Saving Kylie: A Small Town Second Chance Romance

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Saving Kylie: A Small Town Second Chance Romance Page 8

by Taryn Quinn

  “So we won’t call it a relationship. We’ll call it a…situation.”

  She laughed again. Being with him made her happy, and denying it wouldn’t do either of them any favors. “Right. That sounds much better.” Her stomach growled, and she smiled sheepishly. “Sorry. All my appetites are huge.”

  Now it was his turn to laugh. He rolled up her shirt and leaned down to kiss her belly. Her muscles fluttered under his lips, and he turned his head to smile up at her, his face alight. “I’ll satisfy all of them, don’t worry.”

  “You’re so gorgeous. I never looked at you long enough before,” she whispered, brushing his tangled hair back from his forehead. “You’re going to get a swelled head if I keep this up.”

  “Oh, that’s already taken care of. Just not the one you’re thinking about.” He ground his hips against her ass, and she stifled a sigh at the feel of his thick length. “But before we get back to that, we have a night-before-Thanksgiving feast to prepare.”

  “We sure do.” She climbed off his lap and stuck her hand in his as he got to his feet. “So…frozen dinners, huh?”

  “We’ll do better than that. I already know what I’m eating for dessert.”

  She shivered and pulled him up the hall toward the kitchen. “Would you look at that? I’m suddenly in a big hurry to get this meal finished.”

  Justin had never enjoyed a feast of fried shrimp, crackers and cheese, fruit, and Cobb salad before. At least not all in one meal. His refrigerator had definitely netted more than just pizza, though he had no idea where the seafood had come from. The Cobb salad lacked bleu cheese, and the apples were tart enough to wear away his fillings, but all in all, their dinner was delicious.

  They’d worked their way through one bottle of wine and were now uncorking the second, though Kylie had drunk the lion’s share of the first. She’d started feeling some pain earlier, but if he wasn’t mistaken, she wasn’t feeling any now.

  God, she was beautiful. The soft buzz of alcohol pinked her lips and sexily unfocused her wicked blue eyes. His cock hardened more and more the longer they faced each other across their living room picnic in front of the fire. She’d shared some bartending war stories, and he’d told her a couple from school, but the nicest thing about their friendship was they didn’t have to talk. Everything felt comfortable between them, borne from hours of easy conversation in a low-pressure atmosphere. Even if they didn’t know all the details of each other’s lives, in the most vital ways, they knew each other. He just had to convince her of that.

  First he had to find a way not to want her so badly that all rational thought disappeared the minute she looked in his direction.

  When she caught him adjusting himself for what had to be the fifth time, she laughed and popped to her feet pretty damn nimbly considering her state of intoxication.

  “Let’s go for a ride.”

  “Yes, let’s,” he said gratefully, catching his fingers in her belt loops and tugging her close so he could press his mouth against her denim-clad mound.

  “Not that kind, silly.” She giggled and wound her fingers through his hair, stroking his scalp in that possessive, borderline-rough way he already loved. “Not yet. I mean outside.” He glanced up and studied her glowing face in the flickering firelight. “In the snow. I want to put my arms around you, hold on tight while you take me through the turns I couldn’t navigate last night. I want to reach down and feel your cock and know you’re dying to have me.”

  Right then he would’ve given up his job, his house, and even his sanity just to be able to make that erotic wish come true. “Honey, it’s snowing like crazy out there.”

  “I know. But it would be fun. A little dangerous, yes, but I trust you.”

  He wasn’t strong enough to say no to her. “You’re still sore.”

  “So are you.” Again she stroked the area under his eyes, her fingertips as soothing as the aloe she carried in her purse. “Plus I know you’ve had a bit to drink, so maybe it’s not a good idea.”

  “I had half a glass, maybe. Didn’t want to overdo it with all the OTCs you poured down my throat.”

  “You’re such a good boy.”

  “Yeah, sure. That’s me. Be careful what you say or maybe I’ll go upstairs and grab something out of that drawer for you to wear during our ride.”

  Though he’d mostly been joking, the interest that ignited in her eyes made him reconsider. “Which ride are we talking about?”

  “Any. All.”

  “None of the toys in your drawer were small enough to wear while out and about. So I’m guessing you’re referring to a butt plug.”

  Part of him wanted to shield her from his needs, while the rest of him ached to have in her every way she would give him. “Guess I am.”

  She caught the tip of her tongue between her teeth. “So you’ll fuck my ass, but you won’t spank me. Out of some misguided fear of hurting me. Just want to be clear,” she said when he glanced back toward the fire.

  “I can’t help wanting to protect you.”

  “From what? You?” Her low scoff eased the tension curled in his gut. “I trust you, Justin. With all of me.”

  Even your heart?

  Saying nothing, he rose and began gathering the remnants of their meal.

  “I’m sorry. I guess my pushing you into doing something you don’t want to, whatever the reason, is no better than Rob trying to ease me into the world of group sex.”

  He let out a harsh laugh as he grabbed the stems of their wineglasses in one hand. “You really think you’re pushing me? Fucking you in the ass is the least of what I’d like us to do. Together. It’s not just a matter of me doing what I want and you getting a gold star because you’ll take it. I need you to crave me the way I do you, no matter the method. And maybe I’m just not sure you’re really there yet or if it’s still about you pleasing me.”

  “Yeah, because pleasing men is my only purpose in life.” She snorted. “Wanna see the scuffs on my knees?”


  “Maybe you’d rather see me lie down in front of you and thrust my ass in the air. Maybe you’ll get the message then.” She laid her hand on her lower belly, drawing his gaze as surely as if she’d peeled off her jeans. “If only you had any idea how wet I am just imagining your hand on my ass, you’d sing a different tune.”

  He closed his eyes and gritted his teeth. Thinking about Kylie getting wet while she imagined him smacking the firm cheeks of her ass was not doing him any favors. “Did you want to take that ride or not?”

  “Oooh, I’ve pissed you off.” She stepped closer and slipped her hand under his shirt, scratching his stomach lightly with her short nails. His cock sprung up between them, and she laughed huskily. “Whatever gets you up works for me. Maybe if I get you hot enough, you’ll finally listen to what I’m saying.”

  “You’re drunk.”

  “You wish.” She nibbled his lips and licked his tongue. “I said the same things when I was sober. I’m just…comfortable. Nice and relaxed and loose.”

  “And wet.”

  “Mmm-hmm. Very.”

  He gripped her chin in his free hand and sank into the kiss, tasting the pear notes of the wine along with the crispness of the apple. She rose up on her tiptoes and flattened her breasts against his chest, skewering him erotically with the hard points of her nipples.

  He was being ridiculous. She wanted him and clearly longed for the rough games they both liked to play. He wasn’t some brute who would be indifferent to her pleasure. If he sensed she wasn’t enjoying what was happening between them, he’d stop, and that would be the end of it.

  If she trusted him that much, it was damn well time he learned to trust himself.

  “Let’s go play in the snow,” he said against her mouth. “Then we’ll play in here.”

  “Now that’s what I like to hear.” She angled her head back as he threaded his fingers through her tousled blond curls. A crafty smile tipped up one corner of her mouth. “So what about t
hat butt plug you mentioned?”

  He swallowed and tried to keep his breathing measured. “Sure about that?”

  Her nod was all he needed to have him setting down the glasses and leading her down the hall to his bedroom. He went straight to the nightstand, his only thought filling her with the plug in a prelude to filling her with his cock. His heartbeat stampeded in his ears when he looked back and saw her already bent over the bed, pants around her thighs and ass in the air.

  She shot him a hot look over her shoulder. “Hurry up unless you want to hear my teeth start chattering.”

  “A little shivering’s good for you.” He grabbed the lube and tossed it onto the closest pillow, then reached for one of the two unopened packages of plugs in the drawer. Despite her assertions of experience, he chose the smaller of the two in deference to the ride they were about to take outside. He didn’t intend to do more than go halfway down a straight trail and back, so the bumping and jostling shouldn’t be bad at all, but just in case, he didn’t want to hurt her.

  As if she could read his thoughts as he stared at the plastic-wrapped package, she murmured, “I like a little pain. You just don’t believe me, do you?”

  “Humor me,” he said and ripped out the plug.

  “Fine. You’ll see soon enough for yourself.” She grabbed the lube he’d dropped on the bed and opened the cap. The pungent scent of strawberries wafted up to him as she spread it over her fingers and reached back, handling herself in an efficient way that had him biting off a curse. She gathered more liquid, then slid her finger inside, grimacing only slightly as she held the pose. “Guess it’s been longer than I thought.”

  He took the lube from her and covered his fingers, shaking like an addict just before his fix as he slipped one coated digit into her hot pussy. “Christ,” he muttered when she clenched him hard enough to feel like she’d snapped his joint.

  Her giggle as she rotated the finger in her ass made him smile even in the midst of his extreme arousal. But she wasn’t about to let him off easy. She fumbled for the butt plug he’d placed on the bed and lifted it to her lips, sucking the plastic deep into her mouth much like she’d pleasured his cock.

  Without hesitation, she shifted and slid it into her well-lubed ass, letting out a breathy sigh that mingled with his groan as he watched the navy plastic disappear inside her taut flesh.

  “Just like riding a bicycle,” she said and rolled over, flashing him a delicious glimpse of her damp pussy.

  He gazed down at her. With her slumberous blue eyes and her cheeks flushed dusky pink from the wine, she looked as if she’d been fucked for hours. All the tension had left her body, and her complete relaxation around him was as seductive as the delicious smell of her need.

  “So how’d you come to collect so many toys? They’re not used, thank God, because…eww.”

  He laughed. “A girl I met after college and I got into them. It was fun discovering what we liked. After we broke up, I bought a new one now and then.”

  “Wishful sex-toy shopping.” She nodded sagely. “I know it well. None of your girlfriends were into it?”

  “Some might have been, but I never pushed the issue. One or two of them liked vibrators but nothing more. Over the years I added to the collection. Just in case.”

  “So you were waiting for me to get some use out of them,” she teased, circling her navel with a pale pink fingernail.

  “In more ways than one, I was waiting.” He rushed ahead before she could comment. “Besides, not all of them require a partner. The cock rings for one. Those are used.” His gaze sharpened on her dreamy expression. “How does it feel?”

  She flexed her hips, and he again caught her scent, the musk and tang of it. “Like the smallest cock ever.”

  Justin laughed and leaned down to grasp her knees, spreading them. She only watched him, a smile playing around her lips as she reached up to roll one tight nipple between her thumb and forefinger.

  “You take my breath away,” he murmured.

  “I like that I do. I like that you look at me as if you’re worshipping me with your eyes.” Her chin quivered. “Except for you, I never had a guy friend before. Usually guys just want to get in my pants.”

  He had to smile. “Hate to burst your bubble, but I did—I do—too.”

  “I know, but that wasn’t the only thing between us. Even though you didn’t tell me about your family before, you told me about you. About your job, your likes, dislikes. We talked. About everything. You used to share stories about who you were seeing, when I asked. There hasn’t been anyone for a while,” she said slowly.



  “I think you know the answer to that, Kylie.”

  She squeezed her eyes closed. “I’m afraid,” she whispered.

  Hearing her say those words was one of his worst fears realized, even though logically he knew she didn’t mean she was frightened of him. But today’s display with her ex hadn’t helped ease his mind. “Of me?”

  “No. Of me. I want this too much, and after Rob, let’s just say I don’t trust myself to not screw it up.” She let out a broken laugh. “I’m also afraid that I have no choice but to let it play out. Because I don’t think I can walk away.”

  The muscles he hadn’t realized he’d tensed relaxed. He’d been dreading the moment she told him she was leaving, figuring she’d only want what they had for as long as she stayed there with him. The moment she had time to think, she’d go back to being sensible and say they should take their time.

  He couldn’t take his time. Wanting her was like a blade against his throat, a rope around his cock. The idea of sleeping alone night after night for no real reason had wrecked him, but he’d promised her he could handle it.

  Now maybe he wouldn’t have to.

  He tugged her to the edge of the mattress and smiled at her raspy inhale. He glanced at the bandage around her ankle, and something inside him went soft. She had to be hurting, and yet she never backed down from a challenge. Or an adventure, whether it was inside or out. “Is that the wine talking or you?”

  “Maybe a little of both, but it’s the truth. I just might not be able to say it as easily normally.”

  “So if I slip one of those toys inside you, then turn you over and slap your beautiful ass until that butt plug feels huge inside you, until you’re throbbing for my cock, you won’t shriek and run away.”

  Now her laughter was throaty. “I’ll shriek and beg for more.”

  “And if I take out the plug and shove my cock inside you while I slide that toy in and out of your pussy, you won’t wonder if I’m really building up to demanding we have a fucking orgy, as if any other woman in the world could ever compete with you.”

  “No.” She gave him a faint smile. “Because I trust you. With every part of my body, my mind, my heart. I trust you.” She lifted her arms and stretched them over her head, arching her back so that her full breasts strained against her cotton top. “Do what you want with me. To me. With me.”

  Emotion moved through him, making his heart race and his gut churn. He’d wanted to hear just those words, and now that he had, they were too much. Her trust overwhelmed him. Something so fragile could be damaged thoughtlessly. Irreparably.

  God, she wasn’t the only one who was afraid.

  Under his perusal, she took off her top and bra. Then she reclined and widened her thighs as far as she could with the pants around her ankles, smiling like the temptress she was. “I think I’d rather have a ride in here. Fuck the snow.”

  The perfume of her arousal swam in his head. “You drive me insane, you know that?” he gritted out.

  He cupped her face and slanted his mouth over hers. He kept the kiss light as he grasped one of her breasts, thumbing the nipple with the need he doubted he’d ever tamp down when it came to her. Her eyes shut, lashes fluttering against her cheeks while he eased back to savor her breasts with tongue and teeth.

  The eager, yearning sounds she made pushed
him past his control. Soon he was sucking her deep, driven to take her further than she’d ever gone before. Not just sexually. Sex was easy. He wanted to connect with her in a way that wouldn’t fade as quickly as the scent of their lovemaking.

  If he couldn’t be anything else to her right now, he could be her friend. The best friend she’d ever had.

  He rolled the bead on his tongue over each of her taut peaks, then dragged it down the center of her torso. Her need fragranced the air, and he bent to savor its sweetness, to sip from her center as if she were his own personal chalice. She spread her legs wide, squirming under his erotic assault, while he worked the butt plug in her ass in and out in concert with his tongue in her slit.

  Every time she neared orgasm, he shifted his attention to her pussy, gently sucking, drawing his piercing over her sodden flesh and using a single finger to tease her opening as her body clenched to be filled.

  “Goddamn you, Justin. You’re going to get it,” she threatened, whacking his side with her heel. “You better let me come.”

  Chuckling, he rose. “Oh, hell yeah, I’m definitely going to get it. Especially when it’s so pink and wet, all for me.”

  He shed his clothes, then crawled over her body, stopping when he straddled her hips. Staring down at her in the faint light from the hall, he traced the bow of her mouth with fingers damp from her excitement, and simultaneously squeezed his cock. It throbbed in his grip, echoing the roar in his head.

  As many times as he’d imagined having her beneath him again, the reality didn’t touch the fantasy. Her blond hair spilled over the dark comforter, and her hands twitched with her desire to touch him.

  But she was letting him run the show.

  Slowly, he worked his cock, drawing his palm from root to tip while she watched. Occasionally flashes of her tongue came out to torment him from between her shiny lips. “Uh-uh. As good as you are with that mouth, I want your pussy. Seems only fair, since I got it so nice and wet.”

  She rolled her eyes at him. “You think that was from you? I was imagining my celebrity crush. That former Back Door Boy. What’s his name? Timberfake? Yeah, him. I was picturing his big, thick—”


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