Complete Indelible Love Series

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Complete Indelible Love Series Page 141

by Cee, DW

  “These buggers are a lot of work, aren’t they?” Donovan was talking to me, but keeping a sharp eye on both kids who chose to sit on the wet sand and splash the water whenever the low tide came in.

  “They are, but they’re so sweet. Look at how much they’re enjoying themselves, and look at how well they play together. I hope I’ll end up with two sets of twins when I decide to have kids.”

  “Two sets of twins?” Donovan sounded shocked. “Why the hell would you want that kind of torture?”

  His face of horror was cute. “I want a set of twin girls, then a set of twin boys. They can be each other’s best friends and never need to rely on anyone else.”

  “Shit. You are a glutton for punishment. Your knight in shining armor definitely needs to come with his own castle and a chest full of gold if you want four kids.” He shook his head at me.

  “Not necessary, Mr. Taylor. We could live in a little hut like your beach house, and as long as we have each other, we’ll be all right. Kids don’t need to grow up in luxury, and though I enjoy the perks of money, I don’t need it. I just”

  Damn! I sounded like a sentimental fool again. I always hated showing Donovan my idealistic dreamer side. In his world of glamour and power, I came off sounding like a damn fool.

  Afraid to look up to a disapproving face, I kept building mounds of sand so the kids could knock them over.

  “You truly are an enigma, Delaney Reid. I’ve never met anyone who wants her fairytale prince, but is willing to live the life of a pauper, as long as she has her true love.”

  “Hey,” Jake rushed back to us after getting his phone call.

  “Hey, I think I’ve got to go check on Emi. I just spoke with her and she says she’s not feeling well.”

  “You’re so full of shit, Jake. You planned this whole thing, didn’t you? Dump the kids on their unsuspecting godparents and go off and rendezvous with the wife?”

  Jake only grinned. “I swear I didn’t. Shit, you think Emi would lie and say she didn’t feel well so we could meet?”

  “It’s not your wife I’m accusing.” Donovan gave into my cousin’s weak plea. “Just go. I’m thankful you had the foresight to bring Delaney.”

  “We’ll take care of the kids, Jake. I hope Emily feels better, soon.” I added my two cents to this conversation.

  As soon as we gave our blessings, Jake kissed the babies and he was off. The kids were still so completely entranced with the concept of sand that they barely registered their father gone.

  “I guess I owe you $50,” I lamented. “I totally thought I’d win this bet.” Right before we left, Donovan and I had made a bet to see how long it would take Jake to go searching for his wife. I thought Jake would want to make a pit stop at their spa right before we went home. Donovan believed Jake would leave us within an hour of our arrival at the beach. Forty-five minutes into our “fun,” Jake was off to see his wife.

  Fearing that the kids would get sunburned, we “hosed” them down the best we could and walked to the nearby restaurant to have some dinner. The kids feasted on soup, crab and bread. Between the dirt, the sand, and a messy dinner, I needed a bath as much as the kids did.

  “How the hell do we clean up these two?”

  “I don’t know. I’ve been trying to come up with an answer, but can’t think of anything. They’re also dog-tired. Look at their eyes.”

  “That bastard of a cousin of yours is probably in bed with his wife while I’m here putting his kids to bed.”

  Most likely, that was a perfect assessment of the situation here. We got back to the house and I opted to jump in the tub in my bathing suit with James, while Donovan entertained Ellie. Washing him wasn’t as difficult as I’d imagined since he was wiped-out. As soon as I was done, I got a new tub filed with clean water and did the same for Ellie. Donovan had no idea what to do with a naked child, so when I got out of the tub and put a gigantic robe on the both of us, I found him rocking a sleeping James.

  The sight of Donovan rocking a baby and humming a tune struck me. If ever there was a doubt I loved this man, I doubted no more. A vision of him rocking his own baby hit me so hard, I was left speechless and heartbroken—because I knew this imaginary baby wouldn’t be our baby. How would I bear to see this man at family functions watching him with his wife and kids, laughing and loving one another? How would I stand it if in addition to hearing their joys fill the air, I was still alone, searching for my prince? I wished I didn’t know this man. I wished I didn’t like this man. And more than anything one earth, I wished I didn’t love this man.

  “I think James is asleep, but I didn’t put his pajamas and diaper on him. What do I do?”

  Donovan’s question brought me to the present. “I’ll try and get him dressed if you’ll do the same for Ellie and put her to sleep.”

  “All right,” he whispered and we swapped kids.

  Very soon, we had both kids sleeping in the second bedroom with every pillow and cushion laid around the bed just in case these critters fell.

  “Shit! I am wiped! How the hell does any woman do this on a daily basis?”

  “I’m tired, too. But, they’re down. You want to make another bet on whether or not Jake’s coming back tonight?” I grinned.

  “Trust me when I say, he’s not coming back. You have a change of clothes?”

  I nodded yes. “I need to call Mom and tell her where I am.”

  “While you do that, I’m going to call my ex-best friend,” Donovan chuckled.

  I took a quick shower in Donovan’s bathroom and got ready for the night. Since I wasn’t planning to spend the night outside of my own bed, Donovan lent me some clothes as substitute pjs.

  “You want to take my bed while I take the couch?”

  “No Jake?”

  “Asshole tells me Emily had indigestion, and she fell asleep in his arms. Now he can’t bear to wake her up. So he’ll come pick us up early in the morning, to take us home so we can get to work and school.”

  “That’s fine. I have no more formal classes. I just need to meet a study group.”

  “Delaney, I have a mound of work to do. Why don’t you sleep on my bed?”

  “I have tons of work, too. I probably won’t sleep much tonight.”

  We both got to work and didn’t communicate for hours. Every so often, I looked up at him when I thought he wasn’t paying attention, and wondered if this was what he did with his girlfriends in the past. Did he take care of them? Did he promise them the world? How much did he love them?

  “What’s your question?” Donovan caught me staring at him, and asked. I shook my head no. I didn’t want to tell him. “I’ll go pick up some coffee for us if you ask the question.”

  “How do you know I have a question for you?”

  “It’s written all over your face. Speak, Delaney Reid. What’s on your mind?”

  With more hesitation than Donovan could withstand, I asked, “How come you haven’t married, yet?”

  Now he was the one who hesitated in giving me an answer. “Well...”

  “I didn’t mean to pry.” I gave him a way out. “I’ll go get coffee. Why don’t you stay and watch the kids?” I got up to grab my wallet.

  “I’ll go.” Donovan reached out for my arm but ended up with my hand. Using me as leverage, he held my hand and pulled himself off the ground. “I’ll grab our drinks and I’ll tell you why I’m not married, in exchange for info on your relationship status.”

  “There’s no info to give.”

  “That’s exactly the info I’m interested in.” He gave my hand a firm squeeze and added, “I want to know why there’s never been a man in your life.”

  His interested glint gave me shivers. While Donovan was out getting our caffeinated beverages, my stomach did a gymnastic floor routine. What would I tell him? Why did he care to know? Why the hell did I pry into his life?

  “Your coffee will get cold if you don’t drink it v
ery soon,” a delicious whisper breathed into my ear.

  “How long have I been asleep?”

  In his still hovering state, he put one arm around my back, one hand against the top of the sofa, and pulled me up while seating himself right next to me.

  “Here.” He picked up my cup from the nearby table and I took a big sip.

  “I thought about carrying you inside, but you said you have work to do, so it seemed prudent to wake you up.”

  “Thanks. I do need to get up. I have work I have to finish tonight.”

  “Is that your way of getting out of our unfinished discussion?”

  “Ever since I was a little girl, I’ve had this illusion of my ideal man, and I’ve yet to actualize this ideal man—simple as that.” I confessed and decided to lay this conversation to rest.

  “How the hell are you going to get married if you’re looking for an ideal man?” Donovan’s bug-eye was cute. I wanted to put my hand on his face and lightly kiss his lips.

  “I’m searching for my ideal man, not the ideal man.”

  “Isn’t that one in the same?” I shook my head no. “So what does your ideal man look like?”


  “I want...” this was where I went into my dreamer mode. “I want a best friend, a lover, a protector...someone who is strong, but not dominating, kind, but not weak, and loving, but not overbearing. Is that asking too much?”

  Donovan didn’t respond for a very long time—he eventually never responded. Feeling stupid again, I got back to my work and brushed off his brush-off.

  “Rise and shine!” Jake called out as he and Emily walked in with coffee, bagels and juice. “You both slept on the sofa?”

  I woke up to find myself curled into a fetal position in the armchair, and Donovan “sprawled” out on the tiny couch.

  “What time is it and how’d you get in here?” Donovan asked.

  “5:00a.m., you’re door was unlocked, and it’s time to get back to reality.”

  “Yeah,” Donovan snorted. “Delaney and I never left reality since you saddled us with the kids.”

  “I’m so sorry!” Emily answered the both of us. “I told you to come back and pick everyone up. You should have gone home last night.”

  “And miss the chance of having you sleep in my arms?” Jake smiled and kissed his wife’s lips. “These two were earning their titles as godparents last night.”

  “Laney, you look so tired. You’ll be fine at school today?”

  I did feel like crap, but what could I say to a heavily pregnant woman?

  “I’ll be fine. I just have study sessions. It’s Mr. Taylor you should worry about.”

  “He’s a big boy. He’ll be fine.” Jake shrugged off the situation and pulled Emily toward the kids’ room.

  “What did you do to these two? They’re wiped out.” Emily was amazed as she and Jake transferred two sleeping kids from the bed to their car seats. “I’ve never been able to transfer these two without waking them up, ever.”

  Once the kids were situated, Donovan and I sat in the third row and I put my head back and tried to sleep more. Last night, Donovan never answered my question as to why he wasn’t married, and he never responded to my comment on what I wanted in a man.

  Placing his palm over the top of my hand, he squeezed it and asked, “You going to be all right today?” I opened my eyes to find his beautiful face looking only at me. I would miss this face...this voice...this attention.

  “I’m ok. What about you? Did you get your work done?”

  “I finished it up after you fell asleep. You want me to drive you to school this morning?”

  His beautiful eyes gazed sweetly into mine. What I would do to experience his love for a day.

  I shook my head no, and brazenly traced his five o’clock shadow with my index finger. With a desperation I’d not known before, I wished to lean into this man and place my lips over his. But of course, common sense won out, and I stopped my unreturned desires and action. “I have only a half day today.”

  “Stop by my office after you’re done?” He whispered and carefully followed my finger that just left his face. “I’ll take you to lunch.”

  I smiled and shook my head no again. “I don’t want to bother you. I’ll see you next time.”

  With almost a pleading he said, “Stop by when you’re done. I’ll be expecting you.”

  I didn’t answer because the more time I spent with this man, the deeper I fell in love, the harder it was to leave, the more desperate I became to see my love returned. Only I could exercise the self-preservation of my heart.

  As the study session ended, I naturally found myself having a mental war on whether or not to visit Donovan. I told myself no, but my heart kept asking why I couldn’t stop by, especially when I knew he was waiting for me. During a moment of weakness, I picked up a pastrami and mustard sandwich—his favorite lunch—and walked up to his firm.

  I regretted my actions the second I stepped onto the twenty-ninth floor.

  “Hello. Can I help you?”

  “Hi.” I addressed Donovan’s assistant. “I’m here to see Donovan Taylor.”

  “I believe he’s having lunch with Jane Reid. Did you want to wait or shall I lead you to them?”

  “No...” I trailed feeling utterly foolish again. “Never mind, thank you.” I quickly retraced my steps and walked up to Grandfather’s office, instead.

  “Laney!” He gave me a brilliant smile and a warm hug. “What brings you by?”

  “Have you eaten, yet? I have a sandwich here if you’d like to eat with me.”

  “And you brought this sandwich for me?” He questioned with much doubt.

  I gave Grandfather an apologetic smile. “Well...I thought I’d surprise a certain someone who asked me to stop by with the promise of lunch, but I guess I was the one surprised.”

  “And where is this certain someone?”

  “Having lunch with Jane.” My shoulders slumped, defeated.

  Grandfather stepped closer and hugged me, but made no mention of my pathetic status. He was kind to let me sulk without any judgment or unsolicited advice.

  “My darling granddaughter. As much as I’d love to have a meal with you, I’m afraid I have to step into a meeting.”

  Now Grandfather was the one giving me an apologetic smile. “Your gram and I would like to have a meal with you before you leave—perhaps in a few days?”

  “Sure.” I got up without hesitation. “Have you had lunch?”

  “I haven’t. I was going to send out for something.”

  “Why don’t you take the sandwiches, Grandfather? I’ll eat when I get home.”

  “You sure?”

  “I’m positive. I’ll see you later?”

  “Without a doubt.” Grandfather walked me to the door and gave me another loving hug and kiss on my forehead.

  “I know this certain someone will regret having missed a meal with you, Laney.”

  “I doubt it, Grandfather...but it’s not the end of the world.”

  I never saw this certain someone who was full of promises this morning.

  I knew it was unwise to follow my heart.

  May 16, 2013 Diamond in the Rough

  Jane started a new Reid tradition of playing softball—Reids vs. The Others. It was a great idea to get all the family members involved, and since I loved softball, everything would have been perfect, had I not already had plans.

  “Bye, guys. See you on Monday. It’s almost over.” I sighed in relief.

  “See ya,” my classmate said as she walked me to my car.

  I turned on my phone to a horrific number of messages in my inbox. Reading through, I was bummed I’d miss a family event, but I had this golf weekend planned for a while and I felt bad flaking.

  I replied all to the baseball game recipients.

  To: Jane Reid, et al

  From: Delaney Reid

  Subject: I won’t be
in town this weekend

  Sorry, but I can’t play. Have a great time.

  As soon as I sent this off, I got a reply from Donovan asking for all the particulars. I wasn’t in the mood to answer him after he blew me off the other day, so I sent back a snarky reply and drove home. Once home, I got an email telling me to head straight to Jake’s.

  The kitchen was filled with a mass of people.

  “Hey, Laney.” Jake greeted me with a side-hug.

  “Hi Jake. Babies sleeping?”

  “Is it past six-thirty?”

  “Thought I’d ask.”

  I walked in a bit and was happy to see Bee. I never got a chance to thank her in person for all the clothes and was headed right for her when my troubles began.

  Josh started the whole debacle. “Jane has a cool double date planned for us, although it’s turned into the whole world joining our date.” I didn’t know how to respond to this. Last thing I wanted to do was go out with Josh. He was a great guy and I enjoyed our friendship, but my plane ticket was purchased, my mind was made-up. I didn’t need to lead anyone on. After being in love with Donovan Taylor for so long, I hated the idea of anyone liking me when I couldn’t return the sentiment.

  “How was your date?” my idiotic brother asked with a stupid grin on his face. He knew he was about to get me into trouble.

  Then, of course, Mr. Donovan Taylor joined in the conversation and ruined my entire night! “Why the hell do you date so much?” Did this gigolo actually have the nerve to ask me this question? “I don’t get why so many guys ask you out.” What the hell did he care if guys asked me out? Just because he wasn’t interested in me didn’t make the entire male population adverse to me as a woman.

  I told off all three guys at once. “First of all, it wasn’t a date. A group of us stayed to finish our project, then went out for a bite to eat. Secondly, I don’t go out with everyone. And finally,” I needed to get this off my chest, so I could go home, put the blanket over my head and hide. Two minutes was all it took to ruin this day. “Maybe I date so I can one day have a meaningful relationship rather than just a meeting of the bodies. And what the hell do you care why guys ask me out? If you’re that curious, why don’t you do a Q&A with Josh and see how many times I’ve gone out with him.”


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