Complete Indelible Love Series

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Complete Indelible Love Series Page 172

by Cee, DW

  “Laney, you graduated summa cum laude, got into med school and film school, men adore you at every turn, and I don’t know anyone who doesn’t think you have an adorable personality. Aside from all that, what I always admired and envied about you was your independent spirit. Whatever you want to do, learn, experience—you go for it. Students generally don’t leave the comforts of a very comfortable home just because they want to experience a new culture. Students also don’t take classes in either spectrum of majors, just because they like it. You’re unconventional and that makes you unique.” Wow! Never in a million years did I see this conversation ever happening between us.

  “I think odd is a more fitting term.” That brought out the girly giggles. “But it’s not like you couldn’t have done all that.”

  “But I didn’t. I found safety in the conventional. What makes you truly special is your unconditional love for everyone around you. Even in a difficult situation, you find the good in everybody. Donovan is head over heels in love with you for all those reasons. When I think back, he’s always given you more attention than the rest of us—and that was another source of envy for me.”

  “Donovan...” I smiled like I was the luckiest girl, alive. “Perhaps he’s the root of all evil.” I’d have to let him know I said that when I went up to sleep in his arms.

  “He’s not, and he loves you. I’m sorry I was selfish all this time. It bothered me whenever I thought he had feelings for you and that selfishness almost cost me my relationship with Max.” She groaned. “I was stupid—beyond stupid. I wanted to be the center of everyone’s world, rather than enjoying my relationship with Max. You believe me when I say Donovan and I were really never anything more than friends?”

  “I believe I do. Donovan explained it all to me, and I’m not upset with you. I still have some unresolved issues with Donovan’s selfishness, but I meant it when I said I wish you and Max only the best.”

  “Thank you for understanding, and I wish you and Donovan this kind of happiness as well.”

  “I appreciate the talk and let me know if I can help you in any way when you prepare for your wedding. I’m sure your mom, as well as mine, will be thrilled with the news.”

  “I actually do have one thing you can help me with if you don’t mind.”

  “Of course I don’t mind.” Though I am a little tired.

  “Across the street from this villa, there was a motorcycle Max was drooling over. Since he got me this,” she showed me her sparkly ring, “I thought I’d get him that. Only problem, I don’t speak motorcycle so I don’t know what that is.”

  “That’s easy. It’s a Ducati. They’re made very close to here and they are beautiful, powerful, and fast. Max would love it! What a great idea, Jane.”

  “Is it safe?” she worried.

  “Jane. It’s a motorcycle. It’s as safe as the driver and the crazy cars the driver comes in contact with. But Max should be fine. It’s not like this would be his first motorcycle.”

  “Can you help me pick one out?” She was hesitant, but willing to do it for his sake.

  I was happy to help! “Bring down your laptop. Let’s order one now!”

  Patting myself on the back for picking out the coolest Ducati, I got ready for bed and slipped into Donovan’s room. It was tempting to put on one of Bee’s lingerie outfits, but it was almost four in the morning, and I was too tired to see anything through tonight.

  Donovan was knocked out and snoring softly. I snuggled into his body and put his arm around my waist while we spooned (with our pajamas on).

  “Huh?” Donovan woke up startled to find himself hugging me.

  “Why’d you get your own room?” I asked, baffled.

  “What do you mean?” He even sounded sexy with a hoarse and scratchy voice.

  “I’m in the room next door.”

  He answered groggily. “I thought you were in this room when I put my stuff down.”

  “Didn’t you see all my stuff in the other room?”

  “No, didn’t pay any attention.”

  “Can we talk about what happened last night in Paris?” I was somewhat embarrassed, but I had a few questions for him.

  “No.” He cut me off.

  What? “Why not?”

  “Because if we talk about it right now, I’ll get horny and want to do something about it, and it’s late. I’m tired and so are you.”

  “I just have a few questions.”

  “Princess, I have a meeting in Rome later today and I’m unprepared because you scared the hell out of me today when I lost you. I need to get up in a few hours and get some work done before we head into Rome. Get some sleep!” He went all Mr. Commander on me again.

  “I sort of booked a ticket back to London tomorrow morning. I’m supposed to leave with Jake’s family.”

  “Like hell you are. Go to sleep!”

  “All right.” I closed my eyes but something seemed amiss. “Donovan?” I asked one last time.

  “What...!?!” He was now annoyed with me.

  “I love you.” Even though it was dark and I was facing away from him, I stuck my tongue out at him in response to his ‘What...!?!’

  He chuckled. “Go to sleep, Princess. We’ll do a thorough Q&A tonight in Rome. And I love you too.”

  “One absolute last question?”

  “Shit, Woman. Spit it all out!”

  “Does Grandfather have a nice place in Rome, too?”

  “I’m told it is but we’re staying in a hotel until Max and Jane leave.”

  “We are? Why?”

  “Because you’ll have questions and I’ll have answers, that’s why.” I had to think about that. “Now can I go to sleep?”

  “Good night.” And I think it was a good night. But as always, I was out within minutes.

  “I trust you are not leaving with us this morning?” Jake chuckled at my disheveled state.

  JR’s cry made me pop out of bed, and after making myself presentable in Donovan’s clothes since all my stuff was next door, I ran outside to say good-bye to my cousin and his family.

  Giving Jake a guilty smile I answered, “Um...yeah...I may stay here with Donovan.”

  “You may...? Or you will?”

  “I think I will, Jake,” I answered abashedly. “You’ve always known that my heart belonged to your best friend. Now that he’s finally returning the feelings, I think I’ll regret not giving this a try.” I didn’t know why I felt so shy telling this to Jake, who’s probably been our biggest supporter.

  “He loves you, Laney. You deserve the best and I think you got the best.” My cousin came in to give me a hug. “Give him some room to make mistakes because we men make a lot of mistakes.”

  “Thank you for always watching out for me and taking care of me. Next to my dad, I think you are the coolest guy around.”

  “How come we were left out of this love-fest?” Emily walked into the hallway with JR and came and hugged us.

  “I’ll see you very soon,” I cooed to the baby. “You give your brother and sister a hug and kiss for me,” I said but decided to keep JR in my arms.

  “Let’s go have some breakfast.” Emily led the way.

  “You’re up, already.” Donovan came over and gave me a kiss on the lips and JR a kiss on top of his head. “Did I ever tell you that you are most beautiful when you have a child in your arms?” He whispered in my ear. “I can’t wait to get you pregnant with our baby.”

  Damn! That statement gave me chills that ran up and down my body. His words put these tingles on the back of my neck, and I was so aroused I almost pulled Donovan back into our room to finish what was started in Paris.

  “Will I enjoy the act of procreating?” I teased him with a whisper of my own.

  “With the way you screamed with pleasure the other night, I have no doubt.” He breathed into my ear.

  Those tingles went everywhere, but mostly south. There was no time to be embarrassed with D
onovan’s comment. I was raring to go and scream some more. With every kiss he placed on my neck, I was shivering with pleasure.

  “Hey. You two. Stop making out in the corner over there. We are trying to have breakfast.”

  “Jane, Jane, Jane...” Donovan spoke. “You always were the party pooper.”

  “Shut up and come have breakfast. Max and I walked to the bakery this morning and got all these freshly baked pastries.”

  “Can I make anyone some coffee?” I offered, once JR was safely back in his mother’s arms. “I love this coffee machine. All you have to do is touch one button and voila, you have an espresso, or a latte, or a cappuccino. Grandfather must like this machine, because he has one at each of his homes. We don’t have one in Belgravia. I think I’ll buy one for all of us. It’ll be cheaper than what I’ve been doing, getting it from the local cafe.”

  “Princess, I think that machine runs in the thousands. You can buy yourself a year’s worth of coffee and still come away cheaper.”

  “Oh. Sorry, Emily. I take back my offer. We won’t have one of these in Belgravia, but I’ll introduce you to the great bakery I found not too far from us.”

  Emily laughed. “When will you come back to us?”

  “Well...” I thought about that for a long while. “I don’t know? Mr. Taylor?” I deferred to him.

  “We will be in Rome tonight, then we have the weekend free to stay there or go wherever your heart desires. I need to be back in London by Monday for a meeting, and Tuesday for a firm function. You are to be my arm candy that night.”

  “Arm candy, huh?” I raised my eyebrow. “Will your glamorous ex be in attendance?”

  Now he was raising his eyes at me.

  “I have to ask you two,” Emily chimed in, “was Kate always that glamorous? Even when you knew her in your younger days, did she never have a hair out of place?”

  “Did I ever tell you I used to call her Sea-foam Goddess because when I first saw her at the Montage, she had just come out of the pool and she looked like Aphrodite coming out of her shell?” Jane laughed to herself. “Damn, she makes every woman around her feel insignificant. I don’t envy you coming after someone like that, Laney.”

  “It’s all right. I’ve got something huge that she doesn’t have.” I answered with much confidence.

  Donovan chuckled. “Yeah? What’s that?”

  “Youth!” I giggled. Donovan pulled me down onto his lap and kissed my cheek like he would a little girl.

  “Laney,” Max called out, “you have a clearer idea of your future after having been an unemployed college grad for a few months?”

  “Funny you ask...” I looked at Donovan and spoke more to him than anyone else in the room. “I was thinking I might go to med school rather than film school.”

  “That’s wonderful.” He gave me a genuine smile with his answer. “But you can do whatever you like, you know that, right?”

  “I know, and that’s what my parents keep telling me, though I know Daddy wants me to go to med school. After hearing my dad speak at the conference in Amsterdam, I thought it would be a waste not to be under the tutelage of two brilliant surgeons on the cul-de-sac.” I gave Jake a nod. “But I’m torn between having kids soon, and being in school and residency for so many years. Jane, what will you do about your pending marriage and kids?”

  “Max and I will most likely get married as soon as his schooling is done. And maybe we’ll get married right here in Tuscany?” She asked Max that general question and he shrugged his shoulders as though he didn’t care where he got married as long as they got married. “As for kids, I don’t know, either. I’d like to pop them out sooner than later, but it may be a few years.”

  “Ladies, you have many years before you have to have kids.” Emily was the voice of reason for us. “I wouldn’t trade my three for anything in this world but I will tell you, once they arrive, there’s no sending them back. Do what you want to do, accomplish your goals, then you can decide when it’s time to have kids. You don’t have to do everything at once and all at the same time.”

  “I guess we’ll just have to spoil our godchildren in the meanwhile,” I answered Emily and kissed JR’s head again.

  Breakfast was perfect. The six of us got along beautifully, and Max would make a great addition to our family. He had become another member of the Reid family and I loved that he was so easy going. We all got ready for our respective trips. Jake, Emily, and JR left first for the airport. And soon after, the four of us left for Santa Maria Novella train station.

  “I need to do a little work on the train, OK?” Donovan was warning me even before we got on.

  “You do what you need to do. I talked to Daddy this morning and he says if I get married before I start med school, my husband is paying for it.”

  Donovan stopped everything and thought through what I’d just said. It kinda hurt my feelings that he looked like he was trying to decide if it was worth it to marry me right away.

  “So you’re finally admitting that we’re getting married?”

  Huh? So he wasn’t weighing me vs. tuition? Shoot, I had to get out of this one. Considering this man hadn’t proposed, he’d only told me we were getting married, I wasn’t giving in. “I never admitted to us getting married. I was just telling you what Daddy said.”

  “Why do you keep refusing to marry me?”

  “If you knew me at all, you’d know.” Let him figure that one out! My cousin Jake proposed to his girlfriend in Paris, his sister Jane was proposed to in the middle of an Andrea Bocelli concert in the rolling hills of Tuscany, and all I get is “you’re marrying me.” That was no proposal in my book.

  “Women!” He muttered and took out his laptop and started typing away. I watched a movie on my tablet and Max and Jane were just super cute together, talking about their impending wedding.

  “Have you talked to my mom yet?” I interrupted Jane.

  “Your mom was with my mom when I called to tell them about the proposal. My parents already knew it was happening, and your mom was going through a list of wedding themes.”

  “Oh, Jane. Will you really get married in Tuscany? How very romantic.”

  “That sounds really good to me. We can have the twins be our flower girl and ring bearer and maybe Gimpy knows of an owner of a winery nearby his home. We could rent a winery, get married and have a party there.”

  “What a dream to get married in a winery in Italy.”

  “What about you? I’m sure you picked out your wedding dress when you were five years old.”

  I let out a guffaw. “You know I was always partial toward Sleeping Beauty when I was younger.”

  “I know!” Jane groaned. “But why? Why her?”

  “Because her dress was pink.”

  “Shit! Seriously?” Jane looked annoyed. “I looked terrible in pink and you kept making me put her dress on.”

  “Jane, you look good in any color—then and now. You just didn’t like her because I liked her.”

  Jane also broke into a guffaw. “Well, there was some of that.”

  “But soon after, I grew into a Cinderella fan. I always thought my prince would come meet me at a ball, fall madly in love with me, and propose on the spot.”

  “Oh brother!” Max moaned. “You women really think like that?”

  “Max!” I complained. “I was only like seven when I thought this.”

  “Then where did Donovan Taylor fit into your plan?”

  Now I really let out a giggle. “I saw him for the first time when I was ten, in Aunt Sandy’s kitchen, and I thought he was the most handsome man, ever. Even though he and Jake had been best friends since birth, that was the first time I registered who he was and let me tell you, Donovan Taylor was it. He was the cat’s meow, the greatest thing since sliced bread, the absolute bomb!” I peeked over at Donovan, who was trying hard to type away, with a stupid grin on his face.

  The phone rang before I could retu
rn to my story so I excused myself and picked it up.



  “Hi Pa. How are you?”

  “Is she talking to your dad?” I heard Jane whisper over to Donovan. He reached out and lovingly squeeze my hand while nodding yes to Jane.

  “Where are you and Donny now?”

  “We are on a train heading into Rome.”

  “Was the concert good?”

  “Oh, Pa. It was wonderful. And did you hear the good news? Jane and Max are engaged.”

  “Yes. When am I going to hear this same good news about you and Donny?” he asked in earnest.

  “I don’t know, Pa. That’s up to Donny.” I answered with equal amount of sincerity. “What are you and Ma doing today? Are you still in Paris?”

  “We are all heading into Rome, too, and wondered if we should meet up for dinner.”

  “Hold on, let me ask.”

  “The Taylors are all heading into Rome and would like to know if we can meet up for dinner with them tonight.”

  Donovan decided to answer his dad for us. “Pa, I have a meeting that will most likely turn into a dinner. And I think Delaney is hanging out with Max and Jane today. We can see you tomorrow if you like. Uh-huh. OK. Talk to you later.”

  “What did he say, and why did you saddle me with Max and Jane? They may be busy today.”

  “We’ve seen enough of my family on this trip. We’ll see them next time.”

  “I like your family.”

  “I do too but once they get a hold of you, I won’t see you till late tonight and I shouldn’t be too late.” He leaned over and whispered, “We have our unfinished Q&A.”

  Giddy, I turned to Max and Jane and said, “Don’t feel the need to entertain me. You do what you need to do.”

  “We were going to help Josh set up his new apartment. You can join us,” Jane invited.

  “Oh, I’d love to help.”

  Grandfather’s apartment in Rome was in the most fabulous location, in the heart of the city. He and Josh resided within minutes of one another, but most likely their apartments were as different as Cinderella and her stepsisters. Grandfather’s apartment was nowhere as big as the Paris apartment, but it was still grand.


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