Complete Indelible Love Series

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Complete Indelible Love Series Page 68

by Cee, DW

  James began to whimper again. He looked so much like my wife when he cried. “Are you hungry? Do we need to go see Mama?”

  I walked back into our room and we traded off babies.

  “I changed his diaper already. By the familiar Emily-look in his eyes, he’s hungry. Come here, my princess.” I took Ellie in my arms as Emily finished kissing our daughter and saying good night to her.

  “Hi, James.” Emily cooed to our son. “Do you need to be fed? You’re hungry, huh?”

  I rocked Ellie to her room and saw her big blue eyes staring at me. She had that same look of unconditional trust that her brother and Mama had, and I would work hard to keep this look forever. Emily and I would also work hard to unconditionally love all our children and help them to reach their fullest potential.

  “I know your mommy told me not to do this, but I’m going to rock you till you fall asleep, OK, Princess? You are even more beautiful than your mother, but don’t tell her I said so, or I’ll be in big trouble,” I whispered.

  Ellie sounded her version of a giggle and her eyes gently closed to sleep. I kissed her tiny, soft lips one last time and laid her in her crib for the night.

  “You’re done, already?” Emily looked surprised when I came back in the room.

  “Piece of cake. I don’t know why you struggled all day. She fell asleep immediately.” Chuckling, I talked to our son. “You’re a super fast eater, aren’t you?”

  “I think he’s exhausted from the park. Will you lay him down as well?” Emily embraced our son. “I love you, James. Sweet dreams.”

  “Of course.”

  I kissed my son on his tiny, soft lips as well, and we were finally done for the night. All this craziness would begin again early tomorrow morning.

  “Are we alone now?” I picked my wife up off her rocking chair and laid her on our bed.

  “Don’t you want to eat dinner?”

  “Let’s eat later. It’s been a while since we’ve been alone with everyone making pit stops at our house. The chief would’ve shown up here tonight if it wasn’t for the hospital meeting he had to attend.”

  “It’s been crazy but I’ve loved every moment of it. Your family’s been wonderful with the kids. Do you know your cousins come by often as well? Doug and Laney practically live here when they’re not in school and Glen has been by at least once a week. This is what I imagined family life to be—bustling with people, overflowing with love.”

  I couldn’t help but kiss my wife. Something about motherhood—she oozed confidence and sensuality.

  “Should we try for another baby tonight?”

  “Already? I can’t keep up with the two we have right now. Let’s give it a little more time,” she answered with advances of her own.



  “Do you know it’s our one-year anniversary next week?”

  “Yeah. I can’t believe how quickly the year has gone by. We became an instant family in under a year. How crazy.”

  “I was thinking maybe we should go up north and relive our San Francisco date. Do you want to go up to Napa?”

  “It sounds ideal but what about the kids?”

  “Let’s take the kids up to the apartment along with Mom and Dad. Once we set up a room for the kids and get them settled, we can leave them for the night with my parents. We’ll go have dinner at French Laundry and spend a night in Napa.”

  “I don’t know, Jake. That’s a lot of work for your parents.”

  “Sweetheart. My parents can give them a bottle right before bedtime then do what they normally do—hold them to sleep. Ellie and James both sleep through the night, and we’ll be back before their first feeding—or maybe after their first feeding. Don’t you have a lot of milk stored in the freezer?”

  “Yes, but…”

  “No buts. We’re going. I’ll make sure no one is up there next weekend.”

  And this is how our life would be. In between Emily’s hectic days with the kids and my overscheduled days at the hospital, Emily and I would find time to love the children daily, love each other nightly, and live a lifetime of happiness eternally.

  Author’s Note:

  Thank you for reading Indelible Love – Jake’s Story. I hope you enjoyed reading both novels as much as I enjoyed writing them. Though Emily’s Story has a special place in my heart as my first novel, I love Jake and the tremendous love he had for his girlfriend and eventual wife. He’s the type of hero I’d like to bottle and save as a future husband for my little girl.

  Jake’s Story has been a favorite of all the Reiders from around the world. This book has sold equally to all my other books, combined. I decided with this print version to add a bit more of the reception and their first night together. It’s a bonus I wanted to write for those of you who’ve loved Jake and Emily’s story.

  I highly encourage you read Indelible Lovin’—Max and Jane’s Story, and Unlikely Attraction—Delaney’s Story. These stories revolve around Max, Jane, Donovan, and Laney with surprise appearances from all members of the Reid, Taylor, and Davis families.

  Thank you again, and as always, you can reach me at:

  [email protected]

  (Bonus reading from Jake and Emily’s reception and wedding night)

  “Who the hell is that stunning blonde laughing with your bride?” My buddy, Donovan, would always have a weakness for beautiful women, but who this beautiful woman was would shock him.

  “That’s the little girl you called your fifth sister.”

  “Shut the fuck up! That is not Delaney Reid!”

  “That is. She’s all grown up, huh? While you were screwing around with Kate and all the other women in between, our Laney grew into quite a beauty.”

  “She was always beautiful, and bright, but was she always that well-endowed?”

  “Hey. That’s my little cousin you’re talking about. Uncle Henry would kick your ass if he knew you were ogling his daughter in such a way.”

  “Speaking of kicking your ass, I see that Jane and your bride’s ex have become an item. Shit, you knew I wanted to ask Jane out and you wouldn’t let me. What the hell?”

  Donovan was unhappy. “Buddy, I’ve always told you. She’s not the girl for you. I say this not because she’s my sister. You and she are too good of friends, too alike, too selfish, the list is endless as to why it would never work. But I think this match with Max is a good one. And Emily is thrilled with the two of them getting to know one another.”

  “When the hell did you become a matchmaking mama?”

  “What’s wrong with the woman you have in your arms right now?”

  “Nothing’s wrong. She’s just not right.”

  “And Kate?”

  “Kate and I are done. I’m tired of us.”

  “What happened to living in wedded bliss with her for the rest of your life?” I jabbed at him. I knew he and Kate were not in a good place right now.

  “That wedded bliss ended the moment I got out of my early twenties. I don’t think I’ll ever find my Emily.”

  “Don’t look too far. She may be closer than you think.” I laughed. “Buddy, I’ve spent way too much time with you, and not enough time with my bride. You done with all your questions?”

  “No. I have one more.”

  “Make it quick!”

  “You ready for tonight? It’s not every day you come across a virgin bride.”

  “I was ready the night we met at the grocery store. I can’t wait to get out of here.” I started walking away from Donovan but thought I’d do one last round of matchmaking. “Go say hello to Laney. I’m sure she’d like to see you again. It has been a long time.”

  “Yeah...” The way he answered me made me think he wasn’t going to go see my cousin. I wondered what would stop him from reacquainting himself with his favorite Reid.

  Damn! Another interruption. Max stopped me before I could reach my
beautiful bride. “You have a moment?”! “Sure. What’s up?”

  “I wanted to make sure that you and I were OK. I know I’ve apologized about coming between you and Em, but since it looks like I may be hanging around you a bit more often, I’d like to know you don’t disapprove.”

  “Don’t disapprove? Is that the same as approve? Is this a trick question?” Damn, I was getting snarky from being kept away from my wife.

  “You know damn well what I mean. Do I have your blessing to date Jane?”

  “Do you normally ask the girl’s brother?”

  “No, but when the girl’s brother marries a girl I dated for four years, I thought it prudent to ask.”

  Was Max getting snarky with me, now? “You’re starting off on the wrong foot, pissing me off.” I smiled to show him I wasn’t being serious. “I’d like to get to my wife and I don’t give a damn what you and my sister do. Just please don’t give me any details!”

  Max chuckled. “You found a good woman in Emily. She will make you very happy.”

  “I know.” I answered confidently. “It’s rare to find a woman whose inside beauty outdoes the stunning outer shell. You were stupid to let her go.” I teased.

  “It was the best thing I could do for Em at the time. Knowing now who was coming after me, I’d do it again for her. Be good to her.”

  This guy was all right in my book. Jane needed someone to love her unconditionally and selflessly. She was spoiled, a bit on the selfish side, and she was wild. She needed a good man to channel her energies in the right direction. And Max looked like he needed a feisty girl to keep him on his toes. These two would be a perfect match.

  “You have my blessing. Be good to my sister and don’t come complaining to me when you find that life is more complicated with Jane than you bargained for—but trust me, my little sister will be worth the pain.”

  Before he could thank me, I walked off and attempted to reach my enchanting bride who was dancing with Uncle David.

  “Congratulations, Jake. Your Emily is wonderful!”

  “Thanks, Laney.” Seriously? My wife is just steps away from me and I’ve now been stopped by three well-wishers. “You enjoying yourself at the wedding?”

  “My mom did another fantastic job, huh? Your wedding is perfect, just like the bride and groom.”

  “Laney, you’re pretty perfect, yourself. I heard you kept my bride entertained while she was trapped in her room, yesterday and today?”

  “We had such a good time talking about Japan and Emily and I have so many things in common. She’s the sister I’ve always wanted.”

  Laney was always the sweetest Reid. “You and Jane can get your fill of Emily once we get back from our honeymoon.”

  “What a great honeymoon you will have. If you get a chance, go visit Tokyo University and you can take her to eat sushi at Jiro’s.”

  “Good idea, Laney. I forgot about Jiro’s. We’ll send pictures when we’re out there and we’ll send pictures of our hut in the ocean. I don’t think the waves are big enough to surf, but Emi and I will try to get in a few water sporting activities.”

  “You’ll have a blast.”

  “Thanks, Laney.” I wanted to walk away, but I could tell she was not finished with me. Her expressive face showed some frustration.


  “Yes, Laney?” And can we please make it quick? I have a wife to get back to and a wedding night to begin.

  “Was that Donovan you were speaking with, earlier?”

  “Yeah. Has he come up to say hello to you? He said he would.” Perhaps I shouldn’t have raised her hopes up?

  “He did?” Her face brightened enough to make me feel guilty, now. “Should I...I mean maybe I should just wait till he comes by and says hello.”

  “Laney, I think it’s fine for you to go up to him and say hello, first. Sometimes, guys don’t know what to do in certain social situations and need a little help getting reacquainted. Donovan would be more than happy to see you.” Go, talk to him, and let me be. That was a mean thought, but I was that desperate to have my wife back in my arms.

  “I’ll think about it. I’m sorry I’ve kept you from Emily for so long. I just wanted to congratulate you and to tell you how much I like Emily.”

  “Thanks, Laney. We’ll all catch up when we get back.”

  “Sure thing.”


  Damn family of mine, they won’t let me be! “What’s up, Jane? Make it quick. I have a bride to reclaim.”

  “What’s the hurry? You’ve got the rest of your life to claim her.”

  “And the rest of my life still won’t be enough time.”

  “When did you become such the romantic?”

  “Since I met Emily. Now can I go?”

  “No! Wait up. I wanted to talk to you about Max.”

  Groan! Not this again. “Max is great. I approve. Your sister is over the moon about you two. What else do you need?” I desperately tried to move this conversation along. I was dying to see my wife.

  “Are you sure Emily’s not weirded out by us dating?”

  “Nope. No weirding out at all. Only happiness for you both.”

  “Is...Donovan still seeing Kate?”

  Here we go again. My damn best friend will be the death of me.

  “No more Kate but who knows with them. He’s not right for you. I know you think he’s dreamy, but he’s not. He’s no dreamier than the rest of us.” I looked over my sister’s shoulders to see the back of my bride. She was now dancing with Donovan and it pissed me off that they physically looked so good together. “Are we done, Jane?”

  “You’re so curt today.” Jane was annoyed. “What’s got you in such a foul mood? It’s your wedding day. Lighten up!”

  Aargh! “I’ll lighten up when I can have my wife in my arms again.”

  “Damn! See if I ever come to you for advice, again.”

  “Yeah, yeah...” I left my sister before she said anything else that would keep me from my bride.

  Almost there. We were just a table away from one another. I would tap my best friend in the shoulder and kick him off the dance floor. How dare he slow dance with my bride. There were more than enough women here who would fall over each other if he asked them to dance. Why did he have to pick my bride?

  “Emi...” The call out to my bride disappeared with Nick’s voice topping over mine. Another sibling—why did my parents have to have so many kids? “Hey Nick.”

  “Am I bothering you?”

  Oh no. You and the entire family have only been a pain in my ass. “What’s up?”

  “I just wanted to congratulate you and Emily again. She’s really the coolest gal. I can’t imagine ever meeting someone that great.”

  “Thanks, Nick. But trust me, you’ll meet someone just as wonderful as my wife. And if you’ll excuse me, I need to reclaim my wife.”

  I decided it was my wedding night. I could be rude a little to my sibling.

  “Well, hello there husband. Long time no see.”

  “Don’t I know it. I had so many damn well-wishers when all I wanted to do was be with you. Can we leave, now?”

  “I think I’m ready to go.”

  Finally! The reception was over for us and we were on to the good stuff. Emily agreed to leave but it was so late, and I feared we’d both end up asleep on our wedding night. We got to the hotel and the manager had upgraded us to their Presidential suite. I needed nothing more than a bed and this bride of mine, but I’d take it.

  “Jake?” My bride asked shyly. “Would it be all right if I showered right now? I have so much makeup and hair product on, I feel a little gross.”

  “Should we shower together?” I dared to ask.

  “I honestly wouldn’t mind, but, I want you to see me in the negligee. If we got in the shower right now, that whole surprise element would be gone.”

  “Whatever. Just go and get i
t done.” This wait was killing me.

  After what seemed like an eternity, Emily got out in a robe and asked me to get lost for a few minutes while she dried her hair and got ready for bed. If I didn’t know woman so well, I would have sworn she was trying to kill me by ways of torture. As a courtesy, I jumped in the shower, got myself all clean and burst out of the bathroom with the anticipation of a man with the worst case of blue balls.

  “You ready, Love?” I called out to give her a small warning that I was ready. There was no answer as I expected. I could picture her under the covers, nervous. “Emi?” I called her again.

  What I saw made me wonder if I should laugh or cry at this situation. My bride was fast asleep with the duvet completely covering her. I slid into bed with her, brought her into my arms, and thought a couple hours of sleep couldn’t hurt.

  Exactly two hours to the second, I could wait no longer. As I undid the covers completely, this virgin bride of mine was in the most scandalous nightie that showed everything and nothing simultaneously. Lying flat on her back, she gave me easy access to slowly trace her leg and kiss her shoulder and neck. Comically and sadly, my bride was still dead to the world. If I wanted her up and participating, I’d have to take more drastic measures.

  Slowly peeling off the nothing-there negligee, I took a moment to appreciate her spectacular body. I knew I’d be in for a treat, but what was in front of me was even better than dreamed.

  “Emi?” I laid on top of her and started kissing her side of her breast. “Love, I can’t do this on my own.” I suckled her nipple and that jolted her awake.



  “Did I fall asleep?”

  “You sure did.”

  “I’m so sorry!” She sounded apologetic enough for making me watch her sleep.

  “Emi. It’s all good as long as you start participating.”

  She started to giggle. “Did you undo my clothes? I’m feeling a bit violated, here.”


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