Barking Maddy's Puppy Love

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Barking Maddy's Puppy Love Page 12

by S M Mala

  ‘You’re thirty?’ Kylie said, choking on her words. ‘I thought you were twenty-two or something.’

  ‘Even she thinks you’re young for your age or that you act it!’ laughed Stan.

  ‘You do look young,’ added Kylie.

  ‘That’s good then. When I throw coins in the fountain to bag me a man I can say I’m younger than I am, which means I’ll have a wider choice.’ Maddy watched Ted start to look serious. ‘I won’t pick up any old bugger. Book the hotel and flights. At least you know when I’m flying and where I’m staying so you can check up.’

  ‘Okay, Kylie, do it and make sure you send me the itinerary and we get a respected tour guide to show her around. I don’t want you getting lost.’

  Kylie got up with her tablet in hand and walked out of his office.

  ‘What’s her bra size?’ Maddy asked, glancing at her phone.

  ’30 B but that’s when she’s padded. I think she’s more like an A,’ he said, not giving a sideways glance. ‘Kylie likes the push-up gel type of bras.’

  ‘And Stasia?’

  ’36 D.’ He then grinned. ‘No padding necessary.’ Ted then looked at her. ‘How’s your house guest?’

  ‘Oh, we sleep in the same bed, and it’s all very snuggly.’

  ‘You’re sleeping with Stan?’ he asked in utter alarm.

  ‘No! I thought you were talking about Phyllis. He, on the other hand, has been in my home for a fortnight and who knows what he gets up to. I hear him bashing on his laptop late at night and the early hours of the morning. Someone should have taught him how to touch type.’ Maddy smiled at Ted. ‘Is Stan a ‘no touchy’?’

  ‘No touchy?’

  ‘I can’t get my mucky paws onto him, not that I would.’ She glanced around the office and noticed a few photos on the table but mainly to conceal her expression that she would willingly accost her house guest. ‘Can I have a new bra? I need something to keep my 38 E’s in place.’

  ‘I have some in your size,’ he said, starting to smirk. ‘There’s a 34 C bralette in black. I didn’t know if you wanted the red one. It’s a bit racy.’

  ‘Jesus! I’m not a nun! Can I have both? Do they come with matching knickers? And why not padded ones?’

  ‘Madeleine, do you like Stan?’ Ted got up and sat next to her, swinging her chair so she could face him. ‘Tell me now.’

  ‘He’s a person, and we get on. I think we get on. I’m not so sure if he’d agree but give it time.’

  ‘And that’s it?’

  ‘Certainly is.’ Maddy diverted her eyes to look down at the floor.

  ‘Are you sure?’ He leaned closer to her face. ‘Look me in the eye.’

  Staring straight at him and trying not to blink, she did as she was told.

  ‘Do you or do you not like Stan?’ He asked one more time. ‘The truth.’

  ‘He’s very nice, and sometimes he is nice to me,’ she meekly replied before scrunching up her face. ‘Why? Has he complained about me leering at him?’

  Ted folded his arms and sat back in his chair, pondering on something for a few moments.

  ‘He asks a lot of questions about you, and it’s odd.’

  ‘Odd?’ Maddy leaned forward. ‘How do you mean odd?’

  ‘Like he’s interested to know about your behaviour and what you’re like. You know he asked me if you and I had done the business.’

  ‘Nosey little git! He asked me too, and I put him straight.’ Maddy looked at Ted. ‘Do you think he wanted to ask you what I was like in the sack?’

  ‘Madeleine Berkeley don’t be revolting!’ He let out a loud laugh. ‘I think he doesn’t get we’re just friends and always have been.’

  ‘You mean he can’t understand how you could have resisted my charms!’ she laughed, tapping his knee. ‘I hope you said there was a lot of will power involved.’

  ‘I thought he could be asking on behalf of Stasia, which would piss me off.’

  ‘Don’t be silly! He just wants fodder for his column I expect. Have you read it? My boss woman told me he is becoming a cult.’

  ‘Yeah, the guys in the pub said it’s really funny. Stan has a dry wit, but I’ve not read it yet. I’m not into that bloke thing.’ Ted smiled. ‘I’m more in tune with my feminine side.’

  ‘You take home the knickers and wear them, don’t you?’ she cheekily asked as he pinched her cheek. ‘I won’t tell.’

  ‘And he told me that you said you saw Tara recently.’ His face was instantly etched with concern. ‘Keep away from her. I don’t know what she’s doing back in this part of town as I heard she married some rich man and lives in the country. On her second marriage from the sound of it and got step kids.’

  ‘Ah, so they weren’t her young lovers then in the car.’

  ‘Some people don’t change, and she’s one of them. You can tell a bad egg from a mile, and she’s certainly one.’ Then Ted seemed apprehensive for a second.

  ‘What else did Stan say?’

  ‘He noticed how you eat; the portion sizes. Stan seems to be observing you.’

  ‘As if I’m a monkey in a lab?’ She thought hard wondering what Stan was up to. ‘He also doesn’t think I’m cut out to do the volunteering at the hospice.’ Just then, she could see her friend look away. ‘Ted, you don’t agree with him after all these years?’

  ‘Who sees you when one of them passes away and how broken you are? Then I worry it will tip you over the edge and you’ll become ill.’

  ‘It’s not a serious illness. It was bulimia. Only I know how to puke without getting it on your teeth. That takes some doing.’ She let out a little uncomfortable laugh knowing Ted didn’t think it was funny. ‘I’ve not done it for such a long time and knew the risk to my body. Amy Winehouse didn’t and look what happened to her.’

  ‘That’s what I worry about.’

  ‘I can’t sing so you’re safe.’ Maddy knew he was trying to find the words to say something. ‘You think I’m going to have a relapse? Why? Everything is good, so I can’t see why you would worry. Ted, you know I love you very much, and I won’t make myself sick again. I can control my feelings of hurt better than I did when I was a teenager. My previous relapses have been down to stress and what is there for me to stress out about?’

  Taking a deep breath, she sat back in her chair and realised he was troubled.

  It seems no-one was saying what they thought when it came to Maddy and what she did.

  Or what troubled them the most.

  ‘You run like a toddler.’

  Stan watched her the next day trying to jog. She wasn’t in the mood. ‘Can’t you run a little faster?’

  ‘It’s for charity. What’s the rush? I’ll get the money.’

  Phyllis was running about in park as Stan threw a ball for her to catch. He planned to see if Maddy could run.

  ‘This should take ten minutes not half an hour,’ he said, walking beside her as she jogged. ‘Are you moving?’ Stan burst out laughing and shook his head. ‘Is this the break neck speed you’re going to go?’

  ‘I do cheer you up, don’t I?’ Then she stopped. ‘I’m going to walk it.’

  ‘No, you’re not! You’re going to run it and show those kids at the hospice how determined you are.’

  ‘You're silly,’ she said, flicking her hand at him. ‘I’m going to do this to keep everyone off my back and then I won’t have to do it again.’

  ‘I’m running with you.’


  ‘I’m not going to mention your hospice in my column or anything like that, but I want to help out, so you can raise lots of money. That’s when I witness the halo lighting up over your head like a real angel.’

  She looked around the park. Families and people strolling or playing some family friendly sport. Phyllis was running around, full of the joys of spring and Mr. Gorgeous was examining her.

  ‘Stop asking about whether me and Ted and done the sexy jig,’ she said, startling him out of his thoughts. ‘And I eat small p
ortions because I’m prone to being a lard arse. And it’s really hard to shift weight as you get older, so I’m especially carefully.’

  ‘Anything else he told you?’ Stan glared. ‘Do you discuss everything?’

  ‘Not sex. We have to draw a line somewhere.’ Maddy started to do her little jog as he walked slowly by her side. ‘Do you discuss sex with your sister?’


  ‘Then have the common courtesy not to ask Ted personal questions. He doesn’t like it, and neither do I. He thinks you’re observing me as if I’m some weird species.’ She heard Stan laugh as he put his hand over his mouth to disguise it. ‘I’m an open book. Nothing much to say.’ He raised his eyebrows. ‘A lot to say but Muhammed Ali couldn’t stop talking and see how brilliant he turned out to be.’

  ‘You’re now comparing yourself to Ali.’

  ‘And Joan Rivers’’

  ‘They have something in common. Unfortunately, they are no longer on this earth.’

  ‘Then I will chat to make up for their loss. God bless their souls.’

  Suddenly he grabbed her, giving a massive hug then kissing her cheek. Stan held her for a few moments before pushing her away.

  ‘What was that for?’ she asked, eyeing him with suspicion but not wanting to think that she liked being in his arms, even for a second. ‘Did I say something?’

  ‘Nothing,’ he said, and she swore he looked guilty while deciding to jog ahead of her. Phyllis was running by his side, barking her happy head off. ‘Keep up!’

  It was an odd thing for him to do so she looked to see if there was anyone she recognised in the park, but there wasn’t.

  ‘And people say I’m mad!’ she huffed. ‘Wait up!’

  Maddy couldn’t stop smiling.

  ‘An infection?’

  Maddy was clenching her fist when Linda told her over the phone. ‘How ill is Dora?’

  ‘It’s a chest infection, and she needs to rest.’

  ‘She mentioned on the phone that she was poorly but why didn’t she tell me?’

  ‘You know what she’s like. Dora’s a fighter,’ Linda replied lightly, but Maddy could hear the worry in her voice. ‘She would like to see you.’

  ‘I’ll come right over.’

  ‘She’s in hospital.’

  It stumped her as she knew it was bad. Taking the deepest breath she could, Maddy composed herself for a second.

  ‘That’s a good place to be as she won’t get worse. I’ll be there as soon as possible.’

  ‘You know what they’re like about visiting hours.’

  ‘I volunteer to go there in my own time. Let them try and stop me!’

  Marching out of the house, she ran to the shop making sure she picked up the things Dora liked, including chocolate and fizzy sweets. Maddy didn’t want to admit that her heart was racing a quick speed and she felt sick with worry.

  Making sure all was stable in her bag, she left the shop and cycled non-stop to Dora, nearly colliding with an old man on his mobile scooter. The language he uttered was enough to make her break into a sweat.

  When she got to the hospital and locked her bike in the staff section, Maddy smoothed down her dress and hair, making sure she was presentable. As soon as she got to a dispenser, she slathered her hands, and anything else she could find, in antiseptic liquid.

  Then she walked to the paediatric ward greeting all the people she met.

  No-one was going to stop her.

  And it’s as if everyone was told not to.

  She walked straight into the room that Dora had when she was poorly and went in.

  Dora’s big brown eyes were at their largest ever as she looked at Maddy.

  And Maddy stood perfectly still, composing herself and trying her hardest not to show that she was utterly shocked at the contraptions surrounding her friend.

  ‘So here you are! And I was going to come to your house today. Luckily your mum called me to say you were making a fleeting visit here.’ She took off her rucksack and walked forward. ‘We shan’t kiss today. I may have bugs I picked up when I was cycling.’

  ‘Maddy, you’re not hiding it.’

  ‘Hiding what?’ she innocently asked, putting on a bright smile. ‘The chocolate in my bag?’

  ‘That took you all of half an hour from finding out to arriving at the ward.’

  ‘I’m very fit, and the intensive training I’ve been doing for the fun run has paid off immensely. I even cycle faster than before.’

  ‘I’m fine,’ the young girl said, starting to smile before removing her oxygen mask.

  ‘No!’ Maddy said rushing forward. ‘Keep it on!’

  ‘I’m not going to drop down dead if I don’t!’ laughed out Dora but Maddy couldn’t join in. ‘It’s a chest infection. It happens. Liam had a snotty little cold and didn’t wash his hands. Even after mum disinfected the whole house, his germs managed to get to me. I’ll be out tomorrow.’

  Slumping into the chair next to the bed, Maddy let out a loud sigh.

  ‘Some old man nearly ran me over on his mobility scooter. The language he used turned the air blue! I said to him ‘you really shouldn’t be saying that in public!’ He was most rude.’

  ‘What did he say?’

  ‘He told me to fuck off,’ she mumbled, seeing Dora start to laugh. ‘I mean, how rude is he?’

  ‘He’s old and doesn’t know better.’

  ‘Isn’t that what they say about children, that they don’t know any better?’

  ‘Thing is Maddy, I might not get to be old like your friend on the scooter.’

  Maddy scowled knowing that hospitals freaked her out a little especially when she had to visit Dora in them.

  ‘You are going to get old and have a very wonderful life. This little infection thing will make you stronger.’ She reached into her bag and pulled out her pad. ‘Now let’s continue to plan your thirteenth birthday party. Okay.’

  ‘I’m not going anywhere!’

  It was then Maddy caught Dora’s eye and realised she wasn’t being told something. It left her shaking a little inside because she was too afraid to ask what it was.

  And a massive sinking feeling started in her gut, similar to how she felt before she started to make herself sick, but this time Maddy wouldn’t succumb to that feeling.

  There were other ways to cope, and she would find out how even though there was a feeling of dread building up inside.

  ‘You’re quiet.’

  Stan was sitting next to her on the park bench later on that day. ‘Not twenty words in a second just two.’

  ‘Erm.’ Maddy was looking at Phyllis playing with another dog.

  It was female (due to the bright pink collar) because if her new friend weren’t, Stanley would just distract Phyllis, so she wouldn’t get the chance to get some puppy love.

  ‘It’s quite interesting hanging out with someone who works at home more than me, and they don’t even work,’ he said happily. ‘I feel less guilty about sometimes being a lazy arse. Where were you today?’

  ‘Nowhere.’ She sheepishly looked around the park then folded her arms.

  ‘Did you have an illicit meeting with Dr. Nob?’

  ‘His name is Dr. Bob and don’t be rude. I did see him today when I was in the shops before I had to go.’

  ‘Where did you go?’

  ‘To see Dora.’ Maddy frowned as she didn’t want to talk about it with Stan, hoping to keep it to herself but she couldn’t keep it in. ‘We’re planning her birthday party. It’s going to be at her house, and her mum is going to get a marquee for the garden. I’m going to contribute to the party, but Linda says she doesn’t want me to, that she will pay for it. Dora’s dad, who doesn’t live with them, is going to give her some money. I’ll pay for it. I don’t mind. It has to be the best party ever.’

  ‘You said that without one bit of emotion in your voice or a breath again, do you know that?’

  ‘Yes.’ Maddy looked at Stan who was focusing hard on Phyllis. ‘How do
you cope when someone you love unconditionally dies and-.’ She faltered because there was a sudden rush of emotion to her chest as she spoke. ‘He was kind.’

  ‘I’m your friend you do know that, don’t you?’ he whispered as she looked straight into his eyes. ‘And you look sad, barking Maddy, which troubles me.’

  ‘Dora’s in the hospital due to a chest infection, and it makes me worry about her. I wish her to have a wonderful life, fall in love and have a family of her own. It might sound impossible, but anything is possible, isn’t it?’

  ‘I think you’re very lovely,’ Stan said, leaning closer. ‘Maddy, she’s poorly, and it’s going to get worse before it gets better.’

  ‘Don’t say that!’ she hissed, shaking her head. ‘She will get better.’

  ‘Okay,’ he said, stroking her face. ‘Maybe she will get lucky, but I spoke to her mother, Linda, at the little party for Lance, and she is deteriorating.’

  ‘It happens and-.’ Maddy felt lost when she looked at Stan, not knowing what to say. ‘I’ll raise lots of money for the hospice when I run, and that will make her feel better after her party. She’ll shake it off, I know she will. Dora’s a fighter, she really is.’

  ‘I know.’ Stan smiled gently at her. ‘But don’t go out with that Dr. Nob. He’s a predator, and I can see he’s the type to manipulate a good person like you.’

  ‘Stanley, you're mean to someone you don’t even know. He said it would be nice if we went out for a drink plus he knew Dora was in the hospital.’

  ‘And you don’t think that’s a good way for him to worm his way into your affections?’ Stan let out a little laugh. ‘How many mothers do you think he has slept with?’

  ‘That’s unfair! He’s a good man and wouldn’t do that.’

  ‘He’s a man.’

  ‘Well, that’s like saying you want to get into my knickers because you’re staying with me! Heaven forbid! I don’t know who Ted would kill first, you or me.’ She started to laugh. ‘Some people are just pleasant.’

  It was Stan’s expression that left her a little puzzled. His lips were pursed, and he was giving her one of his funny looks.


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