Enemy (The Aces Book 3)

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Enemy (The Aces Book 3) Page 19

by A. J. Macey

  Then again, we weren’t normal.

  A round of yeses went up, pleasantly surprising me. Not that I didn’t believe that they would be in the room with me, but that they didn’t continue to argue. Guess there’s a first time for everything.

  Nate was inside, lounging next to the locked door and reading a book. When he saw us, he gave a small salute before turning back to the paperback in his hands. I smothered a chuckle at his laid-back attitude despite knowing what was coming. He’s so weird, I thought as Stone unlocked the door. As soon as the handle was turned, my mood sobered.

  Lorenzo was slumped against the metal chair, his clothes bloodied and tattered. His normally perfectly styled blond hair was dingy, flopping onto his face as his head hung down. Stepping up to where he was secured, I let that anger loose, just enough to help me truly savor being the one to kill him.

  Every punishment, every lash, leer, and insult he flung my way echoed in my ears, fueling the swirling fire within my chest.

  “Hey!” I shouted, kicking him in the shin to wake him from his beauty sleep. A strangled scream echoed in the room, my lip twitching with the urge to turn up.

  “Oh, got the whole band together,” he sneered, his swollen lip slurring his words in an odd way. Well, that’s going to be hard to take seriously. “Going to put on a show for me, bitch? Like good old times?”

  “There’s certainly going to be a show, Lorenzo, but it ain’t for you,” I murmured, reaching to the back of my pants. His bravado faltered when he saw the gun. “Ah, there it is. The fear,” I hissed, slowly losing control of my emotions as they became too much to bear. “Because you remember every fucking thing you did to me over the years. Oh, maybe before I kill you, I should use this.” Stepping over to the table, I held up a brand. “For each cigarette you put out on my back. Wait, what about this?” A worn leather belt and metal buckle. “Seeing as how you loved to use this whenever you damn well felt like it. Though since I’m sure the viewers got their rocks off on it too, you probably received extra attention from Frankie. But you didn’t just use it then, did you? Coming in while I was sleeping to beat the shit out of my legs and back because you enjoyed seeing the red welts on my skin.”

  Lorenzo stayed silent, his chest starting to rise and fall faster the more I talked. The men were stone still, but I could see the tension in their bodies as they watched. I dropped the belt on the table, enjoying that the buckle clattering on the metal surface startled my prisoner.

  “But those weren’t your favorites, were they, Lorenzo? Other than the leering, lewd comments and straying hands, you favored one weapon over all others.” Reaching at the back of the assorted weapons, I picked up the whip. “Ah, yes. This was it. The whip. How about it, Lorenzo, do you want some lashes?” I ground out, letting the tail unwind and snapping it against the concrete floor.

  I didn’t stop the curl of my lip as he jolted in fear, his eyes wide as he stared at me. Shaking his head back and forth slightly, he slowly started to come unhinged.

  “Don’t worry, Lorenzo. I only have one thing I want to give you.” When he finally looked at me, truly looked at me, he knew his time was up. “Say hello to my father when you see him in hell.”

  Aiming quickly, I pulled the trigger. The deafening noise was only slightly muffled by the silencer attached to the barrel. Blood had splattered up the wall, Lorenzo’s head angled back as he stared at the ceiling with sightless eyes.

  “Nate,” I called out, “call the Maintenance Man.”

  “You got it, Kiera,” I heard shouted through the thick door.

  “Lorenzo did all that?” Garrett asked a few moments later, his eyes burning as he looked at me. “I thought he just kept you from leaving.”

  “Yeah, I don’t think any of us expected him to have been so… hands on.” Brooks grimaced at the end of his statement.

  “Kittycat, why didn’t you tell us?” Chase asked softly, his words sad. “I would have let you have more time with him. Hell, I would have helped.”

  “It’s okay, Chase. I got everything I wanted. He feared me in the end, and that’s all I cared about.” The guys reluctantly agreed to let it go as we made our way out of the room, but I couldn’t totally ignore the niggling feeling that they’d ask me more about this some other day.

  One down, the rest of the mob to go.

  December 24th

  Tuesday Midday


  Pulling into the clubhouse parking lot, I eyed the Christmas lights that littered the building. This place is going to light up like the sun once it gets dark. Guess Laurel really went all out after all.

  “Kiera!” Rider shouted, walking down the sidewalk toward the bar. “Here a bit early to set up?”

  “Do I look like the kind of girl who is good at decorating?”

  “Nope, but I figured I’d ask,” he reasoned. “Looking for Boss? He’s inside, heading to the office last I checked.”

  “Thanks, Rider,” I told him as I pulled open the door to the bar and immediately came to a stop.

  Oh, sweet baby Jesus.

  This was Christmas on steroids.

  If Saint Nick did some meth or crack, this would be the result. I eyed the room warily, not sure I wanted to step into the tinsel-draped hell before me. There was a giant tree decked out in multicolored lights, garland, and ornaments galore. Fake snow littered the floor with holiday themed tablecloths, mini trees, and other decor as far as the eye could see.

  “Yeah, that’s how I felt too,” Cheryl called out, her flat tone pulling me from my staring. Forcing myself to move, I walked farther in and headed to the office.

  “It sure is festive,” I cheered, trying my best to fake being positive. Laurel put a lot of work into this, and it’s kind of nice having one other Old Lady who doesn’t have her panties in a twist every time I’m around. “Kids will enjoy it, I’m sure.”

  “True, I didn’t think of it like that.” Cheryl hummed at the end of her statement, inspecting the room with fresh eyes. “Hard to remember there are kids on this compound since they don’t typically come in here. Though Boss has been talking about building a small arcade or rec area for them.”

  Aww, that’s so sweet. Don’t tell him I said that though.

  “Where is he anyway? Office, right?” I hitched a thumb over toward the hall with my question, heading that direction when Cheryl nodded.

  “Brooks? You in here?” I called out, knocking on the door before popping my head in. My brows drew down when I found the president sitting at the desk, his head in his hands. A sliver of worry wormed its way in. We hadn’t had a chance to really talk about the threesome we had a few days ago, and now I was wondering if Brooks was having some doubts or issues about it. I shoved the thought away and stepped in. Don’t assume, I told myself. “Hey, you okay?”

  “Uh, yeah.” He tried to play it off, but I could see right through his fake as fuck smile.

  “Talk to me, Brooks.” Closing the door behind me, I went over and plopped into his lap, wrapping my arms around his shoulders. The worry in his eyes calmed slightly, his smile turning genuine as he held me back.

  “Worried about the party, putting my members and their families at risk with this hit,” he murmured, his thumbs rubbing my lower back in soothing circles. My slight panic at him second guessing his night with Chase and me melted away.

  “It’s a risk we have to take. But even then, the risk is a calculated one, with less possibilities of getting hurt than going out of the compound to go to the store. I mean, there are no sniper areas nearby and we’ve upgraded all the security. We’ve had two attempts so far, and this last one we took out a good chunk of the enemies gunning for us. I don’t foresee us having any issues, but we’re prepared anyway. Val and Elliot are here to keep an eye out along with Chase and me. All of us will be vigilant, and basically the entire party is going to be inside in the bar, only a bit outside to light that gigantic fucking tree that Laurel somehow got out there.”

  “Yeah, you’re
right. We just need to find the mole, and we don’t have a lot of time left.” Brooks sighed, leaning forward to kiss me softly. “Thank you.”

  “For what?”


  I chuckled, fingering the ends of his silky hair.

  “I’ll always listen; you just have to be willing to talk to me,” I told him. Realizing I should follow my same advice, I started talking. “I was actually kind of worried you were maybe struggling with what happened the other night with Chase.”

  “Why? Because he’s a guy?” Brooks’s tone held no judgement for my worry, and his fingers continued their soothing massaging.

  “Yeah, I mean, I kind of assumed you hadn’t ever been with a guy before, and I didn’t want to lose any of the progress we had made.” Smashing my lips together, I stopped rambling, my skin growing itchier by the minute.

  “I wouldn’t have agreed if I was uncomfortable. It was definitely different than being with you, but not in a bad way. Besides, watching you melt over it was hot.” Brooks’s smile grew, the bright white of his teeth standing out against his golden tan skin. His eyes sparked, and it looked like he was going to keep talking, but a knock sounded out before he could.

  “Hope you’re both dressed because I’m coming in,” Nate called, opening the door as he finished. “Everyone’s starting to arrive. Ready to get this party started?”

  “First thing’s first,” Brooks said, leaning down and yanking open one of the drawers. He moved too quickly for me to see what he grabbed, but when a hat was placed on my head and I saw the white fuzzy ball on the end of the red floppy point, I realized he’d just put a Santa hat on me. “Aww, Baby’s all ready for Christmas.”

  “I’m not wearing this,” I protested, getting off his lap.

  “You have to,” Nate cut in right as I went to take it off. “Abbs and I have a bet going on about whether you’ll wear it or not, and she said no way. I have to win, Kiera. Please,” he whined playfully at the end, pouting enough to shake his bushy beard.

  “Well, if it’s to prove Abby wrong, then hell yes. She ate one of my cookies the other day.” Pulling the hat on fully, I got it situated and flashed a smile. “Jolly enough to be Mrs. Claus?”

  “More like… Mrs. Claws.” Chase poked his head around the corner with a smothered laugh. “Get it? Kittycat, claws?” He burst out laughing at the end of his own joke, curving his hands in what I guess was supposed to be a paw and striking out like he was scratching someone. I rolled my eyes but couldn’t stop the giggle that came tumbling out.

  “That was terrible, my little assassin. All right, let’s get this party started.”

  We filed out of the office and down the hall, the hustle and bustle of the party already in full swing. I waved and said hi to Kevin and Maxine, Doc, and a few others that I recognized like Laurel and even Brick. The latter’s greeting was a bit rough, but I appreciated the effort.

  I spent the first hour or so of the party keeping an eye out, scanning the crowd and parking lot for anyone acting weird or for anything suspicious. Nothing came from it, and soon enough Brooks was directing people out to the main park area of the compound. Sighing, I followed, trailing behind everyone to stay out of the center of attention, but when Brooks, Garrett, and Nate all lined up with Abby I realized I wouldn’t be so lucky.

  “Come on up, Baby,” Brooks called, waving me to the front. I plastered a smile on my face and made my way to stand between him and Garrett. Glancing around, I tried to locate Stone, but I didn’t see his scowling face in the crowd. “Welcome, everyone, to our first official Christmas party. The idea was all Kiera’s while the decorations were done by Laurel Westbrook, so let’s give them both a round of applause.” I stood awkwardly as the patch holders, Old Ladies, prospects, and children clapped and cheered, giving a tiny wave and praying Brooks would hurry the fuck up. “Before we light our first compound tree, we figured it wouldn’t be much of a holiday without Santa!”

  There was a large wave of whoops and hollers as a man stepped up to the stage in a fat suit topped with the traditional red and white Santa costume. It was only when he was a bit closer that I realized what I was seeing.

  Stone… in a big bushy white beard… dressed up as Santa Claus.

  “Oh, my god,” I murmured, laughing so hard I had to lean into Brooks to stay upright. “You… you’re… holy shit.”

  “Yes, Brat, laugh it up. Hope you all enjoy some caroling!” Stone shouted boisterously. My jaw dropped at his act. Not only was Stone in a Santa costume, but he started singing loudly. He was purposely being horrid at it, and by the end of his first song everyone was laughing and booing for him to get off the stage. By the time he finished with a bow, I couldn’t stop the laughter that bubbled out of me.

  “That’s for you, by the way,” Brooks told me quietly.

  “What?” I questioned, looking at him in confusion.

  “Making a fool of himself for your entertainment,” Garrett explained.

  “Who here wants to see Santa and Mrs. Claus here kiss, huh?” Nate yelled, waving to me with a mischievous grin.

  Oh, that fucking bastard, I thought as I glared at him, he’s so getting a swift kick in the balls.

  Hope Abby chooses not to have kids.

  “Kiss her, kiss her!” Chase, Elliot, Rider, and Nate joined the chant, their voices ringing out the loudest. Nosy bastards. I stepped forward when Stone held out his hand for me to take.

  “I’m so blaming you for this embarrassment,” I murmured.

  “I didn’t realize they’d do this; I was just supposed to make a fool of myself for you, prove I’m willing to do anything,” he told me softly. I grinned, popping up on my toes and giving him a soft kiss.

  While everyone was hollering and cheering, I whispered, “Know what would prove that to me? A ‘Property of Kiera’ tattoo with a little black paw print.”

  “Is that a challenge?” he asked, his lips brushing mine as he talked. I shrugged, pulling back to rub my nose, the awful white beard having tickled.

  “How are you wearing that? It’s super itchy,” I pointed out, fingering the fuzzy white beard.

  “Santa always has to have a beard, duh,” he told me with a smile.

  “Time to light the tree!!” Brooks hollered, pulling us from our little conversation. Bending down, he picked up the cord and started to count down from ten. When the crowd reached zero, he plugged the cord in. The fifteen foot tree lit up in a wave of twinkling lights.

  “All right, let’s head inside. It’s getting chilly out,” Abby directed, her and Nate practically running into the building in a fit of laughter when I glared over at them.

  Fucking troublemakers, the lot of them.

  A few more hours passed that I spent mingling, but after a little while I realized I couldn’t find Stone. Again. Weaving through the crowd, I went up to the closest friend I could find.

  “Hey Rider, where’s Stone at?”

  “Said something about going back to the office or something a while ago. Probably want to check there.”

  A niggle of worry built as I made my way into the hall, a sting of jealousy ready to strike if I walked into one of the spare bedrooms and found him in it. Thankfully though, the rooms were vacant, and I had worried for nothing. As I moved to head back to the party, I heard a buzzing sound coming from the office.

  Wait… he didn’t actually…

  “Hey, Brat,” Stone greeted when I finally reached the door to the office. For the second time that day I was speechless. Stone was sitting in a chair, Elliot leaning over his chest with a tattoo gun.

  A black paw print inked onto his dark skin.

  “You…” I trailed off, unable to form a sentence as I realized there was already a ‘Property of Kiera’ tattooed under the paw.

  “Told you I wanted to prove it,” Stone said simply as if it explained anything. His first and only tattoo was for me… I couldn’t quite wrap my head around it, and the last of the anger that I had been holding on to fizz
led out.

  “Promise?” I whispered, tearing my eyes away from where Elliot worked silently.

  “Promise what?”

  “That you’ll listen. That you won’t hurt me again.” My voice cracked at the end, and I blinked furiously. The burn in my eyes continued to build, and I knew I was on the edge of tears.

  “You’re all done, Stone,” Elliot told him softly as he cleaned the tattoo and let him get up. I stood there awkwardly, feeling itchy and uncomfortable.

  Stone came up to me, towering over my five-four height. Calloused fingers brushed my cheekbones, forcing me to look up at him instead of the new tattoo.

  “I promise, Kiera.”

  Leaning down, Stone kissed me. It wasn’t heated or possessive, but soft, the kind of kiss that made me want to curl my toes inside my boots. His chest was hot under my fingers as I moved closer, his silky skin soft as his muscles moved underneath.

  “Should I leave you two alone now?” Elliot interrupted, his ill-timed statement making me smile despite wanting to chuck something at his fiery red hair.

  “Fuck off, E,” I spouted as Stone stepped back to wrap the tattoo in plastic wrap and medical tape before tossing his typical gray T-shirt on. “Yes, now go. We’ll be out in a bit. And no, we won’t be doing any of that!” I cut off when I saw Elliot’s mouth open. Laughing to himself, he stepped into the hall and closed the door.

  The silence was stifling now that it was just the two of us, my eyes falling to the odd pattern in Stone’s shirt from the saran wrap underneath. I struggled to come up with something to say, so naturally, the first thing that popped into my head came tumbling out.

  “I can’t believe you got my name tattooed on you.”

  “I love it,” he murmured. Grabbing ahold of my hands, he brought me closer, his gaze sweeping over my face. “Though I love you more.”

  My heart leapt into my throat, and a wave of butterflies whirled in my stomach. Stone. Suspicious Enforcer for The Aces MC. Biggest jerkface known to man. Just said he loved me.


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