T Thorn Coyle Evolutionary Witchcraft (pdf)

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Needleman, Jacob. Money and the Meaning if Life (Doubleday/Currency, I994),

  and Time and the Soul (Berrett-Koehler, 2003). These two books have helped

  me alter my own attitudes about both money and time, furthering my spiritual work in the physical world. These can help with Chapter 6.

  Nightmare, M. Macha, and Starhawk. The Pagan Book if Living and Dying

  (HarperSanFrancisco, I 999). This is the only book of its kind. Includes articles by Thorn and many others.

  Ouspensky, P. D. In Search if the Miraculous: Fragments if an Unknown Teaching

  (Harvest Books, 200 I ). A key book to help understand human automatism

  and how to become more self-aware and less of a machine.

  Palmer, Wendy. The Intuitive Body: Aikido as Clairsentient Practice (North Atlantic

  Books, I 999, revised). Holds good exercises to get one in touch with one's

  body as a holistic and psychic force.

  Pert, Candace B. Molecules if Emotion: The Science Behind Mind-Body Medicine

  (Simon and Schuster, I 999). Dr. Pert has written an interesting entry into

  nondualistic science that shows how integrated consciousness really is.

  Plonka, Lavinia. What Are You Afraid Of? A Body-Mind Guide to Courageous l.ivin.�

  (Tarcher/Penguin, 2004). For an excellent resource on how fear lodges in our

  bodies and controls us, read this. It will show you clear ways to unprogram


  Scholem, Gershom. Kabbalah: a Definitive History if the Evolution, Ideas, 1-l'adil(l; r.:�

  ures and Extraordinary lnjluence if jewish Mysticism (Meridian, 1 978). Sdl!lh-111

  writes an excellent text for those wanting to further underst and t he Triple



  Appendix: Reudin'5s und Resources

  Shirley, John. Gurdjeiff: An Introduction to His Life and Ideas (Tarcher/Penguin,

  2004 ). Gurdjieff's work has had a great influence on my thinking and is helpful to Feri students. This is a good introductory book, a little more storyoriented than Ouspensky's more technical book.

  Starhawk. Dreaming the Dark: Magic, Sex, and Politics (Beacon, I 997). A great

  book on merging spirit and politics.

  The Spiral Dance: The 20th Anniversary (HarperSanFrancisco, I 999). A

  Witchcraft powerhouse, first published in I 979. Includes some Feri material,

  if you look closely.

  Sulak, John, and V. Vale. Modern Pagans (Re/Search Publications, 2002).

  Includes interviews with some Feri practitioners, including Thorn. See www.


  Toomer, Jean. Essentials: jean Toomer. Edited by Rudolph P. Byrd (Hill Street

  Press, I 999). Reflections on the spiritual life. Not Witchcraft, but quite

  insightful, written by Gurdjieff student and important African-American

  writer of the classic Cane.


  Abundance, 195-97

  the emperor has no clothes, 253-54

  Ancestors, 202

  way to, 254--55

  Anderson, Cora, 2-3, 6-7, 44, 64, 70, 1 15, 252

  Black mirror, 208-209, 218, 269

  Anderson, Victor, 2-3, 6-7, 1 5-16, 35, 39,

  Black Mother, 186, 189-91

  44, 64, 76, 90, 106, 1 15, 238,

  abundant earth, 195-97

  251, 266

  embracing death, 198-200

  Anna, 205-206

  listening to your body, I 94--95

  Arc, 106-107

  opening to generosity, 1 97-98

  Arddu, 205-206

  physical world, I 9 I

  Aristotle, 96

  what are you nurturing?, 1 91-92

  Arrogance, 125

  your sacred body, 1 92-94

  Astral travel, 220--21

  Blade, 105-106, I I I, 269

  journey to the Star Goddess, 225-26

  walking as, 1 13

  traversing the blue sphere, 222-25

  Blue flame, 24--25

  Athame, 26, 105-106, 133

  Blue God, 101, 215

  Attention, deep, 59-60

  Body, 192-94

  Aura colors, creating, 61-62

  listening to, I 94--95

  Auric egg, 57, 61, 63


  Automatic writing, 128-29, 244

  on Feri Tradition, 289-90

  general, 290--94

  Balance, 77

  Brain clutter, I 70--7 I

  Baldwin, James, I 40

  Breath revitalization, 269-70

  Beliefs, 167-68

  Bird-snake integration, 215

  Caillebotte, Gustave, I 40

  Birth, 183

  Calling back the points, I 1 6-19

  cube and pentacle, I84-89

  Campbell, Joseph, 90

  Guardian of Norrh-Biack Mother,

  Cassatt, Mary, I 40


  Casting Frri sphere, 24

  tomb of, 200--205

  casting from inside out, 29-.10

  Black Hrarr of lnnocrna, 250-52

  cast ing into ext r;umlinary, 26-2!



  Casting Feri sphere (cont.)


  meditation on blue flame, 25

  the chalice, I 50-S I

  preparing for, 20

  connecting to Feri Gods, I80, I82

  Cauldron, 23I-32, 269

  Guardian of the West-Water Maker,

  cooking lies into gifts, 232--33

  I 53-57

  cooking up possibility, 233

  knowledge, I68, I70-73

  leaping the fire, 233-34

  law, I65, I 67-68

  Center, 249-50. See also Powers Above;

  liberty, I 72, I 7 4--78

  Powers Below

  love, I62-66

  awakening your Black Heart, 2SI-SS

  Pearl Pentacle, I S7-62

  Guardian of-Keeper of the Black Heart,

  spilling over, I 82


  tempering your emotions, I 52-53

  Violet Pentacle, 266-73

  wisdom, I78-8I

  Center of the earth, 229

  Counting your breath, 95-96

  Chakra system, 266


  Chalice, IS0-5 1. 269

  aura colors, 6I-62

  Changes, I86-87

  keys for remembrance, 22--23

  Charge of tht Goddtss (Valiente), 7

  Crowley, Aleister, 2

  Choices, I I2-I3

  Crown chakra, 63


  to love, 272--73

  Daily practice, 30-32

  of Power, I38-39

  Dancing the sun and moon, I02-I04

  Circumference of All, 249

  Daytime dreams, 2I4

  Cleansing the senses, 96-98

  Death, I 98-200

  Closing the sphere, 275-76

  Dedication, 280-8I

  engaging your whole sel£ 278

  Deep name, 277-78

  evolution and community, 278-79

  Denial, I92-93

  finding a teacher, 279-8I

  Deosil direction, 1 16

  finding a third path, 283-84

  Desire, 2I7

  finding your work, 284-85

  Developing practice, 30-32

  listening for your deep name, 277-78

  engaging the sacred body, 32

  and open the world, 285-87

  finding your feyness, 36-37

  recognize your Godhood, 28I-83

  following energy flow, 33-35

  who are you right now?, 276

  listening for other realms, 37-38

  Coal, 106-107

  opening to fey awareness, 35-36

  Collective divinity. 68-70

  proper posture, 33

  Committing to Craft, 30-32

  Devotional Da
nce, I I 7

  engaging the sacred body, 32

  for knowledge, I72-73

  finding your feyness, 36-37

  for law, I 68-69

  following energy flow, 33-35

  for liberty, I76-78

  listening for other realms, 37-38

  for love, I 65-66

  opening to fey awareness, 35-36

  for passion, I 43, I 45

  proper posture, 33

  for power, I36-37

  Community, 278-79

  for pride, 126-27


  2 9 7

  Sacred Dove, 63-65

  Etheric body, 50

  for self. 131-32

  Evolution, 278--79

  for sex, 121. 123

  Evolutionary Witchcraft, 8--12

  Shining Body, 56-59

  Expanding attentive capacity, 91-92

  Sticky One, 5 1-53

  for wisdom, I 80--8 I

  Facing the mirror, 1 7-18

  Dian y Glas, 101, 215

  Fears, 236-37

  Digestion, 187

  Feeling the world inside you, 98--99

  Disconnection, 4 7

  Feri current, I 1-12

  Divine Twins, 209, 259

  Feri Tradition, 1-8, 15, 35, 39, 43

  Divine within, 43-45

  books on, 289-90

  collective divinity, 68--70

  and Center, 249-50

  Triple Soul

  commitments in, I 94

  aligning. 70--74

  as ecstatic tradition, 98, 258

  encountering, 45-48

  Flower Prayer, 284

  Sacred Dove, 62-68

  Gods of, 101-102, 180, 182, 205-206, 2I5

  the Shining Body, 55-62

  Guardians of. 79-82, I09-I3, I 53-57

  the Sticky One, 49-55

  initiation ritual, 279-80

  Dorsey, Issan, I 56

  MelekTaus myth, 2I5-I6

  Dreams, 213-14

  not coddling weakness in, 239

  Drop that became the sea, 68--70

  paradox of. 255

  Powers Above and Below, 207

  East, 75-76

  Prayer for Alignment, 7I -7 4

  connecting to the Gods, 99-102

  tools of. I 6-4 I

  dancing the sun and moon, 102-104

  the blade, 105-106, I I I

  engaging the breath, 92-99

  cauldron, 23 I -34

  Guardian of the East--Star Finder, 81-82

  the chalice, I 50--5 I

  magical worldview, 76-78

  green cube and pentacle, 183-89

  opening to seeker's mind, 78--79

  the pentacle, I I 4-I 9

  the Wand, 83-89

  the wand, 76, 83-89

  widening awareness, 90--92

  and Triple Soul. 45-70

  Ecstatic tradition, 98, 258

  Fertility tradition, 98

  Elemental Guardians, 28

  Fey, 36-37

  Ember, 106-107


  Embodiment, 32

  finding, 36-37

  Emotions, 152-53, 201

  opening to awareness of. 35-36

  hidden, 237

  Fire, I04-I05

  Emre, Yunus, 68

  in the Earth, 234-35

  Engaging the belly, 109

  touching the four, I 06-I 09

  Engaging the breath, 92

  Flame, 105-107

  counting your breath, 95-96

  fire of practice, I 4 7

  power of speech, 92-93

  Guardian of the South--Shining Flame,

  power to name, 94-95


  Engaging the Rame. Str Flamr

  I ron Pentacle, I I 4-19




  Flame (cont.)

  Hall, Manly P., 2I5

  passion, I4I-46

  Ha Prayer. See Prayer for Alignment

  pride, I25-30

  Harrow, Susan, 92

  self. 130-34


  sex, I20-25

  breath, I 56--57

  touching the four fires, I 06--109

  engaging, I 55-56

  The Flcor Scrapers (Caillebotte ), I 40

  polishing, I 64-65

  Flower Prayer, 284

  Heaven Shiner, 2I2-I3, 220

  Following energy flow, 33-35

  engaging daytime dreams, 2I4

  Forgiveness, 262-63

  rising to meet your desire, 2 I 5-I 8

  Freedom, I 74-76

  tracking night dreams, 2I3-I4

  Fripp. Robert, 200

  Hebrew Bible, 77-78


  Gardner, Gerald, 2

  emotions, 237

  Generosity, I97-98

  patterns, 230

  Gilded Pentacle, 24I-43

  Holding ability. ISS

  automatic writing, 244

  Honesty, 267-68

  if brittle, I will break, 246

  Hooks, Bell, 25 I

  rebalancing passion, 244-46

  Hutton, Ronald, 2I

  Goddess energy. I I 4

  God energy, I I 4

  Image vs. reality, 2I9-20

  Godhood, recognizing in self. 28I-83

  Insecurity, I 35

  Gods, connecting to, 99-I02, I80, I 82,

  Integration, 270-71


  Intention, 280-8I

  God Soul Listening, 62-68, I88-89

  Invocation, 43-45

  Golden Dawn, 2, 46

  collective divinity, 68--70

  Greed, I96

  Triple Soul

  Green cube, I83-84, 269

  aligning, 70-74

  being parent to changes, I86-87

  encountering, 45-48

  planes of stability, I85-86

  Sacred Dove, 62-68

  power of silence, I87-88

  the Shining Body, 55-62

  sitting like a mountain, I 88-89

  the Sticky One, 49-55

  Grounding and centering, 20-22

  Iron Pentacle, I I4-I6, I 58, I9I.

  Guardians, 79-8 I

  200, 24I

  of Above-Heaven Shiner, 2I2-I8

  calling back the points, I I 6--I 9

  of Below-Fire in the Earth, 234-35

  fire of practice, I 4 7

  of Center-Keeper of the Black Heart,

  passion, I 4 I -46


  power, I 35-4 I

  of East--Star Finder, 8I-82

  pride, 125-30

  Elemental, 28

  self. I30-34

  of North-Black Mother, I89-200

  sex, I20-25

  of South--Shining Flame, I09-I3

  of West-Water Maker, 1 53-57

  Kabbala, 49-50

  Gurdjieff. G. I.. 6, 50

  Kala. Srr Rite of Unbinding



  Keeper of the Black Heart, 255-57

  Magic, 8, 273

  dancing with your Shadow Lover,



  consciousness, 9�92

  forgiveness as path to power, 262-63

  worldview, 76--78

  Rite of Unbinding, 263-65

  Mari, I82

  Knowledge, I 68, I 70

  Mathers, MacGregor, 2

  clearing the attic, I7�7I

  Mathers, Moina, 2

  Devotional Dance for, I72-73


  game of. I7I-72

  on blue flame, 25

  Krishna, 28I-83

  God Soul Listening, 62-68,


  Lack of alignment, 4 7

  Melek Taus. See Peacock God

  Lavender, 266

  Midnight, I87

  Law, I65, I67

  Milky Way, 209

  believing and willing, I67-68

  Money, I95-9

  Devotional Dance for, I 68-69

  Moon phases, 227-28

  Leib, Wolfgang, I 40

  Levine, Noah, I78

  Naming, 94-95

  Liberty, I 72

  hidden emotions, 237

  Devotional Dance for, I76--78

  N a rural resources, I 9 8

  freedom from within, I 7 4-7 5

  Narure, 45, 259

  what keeps us from freedom?,

  cycles, 227-28


  Night dreams, 2I3-I4

  Life cycles, I 98

  Nimue, IOI

  Ligon, Glenn, I 40

  North, I83


  connecting to Feri Gods, 205-206

  to body, I94-95

  cube and pentacle, 183-89

  God Soul, 62-68, I 88-89

  Guardian of-Black Mother, I89-200

  for other realms, 37-38

  tomb of birth, 2�205

  and sitting, 64, 66--68

  you as body of the earth, 206

  for your deep name, 277-78

  Lord, Audre, IS

  O'Keefe, Georgia, I 40

  Love, I62


  circles to, 272-73

  to seeker's mind, 78-79

  Devotional Dance for, I 65-66

  to senses. Su Senses

  opening to, I 63-64

  Oracle of Delphi, I I

  polishing the heart, I 64-65

  Ordo Templi Orientis, 2

  resting in arms of. 2 I I

  Orgasm, I 22, I 24

  Loving your humanity, I8-I9

  creating keys for remembrance,

  Passion, I I 9, 1 4 1 --43


  Devotional Dann· f
  grounding and centering, 20--22

  drinking in, 1 46

  preparing to Clst rhr sphrrr, 20

  fi·eding, 1 44

  sri!� low dran�mg, I 9-20

  n·b,ll.ulcing, 244-4C.



  Path workings, 78

  loving the face in the mirror, 208-209

  Peacock God, 215-20, 271

  resting in arms of love, 2 1 1

  Pearl Pentacle, 157-59

  seeing beauty's black reflection, 218

  calling up, 159-62

  Powers Below, 229-30, 247. See also Center;

  knowledge, 168, 170--73

  Powers Above

  law, 165, 167-68

  the cauldron, 23 1-34

  liberty, 172, 174-78

  engaging your fears, 236--37

  love, 162-66

  Guardian of-Fire in the Earth, 234-35

  wisdom, 178-81

  if brittle, I will break, 246

  Peck, Danny, 162

  Rust and Gilded Pentacles, 24I-46


  warrior ethic, 238-41

  Gilded, 241-46

  Prayer for Alignment, 71-74, 263

  Iron, 1 14-19, 202-204

  Preparing to cast the sphere, 20

  Pearl, 157-62, 202-204

  Pride, 1 18, 125-26

  Rust, 241-46

  automatic writing, I28-29

  Violet, 266--73

  Devotional Dance for, 126--27

  walking, 204

  taking out of the box, 129-30

  Pentagram, invoking and banishing, 28

  Priestess mind, 78


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