Complete Indelible Love Series

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Complete Indelible Love Series Page 195

by Cee, DW

  “Why don’t I remember your grandparents? I mean I know I’ve seen them before, but I remember nothing about them.”

  “Grandma Rosie died when we were really young, and Grandpa Donny morphed into his new role as husband and father during his dotage. That’s why you don’t remember my grandparents.”

  “Was your grandfather at any of the holiday gatherings?”

  “No. He and ‘Grandma Gypsy,’ always vacationed on some island or went off to some retreat during the holidays.”

  “But then why do I remember seeing Bee at your family functions?”

  “Because they always left her at home with us. For the crappy parents she had, Bee turned out sane, normal, and well adjusted. Look at how successful she is with her clothing line. She’s artistic like her mother, but unlike her mother, she’s focused and driven. She just bought herself a nice loft in a newly renovated area of downtown LA.”

  “Good for her. Where’s her mom, nowadays?”

  “Who knows? Bee doesn’t like to talk about her. I think Bee’s goal in life is to be the antithesis of her mom.”

  “That’s tough to be on your own at such a young age. I don’t know what I’d do without the help of all my family members.”

  “I hear ya.” We were back at the apartment, and I got ready for bed as quickly as possible. “Now that the boss is in the house, I need to be my usual brilliant self so I’ll get hired by the firm.”

  “With the way my grandparents dote on you, I’m sure they’ve secured a job for you already.”

  “If not, Jane said she’d secure a job for me.” With the Reids helping me, I knew I didn’t have any worries for my future as a lawyer.

  After three grueling years, I was done!

  “It feels so damn good to be done with school and the Bar!” I had graduated from law school last month, enrolled in a Bar test-prep program, finished the exam today and now I was free! Once I passed the test, I’d be a full-fledged working man. It was a long and tough road, but I didn’t regret my course of action.

  “Congrats!” Jake and I were out to dinner celebrating. “Maybe I should’ve considered law school. I can’t wait to be done with school. I’m tired of the grind.”

  “Shit. You can’t be tired now. You still have residency to go through.”

  “I know.” Jake was down tonight. “Sorry, Man. I know I’m a drag to be with tonight. It’s your day and here I am whining about life.”

  “We all have those days. I have exactly two weeks before I live in the real world. Let’s go to Europe one last time—my treat. I figure I’ll have a paycheck in about a month.”

  “I can’t leave now. The shit starts up again in a week. I have too much to prepare for, and I feel like hell from lack of sleep and focus.”

  “That’s exactly why you need a vacation. Your uncle is the chief of staff at the hospital where you will do your residency, your grandfather donated enough money for you to have a wing named after the Reid family, and unless you say no, you will be employed there for life. What the hell is the problem?”

  “I need to get away from the Reid legacy. I’m applying to several hospitals, and my first choice is the one in the Valley.”

  “Seriously? Why would you want the harder way out?”

  “I need to establish myself without the help of a Reid.”

  “That’s all fine, but let’s play in Europe for a week, and we can bring your grandparents back to the States.”

  Jake didn’t have a prayer fighting my wishes, and we got damn lucky. Once we called Gram and Gramps in London, they informed us my future boss was heading to Europe at the same time. What a bonus! We secured a ride to Amsterdam on a private plane with Sir Roland.

  “I forgot to give this to you. Happy graduation.” Jake abruptly pulled out a lavender gift bag with pink and blue ribbons.

  “Did you have Jane wrap this? What the hell?” I chuckled.

  “Yeah...something like that. Open it.”

  In the bag was a soft calf-leather messenger bag that could double as a briefcase. “Thanks, Man! This is perfect. It’ll come in handy when I start working. It’s unlike you to pick something this fashionable. You have a little style in you, yet.”

  “Yeah, yeah. Whatever! Let’s get going. We don’t want to miss our plane ride.”

  The flight was fucking amazing! I’d never been on a private plane before. Sir Roland’s plane spoiled me for life. Shit. It could only go downhill from here.

  “Where are you boys headed?”

  “We’re not sure. I only have a week before school starts again.”

  “Why don’t you boys stay in Amsterdam? It’s a forgotten city when people travel to Europe, but no less beautiful.”

  We did just that. When the plane landed in Amsterdam, our jaws dropped at the sight of this beautiful city.

  “Sir Roland, this place is stunning.” My boss’ apartment overlooked the gorgeous canals. This place felt like a retreat for lovers. This was where I wanted to bring my woman...whenever I found this woman.

  “Donovan, you are part of the Ascot family now. Call me Roland.”

  “Thank you, I will. Are you sure it’s OK Jake and I stay here?”

  “There are plenty of rooms for you boys here. Just promise me you won’t have all-night parties.” Roland grinned as though he knew a thing or two about ragers. “Why don’t you boys base yourselves here and take day trips to Belgium and surrounding countries. If you only have a week, that means you only have five days here before you hop over to London to pick up Jerry and Estelle.”

  Jake answered, “That’s not a bad idea. What do you think?”

  “I don’t care where we go as long as we have a week of fun. This is turning out to be a great vacation with flight, room and board already paid for by Roland. I’m getting off cheap!”

  “That just means you owe me another vacation.”

  The first thing we did in Amsterdam was bike around the small city. We visited some museums, ate at local restaurants, and were tempted to shop, but decided not to. No trip to Amsterdam would be complete without the red light district, and though we browsed, we did not sample any goods.

  One morning, we accidentally ended up at an open-air market. There I found a cute ring that reminded me of a certain someone back home.

  “Little fem even for you,” Jake teased. “For Kate? That can’t be. She’s not the girly-type.” He thought he’d figured it all out.

  “It’s for your cousin, Delaney. Isn’t it her 16th birthday very soon?”

  “Shit! I almost forgot. How did you know?”

  “You never give me enough credit. You know how much I adore that little girl. I know her birthday is sometime in early August, and I think this ring would be perfect for her. Will you give it to her?”

  Jake looked surprised. “Um, yeah. I don’t mind giving it to her. I assume I should tell her it’s from you?”

  “No. Make sure she believes it came from you.”


  “Because, though we are family friends, it’s a little weird for me to give her a ring. There’s no hidden meaning behind the ring of course, but I don’t want anyone getting the wrong idea.”

  “OK. I get it.”

  Jake and I ended up staying in Amsterdam the entire week. Gram and Gramps flew to Amsterdam instead and caught a ride back home with us on Roland’s plane. These were the last of my days as a free man.

  Working at a high-powered law firm was draining. The days were long, and the nights were even longer. If I wanted to make partner, I needed to put in the effort and bill as many hours as humanly possible. This business trip to London was a welcome reprieve.


  “What are you doing in London, Donovan Taylor?”

  “The firm sent me out here to take care of some business, though I think it was the owner of the firm who purposely sent me out here to check up on you.”

  “Are you teasing an old l

  “I’m teasing the most beautiful woman over the age of forty.”

  “You’re such a charmer, Donovan. All that charm is going to get you into trouble one day.”

  “I welcome it, Gram. How about I take you to dinner?”

  “Put the bags in your room and let’s go.”

  It had been a year since I was last here in London, and I was going on almost two years with the firm. A year ago, Grandpa Jerry died unexpectedly and we all came to mourn his loss. Jake and I called as often as we could because we understood how much Grandpa Jerry meant to Gram. We knew she was lonely, but she refused to move back to LA and be with family. She wanted to be surrounded by memories of Grandpa Jerry’s last years.

  “Jake tells me you are still too stubborn to move?”

  “Donovan, I’ve no need to move. Every other week I have a visitor. That’s what happens when you have five kids.”

  “Tell me the truth, Gram. I know how much you loved and still love Gramps, but there’s a little hanky-panky going on between you and that boss of mine, huh?”

  Gram spit her martini back into her glass, laughing so hard. “I told you kids that I’d tell my story only if one of you has a broken heart. Someone break your heart, Donovan?”

  “Nope!” I answered without hesitation.

  “Are you still with that cougar?”

  “Off and on.”

  “The story I’ve heard is that you’ve hooked up with her again since you got to the New York office. Is that true?”

  “Are you going to slap me on my head if I say yes?”

  “What do you see in her? Why would you waste away your youth with an older woman who’s not right for you?”

  I had to think about that. Gram was correct in many ways. “I don’t think I’m wasting away my youth, Gram. I’m not in a relationship with her and I haven’t been since my senior year in college. If we happen to be near each other, we hang out.”

  “You mean you have sex!” Was it wise to talk to your honorary grandmother about sex? “I’ve had five sons. I know about sex, Donovan.” We both laughed as her new martini arrived.

  “Kate and I have dinner. We might watch a show or a concert. We talk business. And if the stars and moon align, then yes, there may be extra activities at night. That’s all I’m going to say, Gram. Look at me. I’m turning red!”

  “When are you going to stop fooling around and date seriously? You need to get married one day.”

  “Your favorite grandson tells me you badger him about producing great-grandchildren.”

  “You boys need to find good women and settle down.” Gram admonished. “How about picking a Reid girl? Then you can become a real grandson.”

  I gave her my most shocked face. “You mean to tell me you haven’t considered me a real grandson all this time?”

  “I’m being serious.”

  “Who would I date among the Reid girls? Jane?” I shook my head. “Jake is always telling me he’d kick my ass if I dated Jane. He says we’re all wrong for one another.”

  “Jake is right. You are both terrible for one another.”

  “Gram,” I complained. “There are no other girls left. The next one is Delaney and she’s in high school.”

  “She won’t be in high school forever.”

  I couldn’t believe my ears. “I know back in your days most young ladies got married rather than attended college, but knowing your genius granddaughter, she’ll become a brain surgeon before she gets married. By then, I’ll be an old man.”

  “So you’re not against the idea? Have you seen her lately?”

  “I haven’t seen her since she was little. I thought I might see her in London during Grandpa Jerry’s funeral, but I arrived late and she left early. I think she had finals or something like that. Somehow, we keep missing one another.”

  “She’s beautiful, Donovan.”

  “Gram. Uncle Henry would be horrified if he heard this conversation. There’s no way in hell he’d allow his angelic daughter to date me.”

  “Just keep your options open. If you saw my angelic granddaughter, you might change your mind.”

  “Let’s change the topic before the chief kicks my ass for talking inappropriately about his daughter.”

  After dinner, we went back to the flat where Gram and I spent a good portion of the night reliving her days with Grandpa Jerry. The two of them shared a love only possible in romance novels. I hoped for a bond that strong when I finally met the right girl.

  Four years with AAP and only my work life progressed at light speed. I made partner about two years ago, and was heading up the mergers and acquisition department now. Personally, nothing had changed. My family, my friends, and the occasional dates filled up the few free hours of my week.

  “Why the hell are you up at this hour?” As a surgeon, Jake kept crack-of-dawn hours, but even this was early for him.

  “Donovan! I met her! I met THE ONE!”

  “Jake, buddy. It’s like four in the morning your time. Where the hell did you meet a woman at this hour?”

  “I met her at the grocery store and she ended up getting hurt so I took her to the ER and she gave me her number. She’s the one, Donovan. I know now what Gram was talking about—it’s all true!”

  “Calm down. I feel like I’m reading a chick-lit right now.” I couldn’t believe this was the same best friend who dated my sister years ago. “Tell me about her.”

  “She’s twenty-four.”

  “Um...” I interrupted this hypocrite. “The age gap between you and this woman named...”

  “Emily. Emily Logan is her name.”

  “So you being twenty-nine and Emily being twenty-four is OK, but it isn’t all right for me and Jane?”

  “Are you still on this? Are you seriously interested in my sister? If you’re serious and you’re willing to drop Kate and the bevy of women who’ve paraded through your life, and settle down with my sister, I give you permission to date her. You both need to get this out of your system once and for all.”

  I had to think about that. My instinct told me Jane was not the one for me. Since I hadn’t listened to my gut where women were concerned in the past, I thought I might try it for the first time. “Get off my ass and tell me about your Emily.”

  “She is beautiful beyond words!” Oh brother! Had Jake been in New York with me, I would’ve rolled my eyes at him. “I’m going to call her in a few hours and make sure she settled in OK. She sprained her ankle and I tried to drive her home, but she wouldn’t let me.”

  “What does Miss America look like?”

  “She looks like...heaven...”

  I tried my damnedest not to laugh too hard. I didn’t want his girly feelings hurt. “I’m leaving for Asia tonight so I probably won’t get a play-by-play for a few weeks, and just in case you were wondering, I saw your sister at the office yesterday.”

  “Asia? My sister?” I didn’t know whether it was lack of sleep or this Emily that had Jake all discombobulated.

  “Yes, your sister Jane. She came in for an interview, and I only got to wave hello to her through the conference room window. She left before I was done with my meeting. As for Asia, I do believe I told you about this last week. Roland wants our presence out there and has asked me to meet a few people on his behalf.”

  “Why is he sending a junior partner on such an important mission? You’ve only been with the company like three or four years.”

  “Because, my dear friend, you might have a hard time believing this, but other people find me to be an asset. I am a VIP wherever I go.”

  “Oh, I find you to be an asset too!” Even on so little sleep, Jake was as clever as ever. “That reminds me. Which cities are you visiting?”

  “Tokyo, Seoul, and Beijing.”

  “If you get a chance, check up on Laney for us.”

  “Delaney? Where is she?”

  “She’s in Tokyo on an exchange program. She�
�ll be out there the entire school year.”

  “She’s a well-traveled little girl, isn’t she?”

  “If you saw her, you wouldn’t think she was a little girl anymore. She’s absolutely stunning.”

  “As stunning as Emily?”

  “Nobody is as stunning as my Emily. Have a safe trip and if you can, give Laney a call when you’re in Tokyo.”

  “Will do. If you get beyond a phone call with this Emily, email me or send texts.”

  “I will.”

  I’d never seen Jake this excited about any woman—not even my sister. I was psyched for him.

  Is this the way you’re going to treat your best friend?

  What do you mean?

  Since you’ve met Emily, I’ve yet to get a phone introduction and we’ve yet to do anything but text. Have I been dropped from your friend list?

  LOL! SMH. Chief is working me night and day. It’s impossible to date. BTW, Emily is coming your way for Thanksgiving.

  I’d greet her at the airport but I’m coming home. Ma and Pa are not happy that I haven’t been home since I got to AAP NYC.

  You stay the hell away from my woman! LOL!

  You afraid of competition?

  Ha! She doesn’t like the Don Juan-type. She prefers the good-looking, marriageable-type, like me!

  Seriously, when do I get to meet Emily?

  As soon as I can have more than one date a month. This is the girl for me, Donovan. I want to marry her.

  Are you shitting me? You just met her.

  I’m for real. If all goes well, I’m going to propose soon and I want to be married in the next few months.

  Your parents know how serious you are?

  They do and they’re dying to meet her too. Btw, did you see Laney in Tokyo?

  Nope. I tried but got waylaid by Kate.

  What the hell?

  Our hosts took us on a side trip to Kobe to enjoy the food and the onsen and I almost pissed myself when Kate stepped into my bath, naked.


  WTF is right! F being the operative word. Needless to say, I didn’t see much of the outside world till it was time to leave.

  You are definitely not anywhere near the marrying stage. Stay away from all good women.


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