Saving Kylie: A Small Town Second Chance Romance

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Saving Kylie: A Small Town Second Chance Romance Page 4

by Taryn Quinn

  He swallowed and worked on breathing. “Is that so?”

  “Mmm-hmm. I have plans for you.” She let out a breathy purr when he bent his head to suck one of her perfect peach nipples. It pebbled against his tongue, instantly responsive.

  ”You’re even better than the fantasies I’ve had about you.”

  “You fantasized about me? After that lackluster night we had, I can’t imagine why.” As if she’d said too much, she bit her lower lip. “I mean, it was college. None of us knew what we were doing back then.”

  Rather than question her further—lackluster night, huh?—he shifted away and turned on the sink faucet. He soaked the washcloth in warm water and cast her a sideways glance as he soaped up the cloth. “You’ve hinted at it all night, and I need to know. Are you really single now? And if so, why the hell are you?”

  That same undefinable something he’d seen more than once in the bar flickered through her expression. “If you weren’t sure, why did you touch me?”

  “I think you already know,” he said quietly.

  She swallowed hard. “I’m very single, actually. My ex didn’t like to limit his options.” She propped her foot up on the sink and bared her slick pussy to his appreciative gaze. “By the way, there’s one part of me that really needs some attention.”


  “It’s been several minutes, I’ll have you know.”

  Grinning, he lathered her thigh. “Here?” His hand slid over her knee. “Maybe here?” he asked, the sound of her laughter swimming through his bloodstream.

  “Try again, sport.” She gripped his wrist and dragged his hand to the juncture of her thighs. Even through the soapy cloth, she burned. “Much better.”

  He rubbed one finger wrapped in nubby terrycloth over her clit. As much as he loved her whimper, her drowsy eyes told him she was fighting to stay awake. “Quick washup, then bed.” He brushed a kiss over her forehead. “And sleep.”

  “You’re so cute. And sweet. I deserve a sweet man.”

  Her casual statement didn’t feel so casual in his gut. “I’m not always so sweet. But yeah, you deserve the world.” He rinsed the washcloth and went back to his very enjoyable task, making sure to explore each nook and cranny. When he slipped a finger inside her, she giggled and moaned, a strangely intoxicating combination. And when his warm cloth brushed her breasts, she sighed and shifted her stance to lay her head on his shoulder.

  “Best bath I’ve ever had.”

  He wrung out the water and went back to wiping her down, spending extra time on her sexy stomach. Imagining her flesh dripping with his release had him hardening again. “You’re easy to please.”

  “No, I’m really not.” Again, that faraway look flitted across her face, and he wanted to go kick Rob’s skinny ass. “Thank you, Justin.”

  “For what?” Desperate to make her smile again, he twirled the washcloth over her nipples. “My oral talents?”

  “Well, that too.” But she didn’t smile. “For taking care of me. For letting me stay.”

  He cupped her cheek and met her gaze steadily, though his heart wanted to pound right out of his chest. “You wouldn’t think I was so wonderful if you had any idea how much time I’ve spent wanting another man’s woman.”

  She smiled and met his lips in a soft kiss. “Oh yes, I would.”


  Kylie slept, and that was some kind of miracle. She was a notoriously light sleeper, prone to waking and prowling Rob’s house at all hours, but she didn’t wake until just before dawn. She opened her eyes to that murky half dark that hinted at sunrise, her body jolting at the unfamiliar surroundings. Then she remembered.

  Justin. Even better, Justin’s mouth. Mmm. She’d be reliving those moments on his bathroom sink for the rest of her life.

  She rubbed her eyes and shifted on the mattress, pleased to feel a heavy arm wrapped around her waist. She wasn’t naked. Dimly, she remembered him helping her into one of his huge flannel shirts before bed, though she’d climbed between the sheets sans panties. She glanced at him over her shoulder and smiled at his tousled hair, his slack mouth. That he seemed to be smiling even in sleep made her want to smile too.

  And do very bad things to him. Yep, panties were definitely unnecessary.

  She rolled over and smiled again as he mumbled something unintelligible. But his arm tightened around her as if he were afraid she’d disappear. Not yet. Not until she’d gotten what she came for, at least a half-dozen times.

  How had he changed so much? She’d assumed in college he didn’t have her needs, and she hadn’t wanted to taint their friendship. So maybe it was her judgment that sucked, not Justin’s desire for missionary sex right out of the gate. What had she expected? Whips and handcuffs?

  Maybe a little. That taste of the forbidden she’d found with Rob had always been so sweet until it had spoiled altogether.

  Back then, she hadn’t trusted herself not to try to mold Justin into what she was looking for. Potentially hurting him had been out of the question, so she’d slipped out of his life quickly and quietly.

  Until he’d walked back into hers and screwed up…everything. At least in her head. Because seeing him, remembering what it had been like to have a true friend, had given her an out. If not for Justin, she probably would’ve gone right back to Rob’s until she figured out her next step. Where else did she have to go?

  But Justin’s presence didn’t change that she had to go back and deal with the wreckage of her life. She had bags to pack and decisions to make. Rob might not be happy with them, but too bad. His concerns weren’t her problem anymore.

  She linked her fingers with Justin’s, marveling at their width. He had broad palms and sturdy fingers. The kind of hands a woman could trust. Even the ridges of calluses seemed sexy somehow. And Lord, he knew how to use his hands for maximum impact. Just the memory had her nipples straining against the worn flannel of her top.

  Jeez, what was up with that? She’d always had a healthy sex drive, but lately nothing had excited her except talking to Justin across the bar. Those twinkling, deep blue eyes did things to her Rob’s whole body never could.

  So much for the little crush she’d believed she had.

  Forget little. Even his long, muscled thighs nestled against her made her wet. So wet that all her aches and pains paled in comparison.

  She didn’t want to wake him. He needed his rest. But damn, she’d have to go take care of herself in the shower if he didn’t open his eyes soon.

  Biting her lip, she squeezed her thighs together and tried to think chaste thoughts.

  “How’d you sleep?” he murmured.

  Thank God.

  Rather than answer, she palmed his scruffy jaw and all but yanked his mouth to hers. There was no buildup, just heat and passion and relief. She felt the same emotions from him that burned in her. She could tell from the tightness of his grip that he was happy she was there, as happy as she’d been to wake and find him holding her safe.

  Rob didn’t hold her in sleep. He didn’t hold her very often at all anymore.

  And right now none of that mattered.

  She parted her lips and his tongue invaded her mouth, staking a subtle claim in slow, persuasive licks. She wound her hands in his hair and arched against him, sinking into his warmth, his touch. He pressed his chest against hers as he rolled on top of her, gently, carefully, supporting his weight on his forearms. That he still thought to protect her stoked her fire even hotter.

  She pulled his hair the way she’d discovered he liked last night. When his hooded eyes settled on hers, she went for broke. “Fuck me. Now.”

  She rejoiced at his low groan as he reached between their bodies and rubbed her warm pussy, already ready for action. He pushed two fingers inside her, filling her while she writhed. The second he touched her clit, she’d erupt like frigging Mount Vesuvius.

  “Condom. Nightstand,” he managed, hand pumping.

  She fumbled until she found the knob of the dra
wer, then searched for the familiar foil packets. But what she found wasn’t condoms.

  Even without seeing the contents, she had a pretty good idea what she’d stumbled upon. Rob had certainly encouraged her vibrator curiosity, so she knew their shape intimately. She also knew the longer, pliable dildos by feel as well. One or two, she wouldn’t have balked. Maybe she would have, a little, because this was Justin. She just wouldn’t have thought he was into toys. Or tongue rings. Or intricate tattoos.

  Obviously time changed things. She didn’t have him pegged at all.

  But there weren’t one or two. Five, six, seven…she had no idea. The drawer seemed full. She touched other objects too. At least one or two cock rings, something she was sure had to be a butt plug…

  A prickle of heat flared between her shoulder blades. Whether it was excitement or trepidation, she didn’t know.

  Justin must have sensed her hesitation, because he leaned over and easily plucked out the item he was looking for. His hand bumped hers, and his fingers were wet straight up to the knuckles.

  She expected him to say something as he drew her hand away from his toys, but he only kissed her palm. Then he ripped open the condom with his teeth and pushed down his boxers, freeing his erection. His steely length rubbed against her lower belly, taunting her. Reminding her of exactly how much she needed him inside her.

  Questions didn’t matter right now. Nothing did except the two of them and stealing pleasure for as long as it lasted.

  She shook off her shock at his secret stash and helped him sheath himself in the latex, deliberately scratching her nails across his girth. She had a feeling he’d hit every spot perfectly.

  If she’d had to guess, she would’ve assumed he’d go right for penetration. He didn’t. He flipped open the buttons of her flannel shirt and spread the soft fabric, baring her breasts to his seeking mouth. Warm and wet lips enveloped her flesh, firing nerve endings and squashing the pain that stubbornly tried to make its presence known.

  “Love your tits,” he murmured, and she shivered. “Just looking at them makes me want to come all over those pretty nipples.”

  “You’re making me crazy.” Hearing him talk, period, made her pussy ache, but when he added a bit of dirty to the mix? She was a goner.

  Without another word, he rolled to the side and turned her, lifting her leg on top of both of his. Then he worked himself inside her slowly, inch by incredible inch.

  The minute he’d embedded himself deep, he pulled out and rammed home, ripping a hoarse cry from her throat. But he didn’t stop. She gripped the edge of the mattress as he drove into her again and again. He grunted soft, indiscernible praise, his damp hand alternating between her hard nipples. She gasped as he pinched them, sure she had to be thrashing against him.

  The ball of lust inside her grew bigger, harder. Good Lord. Somehow she hadn’t expected speed, and this was like a damn runaway train.

  The liquid heat pooling in her belly spread, ribbons of desire unfurling from her center out to every nerve in her body. She rocked back against him. So very close.

  “Oh God. Please. Don’t stop.”

  “Never,” he ground out.

  Her pussy clenched, tearing yet another groan from him. Her liquid soaked her thighs. He pulled out and slammed into her, rotating his cock so that her orgasm spun out and rolled back to her again and again. Caught in the throes of it, she whimpered as his thumb and forefinger tweaked her clit. She felt too sensitive from the quick climax, but his touch shoved her over the edge again.

  This time, she took him with her.

  Riding out his release, he thrust so hard she had to bite the inside of her cheek to stifle her scream. He let out a shout as he pulsed his release into the latex.

  “Perfect. Baby, you’re so damned perfect,” he whispered, his body quaking against hers.

  Right here and now, while still vibrating from one of the best climaxes she’d had…well, ever, she felt pretty damn perfect.

  And if she let herself, pretty damn scared.

  Eventually he pulled out and disposed of the condom. When he slipped back into bed, he curved his arm around her waist. “I didn’t hurt you, did I?”

  “Hurt me?” She arched her back and pretended nothing twinged or ached. “I practically feel like purring.” She smiled and rolled over to rub her fingers along the morning stubble shadowing his jaw. “Happy Almost Thanksgiving.”

  “More like ecstatic Almost Thanksgiving.” His mouth met hers in a slumberous kiss. “Will you stay?”

  His murmured question knotted up her loose muscles all over again. She heard the implications in that question, and as much as she liked him, as much as she wanted to spend days enjoying the hell out of this heat between them, she wasn't sure jumping right back into something that clearly wouldn’t be a one-night stand was a good idea.

  Especially since the guy she’d thought she knew so well had a drawer full of sex toys, and she’d begun to wonder if exploration could be a slippery slope. Rob had started liking toys and porn. Next thing she knew, he was having an orgy in her living room.

  “What about your family?” She knew his mom and stepfather lived a few miles away, but he’d never mentioned any siblings. He barely mentioned his parents for that matter. Every time she’d asked what she thought was an innocent question, he made a joke and evaded. As much as she wanted to know why, she wouldn’t press.

  “I usually hang here for Thanksgiving. Sometimes I head out somewhere for dessert, but more often I hit the trails.”

  “What about friends? Don’t you have any you spend time with?”

  “You’re my friend, aren’t you? You’re here.”

  For reasons she couldn’t identify, her eyes went damp. Something about the vulnerability in his expression combined with the defensive edge to his tone made her ache. Could Justin be just as alone as she was?

  “You’re not spending the day with your family?” he asked.

  “Dad’s on the road, and Mom doesn’t cook.” She blinked until her eyes were dry. “She’s probably hanging out in the city with some of her theater types. My brother’s in Milwaukee on business, so yeah, a big Fisher Thanksgiving ain’t exactly in the cards.”

  “So staying here makes sense. I’ll cook for you.”

  Kylie rolled her head on the pillow to meet his eyes. The watery light allowed her to see the tension written in the planes of his face. “Justin—”

  “I don’t want anything from you.”

  When she didn’t respond, he dipped his head and rasped his tongue over the seam of her lips. She pulled away and gasped for air. Jesus, she hadn’t been lying when she’d said how much that damn stud in his tongue excited her.


  “Well, not nothing. I want your gorgeous, luscious, perfect body. Over and over again.” He cupped her chin and drew her back. Their mouths rubbed against each other, the contact as light as satin whispering over flushed skin. “But as far as anything beyond today, no. I’m happy with what you have to give me.”

  Though he’d said exactly what she needed to hear, her stomach tightened. She couldn’t get into a relationship again. Not this soon. But Justin wasn’t a casual lover. He couldn’t be. They had history. So maybe the best thing she could do for both of them was to leave before she screwed up their friendship.

  “I don’t want to lose you.” Desperation tinged her words, but it couldn’t be helped. Dammit, he mattered. Too much. “But I’m not in a place where we could continue this, even if you wanted to. Even if I wanted to. Rob—”

  His hands framed her face until his eyes, intently blue in the growing daylight, were all she could see. “Tell me he didn't hurt you.”

  When she hesitated, his expression became murderous so swiftly her heart stopped. “Goddammit, Kylie, I’ll fucking kill him.”

  “Justin, listen to me. Listen,” she commanded, trying to stem her shock. How had she missed his quick temper too? And if she’d missed so much, who did she care about, re
ally? The man she’d thought she knew was only a figment of her imagination. “He didn’t lay a hand on me. Not like that. He didn’t abuse me, not in the traditional sense.”

  He slitted his eyes. “Then what sense are we talking about?”

  She took a breath. How far should she go? Could she go? She’d never said the truth aloud. “He…likes sex. A lot. Not vanilla sex. He pushes the limits.” She sucked in a breath. “It doesn’t hurt anybody. It’s consensual. Mostly.” God, could she just spit it out? “He always had a big appetite, as do I. At the beginning it was fun. Then he started withholding things from me if I had a headache or if I wasn’t in the mood to experiment. Affection went first. Eventually he stopped paying attention to me altogether if I didn’t want to participate in his newest kink.” She shrugged jerkily. “So I participated. I never got hurt. Hell, I usually even had an orgasm. He didn’t get why I complained or why I stopped caring if he was affectionate. It was my life, and I lived it.”

  She kept her gaze straight ahead when Justin rolled away from her and paced to the window on the far side of the room. He’d decorated as sparsely in here as he had in the rest of the house, and the lack of furnishings contributed to the echo of her voice. Other than the bed, the only furniture was a small dresser, a nightstand, and a TV stand. And, she noted, a guitar propped on a small chair in one corner. Was that how he’d gotten the calluses?

  Man, the guy had more hidden sides than a Rubik’s Cube.

  “So what made you change your mind about staying?”

  She shook off her thoughts about his guitar. Wasn’t exactly important at the moment, but she’d definitely ask later. “He wanted us to try a threesome with a woman he worked with—Darla. I told him it wasn’t my thing, and he didn’t speak to me for days. By then I knew I had to get out, but I had to find a place to live first. I couldn’t just walk out the door.”

  “You could have always come to me. You could have stayed here.”

  “Oh yeah, right. Sure.” She laughed so she wouldn’t cry. “Really easy to spill the details of your sex life to the guy you give extra peanuts to on game nights.”


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