Complete Indelible Love Series

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Complete Indelible Love Series Page 241

by Cee, DW

  “Why’d you need to court another buyer if you already had one? Were the Egglestons not willing to meet Grandfather’s demands?”

  “Back in August when I told Roland about my desire to come to you, he told me about his wish to sell the firm, and he gave me a price he wanted for AAP Europe. We met with consultants in Europe and they deemed what Roland wanted was a fair amount, but I thought it was undervalued. When I expressed my concerns, Roland issued one last challenge.”

  “And what challenge was that?”

  “He told me that any amount I got beyond his original price tag would be ours.”

  “What?” That got my sleepy wife’s attention. She perked up and sat with her back against the headboard.

  “But, he did warn that if I got too greedy, we’d lose buyers and I’d be stuck out in Europe longer.”

  “Damn! I didn’t make it any easier on you by moving home, did I?”

  I kissed her cute button nose and answered, “No, you didn’t—especially when you not so covertly let me know you were disappointed I wasn’t home to plan our wedding together. Considering my hand was in every part of this wedding without your knowledge, and I was selling this multi-million-dollar company, there were days I thought I’d opt for elopement.”

  “Now I’m really sorry. What can I do to make it up to you?” The half-innocent, half-not-so-innocent, wife was back.

  “We can negotiate after I finish this story.”

  “How can I possibly negotiate with the expert? I assume there will be some mergers and acquisitions happening tonight?”

  I would have slapped her in the ass had she not been sitting upright. “There will be plenty of merging of the bodies but for now, let me finish my tale, you wench.”

  “Please finish, Master.” She winked.

  “Back in Amsterdam when Roland challenged me to sell the firm for a higher price, I spoke with your father and asked if there was a house on the cul-de-sac for sale. He mentioned that all three of his brothers were willing to sell since none of them saw themselves coming back to Los Angeles. To be honest with you, I liked the style of this house the best, but I was most hesitant about buying this one.”

  “Why?” My wife was now changing positions and laying on the bed with her head on my lap. I caressed her head and tried to lull her to sleep since I knew she desperately wanted it and needed it.

  “Because of the proximity of your parents’ home, I was afraid. Theoretically, your dad could look out his bedroom window and see what’s happening in our backyard. I’m sure there’s a place in his house that looks directly into ours. I didn’t know how much privacy we’d have living next door to them. I was tempted to buy Uncle Billy’s home at the far end of the cul-de-sac next to the empty lot.”

  “You chose well. This is my favorite house on this street. This house reminds me of the chateaux we stayed in Vernon.”

  “That was the very reason I chose this one. I knew you’d love it and would have a fun time decorating it. I also knew I wanted to buy you one of those French stoves.”

  “God! That kitchen is gorgeous! How on earth did you know what I’d chosen for our other home?”

  “Bee. Practically everyone in your family had a to-do list from me, and of her many to-dos, she was to go shopping with you and report back to me what you liked at the design center. Then your mom ordered everything and had parts of the house remodeled while we were gone.”

  “All of this got done while we were away? That was awfully quick.”

  “Your mom, Gram and I picked out the furniture and ordered it months ago, the stove was ordered the minute we arrived in Paris, after our day in Giverny, and everything else is a work in progress. We only ordered basics, my beautiful bride. The rest of this house is yours to furnish as you desire. We also still need to move some items from our old home.”

  “Will we sell that home? I can’t imagine you can afford three mortgages. In fact, I don’t want you working so much to be able to afford three mortgages. This house was way over our budget, huh?” She unnecessarily became penitent. “You didn’t have to buy this large home for me. I told you we could have a dozen kids living in our beach house.”

  I stretched myself out and laid next my wife. Resting my hand on our child, I answered, “We made enough money from the sale of Roland’s company to buy this home. We are mortgage free here, and your Uncle David is one happy and rich man. As for the other home, I thought we might lease it out. It’ll be nice to have when our daughter gets married. We can keep her close to us.”

  “You thought of everything.” I loved it when she curled her body into mine. We were meshed completely as one.

  “Just promise me one thing?”

  “Anything,” she spoke into my heart.

  “When we fight, just promise me you won’t leave here and go to your parents’. I want us to work out our differences without mediators and meddlers. Can you promise me that?”

  “I promise to be a devoted wife to you, and a loving mother to our babies. I’ll do what’s best for all of us and you and the kids will always come first. I will do just about all you ask of me, my handsome husband.” She yawned and I knew making love to her tonight was not happening. “I love you,” were the last words she spoke before sleep claimed my beloved wife.


  First Trimester

  I was actively going about my day when a surprise visitor came calling. “Donovan,” Roland stuck his head in my door. “You have a moment?”

  “Of course, Roland. Come on in.”

  Roland walked in with two guests I didn’t think I’d ever see again. Never in my wildest dreams did I think Harry and Michael Bennington would be guests in my office.

  “You remember these two?” Roland introduced us.

  “Of course I do. It’s nice seeing the both of you again.” I put out my hand, and surprisingly both men shook it with no hard feelings. “What brings you stateside and how can I help you?” If the two of them flew all the way out here and wanted to meet Roland and myself in the office, I assumed they needed help in a legal matter.

  Before any conversation began, I received another surprise visitor. “Donovan.” My beautiful bride walked in with her usual dazzling smile. With her eyes locked on mine, she walked into the room and somehow didn’t notice the other three men sitting in their chairs. She came straight into my open arms. I had to admit, that felt damn good. It would’ve felt good regardless but knowing that the duke and his grandson were sitting right in front of me witnessing this amorous exchange, I gloated. It was a stamp and a permanent seal that this woman was mine body and soul.

  “I thought you were going straight home. What brings you by?”

  “I was on my way home, but the babies and I became hungry. I need to eat right now and I don’t want to eat by myself.”

  “Princess, it’s 3 o’clock in the afternoon. Didn’t you have lunch today?”

  “Of course I had lunch. I ate with Max and Nick at the hospital cafeteria but that salad just wasn’t enough. I need to go have a juicy steak again.” Her whining was so cute I couldn’t help but bring her face up to my lips and kiss her. I had forgotten I had guests in my office.

  “Ahem.” The Duke interrupted our affection. “Laney Reid. Do you not notice the rest of us in this room? It’s awfully rude of you to ignore us.”

  My wife slightly jumped and turned around to see the visitors. Comically she genuinely had no clue anybody was in the office with us. “Oh my gosh! Your Grace, Michael, what are you doing here?” As much as I did not want to, I let her go so she could welcome her old friends. “It’s so good to see you again, Your Grace.” She hugged him as sincerely as she would have hugged her own grandfather. I thought I saw him break a smile. “Michael,” she warned, “I’m still not happy that you didn’t attend our wedding. And because of you, Ruby wasn’t able to come either. Regardless, I’m going to give you a hug.” She not only gave him a hug, but a kiss on the cheek as w
ell. Did that make me happy? No, but it wasn’t as bad as I thought it would be to see them together.

  The mother of my children had no clue that Michael did attend our wedding. I saw him walking in right after my bride made her entrance, and he left before the ceremony was over. With a sadness I hoped never to understand, he watched us celebrate our love for one another. I wished I could’ve had Bee or even Emily approach him and made him feel welcomed on our special day. He was gone before I could do anything, but he had left his mark.

  When my bride and I at last finished opening all our gifts, we found a mysterious box without a name or a card. The box contained a ring that looked dated from centuries ago. Intrigued with the gift, I searched on Google and learned that this ring, called a gimmal or gimmel ring, could be found dating back to the 13th century. What looked to be a single band with a design of interlocking hands were actually three bands joined as one. One band had a bulging left hand with the inscription “Whom God has joined together.” And “Let no man put asunder,” was written into the right-handed band. The middle band that held a heart, had my wife’s initials.

  This was supposed to be a betrothal ring where the bride and groom would each wear a ring until they married, after which the bride wore all three. Whether Michael meant to give this to my bride on our wedding day, or what he believed would be their wedding day was an answer I’d never ask for or want to know. The ring bothered me a whole lot at first, but seeing how fascinated Delaney was with the gift, and empathizing with the heartbreak of losing a woman, I chose not to make an issue of it. My wife never figured out who sent her the gift and set it aside, never to be worn.

  Life –always full of irony and mockery—wasn’t kind to Michael today when on a whim Delaney chose to wear the gimmel ring. As Delaney reached out to greet him, he noticed the ring immediately and I couldn’t help but notice his pain. Five months later, he was still in love with her.

  “I hear we are to congratulate you on a joyous occasion?” The duke also recognized the band and interrupted their exchange.

  My wife answered proudly, “Oh yes! Donovan and I are having twins, if you can believe that.”

  “And these twins of yours cause you to crave food all the time?”

  “Your Grace, if you haven’t had lunch yet, would you like to join us for steak and maybe fries too?”

  “We just landed and we actually have not had a proper meal yet. Why don’t we all go out for a meal and I may even be willing to treat you.”

  My wife answered, “Of course you are going to treat us. You have the deepest pocket here. Who else would pick up the tab but you, Your Grace?” Even the hardened Duke was no match for my adorable wife.

  “Where shall we go? You lead the way Laney Reid.”

  I wanted to correct him and tell him she was no longer a Reid, but Roland looked at me and shook his head firmly. I obeyed, and decided to follow his wishes.

  “I assume you will be joining us? The duke asked his grandson.

  “I’m actually meeting a friend for dinner, Grandfather. It was very nice seeing you again,” he called out nonchalantly. “I hope to see you soon.”

  “We’ll see each other one more time before you leave?” my wife questioned to my chagrin. “We don’t really do tea here so we could meet for coffee.” I wanted to cover her mouth, but there was no stopping her.

  Michael nodded faintly and smiled before taking one last glance at the beautiful woman holding my hand. Silently, I wished him all the best. Delaney Grace Taylor wasn’t the woman for him, but there was a woman out there waiting to start her life with him one day. He would be smart to let go of my wife and search for his own.

  Delaney and Harry both had big meals, while Roland and I only ordered drinks. When not in a cantankerous mood, the duke had a sharp humor and wit, challenged at every turn by none other than my wife. She chose to drive him to his residence after our meals were done, and Roland and I went back to work.

  “What was that all about? This entire afternoon was odd.”

  “Harry called me a few weeks ago and told me about his concerns for Michael. Even now, knowing that his ex-girlfriend is married and pregnant with another man’s child, he can’t get over her. Harry did not want Michael to make the same mistake he did back when he lost Estelle.”

  “And so…” I still wasn’t sure why they came by.

  “Basically, he wanted Michael to see Laney in her married state. Harry wanted Michael to wake up to reality and see that Laney was happily married and happily pregnant. He also wanted Michael to understand that you were a good guy and treating her well. It was only by a stroke of good luck that Laney showed up when she did. Harry accomplished both his goals in one shot.”

  “And I assume Michael had no idea why he was here?”

  “Harry told his grandson he had some legal matters he wanted to talk over with me. That’s how he got him to come over here. It was almost as though we had scripted this entire scene. The way your wife waltzed into your arms and didn’t notice anyone else in the room was classic. Just understand how lucky you are to be married to my granddaughter. You could’ve been a Michael had you not wisened up when you did.”

  “I count my blessings, daily,” I confessed.

  Second Trimester

  “Surprise! Happy Birthday!” All my sisters and their spouses, along with Jake and Emily, greeted me at dinner. What was supposed to be a Valentine’s Day surprise gift for my wife turned out to be a very happy birthday for me.

  “What’s going on here? How did this happen?” I asked my beautifully pregnant wife.

  “I inadvertently found out you were bringing me to Vegas to watch Bruno Mars in concert. This gave me the idea to call all your sisters and ask if they were available to come out and join us. I purchased concert tickets, they each purchased plane tickets, and here we are celebrating your birthday.”

  My wife had been a bit obsessed with Bruno Mars, singing his songs everywhere she went. I learned after we got married that she couldn’t carry a tune if her life depended on it. She was tone-deaf, and her singing voice was as pleasant as a nail on a chalkboard. She could memorize a medical school textbook, but where songs were concerned, she remembered nothing. The few lines she did remember, she botched them up.

  The words “trying” became “dying,” “every day” turned into “every way,” and “just the way you are,” inevitably became “just because you are.” It was damn near close to a comedy act listening to her sing.

  I, on the other hand, was an expert crooner and I sang her favorite Bruno Mars song to her every night before she drifted to sleep. By the time our babies arrived, they would come out crying to the tunes of the Doo-Wops & Hooligans and Unorthodox Jukebox albums. Delaney loved his songs, and I thought I’d surprise her, but I guess I was the one surprised.

  The concert was phenomenal! Bruno Mars sang in an intimate setting at The Chelsea, and we all enjoyed the food, the music, and the friendships. Before marriage, I’d had some idea of what it would be like to get together as couples, but actually being on a trip with everyone was indescribable. The fun and love shared by our group could’ve only been made more perfect with Max and Jane and hopefully Nick and Bee in attendance. My aunt Bee and cousin-in-law Nick was a story still being written.

  “Thank you, Wife. This was the best birthday.”

  “Thank you, Husband for an amazing Valentine’s Day gift.” The concert was done, a second round of dessert eaten, and now we were all off to our separate rooms. “By the way, did you ever get my birthday gift last year?”

  “Did you have Jake deliver it again?”

  “Who else?”

  Delaney had just entered her second trimester. Carrying twins, she was bigger than most women at this stage, but because she was tall, her stomach was only about the size of a soccer ball. Regardless of size, she was radiant. Every day she glowed and I couldn’t get enough of the babies’ movements in her stomach. I loved being in touch with
our babies.

  “Was it you who sent me the beautifully soft, worn-in catcher’s mitt?”

  “That was!” She smiled. “I was having the darnedest time finding a birthday gift for you last year and when you showed up to practice with your mitt from 1999, I knew what I needed to buy.”

  “I always thought it was odd how Jake knew exactly what to buy or what I needed. There were years where he gave me some random, very personal gifts. It was so unlike Jake to shop like a girl. I didn’t realize till our wedding that half those gifts were from you.”

  “They were.”

  “Well Wife, I have one more gift for you at home. It’ll be ready for you and Emily when we arrive on the cul-de-sac.”

  “What is it? It’s a joint gift?” Delaney’s eyes lit up.

  “It’s a joint gift and there’s no way I can explain it better than you seeing the actual gift itself. You won’t be able to use it for a little while, but once you start using it, it’ll be a lifesaver.”

  “That’s not fair! We won’t be home for another two days!” I helped stop her complaining with some tender loving.

  The next day, the ladies went shopping and the men gambled. As much as Delaney wanted to gamble with us, she didn’t want the babies exposed to the smell of smoke, so she agreed to go shopping for them instead. We caught an early Cirque du Soleil show at our hotel and had a late dinner. Gathering in our room after dinner, we talked of old times and brought up embarrassing stories of one another. Not surprisingly, Jake and I had our share of embarrassing moments, but my wife might have had the most. The laughter continued until we found Delaney curled into my body, fast asleep. We all said our good nights and I carried my wife into bed.

  After a fantastic time with my siblings and best friends, we came home to part two of our surprise.

  “Emily, do you have any idea what this surprise is?” My wife was ferreting as Jake and I walked our women to the once empty lot.


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