The Sea Witch: A Wicked Villains Novel

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The Sea Witch: A Wicked Villains Novel Page 13

by Robert, Katee

That surprises a laugh out of me. “So you did. Was that a hint, darling? Would you like my mouth on your pussy?” I don’t wait for her answer to slide off the stool and to my knees, turning her so her back is to the counter. A position I don’t hold often. It doesn’t matter. I don’t have the patience right now to relocate us. I want a taste.

  She makes that sexy little whimper at the first swipe of my tongue. “You’re such a bad girl, Zurielle.” I kiss one thigh and then the other. “You know I’m the enemy, but you don’t care as long as I make you orgasm. Selfish, wanton girl. What do you have to say for yourself?”

  She braces her hands on the counter behind her. The move puts her on full display, and I’m not entirely sure it’s on accident. She bites her bottom lip and begs me with those big dewy eyes of hers not to make her answer. When I hold firm, she finally says, “Please don’t stop.”

  As if I have any intention of stopping. There will be time for orgasm deprivation and leaving her on the edge later. Right now, I want my dessert.

  I wedge my hands under her ass and pull her to my mouth. I figured out what touch she likes best last night, and I set to it now. I drive her ruthlessly higher and higher, until she’s whimpering and thrashing and it takes all my strength to pin her in place.

  When she comes, it’s with a sharp cry. “Ursa.”

  I suck her clit and dip down to drag my tongue through her folds once, twice, a third time. Soaking up every bit of her taste. I lean back and lick my lips. “Go to the living room and bend over the arm of the couch.”

  She stares down at me blankly. Her breath comes so harshly, her breasts shake a bit with each one. “What?”

  I slap her thigh, just hard enough to sting. “Do not make me repeat myself.”

  Zurielle stands on blatantly shaking legs and staggers out of the kitchen in the direction of the living room. I push slowly to my feet to find Alaric leaning against the sink with a towel in his hands. I raise my brows. “Would you like to watch?”

  “Yes, Mistress.”

  “Come along.” I lead the way into the living room. Zurielle has obeyed beautifully. She’s bent over the arm of the couch, her forearms propped on the cushion, her ass in the air. It’s such a cute little ass, though she could stand to gain some weight. I move to stand behind her and palm her cheeks. “So. You can be obedient. One wouldn’t know it with how you flounce in the face of simple orders. If you come again without permission, I won’t let you orgasm for a full twenty-four hours.” I give her one last squeeze and shift position. “Alaric, kneel here.” I point to the spot directly behind Zurielle, but far enough away that I won’t have to worry about striking him on accident.

  Once he’s in position, I deliver a devastating slap to Zurielle’s ass. If this wasn’t a punishment, I’d warm her up a bit more first, but that’s not on the current agenda.

  She cries out and jerks forward, but the couch arm stops her from being able to escape the second strike on her other ass cheek. Her skin blooms a delightful pink, and I hit her again, layering the strikes a little and changing up the tempo so she can’t anticipate me. I’m not hitting her hard enough to truly bruise, but she’ll feel the sting for a bit.

  She writhes, her breath sobbing out. I squeeze her ass, both soothing and riling her up. “Tell me how you feel.”

  “It hurts,” she sobs. “It hurts so much.”

  Disappointment flares, but I shove it down. This is just another reminder that Zurielle isn’t for the keeping. “Do not disobey me again.” I trace my thumbs down the lower curve of her ass and pause. “Zurielle?”

  “Yes, Mistress?”

  I stroke my thumbs over her pussy. She’s wet. Positively drenched. “Is all this from my mouth earlier? Answer honestly.”

  She hesitates so long, I almost give her another smack. Finally, she speaks in a small voice. “No, it’s not just from your mouth.”

  “Explain.” Cruel to demand this of her when she’s obviously embarrassed, but I don’t care. I am cruel when I want to be. Right now is one of those times.

  “It hurts.” She draws in a shuddering breath, her fingers spasming on the couch cushion. “But it’s made my skin feel like it’s on fire, and I can feel my heartbeat in my pussy.”

  “Mmm.” Many people have this response to spanking, but I can take nothing for granted. “Do you want me to stop?”

  “I…” She buries her face in the cushion, and I almost miss her reply. “No, Mistress.”

  A fucking delight.

  I give her clit a sweet little stroke and then go back to spanking her. She’s too new to take it much farther than I already have, but I enjoy the cries she makes. Just like I enjoy the heat in Alaric’s gaze as he watches us. I give Zurielle’s ass one last squeeze and turn to lean against the arm of the couch next to her. I crook my finger at Alaric. “Come here, lover.”

  Zurielle starts to sit up, but I place my hand on the space between her shoulder blades. “Hold still.”

  She tenses but manages to stay silent. Good girl. This is a different kind of punishment, one that I plan to enjoy just as much as the first.

  Alaric gives me a questioning look and, when I nod, lifts my dress. He peppers kisses up my thighs and then his mouth is on my pussy. He growls against my flesh, the dirty boy. I hold Zurielle down as Alaric licks me. It feels so strangely right to have both of them here, both of them catering to my whims, taking care of both of their needs. I dig the fingers of my free hand into Alaric’s hair and guide him up to my clit. “Make me come. You can take your time later.”

  He makes another growling sound but obeys, licking and sucking me the way I like. I’m already halfway there from playing with Zurielle, and it takes only a few minutes before my breath catches and I grind against Alaric’s mouth as my orgasm crashes over me. I let him keep kissing my pussy, enjoying how much he enjoys this. He might be selfish when it comes to having his needs met and pretending not to be guilt-ridden the rest of the time, but when Alaric is on his knees, he gives himself over to being mine entirely. It never stops being a heady feeling.

  I nudge Alaric back and fix my dress. “Go get her purse.” I don’t watch him to ensure he obeys. He will. I turn my attention to Zurielle and help her stand. She weaves a bit on her feet, and I catch her elbow. “I have plans for you, little Zurielle, but one thing has to happen first.”

  She blinks those big brown eyes at me and opens her mouth, no doubt to pepper me with questions, but remembers herself at last moment and closes it.

  Alaric returns to the living room with Zurielle’s purse in his hands. It’s just as small and cute as she is—and expensive. I nod. “Her phone.”

  Zurielle tenses as Alaric digs through her purse. I can’t help being amused at how confused he seems when he comes up with item after item—tampons and gum and power bars—from the small space. “Fuck, how much shit can you pack in here?”

  I give her a look. “Cis men are always so baffled at the hauling capabilities of purses.”

  Zurielle gives a little laugh and presses her hands to her mouth like she’s surprised at her response. Alaric finally finds the phone and hands it over. I almost hate to wipe her laughter away, but this week isn’t all fun and games and fucking.

  “Call your father.”


  I arch an eyebrow. “I spoke clearly enough.” I press the phone into her hands. “Call your father, Zurielle. I’m sure he’s beside himself with worry about his favorite daughter being missing.”

  Mutiny shines on her face. “You want to use me to hurt him.”

  “That’s not a secret, darling.” I lean closer. She smells like sex, and it takes more restraint than I anticipate not to drag my mouth over her shoulder and up to her neck. “Do you think he’s not looking for you? Imagine how many powerful people he’ll make enemies of in the process. He’ll endanger himself if he thinks he can bring you home. You don’t want that, do you?”

  “That’s not fair.”

  “It’s also not a lie. You
know how your father operates.” No matter how naive she is, how sheltered, she can’t avoid that truth. Triton is a rabid dragon of a man, hoarding the few things he cares about in this world and breathing fire at anyone who gets too close. Surely she’s smelled the fire, seen the ash.

  Zurielle can’t quite meet my gaze. “Yes. I know how he operates.” Her eyes skate to Alaric. He must have told her at least part of the truth, then. Good. Alaric doesn’t talk to enough people about what brought him to the Underworld. It’s ironic in the extreme that the one time he wasn’t being selfish to a fault is the time that his actions bit him in the ass hard enough to derail his life. I’m glad for it.

  It brought him to me, after all.

  I walk to the couch and motion to it. “Sit down and call your father. That’s not a suggestion; it’s a command.”

  She hesitates but finally nods. “Yes, Mistress.” Zurielle walks to the couch and, after the briefest hesitation, sinks onto it. She barely flinches when I join her on one side and Alaric does the same on the other.

  Zurielle takes a deep breath as if to brace herself and clicks her father’s contact. The volume is loud enough to hear it ring from this close, and a deep voice answer. She swallows hard. “Hi, Daddy.”

  Chapter 17


  There’s a reason I didn’t find the time to call home those two days I was in the Underworld before the auction. And I certainly had no intention of doing it now. Too bad I don’t have a choice.

  My father’s voice in my ear is usually a comfort. He’s larger than life in a completely different way from Ursa. They both dominate a room, but my father has been the cornerstone of my life. My protector. Sometimes my jailor. The one who lifted me up, but then ensured I didn’t fly too far.

  If Alaric is to be believed, he’s also a very bad man who does very bad things.

  I wish I could call Alaric a liar, could dismiss his story out of hand. I can’t. There’s too many little things that line up with what he’s said, things that I’ve ignored until this point. Things I can’t afford to ignore any longer.

  And the longer I’m outside of his house, the better I can breathe. Surely that’s not normal? I have no doubt my father loves me, but love isn’t supposed to constrict around a person until they can’t manage a full inhale. It’s not supposed to feel like a trap around your leg.


  “Zuri? Are you okay? I’ve been worried sick.”

  I open my mouth to assure my father that I’m fine, but that’s not what comes out. “Do you kill people, Daddy? I know that you oversee stolen goods and drugs. Do you oversee human trafficking, too? How deep does the rot go?”

  He’s silent for several beats, his breathing coming down the line. “Where are you? It’s time for you to come home.”

  Anger flares. It’s not solely directed at him. A healthy chunk is aimed directly at me, at my willful ignorance. There were so many times over the years when I could have asked questions, could have pushed against the boundaries he built up around me, but I was content to be a bird in a cage. Spoiled to an absurd degree, but trapped all the same. Trapped. He kept me all but locked up, yes, but I didn’t challenge him once. Not until I met Alaric. Not until I left Olympus.

  “I’m not coming home. Not when my father’s a liar and a thief and maybe even a murderer.”

  “Zurielle Ti Rosi, don’t you dare take that tone with me.”

  “Or what, Daddy? Are you going to threaten to break every bone in my body?”

  He huffs out a breath, sounding like a bull about to charge. “You’re my daughter, and I know what’s best for you.”

  “I notice that you didn’t respond to that. Is it because you’ve made that threat so many times, you can’t begin to guess who I’ve been talking to?” Oh, I’m truly angry now. I didn’t even realize how angry until this very moment. “How could you? You bully and preach and force me and my sisters into the boxes you think we should fit into, until we’re damn near paragons of virtue, until we can’t make a single step out of line for fear of your anger and disappointment, and you’re leaving the house every day to play the hypocrite.”

  “That’s enough.”

  “That’s nowhere near enough.” So much of my life has been a lie, and it’s because of him. Maybe it isn’t love at all. Maybe it’s greed and possession. He doesn’t want daughters with their own thoughts and feelings and ambitions. He wants pretty dolls to move about at his will. I won’t go back to that. I can’t.

  I startle when Ursa touches on my leg. She holds out a hand. I almost ignore that silent command, but I’m furious enough to want to hurt my father. And this will hurt him. I hand her the phone.

  Her lips curve. “Good girl.” She lifts the phone to her ear. “Hello, Triton. It’s been far too long since we last spoke.”

  I want to listen, to slide closer until I can eavesdrop to both sides of the conversation, but Alaric grabs me and hauls me over to straddle his lap. “What are you doing?” I whisper.

  “She’s proving a point. Now it’s your turn.” He kisses me before I can ask more questions, and it’s just as well. I don’t need to listen to know what my father is saying to Ursa. He’s yelling and threatening. He’ll be too busy demanding she return me to let any important information about their past drop. Listening will only drive home how thoroughly I’ve shoved my head into the sand when it comes to who he truly is. What did Ursa say that first night? She’s a villain, but she’s not a monster.

  My father is a monster.

  I let Alaric kiss me, I let him pull me closer until we’re pressing together, skin to skin. No matter how much I hate that he lied to me, hate that he doesn’t care about me as much as I thought I cared about him, I can’t deny that he makes my body feel good.

  That’s what I need right now. The physical anchor into the here and now. For him to touch me and make me stop flogging myself over how long I stayed in my father’s house, the willing little doll. Maybe Ursa can even flog me for real later. It seems to help settle Alaric.

  Ursa shifts, and I lift my head in time to see her push mute on the phone. “Get a condom if you’re going to ride his cock. There’s extra in the cabinet next to the couch.” Without another word, she unmutes the phone and smiles. “Really, Triton, you should stop yelling. It can’t be good for your blood pressure.”

  I climb off Alaric long enough to rifle through the cabinet Ursa indicated. In addition to being half-filled with condoms, it also contains several bottles of lube, a number of silk ties, and padded handcuffs. “Ursa is prepared for everything.”

  “You have no idea.” Alaric grabs the condom out of my hand and rips it open. I lick my lips as I watch him roll it on. I wouldn’t let him near me last night, but that all seems so distant right now. I decided to take the pleasure I could this week, didn’t I? That’s enough reason not to stop myself from climbing back onto him.

  Either that or I’m as much a hypocrite as my father is.

  Alaric kisses me again before I can think too hard on that. He skates his hands down my back to grab my ass, and I whimper. I’m still sore from being spanked, and the feeling of his hands there both hurts and feels better than I could have imagined. I press myself fully against him, my breasts rubbing against his chest, the length of his cock creating a delicious friction against my clit.

  He lifts me and adjusts his angle, and then he’s pressing against my entrance. Alaric hisses out a breath. “You’re like a godsdamned vice around my cock. Go slow.”

  But I don’t want to go slow. I want to stop my mental spiraling and the only way to do that is to keep going until I can’t string two thoughts together. I already know Alaric can do that for me. I need him to do it now.

  I brace my hands on his shoulders and force myself down his cock. He stretches me, but it doesn’t sting nearly as much as last time. I just feel…full. So wantonly full.

  Alaric curses, but I don’t care because I’m already moving, letting my body guide me in a slow rolling mot
ion. His blue eyes have gone dark as he watches me. “You look so fucking good on my cock, Zuri.”

  “I told you…not to call me that.”

  “Yeah, you did.” He digs one hand into my hair and tows me down until his lips brush against mine, until I can taste his next words. “But no matter how pissed you are at me, we’re still friends.”

  “No, we’re not.” I slam down on his cock and moan. “I don’t even know you.”

  “Sure you do. Just not all of me.” He loops an arm around my waist and lifts me, turning and going to his knees next to the couch and setting me where he was just sitting. The couch is low enough that he barely has to adjust his angle to start fucking me.

  I thought he was deep before. It’s nothing compared to now, not when he loops his arms under my thighs and spreads me to allow him deeper. Alaric’s expression goes stormy as he fucks me hard enough that my breasts shake with each thrust. “Your pussy feels good, Zuri. You feel good.”

  I moan and run my hands up his arms. “Oh gods.”

  “Stroke that pretty clit of yours. I want to feel you come around my cock again.”

  I don’t know why I look at Ursa. I’ve been vaguely aware of her still talking in that viciously amused tone of voice this entire time, but I haven’t been able to focus on the words.

  She smiles at me and reaches out with her free hand to pinch my nipple. The shock of it makes me moan. Loudly.

  Ursa’s damn near grinning. “You’ve truly pissed off your precious daughter, Triton. Shall I describe exactly how my man is fucking her right now? Shall I describe exactly how I intend to fuck her later? It’s inspired enough that I do believe you’d approve if it was anyone other than your favorite daughter about to come all over his cock. Can you hear her, Triton? Those aren’t moans of protest. She’s enjoying every wicked moment of this.” She pinches my nipple again. “Apparently she’s not the good girl you worked so hard to make her into. A shame, that.”

  I can hear him yelling from here, and Ursa laughs and hangs up.


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