Callous King (The O'Dea Crime Family Book 1)

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Callous King (The O'Dea Crime Family Book 1) Page 13

by Elizabeth Knox

  “Sorcha has a plan, and I have the power to enact it,” I say, ignoring my sister’s outburst to lock eyes with my dad. Appreciation tilts his lips briefly as I frown sourly at him. “Don’t interfere, Dad. Sorcha knows the sacrifice that comes with betrayal. She wouldn’t turn her back on me, and if the situation ever did escalate that far, I would have no problem killing her with my own hands.”

  “And for the record,” I continue briskly, my sharp tone cutting through the dense silence. “Siobhan was the one that asked me not to kill Byrne or Marrin directly following the FBI raid. You know that already, Dad . . . but did you know it’s less about the instability that would bring than the fact that Siobhan wants to try to kill Marrin herself? And so, two years ago, she made her case for his life for her own selfishness, and now he’s being released at some point before the end of the year. Who’s going to deal with him? Not me, and not Sorcha. I’ll only be there to watch her fuck up and fail, and only then will I step in.”

  My sister looks at me as though I’ve slapped her again, her eyes widening at my treachery. But I owe her nothing after the shit she tried to shove in my face, and I stare her down coolly. Lifting my mug to my lips, I take a deep gulp of my coffee before speaking up gravely. “Actions have consequences, my dear sister. If you want him so badly, you can deal with him . . . on your own. If it’s so important to you that you would burn your bridge with me so effortlessly, I hope you succeed even though I know you won’t. You and Bella aren’t so different. You’ve lied to yourself so much you don’t know what the truth is anymore, and Marrin’s gonna give you a harsh wakeup call. If you consider him trying to shove his hands down your pants, and not even managing that, rape, what’re you gonna do when he really does brutalize you?”

  “You ass!” She hisses, her face beet red as tears of hurt and unease well in her eyes. Siobhan trembles with rage at my dismissal of her experiences. “You don’t get to tell me you think I deserved it—”

  “I’m not having this conversation with you again, Siobhan. Don’t try to turn this into an assault on your feelings. It’s not. When Marrin’s released, go ahead,” I wave a hand at her, a bland expression masking my own turmoil. “Confront him. Kidnap him. Drug him and shove a bat up his ass. I don’t care what you do, only if you can do anything at all. You’ve blown everything so incredibly out of proportion that you can’t move, because you’re so unconfident with the situation.”

  “I have every right to wipe that piece of shit off—”

  “It’s not about your rights, it’s about whether or not you’ll actually succeed,” Sorcha’s soft declaration ripples palpably through the air, and I glance over as she wanders into the kitchen. Siobhan tenses, the vein in her forehead pulsing erratically as my woman stands tall and determined. “That’s why you hurt me. Because I have many more reasons to get Marrin myself. I’m the one that got him caught by the FBI. I’m the one that stopped Byrne making a comeback. I did it all alone . . . something you know you can’t do. But you can try, because I want to watch you fail miserably.”

  “You bitch!”

  “I look forward to seeing what’ll happen,” My dad cuts into the conversation, almost forgotten as he watches the exchange through keen eyes. Siobhan whips around, but he glares at her hotly, disappointment flaring in his eyes. “Don’t test me, Siobhan. You’re wrong. Admit and accept that. Obviously, Cian has a point. If you’re going to act childishly, I will treat you like a child, and this time, your mother isn’t here to tell me I’m being too harsh.”

  Siobhan pales white as a ghost before our dad grabs her forearm and drags her out of my home. I exhale heavily when the door slams shut, a testament to his irritation. Setting my mug down, I rub my face with both hands and groan into the palms.

  “Was that true?” Sorcha asks quietly, emotionlessly, and I tense as my gaze snaps to her blank expression. “She lied to me about Marrin raping her to try to throw me off?”

  “I’m sure. She struggles a lot with her feelings over it, but . . . yes. We all knew the rumors about Marrin. Even when we were teenagers, he had a bad way with women that his father covered up, but it was still a well-known secret. Siobhan had a crush on him, invited him over one night, got drunk with him. All voluntary because she was young and didn’t think it could possibly happen to her. Our dad found out, though, so Marrin didn’t manage to do anything. I think Siobhan was more freaked out than anything, but I’m not her, and I’m not you.” I confess, my rough tone pitifully delicate under Sorcha’s harsh scoff. Clenching her fists by her sides with white-knuckle tightness, she turns on her heel to storm out of the kitchen. The silence was damning, and I rub the back of my head uncomfortably. Now what do I do?

  Chapter Twenty-Three


  He drugged me.

  The terror is gone now.

  Revenge is revenge, no matter who pulls the trigger.

  I should’ve known. It never ends. No one else can save me, but myself.

  Now, it’s so fucking obvious Siobhan was lying, but I . . . I so desperately wanted to believe her. I wanted to look at her and hope I could be okay one day. I need to have faith that this misery won’t last forever. If I got some help, if someone, anyone, reached out for me, I could drag myself out of this hell.

  “I feel so stupid,” Dropping my head in my palms, I groan in misgiving before sluggishly picking myself up off the floor. Straightening my shoulders, I forcibly shirk off my self-pity and wipe my heated cheeks with my palms roughly. Taking a deep, calming breath, I close my eyes briefly before stepping out of my bedroom. Jack’s leaving the hallway bathroom, a sly, satisfied, sadistic smirk stretching his lips before he spots me. “Hi.”

  Sheepishly, he blushes and waves awkwardly, and I cock my head curiously. Jack isn’t like this at all at Byrne’s, and he cracks a more friendly smile before gesturing me over. “I heard what happened downstairs. You good?”

  “I had a moment, but I’m okay,” I reply, and Jack nods firmly before Cian emerges down the hallway. Cian pauses, gesturing me over, and I walk to him even though my legs are stiff as hell. Sometimes I wonder if the stress of this all is wreaking havoc on my body. Reaching to rub my scalp, I lick my lips heavily before parting them. “I’m not mad at you.”

  “I didn’t know Siobhan had said anything about it to you. When did you want to start things, Sorcha? I assume you don’t want it happening too soon,” He says gravely, and I nod while Cian cups his chin thoughtfully. “Did you have a time, or were you just gonna wing it?”

  “I was gonna wing it. Why? Is everything okay?” I ask cautiously, and Cian turns to me to nod a jerk of his head. “Are you sure?”

  “Come here, sweetheart,” Cian mumbles, not giving me the option to deny him as he tugs on my arm. Drawing me to his chest, he wraps his arms around me in a steely embrace, and alarm bells ring shrilly in my head. My eyelids flutter closed, and I take a deep breath of his scent clinging to his silk shirt. “Did you ever wonder why I don’t have many guards here?”

  “What?” Combatting his question with my own, I bury my face in Cian’s chest as he cups my head to thread his fingers through my hair. “No. Why would I?”

  “If you’re gonna set my home on fire, I should be here,” Cian declares quietly, and I jerk back to stare at him in wide-eyed shock. Cupping my cheek, he caresses down my neck to tap my inked chest. “It’ll be more convincing. I know Bella. If we want to get away with this, you shouldn’t be the only one in the firing line. We’ll set it up like she attacked you, stabbed me, and then set the house on fire. We can start it in the kitchen.”

  “You don’t—”

  “Yes, I do,” He interrupts firmly, eyes narrowing on me as he palms both my cheeks. “I do, Sorcha. You’ve suffered enough. Let me take this for you. Besides, Siobhan told Dad I kicked her out for her trying to mediate between Bella and me. If we wait a bit, it’ll be convincing that Bella realized she was backed into a corner and decided to take the only way out she had available. The only w
ay she gets out of the contract is to kill herself. It’s common knowledge.”

  “Would people really believe it? I mean, she’s thrown herself at you how many times?” My question is valid. Bella tried too hard to be with Cian if you ask me, but the woman made sure everyone knew she was trying. Did she do this in case her life would ever be in danger? This way she would have a behavioral pattern . . . God. We need to be smart here.

  “Quite frankly, they’ll believe anything I fucking say. I’m their future leader. Who are they going to believe, a desperate woman, or the man who holds the power?”

  “Cian, are you sure this will work?” I don’t have many doubts when it comes to him, but things are already so tense.

  “Let me ask you this, do you trust me?”

  Without a doubt I nod. “Yes, of course.”

  “Good. They’ll believe she tried to get out. I’m sure everyone already knows I showed her my true colors, how I’m not the respectable man all expect me to be when I leave these walls,” Cian twirls his finger around, motioning to the house. I know he has darkness within him, but I couldn’t care less. We all have dark shit, and his callousness is something I’m learning to love about him. “We will be fine. Trust me.”

  “O--okay so . . . what did you have in mind?” I ask cautiously, and Cian smiles tenderly in relief that shimmers brightly in his eyes.

  “We’ve done things your way this entire time, and it’s worked out well. I thought it’d be time for me to do things my way. Kaitlyn betrayed me. Siobhan’s out of my reach, but I knew she would be. And Bella. . . I’ve been tired of her long before the contract was signed. I want answers, Sorcha,” Cian breathes fire as anger deepens the lines around his mouth, and goosebumps sweep down my arms. His tone almost asks permission, or agreement, and I lick my lips heavily. “I’m not smart enough to think of the repercussions that could come. I know Byrne’s not gonna go down easy or fast.”

  “Um, you could do that, yeah,” I nod, and surprise rockets down my spine while Cian ducks to capture my lips. His hard kiss is laced with desire and gratitude. Cupping his jaw in trembling hands as he palms the back of my head firmly, I gulp down the intense shame that crawls up my throat. “I wish . . . I wish I could make you feel the way you make me feel all the time. I wish I weren’t so- so awful.”

  “The other night, before Bella pissed me off, I wanted you so bad it fucking hurt,” Cian confesses, pressing his forehead against mine with a shallow, hot exhale. My chest tightens under the emotions thick in his voice, and he wraps an arm around my waist to lock us together. “Do you trust me?”

  “Yes, I’ve already told you that.” I answer immediately, and gasp as Cian dips to hook his arm under my butt. His lips hover over mine, so close but not touching, and my abdomen pulses with unfamiliar heat. Waiting for me, he holds his breath, and my heart aches as I close the tiny space between us. Chapped lips caress mine as Cian hoists me off my feet with a grunt, and his muscles ripple powerfully against my front. Clinging to his hips with my knees, I shiver while he sits heavily on his bed. “Cian.”

  “Tell me you fucking love me again, sweetheart,” Cian growls lowly, his palms sliding up my back to pull my shirt up. Rough and calloused, his hands send tingles up my scars, and I arch into him. Leaning back, he breaks our kiss to pull off my shirt, his eyes immediately fixing on the tattoo on my chest. Tensing while he cups my breast, I clench my jaw and squeeze my eyes shut. “Tell me you love me.”

  “I,” Gasping with a shudder as Cian kisses the edge of my tattoo, I struggle not to cringe. I force my eyes open, craning my neck against the pressure that beats against my eye sockets. He lays down on his back, lacing his fingers under his head, his muscles writhing under his flushed skin. My eyes sting, my palms clammy and tight as I brace them on his chest. Curling my fingers in his shirt, I lick my lips heavily, my tongue tingling wildly with the residue of him. “I love you.”

  “I know you do, sweetheart,” He whispers, smiling up at me. I suck in a sharp breath, a rush surging through me while he arches under my palms. “You’re mine, and I won’t misuse you or your trust. This is something I can promise you here, now, and forever.”

  My heart strains at Cian’s assurance, and I smile broadly down at him. My cheeks ache fiercely, and I lean down to kiss him chastely. He doesn’t goad me, doesn’t touch me even as he tenses under my palms. Fiddling with the buttons of his shirt, I caress down his sternum to push the fabric out of the way. His light chest hairs bristle between my fingers, and I shuffle down to straddle his hips.

  “Oh,” My shorts cling to my inner thighs, my only protection against his hard bulge. Cian jolts, grinding his teeth hard as I roll my hips experimentally. His lips part against mine, and apprehension suddenly seizes me. I freeze, pulling back hastily while anxiety floods my system. “D- is . . . is this, okay?”

  “Whatever you’re okay with,” He rasps, and uncertainty grips my heart in a vice. Cian inhales deeply through flaring nostrils, holding his breath before forcing himself to relax under me. “I got mine in my office. This is all about you, sweetheart.”

  “You . . . I . . . I really l-liked that . . . though.” I lick my lips heavily as Cian stiffens against me at my admission. Flames engulf my face, and I cover my cheeks with hot, clammy palms as my heart stutters in distress. Goosebumps sweep up my chest and arms while he reaches for my wrists, drawing me down. Rolling onto his side, his mouth finds mine greedily, and I whimper pathetically.

  Cian palms my hip to press the small of my back, pushing us flush together, and I groan as his heat scorches my body. His touch is gentle as he hooks his hand under my knee, guiding my thighs apart. I shiver, my pussy quivering from the sudden shock of cool air creeping under my shorts. A cold sweat breaks out on my bare back, my scars twitching wildly when he works his arm under my head.

  Tentatively, Cian coaxes my lips apart, his muscles straining against my chest from the need rampaging through him. The taste of him shocks me, my throat closing, and I hold my breath in fiery lungs. He reaches between us to unfasten his jeans, but Cian’s careful not to brush against me. I stiffen, holding myself very still while he pulls out his cock to stroke his shaft. Curling his arm around my head, he deepens our kiss, his tongue tangling against mine to soothe the anxiety thrumming behind my eyes.

  The thick, sparse hairs on Cian’s chest rub my nipples raw, and I wind my arms around his. His mouth ravishes mine so tenderly, his muscles straining between my breasts as he pumps his cock. My heart beats out of control in my chest, a whimper squeezing beyond the dense lump in my throat. Tearing my lips off his, I pant viciously as fire rages just under my skin.

  “Sweetheart,” He rasps, holding me close and buries his face in my crown. The smell of him wafts up into my skull, a dense fog clouding my mind as pleasure ripples up my body. My core aches fiercely, and the taste of his sweat stains my lips as we rock together. “Ah, fuck!”

  Colorful spots assault my vision when Cian slips his hard cock into my thin, loose shorts. His heat burns, my thighs prickling as I stiffen, and he reaches around to grip my ass firmly. The sensation strafes my body, his palm and fingers overflowing as his cock settles perfectly between my pussy lips. I don’t dare take a breath, my ears ringing over Cian’s rough growl. Thick and long, his cock slips with increasing ease against me, his short-cropped, curly hairs teasing my clit.

  It feels good. The realization slams into me with the force of a train, knocking the air from my lungs and my heart out of place. Cian tangles his hand in my hair to tug gingerly, drawing my mouth to his. Trembling under the immense weight of him, I tighten my arms around his as it stills. Capturing my lips fiercely, his tongue dances with mine sweetly, and a noise I’ve never made before breaches the seal of our mouths.

  “O- oh-h, Cian,” I moan loudly, and he grumbles in response as he thrusts to grind his hips against mine. My heart stutters, digging my nails into his forearm from the mounting pleasure.

  Good. Pleasure. Safety. Comfort.

  Cian’s rough fingertips circle my clit experimentally, and I suck in a sharp breath as rapture prickles down my thighs. Thick juices leak from my throbbing pussy to coat his shaft, and I grind my teeth against the pressure building behind my eyes.

  “Shit, fuck- fuck- fuck . . .” Whispering furiously, Cian presses his nose and cheek against mine firmly. His muscles strain and tense, his shaft rippling against my pussy lips in his own euphoria. Releasing my ass cheek, he grips my hip before suddenly palming my lower back, and I manage a wheezing breath. The pressure from above proves too much, and I clench my core as Cian thrusts a final time. The head of his cock buries between my ass cheeks as his cum floods out of his cock.

  Cian twitches and jolts, craning his neck as his grunts slip from between tightly clenched teeth. Shuddering at the unfamiliar sensation that rockets through me, I hold Cian with all my waning strength. His hot pants roll down my chin and neck, and he cups the back of my head before managing a massive, stabilizing breath.

  “Sorcha, sweetheart. God, I fucking love you.” His voice shakes, and I sniff harshly as my lungs shriek for fresh air. Forcefully unfurling my fingers from his forearm, I bury my quaking hands in my hair to hide under my arms. Cian is quiet, his gaze heavy on me until he sluggishly pulls a blanket over us. His cheek isn’t so sharp against my crown. His breath doesn’t fan my scalp.

  “I love you, so much.”

  Chapter Twenty-Four


  Sauntering into the kitchen, I pause the second I catch sight of Kaitlyn standing over the counter, an array of boxes spread out in front of her. Now, she looks so normal, like she didn’t get off on torturing Sorcha. Ruffling my hair with both my hands, I shake my head viciously before walking to the fridge. Out of the corner of my eye, she tenses when she notices me, and I struggle to suppress my scowl.


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