Complete Indelible Love Series

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Complete Indelible Love Series Page 198

by Cee, DW

  “Damn! I’m missing your chicken parmigiana?”

  “And an eggplant parmigiana. I made both kinds.”

  “Aargh! I need a rain check, Emily. If it’ll make you feel any better, I bought you a bouquet of flowers. I wish I could send them to you. They’re now sitting in my empty refrigerator.”

  I heard Jake laughing in the background. “Now why the hell would you buy flowers for my wife?”

  “Because she was nice enough to make me my favorite dinner.”

  “I’ll go pick up the flowers from your fridge and give them to the person they’re intended for if you’ll admit they’re not for my wife.”

  “They’re for Emily.” I insisted.

  “Buddy, I’ve known you since you were born. You can’t bullshit me.”

  I was caught.

  “I’ll see you when I get back. Bye!”

  Two damn days into this meeting with the Mitchell Group, and we were still at square one. What the hell! This was getting ugly.

  “How you holding up?” I asked Jane who looked as exhausted as I felt.

  “I thought the New York office was bad. This case is the toughest one I’ve seen yet.”

  Jane was right.

  “Hello all. How are negotiations going?”

  “Gimpy!” Jane ran over and hugged her honorary grandfather. “What are you doing here? You didn’t tell me you were going to be here.”

  Only after the two of them showered each other with love, did Roland notice anyone else.

  “Nice to see you again, Sir.” I greeted Roland, who had been absent from the LA office for quite a long time.

  “You married, yet, Son?” I guess at thirty-one, I was expected to be married.

  “Not yet, Sir.”

  “Hasn’t Jake schooled you on the virtues of married life? He’s a man in bliss, last I saw.”

  “Oh yes he has, and he definitely is a man in bliss. Unfortunately, I can’t seem to find any girl who’ll take me.”

  “Why don’t you marry our Jane here? She’s as stubborn as she is beautiful.”

  “She is that, Sir. I’d take her in a heartbeat if she’d have me.” That probably wasn’t the smartest thing to say. I’d have to learn to keep my mouth shut if I couldn’t “put out.”

  “Gimpy, I have a boyfriend. I’ll introduce you to him when you’re in LA.” I guess Jane just put the kibosh on my “wooing” plans.

  “All right. Enough talk of marriage. I have a treat for you all. I know you’ve been at a dead end with this deal. I happen to know the old goat who owns the Mitchell Group. Let me deal with him today. You all can have a day off.” Everyone was ecstatic! “Donovan, let me talk to you privately for a second, and Janey, my dear, I will see you later.”

  He waited for everyone to leave before telling me about a Regency Ball he wanted me and Jane to attend.

  “Gram is here?” That was a huge surprise.

  “She is. She’s attended this ball in the past and would like to see you and Jane tonight. Can you take Jane and get her ready for tonight without spoiling the secret?”

  “Sure. Anything for Gram.”

  “Thank you, Donovan. Estelle will be pleased.”

  “So what exactly is going on between you and Gram? You know I consider her my grandmother, and feel the need to protect her virtue from predators like you.”

  Roland laughed heartily. “You make sure you watch what you say in front of young, impressionable ladies. Were you really going to marry Jane if she had jumped at your offer five minutes ago?”

  He was right. I was a fool. “I will heed your words. We will see you at seven?”

  “Seven it is.”

  Jane and I had an unexpectedly good time at the Regency rental shop. Once we were done shopping and had a bite to eat, we went to Jane’s apartment to change for the big event. I had no idea how men from the 1800s wore such tight pants. There was no room for error in these pants. I definitely wouldn’t be thinking about any sexy blondes while wearing these tighty-whiteys!

  “I need help!” Jane called out to me.

  Jane looked beautiful in her ball gown. “Aren’t you a vision in blue!” I let her know. Thanks to the color of their eyes, all the Reids looked their best in blue. Jane guardedly turned around, and I saw why she had called me. She couldn’t do up any of the small buttons at the back of her dress. I should’ve buttoned them for her without teasing, but I couldn’t help it. I got in the Regency era mood and said, “Why you, trollop, you. Are you asking me to button...or unbutton...?” It was a joke, but by the look on Jane’s face, she misunderstood completely. Roland was correct in his assessment. I needed to watch my words.

  As I approached Jane, I came to the realization that seeing Jane half-undressed excited me none, while catching a quick glimpse of a girl whom I hadn’t seen in years stayed branded in my mind. What did that tell me about my “feelings” for Jane and my “feelings” for Delaney? Fuck! This could not be happening to me. I couldn’t be attracted to a girl I considered my fifth sister. I needed to stop this unnecessary flirtation with a woman who had a boyfriend, and I needed to stop this attraction toward a girl who wasn’t even out of school. When had my life become this complicated?

  I went to button Jane’s dress and her reaction to my touch proved she misinterpreted my joking statement about being a trollop. “Let’s talk,” she said with a serious face. Though I wasn’t quite sure what she wanted to talk about, a pow-wow explaining my stupidity was the last thing I wanted right now. I needed to walk away from all women and get my head on straight.

  “Not now, Lady Jane...I know the inevitable...just give me tonight...” Tonight, I’d attend this ball and live in another world, another time. Starting tomorrow, I’d assess my reality and compartmentalize—that’s what I’d do. I’d store away frivolous thoughts and desires.

  I took Jane to see her grandmother and surprisingly, Max arrived at the ball. I gave Jane a final kiss inside her wrist, as they did in the olden days, and said my final farewells. Max looked none the happier with me, and I didn’t give a shit. Nothing had happened. His girlfriend and I were work associates and family friends—nothing more, nothing less.

  “May I have the pleasure of this dance, Gram?”

  “You may.”

  I took Gram out to the dance floor and we danced a simple country-dance. “I see you’ve kicked up your slippers a time or two in your day.”

  “How have you been, Donovan? You don’t call me or visit anymore.”

  “That man whose company you are keeping has me working like a dog in LA. Are you back for good? I miss you, Gram.”

  “I am back...for a while. I’m unsure how long. It depends on Roland.”

  “Ah-ha! I knew there was some hanky-panky going on between you and my boss. I approve!” I gave her two thumbs-up.

  “Let’s talk about you. Have you found a woman to marry, yet? You’re not seeing that Kate Beauvais are you?”

  I pulled Gram off the dance floor, and led her to the refreshment room for lemonade. “I have not seen Kate in a very long while and I have not found a woman who wants to marry me.”

  “Have you found the one you want to marry?” That was the question of the hour. “Well?” Gram was not a fool. She knew something was up.

  “I’ve met someone...kind of...but not really...”

  “Spit it out, Donovan. At my age, you can’t wait around for a woolgatherer.”

  “Yeah, I’m interested in someone, but it’s another Kate situation. There’s another ten-year age difference and I don’t want to go there anymore. I find myself attracted to her, but she’s all wrong for me. Then there’s another woman who has all the right monikers, but as attractive as she is, I’m not attracted to her in the same way as the first woman. I don’t know, Gram...” Gram watched me intently, making me uncomfortable. “Your silence is bothersome, Gram. Do you see me squirming? Did I say something wrong? Are you going to slap me on the head like yo
u and Grandpa Jerry used to do?”

  Gram was about to crack a smile but instead asked, “Why is this first girl wrong for you? Is she ten years younger or older? Who is she? Bring her to me and I’ll tell you whether she’s right or wrong. As for the second girl, a right situation doesn’t make for the right girl. A plethora of girls will fit the mold you’re looking for—but you need that chemistry. You can’t live a lifetime without passion.” I agreed. But Delaney...? Gram’s heart would stop right here and now if I told her that this mysterious girl was her beloved granddaughter. “Are you going to tell me who she is?” The way her eyes bore down, somehow…she knew.

  “I see Roland calling you, Gram. I’ll walk you over.”

  “Chicken!” She chuckled and let the subject drop.

  Subsequent days moved along without any distractions. Jane and I were back to our usual camaraderie, and work was busier than ever. I stopped by Jake’s parents’ home to get Roland to sign a few documents and walked over to see my favorite twins.

  “Donovan! What a nice surprise.” Emily greeted me with a smile almost as dazzling as my goddaughter’s.

  “I was hoping to catch the twins before they fell asleep?”

  “Too late, but you can catch another beauty, instead.” With those nebulous words, she led me into the kitchen. “Look who’s here...” Emily announced.


  “Hey. What brings you to our neck of the woods?” Jake greeted me, but I had a hard time taking my eyes off the girl who’d been my obsession for the past few weeks. She didn’t return the stare—damn her!

  “The office needed Roland’s signature on a few documents so I volunteered. I figured I could bum off dinner from Emily while I was at it. It’s been a while since I’ve had her culinary delights.”

  “Sorry to disappoint you, Man. We’re going out tonight. That’s why we have Laney here.”

  “Hello, Delaney!” I hoped she’d return my enthusiasm.

  “Hello, Mr. Taylor.” Shit. She was still just as humdrum about me as ever.

  “Mr. Taylor? What’s with the Mr., Laney? He sounds ancient. And if Donovan sounds ancient, so do I. You know we’re the same age?” Finally! Someone who was on my side, pleading my cause.

  “Jake, you’re not old. I just call him that because...I don’t’s just because I’m not on friendly terms with him...” Something had gone terribly wrong with our friendship. I needed to change this sterile atmosphere between the two of us.

  “What do you mean ‘not on friendly terms’? Don’t you remember I saved your life at the swimming pool that one summer?” I did my best to jog her memory. “Remember, Jake threw that volleyball at your head and knocked you out? Who pulled you out of the pool before you drowned, and saved your life?” Jake and I laughed at this memory. “If I remember correctly, you were bawling, with snot all over your face, I might add, because your cousin gave you your first shiner and it was picture day the next day at school.” Even Emily joined in this laughter.

  “It wasn’t that dramatic. It wasn’t as though I was drowning. I just had a bump on the head.” She was not happy with this memory, but I was happy to see a reaction. “And I did not have snot all over my face.”

  “Whatever! You need to be grateful to me because you might not be here if not for me.”

  “Donovan, could you help Laney with her statistics test and keep her company during dinner? I have food made, ready to be heated. Or, you can always order take-out.” Emily gestured for her husband to get off the stool. “We have to meet Jane and Max in half an hour.”

  “Jane and Max?” Shit. I needed to clear up any misunderstandings with Max.

  “Things didn’t go as planned up north?” Jake shook his head. “I gave you my opinion already. You’re barking up the wrong tree. Focus your energy elsewhere.”

  “Whatever...just leave.” I’d tell Jake about my decisions concerning Jane next time we were alone. “I’ll help Delaney with her stats test and be the guardian of our godchildren until you get back. I was the fool for giving up a tasting menu at Spago tonight and for wanting to dine with my best friend and his wife. Not exactly the fun night I’d imagined.” A pair of sad eyes looked at me as soon as I’d said that last sentence. Damn! Open mouth, insert foot.

  “Bye, Laney. Thank you for watching the kids tonight.” Emily said her good-byes to Delaney, but shook her head at me in annoyance.

  “Mr. Taylor, you don’t have to stay here with me. I’m used to watching the kids by myself, and Jake helped me with my stats test already, so please don’t let me or the kids keep you from dining with your friends.” She refused to look at me while saying this.

  “Delaney...” I brought her close to me and treated her like the ten-year-old I remembered. “I only said that to make Jake feel guilty. I didn’t mean any offense. Let’s order dinner. I’m starved. Where are the menus?” God, she was beautiful when she stared at me with those big blue eyes! She took my breath away. “Did anyone tell you, you look like a doll?”

  “Um, yes...Jane tells me that all the time.”

  “Well, Jane is correct. I feel like I’m looking at one of those American Baby dolls.”

  “You mean American Girl dolls?”

  “Yeah, American Baby, American Girl...whatever.”

  “Thank you, I guess?”

  “What do you mean, I guess? Those dolls are adorable.”

  “I think those dolls look like the girls from Poltergeist. I guess I could audition for a horror film.”

  Was she real? This girl could model for any company. “You could not audition for a horror film, and how do you know Poltergeist?”

  “I’ve watched it.”

  “You like horror films? I would have never pegged you for a girl who likes scary movies. You look like you’d like Disney movies.” She wasn’t happy with the little girl treatment. “You don’t scare me with your attempt at an ugly look. You wanna have Chinese tonight?” I ignored the petulant mouth lest I be tempted to kiss it.

  During dinner, we fell into step with a conversation about Jake and my family. We asked each other questions, and she gave me long-winded sentences I loved hearing. All was going well until Delaney asked a question that threw me for a loop. She asked if I was interested in Jane and I had no clue where she’d gotten this idea. When I couldn’t give her a good enough answer, she chastised me and told me about Jane and Max’s love for one another. Then she basically dismissed me. I couldn’t figure this girl out. Was she upset with me? Did she hate me? Did she not give a damn about me, or was this all a figment of my imagination? Why the hell was I working this hard to figure her out? Why did I let her mess with my head?

  “Let’s go stream a scary movie on that theater-sized TV.” I changed subjects and forced her into the TV room. I streamed Chainsaw Massacre, and this girl’s reaction to a scary movie was hilarious. “What’s the point of watching a scary movie if you’re going to cover your face the whole time?”

  “I’m only covering my face when I think it’s going to be scary.”

  “Is this how you watch a scary movie?”

  “Uh-huh...” On cue, she jumped with the anticipation of a scary scene.

  “Come here.” I pulled her next to me and she fit perfectly under my arm, next to my heart. It took her a solid minute to relax, but when she did, there was no better fit. I covered her eyes when I thought a scary scene was approaching, and I held her even closer when she got scared. I could live like this with a woman, maybe this woman, the rest of my life.

  “Delaney.” I shook her lightly when she got too quiet. “Hey.” I called out again.

  She had fallen asleep and instinctively curled into my chest when I attempted to wake her. I enjoyed this moment, this feeling of her in my arms. Rather than waking her, I laid us down on the large sofa and wrapped both arms around her.

  This was wrong. This shouldn’t have felt so good—but it did. I could’ve slept the night away with her, as inapp
ropriate as it was.

  “Hey.” Jake tapped my head with a damn smug grin on his ugly face. “You want me to get the guest bedroom ready for you, or you want to see if Uncle Henry will let you sleep over at his house?” He couldn’t stop laughing no matter how much Emily pinched him.

  “Stop. Laney will hear you,” she whispered.

  Jake shrugged his shoulders explaining he didn’t care.

  “Walk my cousin home.” Those were his last words as Emily tapped Delaney on her arm.

  The first person she looked for and saw when she opened her eyes was me, and that felt even better than good. What the hell was better than good? Gooder? Better? Best? Whatever it was, I didn’t want it to go away.

  “I’m sorry. I didn’t mean to fall asleep on you.” She rolled over and got away from me. Damn! I was suddenly empty without her. This feeling of abandonment was so real and so large; I had an urge to hold her, to touch her, to be connected with her again. It scared me. This connection we had, shouldn’t have happened and definitely couldn’t go anywhere.

  “No worries.” I had to play off what I felt and what we’d just done. We had slept together like lovers and it was inappropriate as hell. “I guess the movie wasn’t as scary as I thought it would be. It put us both to sleep. Can I walk you home, Delaney?” A platonic friendship was all we were meant to have—she could only be like a younger sister to me.

  “No. It’s all right. It’s just next door. Thank you for a fun evening, Mr. Taylor.” Something I said didn’t sit well with her because she turned from me and didn’t look back. She talked with Emily and Jake and left the house without even a good-bye.

  “What was that?” I asked Emily and Jake. They both shrugged their shoulders. “Delaney.” I chased after her. “Delaney.” She wouldn’t turn around though she heard me. “You all right?” I pulled her to a stop.

  She carefully thought through her answer. “I’m fine, Mr. Taylor. Once again, thank you.”

  Shit! She was back to the formal Mr. Taylor. She was dismissing our time watching a movie, lying on the sofa and sleeping together. How had I wronged her this time?


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