Forever My Cowboy

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Forever My Cowboy Page 10

by June Faver

  “I—I’m pleased to meet you, Mr. Garrett,” she said.

  Big Jim patted her hand. “Now, none of that ‘Mr. Garrett’ stuff. Just call me Big Jim. We actually met at Sara and Jason’s wedding, but you had to meet a lot of Garretts.”

  “And this is my cousin Tyler and his wife, Leah, and their kids.” Cade indicated the couple still standing in the doorway. “And that’s Miz Fern. She’s Leah’s grandmother.”

  The small woman regarded Jenn solemnly through a pair of wire-rimmed glasses but raised one hand in a silent greeting.

  “I’m happy to meet all of you. Won’t you please come in? I didn’t mean to ignore you.” Jenn gestured for them to enter.

  “You seemed to be busy,” the woman named Leah said. She touched the infant in her husband’s arms. “Children have to come first.”

  * * *

  Big Jim Garrett checked out the woman who was creating such a stir in his extended family. Everyone was mourning the death of Jason and Sara LaChance, but it seemed that this very attractive young woman had a pretty good head on her shoulders, despite what his nephew had first intimated.

  He liked that they had caught her in the act of comforting a small child. When she did not answer the door, Cade had twisted the knob and revealed this Jennifer woman sitting on the floor in her pretty dress with Leo in her lap.

  Big Jim especially liked that she had been honest with Leo. She had found a way to break the bad news about his parents’ deaths in a way that he could understand and also give him confidence that he and his sister would be well taken care of.

  At that moment, Big Jim felt a slight pressure at his knee. He looked down to see a mass of long, white fur with a black nose. “And what is this?” He leaned down to pick it up. “Almost looks like a dog.”

  “Minnie is our doggy,” Leo asserted.

  “Is that so?” Big Jim squatted down to Leo’s level still holding the fur ball named Minnie.

  Leo nodded solemnly. “Minnie is a good doggy.”

  “Good. Every boy should have a good dog.”

  “I, uh, I set the table in the dining room,” Jennifer said. “I’m still getting used to the house. I’m finding things in places I wouldn’t have thought to look.”

  “Everything looks lovely,” Leah offered. “I hope you’re getting settled in okay.”

  Jennifer appeared to be a little shy, which surprised Big Jim, since from Cade’s description she was a “bubble-headed little flake” who couldn’t possibly be trusted with the children’s welfare…but from what he could see, she appeared to be doing a bang-up job.

  “Uh, we brought food,” Cade said. For his part, he looked somewhat in awe of the woman. He gestured toward the front door. “I’ll go bring it in.”

  “I’ll help you,” Tyler offered. He leaned over to give Leah the infant carrier and a kiss on the temple, and then he followed Cade out the door.

  Big Jim gave Minnie a scruffle behind what he suspected were her ears and set her on the floor. He couldn’t help smiling when the dog immediately zipped to the sofa and jumped up to settle next to the sleeping Lissy.

  Big Jim turned back to gaze at Jennifer. “Well, let’s get things set up, shall we?”

  Suddenly, her big-eyed, serious expression morphed into a dimpled grin. “I think I’m pretty well set up, at least I hope so. Come and see.” She took Leo by the hand. “Let’s go see if Big Jim likes the way we set the table.”

  She led the way back to the dining room, where Big Jim was surprised to see the table was set for six with a high chair pulled up close. There was a pale-blue tablecloth, and it appeared that a leaf had been added to the table.

  There was a bouquet in the center of the table with freshly clipped roses in a low bowl.

  Big Jim couldn’t suppress a smile. “Well, little lady, I haven’t eaten at a table this nice since my dear wife was alive.” He blinked a couple of times to keep from embarrassing himself by tearing up. “She loved to set some posies on the table. Looks real nice.”

  Jennifer dimpled again, and a little more color flushed her cheeks. “Thanks, Mister…Big Jim. Roses were my mother’s hobby. She was an avid gardener.” She gestured toward the back of the house. “I was really happy to see those old rose bushes growing by the back porch.”

  Cade and Tyler came into the room, each bearing a cooler.

  “I’ve got the hot stuff,” Cade announced.

  “And I’ve got the cold stuff.” Tyler lifted the cooler.

  Leah brought up the rear with her grandmother and the young girl. “Gran closed the front door and I brought the baby.”

  Big Jim gave her a big grin. “Good work, ladies.”

  Jenn gestured toward the table. “Well, uh…I made sweet tea, but that’s about all.”

  “We gots ice cweam,” Leo announced solemnly.

  Big Jim ruffled the boy’s soft hair. “That’s good ’cause I really like ice cream.”

  Cade and Tyler returned from the kitchen, having arranged the contents of the coolers on the kitchen countertops.

  “Okay, we have a plan,” Cade announced. “There’s too much food to pile it all on the table, so why don’t we dish up the food here in the kitchen?”

  “Um, sure,” Jennifer said. “That makes sense. I’m going to go wake Lissy and get her in her high chair.” She walked away, leaving Big Jim with a big smile.

  “I like her,” he said.

  “I do too,” Leah said.

  “She sure has a way with that little ’un,” her grandmother commented.

  Tyler shook his head before giving Cade a punch on his arm. “Yeah, what’s the matter with you? She’s Mary Poppins.”

  * * *

  What is the matter with me? Cade stared after Jenn’s retreating form. It appeared she was doing a great job. Why was it when she walked away from him, he had to fight down a rush of pure lust?

  He and Ty busied themselves in the kitchen. Big Jim poked his head in to tell them to pile his plate high.

  “Your father’s hungry,” Cade said.

  “Dad’s always hungry. He could eat a side of beef in one sitting.” Ty picked up a plate. “I’m going to make a plate for my wife and Miz Fern. You can shovel out some food for Big Jim.”

  “Sure thing.” Cade began to pile meat and the sides on a plate for his uncle. Ty was giving him a weird look. “Okay, why the face?”

  “You’re such a jerk.” Ty shook his head. “Jennifer is a beautiful woman. The way you described her, I was expecting a raving lunatic.”

  Cade’s mouth tightened, and he heaved a huge sigh. “I know, but when she first came here, she was different…crazy.”

  Ty shot him another sharp glance, totally disbelieving. He balanced two plates and backed out of the kitchen, using his shoulder to open the swinging door. “Here you go, ladies. Only the best for my girls.”

  The door swung closed, cutting off the response from Leah and Fern, but when it opened again, it was Big Jim who pushed through.

  “Gimme a plate for Leo. Maybe a chicken leg and some veggies.” He picked up a plate and held it out for Cade to fill. “How ’bout Miss Jennifer. Ain’t she a beaut?”

  Cade kept his focus on the potato salad. “Um, yeah. She’s a fine-looking woman.”

  Big Jim was grinning. “Not just another pretty face, huh? She’s got this mama thing down pat. Kids look great.”

  “Yeah, they do.” He added a spoonful of coleslaw to the plate.

  “Now, don’t get your panties in a wad,” Big Jim said. “I just think you owe Jennifer an apology. She’s doing a great job.”

  “I was too,” Cade snarled, then took a deep breath and expelled it. Not a good idea to show disrespect to his uncle.

  “Sure you were, son…but kids that young need a mama. You can be lots of things, but you sure ain’t no mama.”

sp; That truth hit him like a punch to the gut. Big Jim was right. “I had visions of the kids growing up on the ranch. You know, teaching them to ride and doing 4-H projects.”

  Big Jim placed one of his big paws on Cade’s shoulder. “You can still do lots of things with them, but, Cade…you just ain’t equipped to be what those kids need most right now.”

  Cade swallowed hard. “I feel like I owe it to Sara to make sure her children are taken care of.”

  “Don’t be such an asshole. It’s not an either/or situation. You can still be a part of their lives. Do you think if your sister and her husband had any doubts as to whether little Miss Jennifer was up to the task, they would have entrusted her with their precious children?”

  “I suppose you’re right.”

  “Just give her a chance, Cade. It will all work out.”

  Cade turned and handed the plates he had filled to his uncle. “This one’s for you and this is for Leo.”

  Big Jim’s expression let Cade know that he could read everything he was feeling.

  Chapter 10

  Jenn had changed Lissy and brushed her hair. She looked a little sleepy still, but when they entered the dining room, Lissy took one terrified look at all the people, buried her face against Jenn’s neck, and began to whimper.

  More kid snot. Jenn jiggled her a little and patted her back. “Are you hungry? Let’s get you ready to eat something really good.” She tried to put the child in the high chair, but Lissy clung to Jenn’s neck and let out a loud wail. “Okay, don’t cry. You can sit in my lap.”

  Big Jim pulled out a chair at one end of the table and held it while she was seated.

  “Thanks,” she said, settling Lissy in her lap.

  For her part, Lissy was just whimpering and gnawing on her forefinger now, but her lashes were spangled with tears.

  Big Jim touched Jenn’s shoulder, and when she looked at him, he handed her a large white cotton handkerchief. “Thought you might be able to use this.”

  “Thank you.” Jenn used the handkerchief to mop up Lissy’s tears, drool, and snot. When she looked up, Leah and her grandmother were smiling at her, and Big Jim was too. Maybe I’m doing something right.

  Big Jim seated himself at the opposite end of the table with Fern Davis, Leah’s grandmother, on his left and Leah on his right. Tyler had brought in plates to both women, and Cade came to stand beside Jenn. He offered a plate, mumbling that it was for Leo, but Big Jim spoke up.

  “Right here with that plate. My friend Leo is going to be my dining buddy tonight.” Big Jim patted his knee.

  Leo gazed up at him solemnly. “I a big boy now.”

  Big Jim looked at Jenn, obviously confused.

  She smiled. “Leo’s my big boy, so he sits right at the table beside me while I feed Lissy. It’s our thing.”

  Big Jim busted out laughing. “Well, you go on, big boy. Do your thing.”

  Leo scrambled to drag his special chair right up to the table beside Jenn. This had been his high chair, but the tray had been removed so it brought the young boy right up to table height.

  She looked up at Cade. “Could you please lock the brake on it…and maybe help him get situated.” She smiled at Lissy. “Got my hands full here.”

  Cade placed the plate on the table and gave Leo a boost into the chair. He pushed it up close to the table and set the brake with his boot. “I’ll bring you a plate, Jennifer.”

  Eventually, everyone had been served, and while Ty seated himself next to Leah, Cade slid onto the chair beside Jenn and Leo.

  Jenn felt the weight of Cade’s surreptitious observation, but she was confused. She had been the object of male interest since her teen years. This was different.

  Cade was an enigma. He ran hot and cold. At first he had been positively vibrating with rage, but now he seemed tongue-tied around her, and yet she felt moments of admiration. He sat near her and kept sneaking shy glances at her.

  This big cowboy was more than a little intimidating. Perhaps it was those intense, almost-turquoise eyes that seemed to cut into her soul like a laser. She was sure Cade could hold his own with any man, but she sensed that she might have somehow risen in his esteem.

  As if…

  But the meal went well. The food was delicious and there was conversation, mostly orchestrated by Leah and Tyler.

  She was able to slide Lissy into her high chair, where she mostly ate cooked baby carrots and drank milk from her sippy cup.

  Cade didn’t say much, but he laughed at the appropriate times when others said something funny and responded when directly addressed.

  After the main meal was eaten, Cade and Tyler jumped up, insisting they would clear the table and bring the aforementioned ice cream.

  Jenn was amused by this. Apparently the two had been close friends growing up and quipped back and forth. She thought this was the only time she could actually see glimpses of the real Cade Garrett.

  Ice-cream dishes were also cleared quickly, and Big Jim decided he should join the two younger men in the kitchen.

  “Why don’t you ladies relax and get to know each other while we take care of the clean-up?” Big Jim made a rising motion with his hands as though the women were supposed to leave the table.

  “Well, this little one needs to be changed,” Leah announced. “Where can I change him?”

  “There’s a changing table in the kids’ room.” Jenn lifted Lissy out of her high chair and led the way to the room the children shared. “Lissy is getting to be pretty big for it now, so I usually just throw her down wherever we are to make the change.” Jenn checked Lissy and was relieved that her diaper didn’t need to be changed.

  Leah gave a little giggle. “I remember when Gracie was at that stage, but I was too broke to spend money on a changing table. I just threw her down anywhere too.”

  Leah laid the infant on top of the changing table and began unwrapping him. “Tyler adopted Gracie, and they’re very close.”

  “She’s a beautiful girl.” Jenn felt a tightness in her chest. “That sounds lovely. And now you have this wonderful baby boy.”

  Leah leaned over to place a kiss on the baby’s forehead. “I am so very blessed. The way my life was going, I never imagined that I could be so happy.”

  Tears stung Jenn’s eyes, but she blinked rapidly. She wondered if she would ever experience this kind of happiness.

  By the time the Garrett entourage took their leave, Jenn felt a lot more relaxed about this family.

  Cade lingered behind, purportedly to say good night to Leo and Lissy, but as soon as his family members were out the door, he came to the door where Jenn stood waving.

  “I don’t suppose you like to ride,” he asked. “Do you?”

  She smiled and leaned back against the door frame. “I haven’t been on a horse since I was a schoolgirl.”

  He looked disappointed.

  “But I used to love riding. My brother and I spent a lot of time in the saddle.”

  That news seemed to bring Cade’s spirits back up. He swallowed hard. “I don’t suppose you might like to go for a ride with me…would you?”

  Jenn giggled. “Sounds wonderful, but I have two little children to take care of. Can’t exactly stuff them in saddlebags.”

  He laughed at that, and suddenly his face changed. He looked genuinely amused for the first time since their rocky first meeting. “I have a housekeeper. Mrs. Reynolds. I can pick you and the kids up and take you to my ranch. Mrs. Reynolds loves those children.” He seemed to have warmed up without his relatives standing by.

  “Sounds like fun. I’ll think about it.”

  He leaned closer. “Well, how about lunch tomorrow? I’ll bring Mrs. R to sit with the kids while we have a nice meal. I think we need to get to know each other a lot better.”

  “I—I guess we do.”

  He lean
ed even closer to brush a quick kiss across her lips.

  This caught her off guard, and she drew back, staring up at him in surprise.

  “I’m sorry,” he said. “You just looked so damned kissable, I couldn’t help myself.” The blue eyes seemed to be devouring her.

  She reached up to grab his face with both hands. “Well, you damned sure better kiss me then.”

  For just a moment, something feral flashed in his eyes. Then he slipped his arms around her, lowered his mouth to hers. This kiss was not so gentle, nor so fast. As his lips impacted hers, a spiral of lust twisted her insides. It had been so long since she had been kissed…and never with such unrestrained passion.

  Cade drew back, gazing at her face with such intensity she thought her heart was going to beat its way out of her chest.

  When his strong arms finally released her, she felt light-headed, as though she might fall.

  “Well…I mean…well…”

  He grinned, his face crinkling up in delight. “Yeah, me too.”

  * * *

  Cade drove back to his ranch, but he could hardly keep the grin off his face. He made a conscious effort to control it, but his head was filled with Jennifer. He pictured her sitting on the floor with a sobbing Leo on her lap, holding and comforting the heartbroken boy. Her kindness had given Leo some support when he needed it most. Lissy was too young to take it all in. But he felt confident that, when the time came, Jennifer would be there to give her the reinforcement she would need.

  Big Jim was right. Cade knew in his heart that the children needed Jennifer in her role of surrogate mother more than they needed him right now…but he hoped that a time would come when he would play an important role in their lives.

  He was glad she liked to ride, even if she had not been on a horse since she had been a teen. At least she knew which end of the horse was which.

  And they had a date. Well, at least a lunch date. He would take what he could get at this point.

  Cade turned off the highway onto the Farm-to-Market road leading to his ranch house. He always felt a sense of pride as he drove past the pastures that had been in his family for generations, knowing that he had done his part to maintain and improve the property.


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