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Barking Maddy's Puppy Love

Page 33

by S M Mala

  ‘Maddy, I want to go in. I’m too tired, can’t you see?’

  And for the first time, Maddy could see the extent to which Dora was suffering, and it broke her heart.

  It was when Stan walked back in, his eyes brimming with tears she knew Linda had said something from the sorrowful expression on his face.

  ‘Then don’t go to Rome.’

  Ted was sat in the pub staring at her later on in the week. ‘I don’t think it’s a good idea and you need to be home on your thirtieth. Plus, Dora needs you.’

  Maddy frowned but knew he was right.

  The last thing she wanted to do was go anywhere.

  Not only didn’t she want to leave Pearl and Dora, but there was also no way she wanted to be parted from Stan.

  Right now, he was what she needed, to give her the strength to deal with what was going on.

  ‘I’ll see how I feel next week,’ she whispered, looking at her suit and thinking it needed to go to the dry cleaners. ‘I’m just really confused. The messages were there, but I wasn’t listening. And the signs, not forgetting those too.’

  ‘Maybe your mind is elsewhere?’ he asked, raising his eyebrows. ‘You’ve been spending a lot of time with Stan in the past few weeks.’


  ‘And I’m just saying.’

  ‘Funny how you say things that are no big deal and forget to say things that are?’ She looked at him accusingly. ‘I’m not digging it up again, but she was rude to me the other week.’


  ‘And she’s a slut.’

  ‘Listen, considering her husband works at the hospice you have patronage due to your job, I wouldn’t be so sniffy about her.’ Ted grimaced. ‘She’s not all that-.’

  ‘Don’t you dare!’ Maddy pointed a finger directly in front of his nose. ‘If you say it, you and I are finished.’

  ‘Okay, okay,’ he mumbled sticking his hands in the air. ‘Point taken. But you and Stan, you need to tell me what’s going on.’

  ‘No, I don’t.’

  ‘Yes, you do.’ He let out a long deep breath then looked straight into her eyes. ‘I like the guy, but he’s not all that he seems.’

  ‘What does that mean?’ She folded her arms waiting for the onslaught. ‘He seems fine to me.’

  ‘He’s a writer.’


  ‘Who works on a successful blog that makes him lots of money.’

  ‘And your point is what?’

  ‘By introducing him to our friends he has had a lot of, how can I put it?’

  ‘Put it.’ She knew Ted was hedging around something.

  ‘We’ve given him fodder for his columns, and I know he has written about us.’ Ted bit his lip, the way that made Maddy realise he was pondering on something. ‘I’ve read a few bits but some of it is a little, how can I put it?’

  ‘Right now, you don’t know where to put it.’ She narrowed her eyes at him. ‘Are you trying to warn me off Stan? You said you liked him.’

  ‘I’m trying to tell you just to be careful. Don’t go telling him too much about yourself and everything.’ That’s when she noticed Ted blushed. ‘I know how you like to talk.’

  ‘But I’m not very interesting.’

  ‘I think you are.’

  ‘We’re just friends.’

  ‘Are you?’ He moved closer. ‘Madeleine any idiot can see you liked him from day one. You’ve tried your hardest to attract his attention and not all in a good way. He thinks you’re interesting, but that doesn’t mean to say he’s sincere.’

  She sat back and was put out by the comment, starting to frown in response.

  ‘I think that’s a horrible thing to say about him. Just because his sister moved on at the speed of a dentist drill doesn’t mean-.’

  ‘He might do the same thing. I know he takes his relationships seriously so don’t you think it’s a little strange he gets back together with Giselle after lodging with you, then he splits again? What’s that about? From the things he said, that man was really into her. He kept going on about it when he was staying at yours. Something doesn’t add up.’

  Maddy’s smile was frozen because Ted hadn’t told her any of this before and she didn’t know how to respond.

  ‘He likes me,’ she meekly replied and avoided eye contact. ‘I know he does.’

  ‘Just be on your guard. Something doesn’t make sense about him and Giselle. And don’t let your heart rule your head.’ Ted then grabbed her hands. ‘I don’t want you to get hurt, you know. That’s the last thing I want.’

  ‘You did that by shagging that slut girl,’ she replied pulling a face and was met with a pissed off expression. ‘Don’t you think Stan likes me?’

  And from the look Ted gave her, he evidently didn’t.

  ‘I can stay if you like.’

  Stan was holding her hand two days before she was due to fly out to Rome. ‘Maddy, I don’t mind.’

  ‘You’ve made arrangements, and that would be rude. As I said, I’m still in two minds about it, so we’ll see.’ She looked at him sitting opposite her in the local pub then smiled. ‘Do you think Phyllis is upset she didn’t get invited?’

  ‘It is your pre-birthday treat and Stasia doesn’t mind looking after her.’ Stan kissed her hand as he leaned closer. ‘You look beautiful.’

  ‘I’ve toned down because I know you don’t like it.’ Maddy smiled at her black dress with small polka dots. ‘I sort of blend in.’

  It was quiet that evening and the rain drizzled down against the glass. She looked out and thought hard about whether she would go away or not.

  The bags were packed, and she had put the coins in a safe place.

  They had made the luggage heavier.

  But all the time her head was filled with Dora, and she couldn’t push it out.

  ‘Stop,’ he said, gently touching her chin so she would look at him. ‘Whatever you’re thinking, please don’t.’

  ‘Stan,’ was all she could say before holding hard onto her tears. ‘I don’t know what to do.’

  ‘I’ve told you time and time again, some things you can’t change.’

  ‘I’ve got to do something.’

  ‘Come here.’ Stan wrapped his arms around her and kissed her head. ‘It’s going to be hard, I know it is. You have to be strong for her, Linda and Liam. Forget about how you feel, that’s not important now. What all Dora wants is for you to be there for her.’

  ‘It’s breaking my heart,’ she whispered, swallowing her tears back and feeling sick. ‘I want to do something good, but I can’t. Why didn’t I see she was getting worse, not better? I’m so wrapped up in stupidness.’

  ‘There’s no such word.’

  ‘There is. It’s me.’

  ‘Madeleine.’ He pushed her back, holding her by the shoulders. ‘You’re an acquired taste, and when you get used to it, it’s addictive.’

  ‘What does that mean?’

  ‘You’re not stupid. You’re unique.’

  ‘I’m useless for not being able to help Pearl earlier or see that Ted was screwing that thing. And as for Dora.’ She shook her head solemnly. ‘How do I see through to the other side of that?’

  ‘With me.’

  Maddy stared into his eyes and realised he meant it.

  She didn’t know what to think other than she had fallen in love with him while her life was slowly crumbling apart.

  ‘You know how I feel about you,’ she blurted out then squinted when she realised what it sounded like. ‘Oh, forget I said that.’

  ‘I know how you feel about me,’ he whispered and tilted his head down to look at her directly in the eye. ‘I’ve always known what you felt. I see it in your eyes and smile.’

  ‘You mean I’ve been lecherous?’ Maddy bit her lip then sighed. ‘I think I’ve been subtle.’

  ‘I think you’re all or nothing.’

  ‘I want to be something to you.’

  ‘You know you are.’

  He gave he
r a gentle hug, and she realised that was as good as she was going to get from Stanley Franks.

  The man was good at writing, allegedly, but not so good at telling her what she needed to know right then and there, which was whether he was falling in love with her too.

  Suddenly she remembered the comment that Ted had made and a few others. Maddy sat back and looked at him.

  ‘Have you been straight with me?’ She pushed her glass of wine away and stared him, noticing his cheeks looked flushed. ‘Why do people keep implying that you’ve written things about me which aren’t nice?’

  Stan shut his eyes tight then looked at her. All Maddy could hear was her heart racing in her chest, knowing that he wasn’t telling her everything.

  ‘I like you. I really like you a lot,’ he said, staring back. ‘You have to believe me on that.’ Stan gently touched her hand with his fingertips. ‘I sometimes don’t think about things clearly. That’s why my grandmother left me Phyllis.’

  ‘To make you see sense on how you treat people, especially women.’ Maddy noticed he started to go pink. ‘Ted said you needed some responsibility and your judgement lapsed from time to time.’

  ‘I don’t think before I act.’

  ‘And has Phyllis helped you?’

  ‘She found you.’ Then he broke out into a wide smile. ‘Or you found her.’

  ‘Do you go running back to Giselle when things get bad? Will you run to her when you’re finished with me?’ As she said it, her heart and stomach sunk at the idea. But it was feasible. One glance at Giselle was all you needed. ‘You’ve been kind to me. I appreciate that.’ Maddy looked down at the table. ‘But if you’re going to trample on my heart you might as well do it now while it’s crumbling to pieces.’

  ‘Don’t say that.’

  ‘What did you write?’ She glanced up at him chewing his lips and trying to find words. ‘You took the piss out of me I guess?’ From his expression, Stan seemed at a loss on how to reply. ‘I’m not stupid. I’ve heard the hints and little comments from the guys in the pub. Even Ted told me to be on my guard with you.’

  ‘What?’ Stan snapped out of his little trance.

  ‘I think he suspects something is going on. After his little secret coming to light, he was cautious.’

  ‘Maddy, there’s nothing to be cautious about.’

  She took a deep breath and shook her head.

  ‘Are you making a fool out of me, Ted? Have you been writing mean things about me behind my back?’ Then she closed her eyes. ‘People are mocking me, aren’t they? I should have figured.’

  ‘You’ve got a lot on your plate right now. Most of all you should know I’d never laugh at you. That’s not me. Yes, some of the things you say cracks me up, especially when you don’t know what you’ve said. I’m not a nasty person, and no-one has a right to let you think that’s so.’

  ‘Don’t lie to me. Not now I need you more than ever.’

  It was the first time she was admitting to herself that she couldn’t cope alone with what was happening to Dora.

  The last thing she wanted was to handle it without someone by her side.

  ‘Barking Maddy,’ Stan replied, gently grabbing her face. ‘I know you need me and I’m here. Always will be.’

  ‘You can’t say that. Nothing in life is certain.’

  ‘That’s not like you.’ He looked genuinely surprised.

  ‘Right now, don’t know what I am.’ Maddy examined his face, and it hit her.

  It was very sudden.

  The urge to throw up because her insides were in turmoil and she didn’t know what to think.

  ‘What’s wrong?’ he asked, touching her face. ‘You look like you’re going to be sick.’

  ‘I’m fine,’ she replied, breathing through it, knowing that was a bad sign. ‘I don’t feel really hungry.’

  ‘When you come back from Rome I’ll explain it all. Don’t think I’d do something nasty to you. I’m not like that.’

  ‘I don’t want to be let down again.’ She leaned forward and rested her head against his chest. ‘Can we go home, please?’

  He was breathing quite heavily, and she knew he was thinking about what she said.

  But something didn’t sit right.

  Too many people were trying to warn her about Stan, and she didn’t know why other than it had something to do with his column.

  She needed to find out.

  ‘Come here.’

  Maddy was staring out the window after they returned home. She knew he had to leave early in the morning to drive to the Lake District. ‘Stop looking at the sky and look at me.’

  She turned her head to see him sitting on the sofa.

  It made her smile.

  ‘If you won’t let me buy you a birthday dinner then at least you’d allow me to cover you in birthday kisses. When I see you again, you’ll be an old lady of thirty.’

  ‘Mature and experienced.’

  ‘Barking and Maddy,’ he laughed, tapping the seat next to him. ‘I’m going to miss you.’

  Walking closer, she sat down and noticed he put his hand out to caress her face. Stan kissed her nose.

  ‘I want this evening to be special before you wish yourself a replacement for me.’

  ‘There’s no replacement for you!’ she blurted out.

  ‘So why go to Rome?’

  ‘I don’t know,’ Bea honestly replied. ‘I never expected to find my dream man so close to home.’ He smiled, and it was quite sweet as Stan blushed. ‘Was that too full on?’

  ‘It was perfect.’

  ‘You’re saying that to shut me up.’

  ‘There are other ways.’ Then he placed a gentle kiss on her lips. ‘Lots of other ways. I don’t have to go away. I can wait here until you return.’

  ‘Stan,’ her smile slipped, and she could see the concern in his eyes. ‘I’m unsure what to do.’

  ‘Do nothing,’ he said, pushing hair away from her face. ‘Just be there like I am for you.’

  He kissed her again, a little harder while placing his hand at the base of her spine.

  She wanted him so much, kissing him back and rubbing her hands over his body through the clothing.

  ‘Let’s go to bed,’ she said, pulling her lips away. ‘I want you.’

  The response she got was a smile as he stood up and dragged her to the bedroom.

  Maddy glanced at an unimpressed pooch who let out a massive yawn before walking to her bedding.

  ‘We can’t waste any time. I’m not going to see you for days, and I don’t want some Italian stallion sweeping you off your feet. That’s my job.’ Stan grinned at her and stood in his underpants. ‘And I want you all for myself.’

  Slowly she undressed, watching him look at her body. Maddy didn’t feel uncomfortable but eager to please. When she stood in her bra and knickers, he slowly walked toward her and put his hands behind her back. His fingers searched the strap, and he undid it, letting the bra fall forwards. She looked down and saw her partially bare breasts before looking up at Stan.

  ‘You’re gorgeous,’ he whispered kissing her cheek, and she felt his palm caress her breast as she closed her eyes.

  Tracing his face with her lips, she met his mouth and kissed him, feeling his tongue gently lick the end of her tongue.

  It felt strong, the feeling of love in her chest.

  Maddy pushed her hand down the front of his underwear and watched him widen his eyes. She sunk to her knees and pulled down his last piece of clothing, kissing all over his crotch then holding the end of his shaft. As she sucked it gently, Maddy’s eyes met his, and she watched him look endearingly at her.

  That was the sight she always longed to see.

  It resembled a look of love even though what he did love was happening at the end of his dick.

  As her tongue travelled up and down, she closed her eyes, enjoying the taste and feel of him, familiar scent of his loins wafting up her nose.

  He pulled away and she sunk to her knees as h
e sat on the edge of the bed.

  Maddy got to her feet and looked down at him. Stan reached out and pulled down her knickers, kissing her stomach as he did it.

  ‘I want you,’ she whispered, her body shivering went she felt his fingertips push into the skin of her butt cheeks. ‘I want you so much.’

  Then he looked up at her and smiled.

  ‘And I want you,’ he replied, pushing his tongue into her belly button which tickled and made her laugh.

  Wrapping his arms around her, he turned her then pushed her onto the bed, making her flop onto her back. Then he stood up and looked at her, removed her knickers which were around her ankles. She watched him kiss her toes then the instep of her foot.

  His mouth travelled to the inside of her knee before he put her legs down and pulled her to sit up. Then he sunk to his knees, so they were eye level. Maddy touched his face with the palm of her hand as he pushed her hair away.

  For a few seconds, they looked at each other then gently kissed.

  ‘Thank you for being with me,’ she said and noticed he half smiled. ‘I think we’re friends now, don’t you?’ The response was a nod. ‘Good friends?’

  ‘Very good friends.’

  ‘Best friends?’

  ‘We’re getting there.’ Stan tilted her head up. ‘We’re really getting there.’

  They kissed, and he stroked her breasts before pulling her thighs gently apart. She examined his face and felt his back then rubbed her hand against his chest hair. He moved back and reached out for a condom in the drawer, opening the packet and handing it to her. Slowly she rolled it down, giving him a hand job at the same time.

  He smiled as she did it and held onto the base of his shaft, flicking it against her pubic bone. Then he let it slide in between her lips before rubbing the end against her clitoris.

  ‘You’re a good friend,’ she sighed and moved closer as he pushed in and started humping her gently.

  He pulled her closer, and she wrapped her arms and legs around him. Her head was rested in the nook of his neck as he stroked her back and squeezed her arse. She heard his breathing get heavier, and felt the shudder in his body.

  Every part of her insides squeezed around him, and she enjoyed the sensation of him moving inside. As her face got hotter, so did her body. The tightening in her hole was intense as the orgasm shook through her body.


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