His Taste Box Set: The Pine Grove Complete Collection

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His Taste Box Set: The Pine Grove Complete Collection Page 19

by Hamel, B. B.

  “You want me to take the cuff off?” he whispers in my ear.

  “Maybe,” I moan.

  He laughs and grabs my hair, pulling hard. “Liar.”

  He moves me off and rolls away. I stare at him, on my knees now. He pushes me forward, getting me on all fours, and grabs my hips.

  “Look at this pussy,” he whispers. “Dripping wet. And this ass is beautiful.” He spanks me hard. “Nice and red.”

  I groan and look over my shoulder. “Are you going to tease me all day?”

  “Maybe,” he says, cocking his head. “You think you deserve more?”

  “Please,” I whisper. “I need it.”

  “You only need what I say you need,” he says, grabbing my hair. He holds it tight and spanks my ass again. “Tell me you’ll do whatever I want.”

  “I’ll do it,” I whisper.

  He licks one finger and rubs it around my ass. “Even if it involves this? Even if I want to push my big, fat cock deep inside your tight little virgin ass?”

  I groan. “I don’t know,” I say.

  He spanks me hard. “Say you’ll give me what I want, Celine.”

  “I’ll do whatever you want,” I gasp. “Even that. Please.”

  He laughs gently and presses two fingers inside of me. He grips my hair hard and fucks me with his fingers. I moan and roll my hips, pulling against the handcuff, but it’s on tight.

  He pulls back and looks at me. “You really are beautiful, little Celine,” he says, stroking himself. “I want to see you come.”

  “So fuck me,” I whisper.

  “No,” he says. “I want to see you make yourself come.”

  I stare at him and slowly move my free hand between my legs.

  I lean forward, shoulders and face against the pillow, ass in the air. I slowly start to rub my clit, biting my lip.

  I try not to moan. I don’t want to give him everything he wants. I don’t want to make him think he deserves it.

  And yet I can’t help myself. Pleasure floods through me. I slide my fingers inside and go back to rubbing my clit as he watches me, stroking his own shaft.

  I’m touching myself, really touching myself, while he watches. I’m working my clit with my ass in the air and I’m letting him watch every little detail.

  It’s driving me insane, but I can’t stop. It feels so freaking good and I’m so close already. I need it so badly that I don’t care if he’s watching.

  I wiggle my hips, working my clit faster, panting, groaning. I want him to watch me, need him to watch.

  “Pretty fucking girl,” he whispers, getting behind me. “Keep touching yourself.”

  I gasp as I feel his tongue on my ass. He licks me all around, every inch of me, and I can’t help myself. I rub myself faster, cuffed hand gripping the sheets, moaning as he licks my ass.

  We go like that, his tongue on my ass, my fingers on my clit, rubbing faster and faster. My whole body tenses and tightens as pleasure floods me, both from the sensations and from the knowledge that what we’re doing is so dirty, so filthy.

  I come hard as he tongues my ass. I twitch, tightening, groaning. He doesn’t stop until I finish coming. He steps back and stares at me as I lie on my belly, breathing deep, dripping sweat.

  “That’s a good girl,” he says, coming to the side of the bed. He grabs my hair, tilts my head back.

  I open my mouth as he presses his cock between my lips.

  I moan as he slides it in and out. He fucks my mouth, fucks my face. I use my other free hand to work his shaft as he fucks my mouth. I can taste my pussy on his skin still and I love it, I love tasting myself on his hard cock. I’m rolling in the bliss of a post-orgasm haze and I need his cock down my throat.

  I gag but he doesn’t stop. He fucks my mouth and throat, moving faster, groaning. I moan along with him, desire filtering through me.

  He comes in thick spurts in my mouth. I swallow every drop, licking him clean as he finishes. He slides himself from my lips and kneels down next to the bed. When I finish swallowing, he kisses me gently, his tongue against my tongue.

  “Good girl,” he whispers.

  He stands and walks away. I can’t see what he’s doing, but I can hear him getting dressed. Finally, I look over my shoulder.

  “What are you doing?” I ask him.

  He smiles. “Stay right there, love. I’ll be back soon.”

  “Wait. You’re leaving me cuffed?”

  He nods. “Go to sleep, little love. You’re safe.”

  He leaves the room and shuts the door behind him.

  For a second, I’m angry. I want to scream for him to take off this handcuff.

  But he’s right. I’m exhausted, so exhausted. I’ve barely slept since this all happened and I need rest so badly. I can feel my body pulling me down, down, down deep into sleep, and I let it.



  I know it’s a risk, leaving Celine back in that room, cuffed to the bed. But I don’t want to bring her with me and I love the thought of her waiting there, completely nude, obedient and patient.

  So my desire wins out over being practical. Maybe it’s a mistake, but fucking hell. I’m half hard just thinking about her back there, belly down, ass bare and red from getting spanked, cuffed to the bed and waiting for me.

  This whole operation is a goddamn mess. I’ve gotten lucky so far, lucky that Marcus’s original attack didn’t get me, lucky that Celine is willing to go along, but that luck won’t last forever. I know that for damn sure.

  I’ve been in too many situations where I relied on luck, and luck is never reliable.

  The only thing that’s going to make sure Celine and I get through this alive is smart planning and serious action. Marcus is doubtless out there, hunting us, probably half a step ahead of me as we speak.

  Doesn’t matter. Not like I have any other choice.

  I pull up to the Motor Court and park my truck across the street. It’s one of those open-air motels, with doors that open right outside. I can see most of the place from my vantage point, although there’s not all that much to see.

  Aside from the sign, shiny with bright LEDs and shaped like an absurdly big crown, the Motor Court is in pretty shitty condition. The place looks like it was probably pretty nice fifty years ago, but fifty years of constant hard use and little to no real solid repairs has left this motel in a pretty sorry state.

  I bet it’s cheap and takes cash, which is why Marcus is here. Say what you want about him, and I’ve got a lot to say, Marcus is smart and he’s cheap. He likes to save a buck where possible, even though I bet the man has more money than fucking Bill Gates at this point.

  Typical Marcus though. I know him well enough to say that I’m almost positive this is the exact place he’ll stay.

  And so I hunker down and wait. I told Celine most of this game is about waiting, and I wasn’t lying. It’s boring and it takes forever, but that’s how it works.

  Lots of people filter in and out of the Motor Court. It’s surprisingly busy for a shitty motel on the edge of a tiny little loser town. I can’t help but wonder why there are so many people coming to visit Pine Grove that need to stay in a place like this, but I don’t have time to investigate that. I know the town has seen better days economically, and it’s basically being held up by some mysterious rich dude that left town right before I showed up. People talk about him like he’s something special, but I don’t get it at all.

  Who the hell wants to be owned by someone?

  That’s why I got into my business. I don’t want to be owned, not by anyone. I hate having a boss and I hate playing by the rules. There are no rules in life, not really. You’re born into a country with all these set ideas already in place and people expect you just to figure it all out and play along.

  Fuck that, I say. I didn’t ask for this shit. I didn’t ask for any of it. I didn’t ask to get thrown into this world where I’m expected to be a good little boy and play by the rules.

  So I d
idn’t play, and I won. For a long time, I kept winning. Up until Marcus, at least.

  The day drags past. I want to leave the truck and get something to eat, but I know he’d probably show up the second I walked off. I grit my teeth and suck it up, waiting it out and dealing with the discomfort.

  Minutes pass like hours, hour pass like days. I’m so fucking bored but I stay there, thinking about Celine back in the room. She’s in the same position as me, though hopefully she’s sleeping through it.

  Eventually, I know I have to turn back. It’s been six hours and I haven’t seen a damn thing. I can’t leave Celine alone back there any longer than this. Even if she’s safe, she’s definitely uncomfortable.

  Besides, the thought of her body is too tempting. I can come back after I’ve had my fill.

  I turn the truck on. I put it into gear.

  And I freeze.

  At the end of the court, the second to last door opens. A man steps out and shuts the door quickly behind him.

  He walks swiftly toward the steps and disappears from view.

  I’m sitting there, buzzing, shocked. I can’t fucking believe it.

  That Fox man was right. Marcus is staying here.

  And now I know which room.

  I release the brakes and pull out, driving like crazy back toward Celine.

  * * *

  She’s still asleep when I come back. I shut the door gently and watch her for a second.

  She’s still naked, lying on top of the sheets. She’s breathing slowly, deeply. I can see her chest rising and falling. My eyes move over her ass, over her back, her body. I can feel my blood pumping in my veins.

  I found Marcus. God damn, all that time, all that waiting, it paid off. I have the drop on that bastard now.

  Celine stirs. I watch her, leaning against the wall. She blinks awake and smiles at me. “Hey,” she says, groggy from sleep.

  “Hey.” I walk toward her.

  “Were you gone long?”

  I kneel down on the bed next to her. I rub her shoulders gently and kiss her back.

  “No,” I say.

  “I had this dream,” she says, still sleepy.

  “Tell me about it.”

  She lets out a sigh. “We were alone in these woods, like really deep woods. I kept following you, trying to keep up, but you were walking fast.”

  “Oh, yeah?” I kiss her neck as my hand slowly moves down her back toward her ass.

  “You kept looking over your shoulder and yelling at me to keep up, but I couldn’t. I wanted to, but I couldn’t.”

  “I wasn’t being very nice,” I whisper as my hand cups her ass.

  “But then we got to this clearing.” She shivers a little. “You turned to me and wanted to kiss me, but somehow I knew that if I kissed you back, we’d never get away from that clearing.”

  “So what did you do?” My hand moves down to the bottom of her ass, up between her legs. I find her pussy dripping wet already, and I think I have my answer.

  She moans as I tease her pussy like that. I move my fingers up along her clit, rubbing her gently and back down to her pussy, sliding one inside.

  “God, what do you think?” she asks.

  “I think you kissed me.”

  “You’re right.” She moans as I slide two fingers inside of her. “I kissed you and you made me undress.”

  “What did I do next, love?” I whisper in her ear, sliding two fingers inside.

  “Oh, god, that,” she says. “Just like that. Part of me wanted to run but the rest of me… I couldn’t get away. It’s like my body demanded that I stay right there, right in that clearing with you forever.”

  “Your body’s smart.”

  “Maybe.” She smirks at me. I slide my fingers inside again, deeper this time, and her smirk turns into a gasp.

  “Definitely. See, little Celine, I’ve been thinking.”

  “Yeah?” She’s into it now, moving her hips as I slide my fingers in and out of her.

  “I’ve been thinking about you, about what happens next. See, I think there’s something you’re not telling me.”

  “Oh, yeah?” she groans.

  “You act like a virgin, like you’re so innocent, but I don’t think you are.”

  “I was,” she moans. “I promise.”

  “I believe you were. But that’s not who you are.”

  She bites her lip and looks at me. “What do you mean?”

  “I mean, little Celine, that you are a very, very bad girl. Deep down inside, you’re like me.”

  She bites her lip as I press my fingers deep and slide them back out.

  “How do you know?”

  I take off my shirt, my pants, my boxer briefs. I’m so fucking hard just looking at her right now.

  “It’s the way you look at me,” I say. “Anyone else would run screaming, but not you.”

  “How do I look at you?”

  I grab her ass and spread it open before licking her all around. “You look at me like you need more.”

  She moans and wiggles her hips. I lick her pussy from behind, her ass, every inch of her. I love it so much I stroke my own cock with one hand. She arches her back and pulls her knees up, putting her ass into the air for me.

  I spank her with one hand and tease her with my tongue. She moans and rolls her hips, pushing back against my mouth.

  I move up and grab her hips. I spank her rough before pulling her hair. She moves back and leans against me as I pull her closer and kiss her over her shoulder. She groans and grinds against my hard cock, pressing herself tightly down into my lap.

  “I found him,” I say softly as my hands move up to tease her breasts.

  “You did?”

  “I did. Finally, we have the drop on him.”

  “What do we do now?”

  I push her forward and slap her ass. She groans, wiggles her hips, and looks at me.

  I spread her ass wide. “We go and we kill him.”

  “And then?”

  “And then you’re all mine, Celine. Nothing else to worry about.”

  She bites her lip. “You say that like it’s a bad thing.”

  “It might be. Do you know what it means to be mine, Celine?”

  “I think so,” she whispers

  I smirk at her, spit in my palm and stroke my cock. I don’t answer. I just press my cock against her ass and slowly push inside.

  She groans, eyes a little wide.

  “Relax,” I whisper. “Just relax.”

  She puts her face in the pillow as I slide myself inside of her. She feels so fucking good, her tight little virgin ass wrapped around my cock. I fill her up and then some, practically too big for her.

  But I don’t care. She has one more lesson.

  I slowly fuck her. I reach around her hips and rub her clit as my cock slides in and out of her tight little ass. She groans as I slide myself in and out, gently at first, getting her used to the sensation.

  I work her clit, making her feel good. I spank her, tease her, and fuck her a little faster.

  I grab her hair and thrust inside. She groans when I lean forward. “Every inch of you is mine, Celine,” I whisper. “Every single inch is mine to play with however I want. Can you handle that?”

  “Yes,” she moans.

  “Can you? Do you want more, love?”

  “More,” she says. “Please, Dawson. I want more.”

  “Good girl,” I say and start to fuck her harder.

  I take her tight little ass as my own. I’m claiming her, making her know who I am. I’m the man that can fuck her ass whenever I want to, whenever it pleases me, and she’s going to love it. Every day, I’ll give her a new feeling, a new pleasure, a new way to fuck that she hadn’t pictured before.

  I’m going to push her boundaries and take her places she never dreamed.

  And maybe, just maybe, I’ll finally find that thing I’ve been craving. That little bit of stability in this messed-up world.

  Just because I don’t f
ollow its rules, doesn’t mean I don’t understand them.

  And I understand why it matters, having a partner and someone to love.

  I grab her hips. I slap her ass. I fuck her deep and rub her clit.

  She takes it, moans, works her back. She gets into it and I can tell she’s starting to like the sensation of her ass getting fucked nice and rough. It’s a new sensation, a new feeling. Just one of many.

  I kiss her lips over her shoulder and thrust deeper. She moans and takes it. I keep working her clit, faster and faster.

  She groans and begs me to keep going. She’s up on her knees, grinding down on my cock as I work her clit. I can tell she’s close as my fingers work her.

  I keep my cock deep in her ass while I rub her clit. I keep going, kissing her neck, her throat. I grab her hair rough.

  She gasps. I move my hips, sliding in and out again, and that pushes her over the edge.

  She comes hard as my fingers roll along her clit. She gasps and tenses, her whole body lightning hot. I push her forward as she’s finishing and fuck her ass, taking my pleasure now.

  I groan and spank her ass red again. I grab her hair. I tease her breasts. I fuck her hard and come deep inside her ass.

  She groans as I fill her. I know she’s never felt something like this before, but I bet she’s going to beg for it again.

  When I’m finished, I slide myself out. I walk over to the bureau and take a key from the top drawer.

  She stares up at me, breathing deep, sweating slightly.

  “Good girl,” I say, and kiss her gently before unlocking the handcuff.

  She rubs her wrist and slowly sits up. She kisses me gently then stands.

  “I need a shower this time,” she says, and laughs.

  I grin along with her. I feel giddy and stupid. I don’t care.

  I sit in the bathroom while she showers and we talk about the future, like two young lovers, like two people about to go to war, uncertain they’ll come back from it.




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