Complete Indelible Love Series

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Complete Indelible Love Series Page 264

by Cee, DW

  I looked at Doug and he responded with, “I’m OK if she wants to move in. Can she do that and not think she’s living with you? Can she just see all of us as four people sharing a house?”

  I sighed. “I don’t know…I don’t want to live with her or any other woman right now.”

  The three of us stopped talking when we saw Lily walking toward us.

  “Great news!” Sam announced. Before I could shut her up, she said, “The three of us decided you should be our fourth roommate! If you can live with Nick as a roommate and not as a love interest, you’re welcome to live with us.” I could’ve killed my cousin, but had to school my anger.

  Lily beamed. “Really?” She was ecstatic. “I can be just a roommate. I won’t hover. I’ll give you your space. I promise, you won’t regret living with me.” She was all smiles.

  Shit. This was not how I imagined freedom to taste.

  April 21, 2014 BEE: New (ten-year) Plan

  “Wasn’t our trip amazing?”

  “It was…” I was as dreamy as my niece thinking back on the past week.

  Our time with the Alvaro family made me want to get married and create a family of my own. They were so much like the Reids and the Taylors, at least the Jamie and Scott side of the Taylors. Luke adored his parents, and his relationship with his brother was a tight one even with the distance.

  “What was your favorite part of the trip?” Laney stopped by the new warehouse to look through samples of all the baby clothes I’d created since her wedding. I’d been continually inspired by my soon-to-be-born nieces or nephews, and had developed an entire line before leaving for Europe.

  “You mean aside from the all-night Rioja wine-fest you couldn’t partake in?”

  “My husband won’t even let me drink a Diet Coke right now.” Laney rolled her eyes. “In Spain, I have to say aside from getting to know the Alvaro family, I loved our day trip to Monserrat. I could’ve done without the Aeri cable car, but the beauty of the monastery and the view of the countryside was unforgettable.”

  “I would have to agree except I think spending time with Luke’s family outshines the scenic view of Spain.”

  “You willing to share what’s going on between you and Luciano? You two looked awfully cute on this trip.” My niece was all smiles.

  I had to admit, I was all smiles thinking about Luke and our week in Europe. I wasn’t planning on Luke becoming a fixture in my life. What started as a blind date morphed into something sweet and loving.

  “Luke has been a real blessing in my life. He makes me laugh. He makes me happy. I hope I am as good for him as he has been for me.”

  “But,” Laney was thoughtful in approaching the rest of her sentence, “he’s not Nick?” She looked me in the eye and knew the answer before I admitted it.

  The excitement of the past week afforded me the luxury of forgetting about Nicholas Reid and his new friend. I didn’t want to answer Laney, so I gave a shrug of the shoulders and changed subjects.

  “OK…how shocked were you when we ran into Michael and his ‘date’ at the Eiffel Tower?”

  “Oh my gosh!” Laney squealed in excitement. “How could I have forgotten about him and his new lady-friend?”

  “She looked very much a girl-friend rather than a lady-friend,” I corrected.

  While in Paris, Donovan took us to lunch at Les Jules Verne in the Eiffel Tower and Laney and I were floored to see Michael laughing it up with a very pretty English girl.

  “You remember what he said to us?” Laney was cracking-up thinking about our conversation.

  “Do you mean where he stumbled through the introductions and forgot all of our names, especially yours?”

  “How about when Donovan forced him to join us for lunch and he grudgingly moved over a table?” Laney was still laughing. “By the way, what did he whisper to you when his date was busy talking to Donovan?”

  Now I was laughing along with Laney thinking about our private conversation. “He told me his heart was ‘shattered’ that I’d replaced him so quickly.”

  “So what did you say?”

  “I told him that my heart was dying a slow death knowing he preferred a younger woman.”

  “I’m so glad he found someone. He looked happy, didn’t he?”

  I, too, was happy for Michael. “He did. However, he swore his date was not ‘his date.’ They were only there for business.”

  “Whatever!” Laney did that rolling of the eyes again. “I can tell you from one who knows, she was crazy about him and he was just as smitten. I’m so glad that chapter is closed.”

  “Me too.” Whether or not this relationship worked for Michael, I was happy to see he’d moved on from the Taylor women. There was peace and closure in my heart where Michael was concerned. If only I could say the same about Nick.

  “If we’re done here, shall we head to my godchildren’s party?”

  I was dreading Ellie and James’ birthday party because I was too chicken to see Nick.

  After Barcelona and Paris, Luke chose to spend his two-week vacation back in Spain with his family. Donovan, Laney, and I picked up Max, Jane, Jake and his family and came home. Since the twins’ birthday fell on Saturday while we were in New York, we had a small family party at their home. Their real party was to be on Monday in their new park and wading pool on the cul-de-sac.

  “Did your mom go nuts with the party planning again?” I needed to think about something other than Nick.

  “I don’t think so—not this year. Emily was unsure how all three kids would behave once they got home, so this party is really just a small family gathering. All the Reids, Taylors and Davises will be there. I don’t think there’s even a theme this year.”

  Laney wasn’t completely wrong about the party. We arrived to a tame Under the Sea theme. The wading pool had plastic fish on the bottom, the sandwiches were cut into all shapes of sea-creatures, there was a shellfish station for the adults, cakes were fashioned in the likeness of Nemo and Dory, and we could hear squeals of joys from all the kids.

  “Your mom will go nuts with every one of your kids’ birthdays.” I commented, and Laney agreed.

  After a quick surveying of the guests, I sat with Scott and Jamie and tried to make myself invisible. Being the true friend that she was, Laney stuck with me until her stomach called.

  “Go feed my grandchildren,” Jamie urged when we heard Laney’s stomach grumble.

  “I better hit the oyster and sushi bar now before Donovan gets here. He won’t let me eat anything raw.” Laney made a dash for food and piled her plate high.

  “Have you eaten?” I asked my brother and sister-in-law.

  They nodded yes. “We’ve been here a while.” Jamie said. “I came in the morning to help Babs, and Scott arrived an hour ago with Robert, after their day at the clinic.”

  “Where’s your mom these days? Has she found a place, yet?”

  “Scott, isn’t that the question of my life? I’ve no idea where she went. She was pissed she wasn’t invited to Europe with us and when I got back, her bags were gone. I’m sure she’ll resurface.”

  “Your mother is like a child. I hope she didn’t go into her usual tirade with you.” Of course she had. “If she did, just ignore her. I know it’s hard, but you can’t let her bring you down.”

  “Thanks, Scott.” Today seemed to be a day of changing topics. I didn’t want to talk any further about Mom so I headed for dinner.

  Laney and Sam were animatedly talking about our trip to Europe, and Laney motioned for me to join them. I walked over after grabbing my meal.

  “So what else did you do in Paris?” Sam asked.

  “Bee scored a huge deal with a retail chain in Paris,” Laney high-fived me, “while Donovan and I revisited Giverny and made-out on the Japanese Bridge like a couple of lusty teenagers.” Laney giggled. “What’d you do?”

  “I moved!” Sam jumped up and down. “I finally got away from my roommate
and my ex.” Sam turned to me and explained, “The two are dating now.” I nodded my understanding.

  “Where’d you move to?”

  “I moved in with Nick and Doug.”

  “Mom mentioned something about that. What’s the deal? Where did they move to?”

  “Emily’s old house. She offered to let us live there for free, but the two guys insisted we pay rent. I didn’t think I’d ever say this, but I’m having a blast living with those goofballs. Every day we’ve done something fun together.”

  Laney doubted Sam’s words about the three of them having a good time. I was happy for Nick that his life was progressing.

  “Bee!” I heard my name from across the yard. “Come push!” Now it was a demand. Elizabeth Reid was among a bevy of admirers, two of whom were people I did not want to see today.

  Sam laughed as she said, “I don’t know who that little girl gets her bossiness from! Who does she take after? Is it her godmother?” Laney rolled her eyes while still inhaling sushi before her husband arrived.

  “I’m being summoned.” I told the two cousins who trailed behind me. This wasn’t an ideal situation, but the three of us needed to say hello at some point during the party.

  Ellie had taken a liking to me when I accompanied her to Central Park on her birthday. She insisted I push her on the swing the entire time we were there. No one else was allowed to push but me. Why I was awarded this honor, I had no clue. Once again, she was bestowing me this great pleasure.

  “Hello, Elizabeth. Happy Birthday, again.”

  I tried to give her a hug, but she wanted none of that. She pushed me away and barked out a few orders. “No Nick. No push!” She shooed her uncle away. “Bee, push!”

  “Yes, your highness.” I answered with a kiss to the top of her head. Elizabeth Reid was satisfied. “Hi.” I said to the two gawkers who didn’t know how to approach me.

  “Hi Bee.” Nick kind of awkwardly put out his hand to…pat me on the arm? The back? Who knew? Obviously, he had no idea what he was doing either, because he quickly put his hand in his pocket.

  “Hi Bee.” Lily smiled. As I returned the greeting, I noticed how young and pretty she was. While thirty wasn’t old, next to a nineteen-year-old, I felt ancient. And while I wasn’t fat, next to someone this thin, I felt like a before picture of a Jenny Craig ad. Nick and Lily looked good together—really good. She matched him in height, youth, and good looks. More and more, I felt inconsequential.

  “Should we go eat?” Lily asked Nick, and turned to say good-bye to Ellie. “Bye Ellie. See you later.”

  “No!” Ellie told her. “No bye! No likey you!” Now Ellie was just plain telling her off. Thank you, Elizabeth Reid!

  Nick and Lily laughed, and after Nick gave his niece a huge kiss while she was on a moving swing, he placed his hand on Lily’s back as though it belonged there. I couldn’t look anymore.

  I turned to make small talk with Ellie when I heard Sam call out, “Hey Roomies!” I froze at the greeting.

  “Roomies?” Laney’s nasally pitch came out as she emphasized the plural.

  Sam had the biggest grin. “Yep! Me, Doug, Nick and Lily—we’re all living together!”

  I guess it was me and not him. So much for his ten-year plan…

  April 24, 2014 NICK: New Problem

  I could have murdered my cousin Sam the other day. What the fuck was she thinking telling the world about our living situation? All my big talk about not wanting anything serious with a woman went straight to hell now that everyone believed I was living with Lily.

  I was so pissed after Sam’s grand announcement that I went back home—my parents’ home—and didn’t return to the party until it was almost over. I left for school early and came “home” extra late after everyone had turned in for the night. It was no one’s fault that the four of us were living together but my own. Though Sam opened her big mouth, I could’ve stopped Lily from moving in. Now, I had to live with my (in)decision.

  “What brings you to my office?” I visited Donovan after class because I was seriously bothered by what had happened in front of Bee.

  “I assume your wife told you about my treachery?”

  Donovan laughed. “She mentioned something about ‘a hypocritical-pretend-he-has-commitment-phobia-asshole, living-with-an-underage-minor, I-hope-he-goes-to-jail-for-statutory-rape,’ yada yada…” Now he was practically falling off his chair in guffaw.

  “How do you live with her?” I asked. “How do you win an argument with someone who can argue the hell out of any topic? Did she confess that she was the reigning debate champion at our school before you popped the question? Can you beat her in an argument?” I shook my head in disbelief at all her charges against me.

  My newest cousin finally calmed down. “My wife is a joy to live with. I’ve seen her wall of trophies. And no, I cannot beat her in an argument. I keep thinking she’s better off as a lawyer, but I don’t need her practicing arguing on a daily basis.”

  “I came to talk to you about Bee.” Donovan listened intently. “How is she?”

  “How do you want me to answer that question, Nick? You want to be more specific?”

  I let out my frustration. “Stop being a lawyer with me. After the party, how was she?”

  “I didn’t see my aunt after the party because she was gone before I arrived so I’m not sure how she was. What I know is that she is very busy working. Since the party, she’s been working nonstop getting her warehouse ready to open. She’s been hiring people, testing out equipment, and designing her next collection.”

  Damn Donovan was making me spell it out. “I didn’t mean to end up living in the same house as Lily. Sam insisted she live with us, and then proceeded to invite Lily to join her. I don’t want Bee to get the wrong idea.”

  “Why does it matter to you? You’re seeing someone; she’s seeing someone—is this conversation even necessary? You are adults choosing to live life the way it suits you.”

  “It matters because…because I don’t want Bee to think I chose Lily over her.” My heart actually hurt saying this. Whenever things didn’t go well with Bee, I always felt angry. Picturing Bee’s expression when she learned of Lily and me made me ache.

  “But you did choose Lily over Bee.” Shit! Why the hell did I choose to talk to a lawyer of all people? He broke apart my argument almost as well as his wife did. “Nick, it’s done. I think you’re best off not worrying about or asking about Bee. Unless it’s your intention to clean up your act and resume your relationship with my aunt, let it go.”

  I left Donovan’s office feeling worse. I hoped he’d tell me she was fine after the birthday party and that she was so in love with this new guy she was seeing, she didn’t give a damn about me and who I was living with.

  Donovan’s office was so close to Bee’s loft, I was tempted to drop in and explain myself. The urge was there, but I was scared shitless about facing her. Somehow, I’d have to try and create a situation where she and I could have some alone time so I could come clean about my status with Lily. For now, I was determined to work out my problems on the homefront, first. I’d talk to Lily and explain why I’d been an asshole to her the past few days. In the meanwhile, I’d come up with a way to explain myself to Bee as well.

  I turned my car away from Bee’s loft and headed “home.”

  April 28, 2014 BEE: Back to the Old?

  I loved my new warehouse! It was big, it was shiny, and it was all mine. There was no loan to repay, there was no stress of going under, and I owed it all to my nephew and niece.

  Thanks to their generosity, I paid off my loft and lived an un-American debt-free life. With my earnings, I’d never live in a castle like theirs, but my loft and warehouse were castle enough for me.

  A week ago today, my self-esteem was shot by a giddy couple who moved in together after what must have been a hell of a couple of months of dating. I left the party broken—though I believe I did a damn good job of sho
wing otherwise. At home, I let myself mourn, threw myself a pity-party, and cried for two straight days. I had no idea I was still so in love with Nicholas Reid.

  But, after those two days, I got up and went back to work. This warehouse wasn’t going to open itself and there was absolutely no time to waste! Today was the warehouse inspection and we (the warehouse and I) passed with flying colors. Everything was deemed safe and in good working order. I hired a small staff to start, and Missy, after tying up all her loose business-ends, was ready to take charge tomorrow. My new life was beginning and I couldn’t wait to show everyone what I’d accomplished.


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