimpered when Brooks pulled away, but obliged Chase, knowing whatever he had up his sleeve was going to be good. Grabbing Brooks’s shoulders, Chase maneuvered him until he was lying on the bed, his legs off the side of the mattress.

  “Come here,” Chase commanded softly, nudging me between them. “I want you to suck his cock, and while you’re sucking him off, I’ll be fucking that tight pussy of yours.”

  “Please,” I pleaded softly, my body pulled tight like an arrow notched in a bow, ready to be released. Bending over, I wrapped one hand at the base of Brooks’s cock, watching him as I swirled my tongue around the bulbous head. I worked slowly, taking him in deeper with each bob of my head. Brooks’s jaw tensed, his muscles contracting as he inched his hips up. The heat burning in his gaze egged me on, urging me to move faster. In one smooth motion, Chase lined up and pushed in without hesitation that made me falter on Brooks. The sudden invasion was welcome, my pussy clamping over Chase as he started to rock in slow purposeful strokes.

  My body tightened, toes curling into the rug as my release built. Having Brooks in my mouth and Chase buried deep inside me set my body on fire. Each pump of Chase’s hips pushed me closer and closer to release. Right as I started to clamp around him, Chase grabbed my hair and pulled me off Brooks’s cock. Holding me in place, Chase picked up his pace. Slow, leisurely rocks shifted to hard and fast, bouncing me off his hips as he pounded into me.


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