Saving Kylie: A Small Town Second Chance Romance

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Saving Kylie: A Small Town Second Chance Romance Page 6

by Taryn Quinn

  Hearing what she’d been through with Rob had shut him down. He wanted to see her bent over in front of him, and for a moment he hadn’t been sure he’d be able to stop himself. But he had, because he needed to make sure the lines between him and her ex weren’t the least bit blurry.

  He exhaled. So…truth. He owed her that much, and more.

  She sipped her cocoa, watching him. At that moment, even living a lie seemed preferable to being without her.

  “You like it?” he asked.

  “So good.” She dipped her fingertip in the cloud of whipped cream he’d plopped on top. The can had been leftover from one of the teachers’ many baskets and luckily not expired. “Compliments to the chef.”

  He drank rather than spoke. Dark, rich chocolate blasted his taste buds, soothed by the wash of cream. It was good, but he wanted another kind of sweetness in his mouth. Another kind of wetness dripping over his chin.

  He set down his mug, intending to grab a couple of cushions and a blanket off the couch. The uncarpeted floor was hard, and with the full glass front door only a few feet away, the room tended to get chilly even with the fire. But before he could turn, sure fingers wrapped around his zipper and tugged.

  Lost in his thoughts, he hadn’t noticed she’d set aside her cocoa on the hearth and crawled closer. Despite her kneeling position, from the fierce expression on her face, she wasn’t in the mood to submit. Firelight carved hollows in her cheeks, backlit her sunny hair. She looked like an angel. A wicked angel he’d only dreamed of getting out of his fantasies and back into his life.

  Regardless, he had to talk to her. To try to explain. But when the teeth of his zipper separated and she found only hard, erect flesh, he forgot all about baring his soul in favor of baring his dick.

  Her tongue flicked against his length, little flames of heat meant to build his need. Leisurely at first, faster as he started to pant. She peeled down his jeans until they wrapped like denim bindings around his bunched thighs. Strangely, the constriction only made other parts of him ache more.

  Her hot gaze caressed him, and his cock swelled, rising flush against his belly. Slowly, she brought the tip of him into her mouth. Her lips made the perfect vise, and her breath steam-bathed his erection while her bright blue eyes locked on his.

  She drew harder, and he fisted a hand in her tousled hair as she swallowed more of his cock. His hunger for her knew no bounds. After all those months of pretending he didn’t feel anything toward her but friendship, all those times he’d taken a cold shower to keep from thinking of her mouth on him as it was now, he was lost.

  The first time they’d been together years ago had been about missionary sex only. They’d had a bit too much to drink that night, and he hadn’t taken full advantage of having Kylie in his bed, figuring they’d have more time.

  But they hadn’t. He hadn’t.

  Finally they could make up for what they’d missed.

  He grasped her head in both hands and pulled her toward his groin, urging her on. Begging her to take what he wasn’t even capable of voicing.

  Kylie reached between his legs to palm his balls while she slid her mouth up and down until wetness coated his rock-hard length. The sounds of her devouring him filled the room, broken only by his harsh grunts. His hips drove forward, but she didn’t balk.

  Her eyes only offered a silent demand for more.

  God, she hadn’t been kidding about being experienced. In a minute he’d be growling like an animal. Fucking her mouth felt damn close to heaven, and he didn’t know if he had the strength to stop her before the gates closed.

  With a groan, he gripped her hair and pulled her off him. Control was something he didn’t have. Not when it came to her. He expected her to protest, but she didn’t. She just smiled as if she knew exactly how good she was at rocking his world.

  Still smiling, she feathered her fingertips over the black sun tattoo that spread its rays from his navel out toward his ribs. “Some kid dare you to get this too?”

  “No. This one was all my idea.” He swallowed to try to alleviate his dry throat. “It’s a reminder. The sun always comes up, no matter how long the night. No matter how dark.”

  “It’s incredibly sexy,” she said after a moment, her expression as soft as her touch.

  He gave her a lazy grin. Last thing he wanted was for her to be sad—or to be consumed with thoughts of what she’d left behind. “Think you might have said that before.”

  “All of you is sexy.” She encircled his cock with her fingers, though they had trouble stretching around his width. Her tongue darted out and lapped at the bead of arousal on the crown. “I’ve wanted you for months.”

  The admission prodded his need even more. Already his balls hung heavy between his legs. How much longer he could withstand her onslaught, he didn’t know, but his hands weren’t gentle as he guided her lips around him once more. She was too good at this, and he ached too much. “But?”

  She only sucked for a moment before she drew her well-used mouth away. “But I was with…him, and I thought it’d pass. I figured some of it was because I was unhappy in my relationship. I didn’t think you’d match me in bed, but that was okay.”

  He chuckled, though her concerns about his prowess burned. “I was drunk that night in college. We fell into bed, and you fell out of it before I barely had a chance to touch you.”

  “It wasn’t just that. You were so careful with me. I never wanted that. There was a part of me, one I couldn’t admit, that wanted to be taken hard. That needed to take someone right back.” She tipped her head back and met his gaze. The naked vulnerability in her eyes yanked his heart out of his chest and left him bleeding. “Part of me wondered if you’d changed. If we came together again, maybe it would be different. I could help you see what we could be together. But you don’t need my help.”

  “No, but I do need something else. That gorgeous pussy on my mouth.”

  She rose and gestured to the floor. Much to his pleasure, her face was as flushed as if she’d had an orgasm. “Lie down.”

  A smile teased his lips. Seeing her own form in response—she had so many variations of smiles, and he’d grown adept at reading her moods from them—went a long way to smoothing out the rawness in his gut.

  Bruises and scratches aside, she hadn’t been injured too badly last night. And Rob hadn’t broken her. Sexually or emotionally.

  She was okay.

  He lay down and extended his hand, winding his fingers around her wrist and drawing her down on top of him. Her hair fell forward as they linked hands, and she poised above his cock, her thighs widening just enough for the tip of him to flirt with her drenched heat.

  Back and forth she rubbed, the fire in the hearth mirrored in her eyes. He felt as if he were staring into the center of a flame, the blue growing and licking at the dark of her pupils. Her palms pressed his into the carpet as she angled forward, dangling her breasts over his waiting mouth like low-hanging fruit. He sucked one peach nipple, dragging his tongue ring over the sensitive skin until he’d taken half her breast into his mouth.

  “Moan for me,” he breathed against her flesh.

  A cry ripped from her throat. She pulled a hand free and laid it against the side of his face, directing him with the pressure of her gaze. “How does my skin taste?” Her nails grazed his temple when he skimmed the ring against her swollen nipple. “Do you like sucking my tits, Justin?” The question ended on a whimper.

  Between the sound of her husky voice, the tight bud pressed against his tongue, and the slickness rubbing against his cock, how the hell was he supposed to remember his promise not to want more than she could give?

  She made him crave all her tomorrows. One day with her would never be enough.

  “You’re delicious.” She cried out again as he bit down and marked her skin. “Just like that sweet pussy of yours. Better than any whipped cream in the world.”

  She released a strangled half laugh. “You say the most flattering things.

  “Glad you approve.”

  “I do. But I’d rather your mouth be busy doing something other than talking.”

  “Oh, yeah? What would that be?”

  She moved higher up his belly, trailing her enticing wetness as she forced more of her flesh into his mouth. “Take a guess. It involves that tongue ring and a waterfall.” She grinned. “Least it feels that way to me right now.”

  He reached down to cup her ass, spreading his fingers wide to encompass as much of the perfect handfuls as he could. One finger slipped lower, searching out the source of the flood his mouth watered to taste. She wiggled to give him room, and he speared her with his fingertip. God, so fucking hot. Her inner walls rippled to hold him inside as he drew more strongly on her breast, taking his cues from the arousal coursing down his knuckles. He pushed against the swollen ridge of flesh and reveled in her gasps.

  Her trembling knees locked around his sides as she rode his finger, her muscles clenching from the orgasm shuddering through her body. She threw back her head and bore down against him, moaning her displeasure when his teeth released her reddened nipple.

  Enough was enough. If he didn’t get her pussy in his mouth, he’d lose his damn mind.

  He grasped her hips and pulled her forward on his chest until she was straddling his head. Even breathing in her excitement made his balls feel on the verge of bursting. He pressed the flat of his tongue against her distended clit. More moisture exploded on his tongue as she pinned his left hand against the carpet.

  “Yes, God, yes. Suck me.”

  He already was. Hard.

  Their fingers tangled desperately. No matter what he did to her, she bent her body to maintain her grip on his hand. That she fought to hold on to him only increased his own need.

  “I’m so close. It feels so good.”

  For me too, baby, he wanted to say, but he couldn’t drag his mouth away long enough to speak.

  Trying to slow things down, he probed her with the tip of his tongue, fucking her slit as gently as he could manage when his cock was about to spontaneously combust.

  As soon as he pressed his ring against her still quivering flesh, she started to come again, her hips bucking against his face in complete abandon.

  “God, yes. Justin. Don’t stop. Just like that.”

  He drank her down, swallowing every drop until all he could taste was Kylie. She was inside him, ruling him. Driving him past everything he’d known before.

  She finally crawled away. Still panting, he turned his head and tried to focus his blurry eyes on the fire. His lungs ached with his held breaths, and his cock was so hard a single touch would make him blow.

  Seemingly oblivious to his predicament—though he thought the purpling head of his shaft was a strong clue—she turned back, condom in hand, and moved to sheath him.

  Justin shook his head and forced out a breath. “I’ll do it.” He grabbed the condom and forced the latex over his erection as fast as possible, wincing at even that much friction.

  He’d be lucky if he got off two strokes before he came.

  Teasingly, she pinched the end of the rubber. “Barely fits.” Her smug whisper next to his ear had him grinning.

  “Your fault.”

  “Mmm.” She stepped over him, cupping her breasts, and stood with one foot on each side of his hips. That she enjoyed her body so freely stoked his own desire. “And I intend to enjoy every inch.”

  When she started to lower herself, he shook his head again and reached up to give her ass a gentle smack. “Other way.”

  Interest fired in her gaze. “You are a bad boy.”

  “Not that other way. Not yet.” He let out a low laugh as she turned around and crouched, wrapping her fingers around the base of his length. The vise of her hold acted like a cock clamp, simultaneously cutting off blood flow and increasing the pressure in the tip.

  “Fuck, woman,” he growled.

  She smirked at him over her shoulder. “About to.”

  He drew up his knees to give her some leverage. She planted her feet and sank onto him, her long moan filling the room as she took him all the way in.

  Sweet fuck, her pussy was still convulsing, residual waves that traveled the length of his dick. He grabbed her hips, his thumbs digging into the swells of her ass. Her peach cheeks were flawless, but the purple and yellow bruises mottling her back tamped down on his need to brand her skin with his hands. She was already marked enough.

  “Ready for me?”

  “Yes,” she hissed, squeezing him until his view of her supple back splintered with embers from the fire. Except this one was in his head, enveloping everything.

  Groaning, he lifted his hips and buried himself balls-deep. Staring at himself embedded in her body, feeling the incredible sensation of being cradled by her damp heat, snatched away the control he had left. Her thighs and ass flexed as she rode him, her nails digging into his knees while she bounced. Somehow she reached down to roll her thumb over his sac, and he cursed, rewarding her with a slow swivel of his hips as he drove home again and again.

  “God, you feel so…”

  “Yeah.” There were no words, especially when their harsh breathing and unintelligible grunts filled the room.

  Still, a noise distantly reached his ears. A thump. Once, twice. Kylie never seemed to notice.

  With his nerve endings scraped raw, his muscles taut like piano wire, he glanced at the foggy front door. They’d been doing enough heavy breathing to permanently cloud the glass. But with one glimpse of the hulking shadow on the opposite side of the pane, he knew who was watching them.

  “Kylie,” he murmured, running his hand up her damp back. She shivered under his touch, but she only moved faster, taking him into her body hard enough that he groaned with each pass.

  “Fuck me.” The words were a moan. “Make me not remember anymore.”

  Did she know Rob was there? He couldn’t see her face, didn’t know if her eyes were closed. But he couldn’t stay silent. She had to know—

  “Kylie—” He gritted his teeth and tried to speak through the intense pleasure hammering his system. She was so excited that their bodies separated and joined with delirious ease, the wet sounds of their passion one more thrill.

  She rubbed her clit, her fingers skimming his dick every time he forged in and out. “Oh, yeah. Right there.” Her scream almost tore him in two, but the follow-up of her release soaking his cock finished him off. “So good.” She moved faster, milking her climax for all it was worth. “God, I love fucking you,” she panted.

  “Oh, yeah, baby. Drench me.”

  He surged up again, muscles straining, his gaze ping-ponging between their unwelcome observer and her sweet, undulating body. The anger inside him climbed right along with the need until his expelled breaths scalded his throat.

  She’s mine, you bastard. Watch while I show you. While I make her come like you never did and never will…

  “I can’t take it.” She pulsed around him, white-hot and tight, urging him to let go. “Justin, please.”

  His orgasm roared through him, so overwhelming and all-consuming his vision blackened and his body numbed. Even as she held on to his legs, something inside him ripped free. He shuddered again and again, adrift in the ecstasy she’d brought him.

  Finally lucidity returned. As his eyes opened, he saw Kylie slumped against his updrawn legs, her back glistening with sweat. She rubbed her cheek against his skin and murmured softly, but he didn’t hear what she said. His gaze was on the man who’d yet to leave the front stoop. Though he couldn’t see his face, his fury might as well have flattened the door blocking his entry.

  Time to face the dickweed he’d wanted to throttle since last night.

  “Kylie,” he whispered, but she’d already heard the sudden renewed pounding at the door, along with her bellowed name.

  Her lax, loose form stiffened. He hated watching her shoulders brace, hated even more when she slid off him and drew herself to her feet. A
flash of pain crossed her face as she rubbed the bruise on her thigh and flexed her legs. Her muscles had to be trembling from the position she’d just been in, but she quickly began to dress.

  “I’ll handle him.”

  “We’ll handle him,” he corrected, standing to pull on his jeans. “You aren’t alone anymore.”

  She shot him an impatient glance, then hurried toward the front door, flinging it open just as Justin reached her. “Rob, we’re a little busy,” she began, but Justin only saw the lifted fist in the air, coming down in slow motion toward her gorgeous face.

  No fucking way. Not again. Not in his home. Not Kylie.

  His brain didn’t engage, but his body sure did. He pushed her out of the way and flew out the open door into the blinding snow, his forward motion driving him into the huge man dominating the stoop. Rob had to be six feet three and two fifty at least, but the size mismatch didn’t slow Justin for an instant.

  The fucker was going to pay.

  “You like to hit women? You like to hurt them to get your rocks off?” Justin gripped Rob’s shoulders and shoved him back, propelling them both down the two steps. A thin layer of ice glazed the snow, making maintaining his footing difficult when the other guy decided to shove back.

  “Hit women? Are you crazy? I’ve never hit my woman.” Rob clearly didn’t have the same reservations about hitting him, however, because one of his meaty paws plowed into Justin’s cheek before he could duck.

  “Rob! Justin! Are you two fucking nuts?” Kylie hurtled between them, her face a pale mask of anger and fear. She grabbed both men’s shirtfronts, but Justin nudged her firmly out of the way before returning the gift he’d just received.

  Except when Justin’s fist connected with flesh and bone, he didn’t stop. He rained blows on Rob’s face, not hearing his shouts, not recognizing Kylie’s frustrated screams.

  They fell to the ground, scrabbling like wild beasts in the packed snow. He didn’t feel the cold, didn’t notice the wind-driven flakes pelting his face. Hell, he barely saw Rob’s watery green eyes swelling shut.

  All he could see was the smug smile of the man who’d wielded a belt on his mother.


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