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His Taste Box Set: The Pine Grove Complete Collection

Page 25

by Hamel, B. B.

  It’s just spaghetti with meat sauce.

  But it tastes so, so good.

  It’s the first real meal I’ve had since my money ran out about a week ago. Nobody’s been nice enough to feed me this much, and so I’ve been living on scraps, but mostly I’ve just been hungry.

  And now he’s cooking for me. God, he’s actually cooking for me.

  I feel so stupid. I know this shouldn’t matter as much as it does, but it’s been so long since someone’s been nice to me. I mean, so many people want to use you and hurt you out on the road. I had to learn that pretty fast. Rhett might be like that, but…

  But he’s different. At least he’s different enough. He doesn’t want to just use and abuse me. He wants something else, too.

  I just don’t know what that is yet.

  I want to find out.

  After a half hour, I hear the door unlock again. I’m just cleaning off my plate as he comes down the steps, a bag held in his arms. He drops it down on the floor as he puts his hands on his hips.

  “Are you cleaning?” he asks.

  I nod. “I just finished. I thought I’d wash up.”

  He laughs. “You don’t have to do that.”

  “It’s okay. It’s what I’m supposed to do.”

  He cocks his head. “You’re not supposed to do anything, little Emma. Not unless I tell you to.”

  I blush a little. “I’m sorry. I didn’t mean to break the rules.”

  He sighs. “Relax. You’re doing fine.” He bends over then opens the bag up. “How do you feel about getting changed?”

  I try to suppress a smile. I put the clean plate and silverware down in the drying rack and step toward him, tugging at the sleeve of my sweater. I don’t remember when I last put on something actually clean. Probably since before I left.

  “Come here,” he says, taking out a pair of jeans and a sweatshirt. “What do you think?”

  They’re plain but they look fine. At this point, I couldn’t care less.

  “Thanks,” I say as he hands them to me.

  I turn toward the bedroom.

  “Stop,” he says.

  I look back at him. “Sorry?”

  “Take off your clothes.”

  I stare for a second. My heart starts beating fast. I know what he just said but it’s taking my brain a second to process it.

  “You want me to… take off my clothes?”

  “Right here. Let me watch.”

  Laughter bubbles up from my chest. I’ve never taken my clothes off in front of a man before. The idea of letting him watch me get changed is… well, it’s crazy.

  But he’s not joking. He’s watching me carefully, arms crossed now. He’s so damn handsome, so intense, and I know I’m not getting out of this. As soon as our eyes lock, I know I’m going to do what he wants.

  “Take off your clothes, Emma,” he says softly.

  I put the clean clothes on the back of the couch and bite my lip. My heart’s beating so fast but I figure I’ll just get it over with. If he wants to watch me, so what, it’s not a big deal. It’s just a body.

  I start with my jeans. I unbutton the fly, unzip it, and pull them down. I’m wearing simple black panties and I suddenly feel so naked with him staring at me like that.

  His eyes roam my skin. “Turn around,” he says as I step out of my pants.

  I hesitate but I obey. I let him look at my ass, my cheeks turning bright red.

  “You have a gorgeous body,” he says softly. “Has anyone ever told you that before?”

  I can’t help but laugh again. “No. God, no.”

  “Really?” He sounds surprised. “Perky, firm ass. Smooth skin. You’re very pretty. You know that, right?”

  I bite my lip and shake my head. “I don’t have a lot of experience with boys.”

  He grunts a little. “You won’t get any boys here, little Emma. There’s only me.”

  I blush some more, feeling stupid. Of course he’s not a boy. Rhett is a man, a lot older than me, a lot more experienced.

  “The panties now,” he says. “Go ahead.”

  I slide them down my skin. He’s watching the whole time, eyes taking in every single detail. I know this is wrong. My parents would kill me if they knew about this. I can already imagine the beating my father would give me, and my mother would tell me that I’m tainted now, that I’m broken and used and worthless.

  But I don’t feel worthless or broken. I feel good, weirdly good. All he’s doing is looking at me, but I can tell he likes what he’s seeing. I can tell he likes me.

  The thought sends shivers down my spine. I don’t think anyone’s ever looked at me like this before.

  “Now the top,” he says.

  I pull my sweater off, dropping it on the pile of my clothes. This time, I don’t hesitate. I take off my bra right away.

  I let him look at me, and he lets out a soft groan.

  “Fuck,” he whispers. “Turn around.”

  I turn for him, slowly. I let him look at my body. My nipples are hard from the cold, or maybe from excitement, and I think my pussy’s wet. I can’t remember the last time I was this wet, and I’m not sure I ever have been before.

  “Fucking hell,” he says. “You’ve never let a man look at you before, have you?”

  I shake my head. I resist the urge to cover my breasts. “Never,” I admit.

  “Shit,” he whispers. “You’re perfect. Little pink nipples, perky breasts, gorgeous hips. You have no clue how gorgeous you are, little Emma.”

  I blush and cover myself now, suddenly feeling self-conscious. He shakes his head and steps closer. I think he’s about to touch me, but he stops himself.

  “Don’t cover,” he says, visibly holding himself back.

  I drop my arms. “Okay,” I say. “I won’t. If you want to look… I guess that’s okay.”

  He groans again. “It’s very okay, Emma. Fucking hell. You have no clue just how beautiful you are.”

  I’m blushing like mad and my nipples are so hard I feel like they’re going to break. I look away from him, over at the clean clothes hanging over the back of the couch.

  “Go ahead,” he says finally. “Put them on.”

  I grab the top first and pull it over my head. It’s a little big, but it’s warm and it smells like detergent. I pull on the jeans next, and they just barely fit.

  “Not bad,” he muses and carries the bag over to me. “Here, these should all fit. Wear whatever you want.”

  I take the bag and dig through it. There are shirts, shorts, pants, bras, and underwear in there. But no socks and no shoes.

  “Thank you,” I say.

  “Sure.” He takes my old clothes. “I’ll wash these for you.”

  “You don’t have to do that.”

  “It’s fine.” He pauses, staring at me, and I know he’s thinking about what’s underneath my new clothes.

  I want him to think about it, I realize suddenly. I want him to imagine my body. He clearly liked it, and I have to admit, I liked him looking at me. I’ve never been given that kind of attention before in my life and it felt so good.

  He turns away from me. I can tell he doesn’t want to. I can see it in the tension of his body.

  “You should get some sleep,” he grunts at me. “I bet you haven’t slept much on the road.”

  I bite my lip. He’s not wrong. I think back to all the fear, the terror of sleeping out in public, the desperation…

  “How do you know that?” I ask him.

  “You’re not the first drifter to pass through,” he says. “I’ve heard the stories. And a pretty girl like you…” He looks back at me. “You’re lucky I found you.”

  “Yeah. Lucky.”

  He watches me before shaking his head and walking to the stairs. “I’ll see you in the morning,” he says.

  I watch him slowly climb up. I don’t say anything, even though I want to ask him to stay.

  I want to know more about the man that’s keeping me captive. I want
to know more about the man that’s driving me absolutely insane.

  Maybe my parents were right. Maybe I am full of demons.

  But no, that can’t be right, because this feels too good.

  “See you soon,” he says, disappearing upstairs.

  I hear the lock thunk shut. I’m left alone in the little basement prison apartment with a bag of clean clothes and the television.



  I wake up with the hardest fucking morning wood I’ve ever had in my life.

  I thought about her all night. I wanted to go back down there, rip off those clothes, fuck her rough and deep and take what I need. She’s so fucking gorgeous and she’s down there, right down there, begging for me to come fuck and ravish her.

  But I don’t. Not yet. She needs to rest, to get her strength up. I wasn’t kidding when I said life on the road is hard.

  But fucking hell. My cock just won’t relax. I get up and manage to control myself before showering off and heading into the kitchen. It’s early, just a little past seven, and I don’t know how long she’ll sleep.

  I don’t really care. I make her some eggs and coffee, and head downstairs, my heart beating fast in my chest, my cock already stirring.

  Fucking hell. I keep seeing that body. Perfect tits, amazing ass. And she says nobody’s ever seen her naked before…

  Fucking shit. I think she’s a goddamn virgin like she said.

  Maybe she’s lying. There’s still the possibility that she’s savvier than I realize. Maybe she’s a smart drifter, good at lying. Maybe I should be more careful around her.

  But I don’t think so. I saw the way she looked at me last night. That was pure lust in her eyes. She liked that I was staring at her body. She liked taking her clothes off for me.

  Nobody’s ever given her that kind of attention before. Well, she’s about to get a lot more of it.

  The lights are off in the main room. I carry her breakfast over to the kitchen and place it down on the table. When I’m done, I walk back to her bedroom and open the door.

  She’s lying on the bed in a tangle of sheets. She sits up on one elbow, staring at me, wearing only a pair of panties and a plain white t-shirt, her nipples hard under the thin white fabric. Our eyes meet and she doesn’t look afraid.

  I walk toward her. “Morning,” I say softly.

  “Morning,” she whispers.

  I stop at the end of the bed. She stares down at me, not moving, not covering herself up.

  Fucking hell.

  I can’t handle it anymore.

  I reach forward and grab her ankle. She bites her lip as I pull her toward me. She slides down the bed as I tear the sheets away. She gasps as I grab her hips and pull her against me, legs off the end of the bed.

  I grab the hem of her shirt and lift it over her head. She digs her fingers into my lower back and stares up at me, nipples hard, mouth hanging open.

  I grip her chin, tilt her toward me, and kiss her.

  She doesn’t hesitate or shy away. She kisses me back like she’s been expecting it, dreaming about it, wanting it all night long. And I love it, her tongue in my mouth, her taste on my lips. She’s fucking incredible, that kiss, that soft little moan she makes as I cup her breasts and tease them.

  She groans when I drop down onto my knees. I pull her legs open wide and kiss her chest, licking her nipples, teasing with my tongue and teeth. She groans when I kiss her neck and pull her hair back tight. She gasps as I kiss down her body and pull her panties off.

  She raises her hips as I slide them down over her ass. I kiss her inner thigh, up around her pussy and finally lick her top to bottom, tasting her dripping wet cunt.

  I knew she’d be wet for me. I knew she wanted this as much as I did, but god damn. It still drives me wild, this gorgeous girl, this fucking virgin. She’s my goddamn captive and yet she wants me to suck her little cunt as badly as I want it.

  I push her back down onto the bed and lick her pussy. She groans and rolls her hips, a little awkward at first. I bet she’s never had a man’s mouth between her legs like this before.

  “Just relax, little Emma,” I say softly as I press a finger inside her. She gasps and looks at me, pretty lips parted. “Just relax. Let me take care of you.”

  She moans as I suck and lick her clit. She rolls her hips and I pull her tight against me. I have to keep her legs spread wide, her hands pinned down at her sides. She wants to wriggle away, but I won’t let her escape.

  “Let me lick his cunt,” I growl at her. “Don’t try and fight me.”

  “Please,” she groans. “I’ve never… it’s too much.”

  I laugh and slide my fingers inside of her again, stroking in and out. “You think it’s too much? Girl, you haven’t felt anything yet.”

  She moans as I suck and lick her clit faster, fingers sliding in and out of her pussy. Her eyes are wide with shock and pleasure and she’s moaning, losing herself, loosening up as the pleasure takes over.

  I’m not a nice man. I’m not a gentle man. But I take her to her limits and beyond, sucking and licking, pushing her body with skill. She responds to every touch, every lick, every stroke of my fingers.

  I can read her like a book, play her like an instrument. And god damn, I love it. She’s fucking wild, delicious, beautiful, and untouched.

  I’m going to touch her. I’m going to make her all mine.

  By the end of this, she’ll know exactly what it’s like to get fucked by a man.

  I keep going, fingers stroking, tongue licking. She doesn’t take long, not long at all. She’s moaning loudly and rolling her hips and soon, I can tell she’s close. I can tell she wants to come.

  I wonder briefly if she’s ever gotten off before.

  I don’t care. I keep going. I push her to her limit and right to the edge.

  “Come for me,” I say, stroking her.

  “Oh, shit. I don’t know how.”

  “Relax and let it take you.”

  She groans as I lick her faster. She rolls her hips again and I press my fingers deeper.

  She gasps and I can feel it. She comes hard, moaning, her whole body twitching and shaking. I keep going, licking her through it, making her come so hard her voice almost goes hoarse.

  But slowly, she comes down. When she’s done, I stand up and step back, staring down at her gorgeous naked body. She’s sweating and breathing hard, staring up at me with shock and lust in her eyes.

  “I brought you breakfast,” I say. “It’s in the kitchen.”

  I turn and leave the room.

  I have to shut the door behind me. Holy fucking damn. That girl is gorgeous, so fucking beautiful. I bet she has no fucking clue what she’s doing to me.

  I hurry away, heading back upstairs before I lose any more control of myself.



  As soon as I finish breakfast, I know I have to get out of here.

  It’s not that I feel like I’m in danger. Actually, I probably should be a little more afraid for myself.

  I mean, I’m locked in this guy’s basement and I barely know anything about him. I know he’s the chief of police, so I should be able to trust him, but…

  There’s something strange about him. He’s handsome and charming and he makes my stomach do flips when he’s around, but it’s strange. I mean, I don’t understand why he has this prison in his basement at all, and why he just happened to have some clothes for me.

  I’m not sure I believe a lot of what he’s saying.

  Still, none of that is what’s making me want to escape. So he has some secrets and he’s not telling me the whole truth. I’ve been living my whole life with people that keep things from me, want to hurt me, want to abuse me, destroy me. Rhett isn’t nearly as bad as my parents are.

  It’s everything else that makes me want to run away. It’s his hands on my body, his mouth between my legs. It’s the way I so readily took my clothes off for him like it was no big deal. It felt so good to let
him watch me naked, to let his eyes roam my skin, and then later…

  I’ve never felt that before. I mean, I’ve touched myself in the middle of the night when nobody would hear me. I even gave myself an orgasm once or twice. But that, what he did…

  It was amazing.

  Holy shit, it was amazing.

  Now I get why people are obsessed with sex. It’s incredible, it feels so freaking good, and I realize just how much I’m willing to give up to get another taste of what he can give me. His mouth between my legs was so dirty, so filthy, and so wrong. I was raised to never, ever let a man touch me like that, and part of me still clings to those old ideas.

  But that only makes me want it even more. That only makes it so much hotter, so much dirtier. Every time I think about him feeling my breasts, teasing my hard nipples, tonguing my wet pussy, it drives me totally wild with how wrong and how right it felt.

  I think I’d do anything for another taste of that. Which is why I have to get out of here.

  I don’t know what I’m willing to give up to him if he can keep making me feel that way, and I don’t think I want to find out.

  It terrifies me just thinking of losing myself to this man. I can already feel part of me drifting away, some part of me deep down yearning for him to take me, control me, give me what I want, tell me what to do. I crave that kind of master, that kind of domination. Maybe it’s because of the way I was raised, I don’t know, but it feels good to do what he tells me to, and to let him do whatever he wants to my body.

  I think I’d beg him for more if he asked. I think I’d let him do whatever he wanted.

  I have to get out of here before I lose myself completely. I know I’ll let him take me and control me and I know I’ll love it. I know it’ll feel so good to lose myself to this man.

  I can’t let it happen, though.

  After I’m done eating, I clean my plate and I start looking around for some way out.

  Just like he said, there are no windows. It’s a little spooky, and I realize now that I’m basically completely in the dark down here. Aside from the television, I have no access to the outside world. It could be the middle of the night right now for all I know.


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