Complete Indelible Love Series

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Complete Indelible Love Series Page 223

by Cee, DW

  “Sure. See you soon.”

  I’d tell Aunt Babs about my decision to move so I could woo her daughter. I hoped she could advise me on how to get her daughter to return my sentiments.

  Running ten minutes late, I ran into the restaurant to find an older version of Delaney sitting at the bar. She was a beautiful sight. Seeing Barbara Reid made me miss Delaney all the more.

  “I thought I was being stood up for dinner.” Delaney had her mother’s laugh. The way Aunt Babs’ eyes twinkled was an exact replica of the woman I missed so damn much.

  “I’m very sorry. I had a last minute conference call that took much longer than expected. Have you waited long?”

  “I’m just teasing you Donovan. I just got here, and this young gentleman gave me my glass of wine only a few minutes ago. In fact, if you have more work to do, go ahead.”

  “No way. I have silenced my phone and told the office not to call me tonight, no matter the emergency. I let everyone know that I had a dinner date with a beautiful lady who didn’t look a day over thirty.”

  “You have always been such a charmer, Donovan. I see now why my daughter fell for you as a ten-year-old.”

  “Speaking of your daughter, how is that beautiful girl doing? You just saw her in New York a couple weeks ago didn’t you?”

  “I did just see her in New York, and we had a wonderful time together and as for how she’s doing, I think she’s doing well, finally. I spoke with her right before I came out to dinner with you and she was on her way to Michael’s grandfather’s summer home.”

  “Shit.” I couldn’t help myself. “Sorry.” It bugged the hell out of me that she was with this Michael guy, and I couldn’t believe I’d wasted my time and let her fall for another man. “So...can I ask what you meant when you said she’s finally doing well?”

  Aunt Babs smirked at me. “You know that hospital scene between you and Jane broke my daughter’s heart? You also know that part of the reason she left home was because you never paid her any attention? It’s all good now, Donovan. Thanks to you, she set up life in another country and she met a genuinely nice man who adores her. I’ve spoken with Michael many times and I really like him. He’s courteous, respectful, rich beyond imagination, but most of all he loves my daughter unconditionally. That’s all a mother could want.”

  I couldn’t believe what I was hearing from my future mother-in-law? Was I really going to go there and assume marriage was in the picture? As she was championing another guy for her daughter, I needed to come out just as strong. “You know you’re killing me right now. What you said was like a knife to my heart, stabbing me over and over again.”

  “The truth hurts, Donovan. My daughter had a crush on you, you didn’t return her feelings, so she moved onto another man. Her boyfriend is an absolutely upstanding, sweet man. I am over the moon she’s seeing him.”

  “Aunt Babs! You’re supposed to be on my side.” I complained. Our dinner was on the table, and Aunt Babs had no qualms about enjoying her meal, but I hadn’t even picked up my fork. My future mother-in-law’s attitude floored me. This was not how our dinner was supposed to be.

  “Why would I be on your side?” she called out matter of factly. “What have you done to deserve my daughter’s love?”

  “Damn! You’ve got to be kidding me. This is your future son-in-law you’re speaking to over a nice dinner. How can you be on Michael’s side?”

  There was laughter in her eyes. “I’m not on anyone’s side, my future son-in-law.” Aunt Babs was enjoying teasing me. “Laney will date whomever she chooses to date. I will not push her either way.”

  Now I decided to throw a rant. “You’ve known me since I was born. You know my family. Jake is my best friend. Delaney has been in love with me since she was ten. How can you tell me that you are happy for her and this guy Michael?”

  “Correction, my daughter had a crush on you when she was ten. I don’t remember telling you she’s been in love with you since she was ten.”

  “You just told me that I broke your daughter’s heart with the hospital scene. Why would her heart break if she wasn’t in love with me?” I knew I was starting to sound like Doug when he was pissed with his mother.

  “Always the lawyer.” My mother-in-law was laughing at me, to my face, leisurely taking a sip of wine.

  “Come on Aunt Babs.” Now I was begging. “Throw me a bone. I’m moving my life to Europe so I can convince your daughter I am the right man for her.”

  “You are?” I had her at move-to-Europe. “Why didn’t you tell me this earlier?” She was thrilled. “Why the change of heart? What pushed you to this decision?”

  “I love her and I miss her…” I answered with a heavy heart. “Once she left me, I realized I didn’t like living without her. She brought joy into my life, laughter every time I saw her, and I didn’t realize how much of my heart belonged to her until she took it with her. I feel empty every day. She belongs with me, not some other guy.”

  Tears glistened Aunt Babs’ eyes. “You love my daughter?”

  “I love her, and I want her to be with me the rest of our lives.” There! I said it. I meant it. I believed it. I loved Delaney Reid, and I would move heaven and earth, or at least myself to Europe, to get her back in my arms and in my life. “I bought a beach house with the thought that we’d spend our time there with a boatload of kids. I will make her happy. I promise. I’ll give Jake stiff competition in the best husband department.”

  “You had me at ‘I love her.’ Say no more. I’ll do whatever I can to help you. One thing, need to talk to Henry. He is pissed with you.”

  “I’ll do anything to win over your daughter, Mom.”

  Though my future mother-in-law revealed nothing concerning Delaney’s feelings, I felt like I was on top of the world.

  “I did it!” I declared to Jake over the telephone after my dinner with my future mother-in-law. “I’ve admitted to my future mother-in-law and I’m admitting to you now, I LOVE DELANEY! I want to marry Delaney. We will have a bus full of kids to rival the number of kids you and Emily will have, and tomorrow, I will ask Roland to move me to the London office.”

  “You’re going to fight for my cousin? It’s about damn time! What convinced you? Just the other day, you were telling me you had made a mess of things with every woman. Emily, Doug, Nick and I put on a show baiting you into admitting your feelings for Laney and you still wouldn’t bite.”

  “That damn diary was from you, wasn’t it?”

  “What diary?”

  “Delaney had a diary she’d written in since she was ten and somehow it landed in my mailbox the other day. It has like three locks on it so I’ve only read bits and pieces, but from what I can tell, she’s been in love with me since she was little. Just admit it, Jake, and tell me more about this diary.”

  “Like I said, I have no clue what you’re talking about, Donovan. I know of no diary.” I heard a baby crying in the background.

  “Who’s that at this hour?”

  “JR. He doesn’t want the bottle I’m feeding him. He wants his mama.”

  “Where’s Emily?”

  “She’s exhausted with the twins getting up at night looking for attention so I thought I’d help out by feeding JR but nope, he wants nothing of me at this hour.”

  “I’ll make this quick. While having dinner with my future mother-in-law,” Jake chuckled as he heard those words, “I decided it was time I man up and own the feelings I have for Delaney. I know I’m late. I only hope she’ll forgive me for the hurt I’ve caused and will want to give us a try. me?” I hoped Jake could solve this riddle for me. “Aunt Babs wouldn’t answer this question no matter how many times I asked.”

  “What do you think?” Jake asked in an are you stupid or something kind of way.

  “If I knew for sure, I wouldn’t be asking. She ‘loved’ me as a child, she didn’t even recognize me as an adult, and all we did was fight
during our months together. When she last saw me, she thought I was making out with her cousin who had a boyfriend.”

  I could tell he wanted to laugh at me, but like a good friend, he didn’t. “Buddy. She positively, absolutely, unconditionally ‘loved’ you as deeply as a ten-year-old could, and I know for a fact she knew who you were at my wedding, so how she forgot you a year-and-a-half later is beyond my knowledge. You and she spent copious Wednesdays together, you were in Hawaii together, you golfed together, and who knows what else you’ve done together without my knowledge. Had you and Laney confessed your feelings to one another the night before she left, none of this would be necessary.”

  “So she was going to confess that same night?”

  “Apparently so.”

  “But what about Jane? How am I to explain what happened in the hospital?”

  “Very carefully and honestly would be my suggestion. By the way she couldn’t stop crying when she thought you and Jane were together must give you some idea how she feels.”

  “Or felt...”

  “You won’t have any answers until you get out there and uncover them.” I knew my time with Jake was just about over. JR was getting antsy. “I can’t wait to see you and my cousin settled. Emily and I believe there will be happy days ahead.”

  “Don’t forget your promise to help me when you land in London.”

  “From day one, our mission has been nothing short of seeing you and Laney, and Max and Jane happily married. Good luck with Roland tomorrow and keep me posted.”

  “Thanks, Buddy. What would I do without you?”

  “I’d like to know that feeling for just one day.” He chuckled, and went to take care of his son.

  Before letting Roland and the rest of the Reid family know of my intentions, I thought I should tell the Taylors about their future daughter-in-law.

  “Donny?” It was always good to be back at Ma’s house. The greeting I received was fit for a king. She came and loved me like only a mother could. “What’s with the sudden family meeting at this early hour?”

  “I have some news for everybody. Give me a sec, Ma. I’m going to get everyone on the phone.” I added all four sisters to our conversation and put them on speakerphone. While Ma and Pa greeted each of their daughters, Bee walked in just in time to join in the love.

  I had to yell above six female voices. “Everyone! Will you all be quiet so I can talk!” It took a few more minutes to get everyone settled with their ears on me. “If you will all stop talking,” I yelled again, “I have big news!”

  “Will you all shut up so I can hear my son talk?” Thank God there was another man in this house.

  “What’s the news Donny?” Was it wrong that I had no idea which sister had just asked that question?

  “I’m moving to Europe.”

  Ma exclaimed, “What the hell?” The rest of my sisters pretty much expressed the same sentiment.

  “Why?” Pa asked.

  “Dear God! You’re not moving to Europe with that old woman again, are you?”

  “Ma!” I complained.

  “Will you all shut your mouths so my son can talk?” Pa yelled again. “Why are you moving, Donny?”

  “Because Pa, I can’t live here without Delaney. I need to be where she is and I need to fight for her. As it is I think I’ve lost her.”

  Ma was the first one to hug me, overjoyed with my news. “My Donny is getting married? You’re going to bring home, Baby?”

  “I’m going to try, Ma. It kills me to know that she’s been seeing another guy. She should be with me. She has no idea I love her. Last time she saw me, I had another woman in my arms—a woman who’s her cousin. I don’t know if she’ll ever forgive me. I’m scared, but I can’t let go of her.”

  Amanda was the first of my sisters to encourage me. “From what I can tell, Donovan, she might be seeing somebody else, but her heart belongs to you. You two are meant to be.”

  “Thanks, Amanda. I hope you’re right.”

  “So you and Jane are no more?”

  “Shit Becky! There was no me and Jane. You know that.”

  “I don’t know anything since you and Jane have gone mute, deaf, and dumb on me.” I chose to ignore Becky.

  “Wow! Laney Reid, huh? I’ve always adored her. I don’t know if she’s perfect for our brother, but if she’s who you want, we only have good wishes for you. We all love you, Donny.”

  “Thanks, Kelley! I need to go home and pack. I’m leaving ASAP.” After saying my good-byes to everyone, I explained to Ma and Pa, “I have a business trip to New York, and then I’m going straight to London. Ma, will you help me by sending the rest of my clothes to Gram’s house?”

  “You need all your clothes in London? Her house is that big?” Ma looked horrified.

  “Just send me enough where I’m not sending my clothes to the cleaners more than once a week.”

  “Of course, Donny. Anything for my son.”

  “And Pa?”

  “Yes, Son?”

  “Are you and Ma going anywhere in the near future?”

  “I don’t believe so. We’ll go see Amanda and Kelley for Thanksgiving, but that’s it. We have no immediate plans of going anywhere.”

  I was relieved to hear that. “Good. I may need you to come to Europe with me briefly. I’ll give you more information when I have it. But for now I have to go.”

  Bee walked out with me and I gave her the rest of my story. “I leave tomorrow. I may not see you for a while.”

  “So what happens now?”

  “I’m packing my immediate belongings tonight, and as soon as I get into the office, I’ll talk to Roland and ask for a transfer to the London office. If he is unwilling to transfer me, I’m going to quit.”

  “You’re going to quit? That’s not exactly the best way to start off a relationship—without a job.”

  “I have some money saved up so I’ll be OK for the time being. Winning Delaney’s love is priority. The rest will work itself out. I can find a job out there, I’m sure.”

  “I’ll be there in a few weeks. If you haven’t won her over by then, I’ll come and help you.”

  “Thank you, Bee. I want you to know that you have been a huge encouragement to me since day one. I wish I had listened to you and Jake sooner. I have to thank you for making me open my eyes. There will come a day when I will repay you for your loving kindness.” I hugged my aunt, and left to take care of business. I was a man on a mission.

  “Roland, you have a moment?” Roland looked up from his paperwork but didn’t say a word. I felt like a schoolboy at the principal’s office. “I’d like to transfer to the London office, as soon as possible.” Roland now looked at me funny, but still stayed mute. “Would that be possible?”

  “Depends on why you want to go to London.” Finally, a word or two. “For what reason do you need to go all the way out there? Is it to renew your relationship with Kate?” There was firm disapproval in his voice.

  “No, Sir. It’s to try and win over the affections of your granddaughter.”

  “Which granddaughter?” Damn! This wasn’t going to be easy.

  I lowered my head in a deeply apologetic manner. “I’m sorry for being an asshole towards both of your granddaughters. I shouldn’t have trifled with Jane’s feelings and caused a rift between her and Max. I deeply regret it’s taken me this long to understand what Delaney means to me. I’d like to try to make up for my past sins. I’ll grovel, court, whatever the hell she wants, to earn the family’s approval and Delaney’s love.”

  “You mean that, Son? You’re not going to hurt my granddaughter, are you?”

  “No, Sir! I believe I’m in love with your granddaughter. I can’t stop thinking about her. I hear her laugh in the middle of my day, I see her smile when I try to sleep at night, and I talk to her when I’m lonely. Is this an early onset of dementia, or is this love?”

  Roland chuckled. “That’s how I felt when Es
telle left me for Jerry. I thought I’d go mad if I didn’t see her again, hold her in my arms again, or explain to her one last time how much I loved her.”

  “That’s it, Roland. I need that chance with Delaney, and it won’t be for one last time. I plan to win her over for a lifetime.” There was no reason for it, but I was feeling pretty damn good about myself.

  “After that incident between you and Jane in the hospital, did you know I went to go see Laney in England?”

  “You did? I didn’t know that.”

  “I actually got to Harry’s summer home before Laney did, and the girl who greeted me at Harry’s home was a broken one. You did quite a number on her heart.”

  Shit. All those good feelings went right down the toilet. Before coming to see Roland, I thought my biggest issue would be this Michael person. I believed I could win Delaney over with my love and charm. Now I needed to sit and listen to all Roland had to say.

  “Can you tell me how she was, Roland? Honestly I don’t want to hear any of this from you, but what Jane and I did was wrong, and I need to know what is stacked against me.”

  “That was a tough day for her. I had just arrived at the summer home and Laney arrived minutes after. She popped out of her car happy and somewhat desperate to see a familiar face. She was like a fish out of water, and that asshole Harry Bennington didn’t make life easy for her.”

  “Why would he dislike her when he didn’t even know her? What about her is there to dislike?”

  “We could be here all day talking about Harry. Let’s table that for another time.”

  “Sure. So what happened with Delaney?”

  “She bravely fought off an unwelcoming Harry Bennington, she answered everyone’s questions and pretended to be happy, but I’d never seen such a sad face. It broke my heart. After dinner, I took her out to their garden for a walk, and asked her to tell me what had happened back in LA. Perhaps it was something about the way I asked her, or perhaps she just needed a shoulder to cry on, but she completely broke down and cried longer than I would like to have seen.”


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