Complete Indelible Love Series

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Complete Indelible Love Series Page 200

by Cee, DW

  “Mr. Taylor.” The phone brought me back to the present.

  “Yes, Cindy?”

  “There’s a Kevin on the line for you.”

  Kevin? “Is this my fraternity brother who has gone missing the past ten years?”

  “You were always the drama queen.”

  “Um, hell no...that was Jake. I was always the cool, calm, and collected one.”

  “You were always the full-of-shit one.”

  Kevin was a nice distraction from my sorry state. “To what do I owe the pleasure of this call?”

  “I thought since I’d been MIA the past decade as you claim, I’d invite you out for drinks.”

  “That’d be cool.” It would definitely help me do something other than obsess over Delaney. “I heard you’re the new softball coach at the university. Congrats!”

  “Thanks. That’s another reason why I haven’t called in a while. I’ve been recruiting, getting all the ratty equipment replaced, meeting with alum donors...speaking of...”

  “Shit. Is this all part of a donate-to-our-program solicitation? You’re not calling just to say hello?”

  “I was calling you just for drinks, but since I have you on the line, why don’t you come down and see our program. Let me show you what I’ve done with it and if you’re impressed, that fat wallet of yours can open for my little cause.”

  I knew Kevin’s intention wasn’t to swindle me, but I was feeling swindled! “Why do I feel so violated right now?” We both laughed. “All right, Asshole. I’ll stop by one day. What’s a good day for you?”

  “Today’s isn’t too good because I’m helping with the IM softball team. We have a new list of students and alums who have signed up to play and I need to give them the usual speech.”

  “I can meet Friday if you’re free.”

  “Friday is perfect. Isa, the wife if you remember, is going to her sister’s for book club. We can go to the sports bar and catch a game and some beer.”

  “Oh yes. The beautiful wife you’ve been hiding from us. How is she doing?”

  “She’s well, and we’re expecting our first baby this fall.”

  “Congrats, Man! I see now why you’ve dropped off the face of this earth. You’ve been busy.”

  “Hell yeah, I’ve been busy.” Another good friend was happy and settled. I was truly the last one left without a mate. “I’ll see you Friday?”

  “Friday it is. I look forward to it.”

  We were about to get off the phone when Kevin asked, “Hey. Is there a Laney Reid among Jake’s cousins?”

  What? “ did you...why do you ask?”

  “I’m looking over the list of people who signed-up and the name Reid caught my eye. How’s Jake doing? I heard he had...”

  I cut Kevin off. “Delaney’s signed up to play?”

  “I think so. I’m a little unsure because one person apparently signed in her name along with an Elle and Eric.”

  “What time is this meeting?”

  “In about an hour.”

  “You hanging out at the softball field?”


  “I’ll take that tour in twenty.” I hung up without an explanation.

  “Cindy, I’m gone for the day.” I flew out of the office before my assistant stopped me for another meeting.

  This fantastic coincidence was heaven smiling down on me, giving me a chance to clear up this misunderstanding. As soon as I got to the softball field, I looked around for Delaney, though I knew it was early. Finally relaxed about our situation, I asked Kevin to give me the grand tour.

  “Why are you really here?” Kevin refused to do anything until I answered him. “Obviously it has something to do with this Laney Reid.”

  Before Kevin jumped to any wrong ideas, I explained, “Delaney misunderstood something I did and I need to clear the air with her. She’s like a sister to me and our last meeting has bothered me. This is a golden opportunity to make things up to her.”

  “What does she look like?”

  “She’s tall, blonde, gorgeous blue-eyes...”

  “Is she that knockout walking our way with most likely Eric and Elle?” Kevin asked with a mischievous smile.

  He hit it out of the ballpark with that description. She was a knockout. “Hello, Delaney Reid.”

  She turned her head back and forth like the Road Runner on Bugs Bunny and asked, “What are you doing here?”

  After all the introductions and explanations were done, I had the bright idea to ask, “Hey, Kevin. Can anyone join this IM team?”

  “Noooo!” She yelled to everyone’s fright and my delight. I knew with this cute reaction, she wasn’t upset with me—or at least I hoped.

  “Count me in. I played catcher back in the day. I’ll play if I can catch for this beautiful pitcher.”

  “Great!” Delaney’s girlfriend was excited enough for all of us. Delaney was unhappy!

  After another round of tug-of-war-with-words, Delaney grudgingly stepped into my car and we got into another round of tug-of-war-with-words regarding...everything. This girl couldn’t just agree with what I said, or given me simple answers to simple questions. Topics on what sports she played when she was younger, how she became a wine-lover, frat parties, beer drinking—they were all contentious topics. What was most frustrating was the lack of explanation on her accusations at Roland and Gram’s engagement. All she said was, “I don’t really know what I meant. What I said the other day was not the kindest thing to say to anybody. I don’t know if I can take it back, but I also can’t pinpoint why I said those things.”

  Could my assumptions about Delaney and Max be true? Did she have a thing for Max and was pissed with me for thinking about Jane? Shit, that made absolutely no sense! There was no way Delaney knew anything about Jane and me, and if Delaney had a thing for Max, she should’ve been happy I held an interest in Jane. Aargh! What the hell was I thinking? They made no sense, I made no sense! All this was too damn confusing. Why couldn’t Delaney just come out and tell me what she thought? I hated women who played games, though...was she now a woman to me? Wasn’t she still a little girl? Damn it all to hell, I was rambling like a lunatic. I could pull out every damn piece of hair from my head with this frustration.

  I drove Delaney home and told her to expect to carpool with me after tryouts. After staring at me longer than was comfortable, she proceeded to leave the car. The way her body slouched as she walked home bugged the hell out of me. The entire night, we disagreed on everything and not once did I bring up what she saw yesterday morning.

  “Delaney.” As her gait faltered, I knew she heard my whisper but proceeded as though she hadn’t. “Will you please look at me when I call you?” To my relief, she finally surrendered. “Yesterday morning when I was dropping off Jane...”

  She immediately placed her index finger on my lips and stopped me. Her chin-up expression faded as she pleaded, “Please don’t. I don’t need to know.”

  My lips had a mind of their own and proceeded to jut themselves out into a kiss but I stopped them. Any form of a kiss was the last thing we needed. Instead, I brought her hand down into mine and didn’t let go. “I need you to know, Jane was at a dinner with my sister, Becky, and she spent the night at my house.” Before I could explain any further, I saw pearl-sized tears forming and my heart felt pained. It was as though I lived her very emotion. Delaney tried her best to place her mask of indifference back on, but her heart was reaching out to mine begging me to stop the assault. Our emotional tie held me hostage but this story needed an explanation. “Jane came over because she got into an argument with Max and she wanted to talk with Becky—that’s all. When you saw me in the morning, I was dropping her off as any friend would do. Nothing happened between us.” I was damn relieved to have this out in the open, but her reaction gave me no clue to her thoughts.

  She nodded quietly and wrestled her hand away. I thought I saw relief in her eyes, but it was hard to
tell. “Good night,” was all she gave me.

  Becky stayed the rest of the week at my place and caught up with all her LA friends, while her husband Al was on a business trip. I left before she got up, and she was asleep by the time I got home. Tonight was the first night we actually had some time together.

  “You’re home earlier than usual.”

  “Isn’t there someone looking for you in Chicago? This isn’t permanent is it?” I teased. Of all my siblings, Becky and I had the most cantankerous relationship.

  “What’s with the baseball get-up? Aren’t you too old to be playing?”

  “Dear Sister, I am not too old to play! You know what a stud I am in every sport.”

  She laughed. “Whatever. Have you had dinner?”


  “Did it occur to you to maybe take your sister out for a meal while she’s in town?”

  “What the hell for? You didn’t come here to see me. You came for Ashley’s engagement, and you’ve been partying it up with every friend within a 100-mile radius of here.” I tried to go shower but Becky wouldn’t stop talking to me.

  “Seriously, why are you in baseball clothes?”

  “I’m playing in an IM team down at the university.”


  “Because I want to?”

  “Who’s the girl?”

  “No girl. Kevin is our coach and we’re playing for fun. By the way, how’s Jane doing? Last I left her, Max did not look like a happy camper.”

  “I don’t think they’re doing well. Jane won’t say much. She’s gone underground.” Shit! I hoped it wasn’t because of me. That would suck, especially since nothing happened.

  “She wasn’t at work today, either. Should I call her?”

  “I wouldn’t. If she won’t talk to me, I doubt she’ll talk to you.”

  “All right. I’ll talk to her when she returns to work.”

  “So you’re telling me the truth when you say there is no woman in your life?” My sister was up to her usual self—fishing. She must have had a conversation with Ma and Pa.

  “What did they promise you if you finagled juicy info from me?”

  Becky laughed but wouldn’t let it go. “It’s almost Valentine’s Day. You don’t have anyone special in your life?” I supposed there was someone who was constantly on my mind these days but it wasn’t the right someone. “You’re thinking...” She sang those two words to me.

  “Go to bed. I’ll take you to breakfast tomorrow before I drop you off at the airport.”

  “Then you’ll tell me who this woman is that’s got your mind working?”

  “No. Go to bed.”

  “So there is someone!”

  Exasperated, I decided to shower and go to bed myself.

  Jane? or Delaney?


  “Hey, Jake. What’s up?”

  “Are you busy? Can I ask you for a favor?”

  “Sure. Anything.”

  “Do you have plans tonight?”

  “It’s Valentine’s Day and I’m a stud with women. What do you think?”

  “Shit. You have a date tonight?”

  “No,” I toned down my worth. “It’s not really a date. I’m having drinks and dinner with a few people.”

  “Emi and I are out and...” Jake’s voice cut out and Emily got on the phone.

  “Hi Donovan.”

  “Happy Valentine’s Day to the most beautiful mother of twins.”

  “Thank you, Donovan. I wondered if you could stop by our house tonight before your date?”

  “Of course I can. Is there a problem?”

  “It’s just that James wasn’t feeling well today, and I wasn’t expecting to go anywhere, and now Laney is home by herself with both kids. I didn’t realize Jake had something planned for us. Do you think you can check up on the twins for me?” Emily was rambling more than usual. She must have been quite worried about James.

  “I will go make sure my godson is feeling well, and I won’t leave till he is asleep.”

  “Thank you, Donovan. I’m sure Laney has everything under control but it’s not easy watching two ten-month-olds, especially when one is ill.”

  “Fret not. I’m almost at your house. I’ll call with a status report, very soon.”

  “You’re a lifesaver, Donovan.”

  “You two have a good time. Bye.”

  I didn’t know how to feel about this diversion. I’d be lying if I said I hadn’t thought about Delaney at all today. I wondered if she had a special man in her life who might have sent her flowers on this day. I wondered if she had a date tonight—though that question was now answered. Did she not have a date because she chose to help her cousins, or did no man ask her out? With her, it was most likely the former. Every time I stopped by the cul-de-sac, it appeared she was coming from or going out on a date.

  I called my friends to tell them I’d be late to our dinner, and knocked on the door to greet three faces who made me very happy.

  The door opened immediately, and I saw Elizabeth greet me with her usual sublime smile. She put out her arms for a hug so I walked over and kissed her on the cheek, then kissed my godson, and finally Delaney. “Oh!” That was a shocker for the both of us. “Sorry. I didn’t mean to do that. I just thought of you as one of the kids.” That wasn’t the truth, but what was I to say about a kiss that blended so naturally with the situation?

  Putting two little critters down for the night was harder than merging two Fortune 500 companies. When one cried, the other joined. When one was cranky, the other was crankier. When I tried to make Ellie happy by having her “fly” on my shoulders, she cried as if I was abusing her. Then I joined Delaney and the kids on the rocking chair and nearly toppled all of us, which earned me a scolding and made the kids howl because I scared the shit out of them. Finally, when the kids went down, we made our escape, immediately!

  “Man, those buggers are a lot of work. Thank God for women like Emily who choose to stay home and take care of them. I, for one, could not do it. And I know Jake agrees.”

  “It is hard work, but when you look at them and they look back at you with those trusting eyes, you know it’s all worth it. There’s no way I’d want anyone else raising my children, but me.” I liked that. When I asked if her future held a high-powered job, the answer she gave me was exactly what I wanted to hear. “I want to create a family and a home, not a fancy office. Must sound pretty stupid to you...”

  “Sounds refreshing!” I meant what I’d just said, but I could tell she didn’t believe me and I didn’t get a chance to push my cause because of the phone call that interrupted us. “Hello?” I answered as Delaney left me for the kitchen.

  “Where are you? Your date looks incredible and she’s been waiting tirelessly for you to make your appearance.”

  “Shit, Tod. I told you this wasn’t supposed to be a date. I only agreed to show if it was a casual dinner with a group of friends.”

  “Since you’re the odd man out, we needed to bring another woman to have an even number. Who would’ve thought the Donovan Taylor would be the one without a girlfriend or wife at this point in his life?” Yeah...who would’ve thought? “Get your ass over here. None of us have eaten because of you.”

  “All right! I’ll be there in thirty.”

  “Make it ten! Your date is looking mighty fine!”

  Tod was right. I was too old to be thinking foolish thoughts about a girl still in school. Since Jane was settled with Max, I needed to go back to the drawing board and find that someone for me.

  “OK. I’m off. I have a dinner date in half an hour. I’ll see you again, soon.”

  Delaney jumped when she heard my voice, and a plate filled with food fell into the sink along with a dishrag. Normally I would’ve helped clean up, but with a group of people waiting for me, I headed straight to the door to start my night.

  “Um...yeah...sure...I’ll see you again. Hav
e a great time.” It was when she walked the short steps to the door that I noticed a plate full of food on the kitchen counter. Delaney shut the door on me before I took a good look but once I got in the car, I put the pieces together. She had plated two meals while I was on the phone expecting me to stay, but I announced loudly and proudly that I had a date. Damn! I would’ve much preferred to have stayed at Jake’s and had dinner with Delaney, but...oh well, what was done was done.

  “Over here,” Tod called out when I arrived.

  About a month ago, I ran into some college friends and they invited me to have dinner with them tonight. Not thinking about the significance of this day, I agreed to get-together, only to learn I would be the only one without a significant other.

  “Sorry I’m late.”

  “We’re glad you’re here.” Tod made the introductions and my “date” was a good-looking woman who immediately let me know she was interested.

  I lasted ten minutes before walking into the restroom and begging Jake to send me a text asking me to go over to his home to check up on his sick son. My best friend didn’t ask any questions and did exactly as I asked. After a quick apology, I bolted out of that unwanted situation. I never, ever wanted to be on a blind date, ever again!

  Cruising back to Jake’s home, I didn’t think twice about picking up dinner so Delaney and I could share a meal.

  I reached Jake’s kitchen door, and saw Delaney by the coffee maker fixing herself a cup. I was probably late in bringing her dinner, but I didn’t care. I wanted her to know this was where I wanted to be tonight, regardless of my initial intentions.

  “Hey. Why didn’t you lock the door behind me?” I didn’t like that I could open the back door without any resistance.

  She almost cracked the coffee pot, I had frightened her so badly. “Give me a sec?” She ran off to...who knew where but while she was gone, I enjoyed the slice of cake sitting on the counter.


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