In Your Arms Again

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In Your Arms Again Page 2

by David Horne

  I should have made you stay with me

  Now you’re gone and here I am...

  Looking for you in every stranger's face

  You’re my laughter and the air I breathe...

  Please come back to me.

  At this point, people were already singing along with him. As he sang the song, Jason had a feeling that Fred was talking to someone. It was as if his heart had been broken. He looked so passionate when singing the song.

  Soon, it was over and the crowd was cheering him. Jason decided it was time to return to his hotel and pack his things.

  He managed to find his way out of the club and was walking when he heard voices.

  "Stay the hell away from me," the voice sounded angry.

  "You loved me once. When, you sang In Your arms Again, for Me,” another voice began.

  "You’re mistaken, Maurice. I have gotten over you and that's that. I have no intention of ever being your lover again," Fred was saying.

  "Why is that?" Maurice asked.

  "I have found love," Fred insisted.

  "I don't believe you, Fred. I’m the only man you could ever love. No man or woman can ever take my place in your heart," Maurice continued.

  "What do you want?" Fred asked amidst clenched teeth.

  "We can be lovers again," Maurice supplied.

  Fred became so angry he almost lost his balance. His eyes turned red and cold, "Hell, no."

  "How about I tell the world that..." At that moment, Jason sneezed and the two men looked up at him. Fred looked surprised that his private conversation had been heard but then he looked relieved.

  On the other hand, Maurice was agitated.

  "Go on your way, man."

  "Hi, Jason," Fred began.

  "Hi Fred," Jason smiled back.

  "Thank God you’re here love. I'm so sorry I kept you waiting," Fred said but Jason blinked. He didn't understand what the man was saying.

  "You know him?" Maurice looked suspiciously at the two men.

  Fred let out a grin. He walked to Jason and going on his tiptoe, kissed him full in the mouth. Jason though, didn't understand what was happening. When Fred's lips met his, he lost control of himself. He returned the kiss with every fiber in him. Without thinking, he placed his arms around Fred's waist and forgot who he was and the problem he was having.

  "Damn it." It was Maurice's voice that brought them back to reality.

  Jason tried hard and succeeded in putting the kiss to a halt. He looked at Jason's full pink lips and resisted the urge to kiss him again.

  "Maurice, meet Jason, the love of my life, my world, my happiness," Fred said, his eyes never leaving Jason's. It was as if he were pleading for something and Jason knew what it was.

  "You mean you've found a lover?" Maurice sounded very surprised.

  "Yes. He’s my lover and as you can see, he’s everything you're not." This time, Fred's voice was dangerous.

  "I still love you, Fred, let him go. Dump him and let me stand by your side." Maurice sounded desperate.

  "I'm so sorry, my love, who in the hell is this?" Jason decided to play along.

  "Oh, this is Maurice. I used to have a thing with him, but that was in the past," Fred announced.

  Jason, who was big and powerful turned and looked dangerously at Maurice.

  "If your relationship was in the past, what in the hell does he want now?" Jason looked dangerous.

  "He wants to get back with me." Fred smiled.

  "Did you tell him that we are tired of each other?" Jason asked.

  "How can I ever get tired of you? Your touch sets me on fire." Fred held Jason's hands in love and friendship.

  "Good, now, Maurice or whoever you call yourself, back off." Jason sounded angry.

  Maurice looked at the two men. He knew he had to change tactics. Hurriedly, he walked away, leaving the two men to themselves.

  As soon as he was gone, the two men looked at each other without saying a word. Jason felt his heart began to race again and he found himself wondering about the effect Fred had on him.

  "Thanks, man." Fred smiled.

  "What's that all about?" Jason inquired.

  "It’s none of your business." Fred sounded almost angry.

  "Of course it’s none of my business but that man is trying to blackmail you." Jason, a business tycoon, didn't understand why a popular man like Fred would let another person blackmail him.

  "It’s a long story and I really don't want to talk about it," Fred said staring at Jason.

  Jason was tall. He stood six foot two inches with broad shoulders and lean waist. His legs were long and he looked so perfect that Fred wondered how it was possible. His brown hair was cut low and combed back. He should be in his early thirties.

  Jason's eyes were violet, making him look both sexy and handsome in a way even Fred couldn't put his thumb on. Since he had been dumped by Maurice, he had never looked at another man the way he was looking at Jason.

  "How about we share a couple of drinks tomorrow?" Fred offered.

  "No, thanks," Jason retorted without hesitation.

  "What is your problem?" Fred asked.

  "I beg your pardon?" Jason asked, eyeing Fred suspiciously.

  "The first time we met, I suggested we grab a couple of drinks together and you declined. Today, you did the same."

  Jason raked his hands over his hair. He wondered what he was doing standing here in the dark, when he had a plane to catch in a few hours.

  "You think life is a bed of roses? You rich folks are impossible,” he said and turned to go.

  "Oh? So you think I was born with a silver spoon? Whatever I have today, I worked long and hard for it. So, please, do not insult me." Fred's words made Jason stop.

  He turned and their eyes met. Again, Jason resisted the urge to pull Fred into his arms and kiss his inviting pink lips senseless.

  "I'm so sorry. I shouldn't have said that," he apologized.

  Fred only waved his hands away. "No qualms man, no offense taken."

  Slowly, Jason walked back to him until they were standing close together. Jason could feel Fred's cologne. Despite the fact that he had just performed on stage, he still smelt fresh. He wanted to lean and inhale that sweet fragrance but he didn't want to make a fool out of himself.

  "I'll be on my way to New York in a couple of hours. My plane was booked already," Jason tried to explain.

  Fred blinked once, then twice. For some reason he couldn't understand, he felt sad.

  "Okay then, I'll just wish you all the best..." Fred began.

  "How about I cancel my flight for that drink?" Jason found himself saying even before he could stop himself.

  "Really? No, you don't have to do that," Fred insisted, shaking his head.

  "I have no wife or children to go back to. One more day wouldn't hurt, would it?" he asked with a grin. Fred grinned back.

  "I guess we're on."

  They shook their hands again and began walking down 4th Avenue.

  "You’re a celebrity. Why are you alone?" Jason couldn't help but ask.

  "Well, I hate the crowds and unnecessary attention. As soon as I finished singing on stage, I changed my clothes and slipped away. My manager is sure to have a fit." He grinned again, almost looking boyish.

  "Being a celebrity comes with a price. I can tell you that," Jason responded.

  They were walking so closely together that their hands touched. Fred immediately shivered with desire and Jason felt his heart began to race even more.

  "Are you cold?" Jason asked Fred.

  Chapter Three

  "Yes. I underestimated the chill outside. It’s summer. I thought it would be warmer," Fred lied.

  He couldn't explain to Jason that he was attracted to him. He had sworn to never let a man hurt him again. Not after the dagger Maurice had plunged into his heart when he walked away all those years ago.

  "You’re putting on a jacket. Are you sure you’re not running a temperature?" J
ason asked, looking concern.

  "No, I'm fine. Don't worry."

  They walked quietly for a few seconds.

  "You're not my fan, are you?" Fred couldn't help but ask. He was famous and he spent every moment of his life running away from fans.

  "No," Jason revealed curtly.

  For some reason, Fred wasn't disappointed. In fact, he was happy. Here was a person who didn't adore him to a fault.

  "I'm glad," he told Jason.

  "Are you?"

  "Like you've earlier said, being a popular figure has its price. Do you know what it’s like?"

  Yes, I know exactly what it feels like. Jason thought to himself but turning to Fred, he smiled, "I have never been a celebrity. How would I know?"

  "Sometimes, I wished I were just an ordinary man. You know, you have more freedom," Fred tried to explain.

  "My hotel is that way. I guess this is where we call it a night," Jason said.

  "Oh, yes," Fred hastily replied. He wanted that moment to last forever. For the first time in a long while, he had the privilege of walking down an almost empty street with a stranger that made him feel ordinary.

  "How will you get to your hotel?" Jason sounded worried. He had never worried about anyone for the past few months.

  Fred simply laughed. "Oh, that? I'll just give my manager a call."

  "Good. Give me your cellphone number and I'll give you a call later in the evening."

  Fred retrieved a crumpled paper from his pants’ pocket and a small pen. He hastily wrote down his number and handed it to Jason.

  "It’s nice meeting you, Fred."

  "The pleasure is mine, man."

  Fred watched as Jason strolled away. He stared, feeling sad and alone. It had been a long time since he had so much fun.

  "What have you done to me, Jason?" he asked the almost deserted street.

  He found himself looking forward to the evening he would spend with Jason.


  What have you done to me, Fred? Jason asked himself the following evening.

  He was like an animal in heat. He had to call his personal assistant to inform her that he had decided to delay his return home.

  "Are you ill, Jason?" she asked.

  Sarah had always called him Jason and he had never minded. The two share a close friendship and understanding.

  "I’m fine. I may be back tomorrow or next," He informed her over the phone.

  "Okay, then," she retorted.

  Now, staring at himself in the mirror, Jason knew he wasn’t himself.

  "It’s been a long time since I had sex."

  After the accident, he had been busy trying to recover and when he thought he was ready to resume work. He found out that his partner had taken the opportunity during his time at the hospital to destroy their company. Afterward, there was no time for lovers. He had spent the next few months, trying all he could to save his company but all efforts failed.

  "Well, it isn't the end of the world." He shrugged, realizing that he was finally coming to terms with his predicament. It wasn't as if he was born with a silver spoon. Like Fred, Jason had also worked hard and long for his success. He made his first million at the age of twenty-one.

  By four o’clock that afternoon, he retrieved the piece of paper Fred had given him and began dialing Fred's number. The call went through immediately and the call was picked after the first ring.

  "Hello?" He heard Fred's deep voice.

  Jason felt a kind of excitement he almost burst with it.

  "Hello," he answered.

  "Jason?" Fred asked. He couldn't hide his excitement. He had waited for this call all day and now that it finally came, he felt like a teenager about to go on his first date. Unfortunately, he wasn't a teenager and he wasn't going on his first date. He was only going to have a couple of drinks with Jason.

  It didn't matter. All he knew was that he liked being in the company of Jason.


  There was silence for a second or two as each man tried to think of what to say and how to say it.

  "Have you ever been to the Glamour Bar?" Jason asked.

  He didn't tell Fred that he had spent the entire afternoon looking for a perfect place.

  "No, I haven't."

  "It’s located around Oakland and 44th Avenue," Jason supplied.

  "Oh, that would be great. I sure would be there. What time would you want us to meet?"

  "Is nine o’clock tonight okay?" Jason asked.

  "Oh, yes. Nine is perfect."

  He didn't tell Jason that he had a meeting at that time.

  "Well, see you then," Jason said and brought the call to an end.

  "Why am I so excited?" he wondered aloud.

  For crying out loud, he was a full grown adult. He didn't understand why he feels what he felt.

  "I look forward to meeting you, again," he muttered.


  Jason arrived at the Glamour Bar at exactly ten minutes before nine o’clock at night, a safe, ten minutes early. The bar was a very quiet place. He had specifically wanted this place. Jason opted for this bar because it was quiet and nice. Here, they didn't have to worry about noise.

  He was dressed simply in a pair of pants and a white shirt. He got an empty table by the window and sat down. The window was overlooking the streets.

  "Welcome to the glamour bar. What can I get for you?" a lady of about twenty asked him with a smile.

  "I’ll have a scotch, please."

  She nodded and walked away. It wasn't until the lady had gone that Jason took a good look at his surroundings. The bar was half full. There were people drinking and talking in a hushed tone.

  This was exactly what he wanted; a bar that was quiet and offered some sense of privacy. A few minutes later, his scotch arrived and Jason immediately got to work.

  He was halfway through with his first drink when the door burst open. Jason, who had been unconsciously looking toward the door whenever it opened, hastily looked up.

  Seeing Fred, his heart skipped a beat. Fred was dressed in a pair of old faded jeans and a black shirt. He wore a face cap and was looking around the bar for Jason. Their eyes locked and Jason found himself grinning from ear to ear as Fred began making his way toward him.

  "Welcome." he told Fred but made no effort to stand up.

  "Thanks," Fred muttered and sat down.

  "I love this place." Fred couldn't hide his happiness. He had expected a crowded and noisy bar but Jason had surprised him.

  "I knew you’re a celebrity. I wanted us to drink in a nice and quiet place where we all will be comfortable," Jason retorted.

  Fred unceremoniously sat down. He looked at Jason and realized that he had shaved. Jason looked so handsome and big. His presence seemed to fill the room.

  "I'm glad you invited me," Fred told Jason.

  The lady who had earlier served Jason returned.

  "Oh my gosh, is that Fred Jacobs?" She was so excited she was almost jumping, bringing attention to herself.

  "Yes," Fred said simply and then almost immediately, he added, "Can I get what my friend here is having?" he asked.

  "Sure. Oh gosh, wait until I tell my friends that you came to the bar I work at."

  She laughed and almost immediately walked away.

  "You’re quite popular in the entertainment world." Jason was grinning.

  "Believe you me, man, I didn't ask for this."

  "I know. But then, at some points you enjoy it."

  "Sure. But with time, I realized I lost my privacy."

  The two chuckled.

  "You know, you've not told me your last name." This time Fred was looking intently at Jason.

  "I’m Jason Smith." He lied without batting an eyelash. The last thing he wanted was to tell Fred who he really was.

  "The guy I saw you with this morning, who’s he?" Jason hastily changed the topic of conversation.

  "Oh, that's Maurice. We used to be friends..." Jason, who had heard a little about the c
onversation between Fred and Maurice, knew that he had just been lied to but he made no effort to challenge Fred.

  They drank together for a good hour until Fred's manager began to call. He ignored it.

  "Why don't you take it?" he asked.

  "That's my manager. I have no intention of taking his call."

  When it was time to go, Jason insisted on footing the bill and the two walked out.

  "Are you here with your car?" Fred asked, looking at Jason's handsome face.

  "No. I took a cab down."

  "How about I give you a lift back to your hotel?"

  He sounded very hopeful. At this point, Fred knew beyond doubt that he wanted Jason. He wanted Jason very much.

  "Sure." Jason grinned. “Where is your car?"

  "I came with my SUV, the same car that nearly ran you over."

  He led Jason to his car and unlocked it. They both boarded the car and soon, Fred was driving steadily down the road.

  "You look a bit tipsy." Jason who was seated on the passenger side of the car noted.

  "I’m perfectly all right. I didn’t drink much," Fred muttered.

  "Why don't you let me to drive?" Jason had always been a careful driver, especially since the accident that almost claimed his life.

  Without hesitation, Fred halted the car, unlocked the driver's door and stepped out. He didn’t want to argue with his new friend.

  "You can drive. I have no qualms with that."

  Jason smiled. He got out and went toward the driver's seat. Soon, they were driving down the road again.

  "Tell me, Jason, were you ever in love?" Fred asked before he could stop himself.

  "Only fools fall in love," Jason supplied.

  "You’re kidding me, right?" Fred looked surprised

  "I'm serious. I have vowed to never fall in love. I have kept lovers but I never allow things to go so far."

  Fred shifted in his seat.

  "Love does not choose whom it comes to. It’s just that, we sometimes fall in love with the wrong set of people." Jason noted the bitterness in Fred's tone.

  "You sound like one who has had his heart broken,” he said, deliberately

  He was hungry to know all there was to know about Fred.

  "My heart has been broken, once."


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