Complete Indelible Love Series

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Complete Indelible Love Series Page 296

by Cee, DW

  That was the end of conversation. I decided to sit next to my fiancée, fearing Jake’s wrath.

  “What was that all about? Why is Donovan laughing so hard?”

  “Don’t ask.” I changed subject. “What’s with Bee and Nick? Why are they with different people?”

  “Don’t ask.” Jane mimicked my words, but then decided to expound. “According to Nick, who spoke under the threat of bodily harm, Bee told him she wanted nothing to do with him unless he wanted to marry her…like, now.”

  “That doesn’t sound like Bee.”

  “I didn’t think so either, but what can I say? He was really, really bummed about Bee. His broken heart shows all the signs of love, but either he doesn’t see it, or he sees it and won’t admit it.”

  “What’s with him dating Lily?”

  “She’s into him, and I don’t think he minds the attention.”

  “We have a regular soap opera brewing in the Reid life, again. I hope Nick and Bee come around easier than the rest of us did.”

  “Me too.” My fiancée snuggled into me. “Are we really completely hands-off one another?”

  I knew she’d cave sooner or later. I needed to keep up the nonchalance. “Isn’t that what you wanted? I think you’re right. It will be that much more special on our wedding night. What’s three months when I went without sex for four years?”

  Dumbfounded. That’s how my woman looked. “OK.” Her whisper was telling and I reveled in the thought of her weakening.

  I acted as if I had no care in the world when I answered, “I thought this was what you wanted. You insisted I treat you like an inexperienced woman, so I decided to oblige.” She snuggled in closer. “That is what you want?” The last word came out strained and panting when Jane placed her hand on the inside of my thigh.

  “Yes, but you don’t need to act like we’re strangers. I’d be all right with an embrace here and there.” The damn circular rubbing, right close to the balls, continued. Truly, this woman was going to be the early death of me.

  I gently pulled her hand away from my very blue genitalia and kissed away the rejection. “I don’t think your family wants to see us in action. Let’s enjoy the game.”

  Throughout the four quarters, I refused Jane’s every attempt at arousing me. Eventually when she gave up, I started my stealth attacks. With our hands clasped, I placed them on Jane’s thigh, caressing the inside with my outstretched pinky. It wasn’t much, but to a starving woman, it was the mirage of a buffet. The assault continued with my hand occasionally brushing against her breast when I clapped. The jolt of surprise and small pleasure didn’t go unnoticed. During halftime when everyone went about their business, I decided to cradle her face just the way she liked, and we kissed until that pain in my ass, Donovan Taylor, came and broke us up.

  “Get a room.” He kicked my feet and broke us up.

  “You have enough food there?” He had purchased one of everything from the concession stand.

  “Rather than asking stupid questions, why don’t you grab your drinks and let me get resettled. My little woman will be back soon.”

  “How’s she feeling, today?”

  “Jane.” Donovan showed a lot of pearly white when he spoke of his bride. “My wife looks and feels great. She has no nausea like Emily, but she does eat a lot. I think we may have two sumo wrestlers on our hands.”

  “Just make sure they’re not two female sumo wrestlers.”

  “Shit, Jane. Must you be such a Negative Nelly? Between me and my bride, do you think it’s possible to produce anything but gorgeous babies, girls or boys?”

  “It’s amazing your head fits in this arena, Donovan.”

  “What are you talking about?” His wife came and took all the food off his hands.

  “I was saying that between your husband’s big head and the big belly you’ll have with all this eating, you both won’t be able to fit in this arena.”

  Laney laughed and laughed. “You have such a way with words, Jane.”

  “I have a way with words?” Jane was pleased at what she considered a praise. “That’s high complements coming from you, Cousin.”

  “When are we going dress shopping again? The steak we had that night was the best I’ve ever had. I’ll come again if Gram is taking us to Cut.”

  “Like your hubby won’t take you if you asked? By the way, did you make good use of the goodies Gram bought us that night?”

  “Of course.” Laney giggled. “Emily. Have you utilized Gram’s gifts for all of us?”

  “Hell yeah, she did,” Jake agreed. “When are you ladies going dress shopping again? Next round of goodies is on me if you’ll pick out the ones with the least amount of fabric for my beautiful wife.”

  “What about you, Jane. You didn’t show Max everything, already, did you? You’re supposed to wait until your honeymoon.” Laney admonished. Little did she know there was no worry of my bride opening the lingerie I saw her bring home. Jane was unusually silent.

  “Have I shown you what Gram bought for me?” Jane turned her body to me and whispered.

  I shook my head and pretended not to care. “You want something to eat?” Purposely, I changed topics.

  Jane stayed mum the rest of the game. Feeling smug, I spoke with the rest of the family, but kept up with the casual touches. Eventually, Jane placed my hand on the inside of her thigh, which I caressed. When I felt generous, a stray pinky teased. With the amount of shifting, I knew my fiancée was ready to come to her senses.

  As soon as we arrived at home and dressed for bed, my bride was primed for a long night. Before I had a chance to turn over and face the other side, she forced me back to her and literally jumped me. Playing like the helpless, I allowed her to do all the work. She rode me like a cowgirl at her first rodeo—eager, but out in the first round. With all that pent-up frustration, neither one of us lasted long.

  Once my bride fell on me and slowly caught her breath, I rolled her under me and took over.

  My fiancée had no clue this was only the beginning.

  Not knowing when my next meal might occur, like a man at a Bacchanalian feast, I reveled in the carousing in between fits of sleep. The debauchery was delicious.

  I wasn’t completely sated, but this would do until my next meal.

  Chapter 6 Jane: Celebrating Family

  “Jane?” Gimpy walked into my new office with a beautiful array of flowers.

  “Hi, Gimpy.” I hugged him once he placed the heavy vase on my desk. “What’s with the arrangement?”

  “Just thought I’d brighten my favorite granddaughter’s day.” He whispered the word, favorite, as if anyone could hear him.

  “I thought I’d been replaced by Laney with all the attention you’ve been giving her. A little birdy tells me you’ve been taking Laney out for extravagant steak meals. Did the invite to your favorite granddaughter get lost in the mail?” I whispered the same word for effect.

  Gimpy chuckled. “I thought you weren’t a fan of red meat.”

  “They do have fish and seafood at most of these places.” I enlightened my grandfather.

  I could never be mad at Gimpy. He knew I would never begrudge his time with his other grandchildren—at least not since I’d grown up and gotten engaged.

  “How’s life treating you as a partner? Are you coping? Is it too much for you?”

  Gimpy’s love and confidence in me was unwavering and undeserved. “Thanks to your protégé and my cousin-by-marriage, I have been eased into this partnership. Donovan is a master teacher.”

  “He’s a master businessman, too. Since his arrival in LA, he’s instituted brilliant changes. Soon, you’ll all be working less and making the same, maybe even more money.”

  “I assume this has something to do with Luciano Alvaro?”

  “You assumed correctly. Let’s go greet our newest AAP family member.”

  Donovan gathered all the partners in the large conference room
. I was surprised to see the big wigs from the New York, SF, and DC AAPs. After singing his praises and listing his accolades, we each took turns greeting Luciano.

  When it was my turn, I brought up an unexpected topic for our newest lawyer.

  “So what’s the deal with you and Donovan’s aunt?”

  Luciano had a wicked smile. “Is this pertinent to me succeeding in this firm? Donovan vaguely filled me in concerning Bee and your brother.” His flirty Spanish accent added to the mischievous glint. “Is your brother the secret owner of AAP, and about to oust me depending on my answer? If so, I’d like to say, ‘finders keepers, losers weepers,’ or something like that.”

  This naughty man was onto me. I produced my own version of a wicked smile. I would avenge my brother’s loss. “Who’s the finder and who’s the loser?”

  “Once again, will you take away my bonus and banish me to a cubicle?” That glint stayed with him.

  I decided to cave. My welcome wagon wasn’t very welcoming.

  Plus, Donovan smelled trouble. He walked over shaking his head. “Are we playing nice?” he asked in warning.

  “Of course, Partner. Don’t I always play nice?”

  Donovan chose not to answer.

  “Are we ready for the grand announcement tonight to our families?”

  “We are, Donovan. I must ask again if I might be included in this family offer if there are shares left?”

  “Let’s see how this first round goes, Luciano. For all I know, there may be copious shares left.”

  My cousin-by-marriage was truly brilliant. His avant-garde plans held promises of retirement for all our families involved.

  “My precious Gem, to what do I owe this pleasure in the middle of the day?”

  “Wow. Such effusive words for a phone call.”

  “What can I say?” I could practically hear Max’s grin. “I’m still happy about the other night, though it was ages ago.”

  “Yeah, about that night…” Of course he was referring to our bedtime romp after seducing me at the basketball game. “That won’t happen again, Dr. Davis. You won’t get your wily ways with me until our wedding night.”

  “OK…” His agreement wasn’t really an agreement. It was more of a wolf dancing around its prey until the next mealtime.

  “I just called to tell you I love you,” I announced proudly.

  Now I knew he was full-on smiling. “I love you, too, Gem. Will we go to Laney’s together?”

  “Nope. I told Mom and Dad I’d pick them up and take them to Laney’s with me. Why don’t you head over with Garret?”

  “Mom and Dad as in the Davises?”

  “Which other Mom and Dad need an escort to the cul-de-sac?” I could be a smartass at times.

  “Stupid me. Drive safely and I’ll see you soon.”


  Doing a happy dance all the way to Mavis and Davis’ home, I was in an all-around good mood about what would happen tonight.

  “Hi, Jane.” Mavis greeted me with her husband. I stepped in and threw my arm around them in a group hug.

  “Hi, Mom. Hi, Dad.” Sometimes, my openness made them step back and regroup.

  “Hello, Dear.” I supposed that was a good start by Max’s dad. “How was your day?”

  “It was fantastic. You and Mom are in for a sweet surprise tonight.”

  “We’re excited but surprised to be included in this family gathering.”

  “Why would you be surprised?”

  “Because we’re not family, yet.” Mom had no idea how much “family” she was getting with the Reids and Taylors.

  “You and Dad were family the minute Max and I got serious. Let me tell you about the Reids during dinner. I want to take you both to our favorite Italian hole-in-the wall.”

  Dinner wasn’t on my radar as Donovan and Laney were hosting a meal at their home, but seeing my in-laws’ reticence, an intervention was necessary. Since this was our first time alone, I thought a cozy dinner for three would help strengthen the relationship.

  “How are the wedding plans going?” Mom asked in between bites of her caprese salad.

  “Well, I think this Antoni Villa is going to work out, but I’m afraid to believe it since I’ve had such bad luck so far.”

  “The pictures you sent while you were there looked incredible.”

  “It is, Mom. The resort, the service, the food—everything was first rate.”

  “Do you need any financial help from us?” Dad’s handsome face crinkled with a look that resembled Max’s when he was worried. “We’d like to contribute to the wedding somehow and we don’t know where you might need us.” Both parents stopped eating and turned to me for an answer.

  “Financially, I believe we’re OK. Thanks to my grandparents’ friend, the resort gave us a steep discount. It’s tradition for Gram to buy the bride a dress, and the immediate family will stay at Gimpy’s villa so lodging is taken care of, too.”

  “Can we provide you with a honeymoon? Have you decided where to go?”

  “My partner and cousin-in-law gave me a one-month-long vacation, so Max and I thought we’d hang out in Europe gallivanting through the cities. Most of the lodging there will be provided since we’ll stay at Gimpy’s homes.” My soon-to-be parents looked disappointed. A good idea needed to happen, soon. “This might be too expensive, but would you consider putting a small down payment on a car for Max?” Perhaps I was asking for too much, but I thought it might be best if they did something directly for their son.

  “I didn’t realize he needed a new car.”

  “He rarely drives his car because it’s unreliable and has broken down on him in the middle of the road. He sticks to his motorcycles and I hate the thought of him riding his bike when it’s raining. You know Max. He doesn’t need anything fancy. Even a used car would do; he only needs something dependable.”

  They both smiled. “Davis can start the research, and we would like to surprise him with a car when you return from your honeymoon,” Mavis declared. “I’m thinking electric, or at least a hybrid. What do you think?” The conversation turned private until I reminded them that we were only looking for a small down payment.

  “Max will start getting paid next year in residency. He wouldn’t want you to buy a car for him. Your son would not be happy with me for even suggesting this to you.”

  “You’re right to think of his safety.” Mavis suddenly turned sorrowful. “Our style of parenting turned Max into an independent and aloof child. We regret raising him in the strict and harsh environment we created. That’s what we thought was right for the boys, but we learned later how wrong it was. We wish we could change the past, but since that’s not possible, we know we will have to change our ways with the next generation of Davises.”

  “We may not be wealthy, but we have enough money to buy our son a car,” my future father-in-law added. “Let us do this for him. It would lighten our load and make us feel like we’re contributing to our son and daughter’s wedding.”

  Davis’ hand covered my own in a gesture of love. I nodded my agreement and only pleaded for a small and simple vehicle so I wouldn’t be in trouble with my husband.

  Dinner proved to be a time of bonding for the three of us; I was happy to have had that time.

  When we arrived on the cul-de-sac, I dropped my in-laws at my parents’ home for a cup of coffee and another round of get-to-know-yous, and I headed straight to my fiancé.

  “Gem.” He met me halfway and kissed me long and deep. “Dinner with the folks went well?” After his mind-blowing kiss, all I could do was smile and nod my head like a simpleton. “I think your cousin is itching to start. Why don’t we take our seats?”

  Max grabbed my hand and led us to the chairs laid out in the living room. Like a dutiful wife, I followed my man’s lead.

  After tonight, I knew the Davises were healed and they would join the Reid fold wholly.


Chapter 1 Max: The Sweetest Plans

  “Ax!” That unmistakable voice got louder as the little body ran faster toward me. With a solid oomph, Elizabeth Reid slammed herself into my crouching figure.

  Naturally, what I did for one twin, I had to do for the other, plus the almost-walking sibling. James ran into my arms and Emily helped JR “run” into my arms as well.

  “Where’s the love for your Uncle Donovan?”

  Ellie decided she wasn’t getting enough attention in my arms, so she raced over to her second choice.

  “JR, why don’t you jump into my arms?” My fiancée had a weakness for our godchild, who did as he was asked. From his all-around chubby frame, to his relaxed and happy-go-lucky demeanor, JR was adorable. “I can’t get enough of these cheeks!” Jane declared, kissing him all over.

  “Are we all ready to leave?” That was Donovan’s cue for all of us to board the plane. Jake and his family were spending spring break in New York, Donovan and company were headed to Barcelona, and Jane and I hopped aboard for another flight to Florence.

  “We are, Boss Man,” Luciano answered. Though we had this discussion the other night at dinner, Jane and I were still caught off guard by the sight of Luciano. “Hello, everyone.” He went down the pecking order and greeted Donovan and his wife, Jake and his family, and eventually us. “Will I be relegated to your former cubicle after this trip?” I heard Luciano ask my fiancée. She laughed it off, but Jane wasn’t happy.

  The three kids were hyper boarding the plane, but once in their car seats, they knew the drill. They were content to look through their books as we all watched and waited for the plane to take off.

  “Like magic!” Jake grinned at the three whose heavy eyelids fell with the plane’s ascent. “Let the party begin.”

  “How does that happen every freakin’ time?”

  “I don’t know, Buddy. Let’s see if your twins will behave as well as mine on a plane.”


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