Ben Y and the Ghost in the Machine

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Ben Y and the Ghost in the Machine Page 9

by K. A. Holt

  0BenwhY: T-shirt launcher rocket fuel

  0BenwhY: for sending moms to moons?

  SB10BEN: well, hello to you, too.

  SB10BEN: I’m doing well today, thanks for asking.

  SB10BEN: oh, what was that? you just noticed the whole cage of milked fairies? yes. YOU’RE WELCOME.


  0BenwhY: HOW

  0BenwhY: ARE

  0BenwhY: YOU

  0BenwhY: DOING

  0BenwhY: TODAY

  0BenwhY: GREAT?

  0BenwhY: GREAT

  SB10BEN: You know, sometimes it’s nice to pretend you’re interested in other people

  SB10BEN: before you launch into complaining and complaining and complaining

  0BenwhY: omg, Benicio!

  0BenwhY: I’m going to launch you to the moon, too!

  SB10BEN: What’s going on, grasshopper? Why are you so annoying, I mean *annoyed*?

  0BenwhY: nothing.

  SB10BEN: oh come on. you can’t come in here, T-shirt cannons blazing, and then say *nothing*.

  0BenwhY: it’s . . . whatever.

  0BenwhY: mom is mom

  0BenwhY: she just doesn’t listen.

  0BenwhY: i was very nice and polite and i even washed the dishes

  0BenwhY: without being asked!

  0BenwhY: and mom was like, ooooh, shhhh, Esme, don’t tell Benita she has the day wrong

  0BenwhY: ooooh, esme, don’t tell Benita it’s not my birthday for two months

  0BenwhY: oooh, Esme, what do you think she wants? A surfboard? A pony?

  0BenwhY: like, what? why is she making jokes when i’m doing something nice?

  0BenwhY: I mean sometimes maybe I just do nice things, ok?

  0BenwhY: what if I don’t *have* a reason? or care what day it is?

  0BenwhY: why is it a joke if i’m being nice?

  SB10BEN: well

  SB10BEN: what DID you want?

  SB10BEN: what were you buttering mom up for?



  0BenwhY: Fine. I wanted her to let me move into your old room.

  0BenwhY: but she said no

  SB10BEN: What? Hahaha. Of course you can’t have my room.

  SB10BEN: It’s *my* bedroom, Benita!

  0BenwhY: You moved a million miles away. You’re a dumb grown-up now.

  0BenwhY: You don’t need an apartment there and a bedroom here.

  SB10BEN: Why not?

  SB10BEN: What if something happens here? What if I lose my job and have to move home?

  0BenwhY: You can’t lose your job! It’s your company!

  SB10BEN: I *started* the company, but now we have investors, earning reports to meet . . .

  SB10BEN: I could TOTALLY lose my job and have to move home.

  SB10BEN: I’m on Mom’s side here. So. Still my room.

  For now.

  SB10BEN: Plus, it has all my stuff in it.

  0BenwhY: OLD stuff.

  0BenwhY: Stuff you didn’t need enough to bring with you.

  0BenwhY: I knew you’d be on her side. you’re always on her side. no one is ever on my side

  SB10BEN: hey! I’m always on your side.

  SB10BEN: Except for this one time.

  0BenwhY: I hate mom.

  0BenwhY: For real.

  SB10BEN: Come on. Don’t say that. What if she heard you say that?

  SB10BEN: Mom is strong and fierce, just like you.

  0BenwhY: I’m not YELLING it, dummy.

  0BenwhY: This is a super private chat/server-within-a-server thing, right?

  0BenwhY: if it’s a private safe place for testing out super secret sandbox inventions, then I can say mean things without getting in trouble

  0BenwhY: unless you’re going to tell on me

  0BenwhY: like a baby who still lives at home



  SB10BEN: Nothing is private, you know. Ever.

  SB10BEN: If it’s online, it’s hackable, crackable, screenshot-able, whatever.

  SB10BEN: Encrypted, even deleted, doesn’t matter.

  SB10BEN: If you put something online, you have to understand that it’s basically floating in space.

  SB10BEN: Anyone who’s smart or determined enough to find it will find it.

  SB10BEN: And they can do whatever they want with it. Projected into the sky? Cool. For everyone on Earth to see? Done.

  SB10BEN: If you don’t want it projected into the sky with your name and face attached, don’t put it online.

  SB10BEN: Remember that, okay?

  0BenwhY: you’re such a hippocrit, Benicio. THIS SECRET CABIN IS ONLINE

  0BenwhY: I want your room

  SB10BEN: Not yet, grasshopper.

  SB10BEN: But maybe one day. If Sandbox is a hit and I’m a millionaire and it doesn’t matter if I lose my job.

  0BenwhY: a MILLIONAIRE? Dream big, Benicio!

  SB10BEN: Seriously. You never know.

  SB10BEN: and remember you don’t hate mom. you’re just mad. Mad is different than hate.

  0BenwhY: mad is different than hate? hmm.

  SB10BEN: for real. think about that for a minute.

  SB10BEN: now, can we move along from this delightful conversation?

  SB10BEN: i was looking forward to testing new potions and building something with starstone

  SB10BEN: not arguing with you for my entire dinner break

  0BenwhY: Starstone?! After all this time, you figured it out?!

  SB10BEN: Thanks to you . . . your idea about adding helium was spot-on.


  SB10BEN: Seriously. You’re one of the smartest girls I know.

  0BenwhY: Girls?

  SB10BEN: Hate to break it to you, but even a super smart middle schooler like you is still a girl and not a grown-up.

  0BenwhY: I know that! Just . . . can’t I be the smartest KID you know? Or person?

  SB10BEN: Um, sure. Definitely one of the top five ladypeoples.

  0BenwhY: PEOPLEpeoples

  SB10BEN: Fine. You drive a hard bargain.

  SB10BEN: You are one of the top three smartest people peoples I’ve ever known.

  SB10BEN: Better?

  0BenwhY: Better.

  SB10BEN: Well, this has been really, really fun, but I have to get to yet another meeting.

  0BenwhY: Can’t I just *see* the starstone? For a second?

  SB10BEN: My dinner break is over. Sorry, grasshopper.

  0BenwhY: okay, well, I’m sorry, too. For wasting all our starstone-building time being mad.

  SB10BEN: that’s okay. we got to build YOU up, instead of a starship.

  0BenwhY: shuuuuuutttttt uuuuuppppppp

  SB10BEN: love you, little sister peopleperson

  0BenwhY: love you too, big annoying brother


  0BenwhY: I’m sitting at your desk

  0BenwhY: at your computer

  0BenwhY: reading through the old archive

  0BenwhY: to see if there’s anything smart I can learn

  0BenwhY: but nah

  0BenwhY: we were so dumb

  0BenwhY: . . .

  0BenwhY: kidding

  0BenwhY: YOU were never dumb

  0BenwhY: and your advice from back then still helps

  0BenwhY: sometimes

  0BenwhY: when it’s not bad advice

  0BenwhY: which it is

  0BenwhY: sometimes.

  0BenwhY: ha

  0BenwhY: . . .

  0BenwhY: . . .

  0BenwhY: remember when you told me:

  0BenwhY: nothing online is ever anyonyymous anonomous anoynoumous


  0BenwhY: and how everything online lives forever?

  0BenwhY: ?

  0BenwhY: well, what if I do something anonimus anonomos anonymuos IRL?

  0BenwhY: on real paper. not online. will it live forever, too? will i get figured out?

Y: I can’t decide if i *want* to get figured out or not.

  0BenwhY: that’s kind of weird, isn’t it?

  0BenwhY: . . .

  0BenwhY: you’re no help at all.

  0BenwhY: about a lot of things these days


  Who chooses

  who decides

  who is cool

  and who is weird

  and who is dumb

  and who is smart

  and who fits here

  and who fits there

  and what is right

  and what is wrong?

  Who told you

  your answer is right

  and mine is wrong?

  How are you the one

  who decides

  if something is cool

  or something is trash?

  What if,

  for once,

  you don’t tell me.

  What if,

  for once,




  What if,

  for once,

  you see what it’s like

  for someone else

  to define you,

  as if their opinion of you

  is fact?

  Wonder if you’ll like that?

  I kept asking myself

  those questions

  and more

  as I stayed up

  super late

  and found all the paper

  in the whole house

  and printed copies

  until the ink ran out.

  Now I hitch my stuffed backpack

  over my shoulder

  in an extra-gentle way

  so my pages

  can wait

  until I get to school

  super early

  (and sneak in the side door

  with the lock

  that doesn’t latch)

  before they explode out,

  shouting their unauthorized truths

  all over the school.

  It’s like I can feel the papers

  shaking and buzzing,

  ready to flutter on a breeze

  made of everyone’s gasps,

  and like little seeds,

  they will plant themselves


  and grow

  and grow

  and grow

  until everyone

  is asking,

  Who did this?

  Where did this come from?

  What is going on?

  I am a ninja,

  sliding through the air,

  sneaking past molecules,

  bending around light,


  running as fast as I can,

  willing myself

  to be quick

  and actually invisible

  for once,

  dodging hallway cameras,

  and thanking Benicio’s ghost

  for helping out this once,



  every teacher

  is in one room

  for some before-school


  and no one is around

  to bust

  my super sweet

  ninja moves.

  The pages flutter behind me,

  my seeds caught in the wind

  before the storm.

  I fling them,

  I Frisbee them,

  I toss,

  I sling,

  I even stack—

  on a table over there,

  on a chair right here.

  By the time I’m at the doors

  that lead to the stairwell,

  the empty halls

  are filled with

  whispery papers.

  I am breathless

  as I sit on my old desk,

  pushed to the side

  in room 113,

  which isn’t a room at all,

  and I pull my knees

  tight to my chest,

  and I wait

  for the first bell,

  for the first signs of life

  from the seeds I just planted.

  I wonder if this is how lightning feels

  just after it strikes

  but before the fire starts.

  Shrieks fill the halls.

  And laughter, too.

  And hoots.

  And hollers.

  And oooohs.

  And someone says,

  Whoever did this


  and another kid says,

  I WISH I was that funny.

  And someone else says,

  Who could it be?

  (without emphasizing the IT

  at all.)

  And I feel my chin lift up

  all on its own,

  and my smile

  grow and grow and grow,

  because even though

  they don’t know

  they’re talking about me . . .

  I know they are.


  right now,

  them not knowing

  and me knowing

  what they don’t know

  fills me up.

  Like . . .

  I’ve never felt this



  All day,

  in every class,

  in every hallway,

  every conversation

  I overhear

  is a version

  of the same:

  Who is the mystery writer?

  What will happen now?

  Why can’t we figure out who did it?

  And I think about saying:

  I’ve been here all along, you dummies.

  You just never bothered to pay attention

  to who I really am,

  to who I can actually be

  if you take off

  your beige glasses

  and really see me.

  But instead,

  I say nothing.

  Maybe it’s weird,

  but I don’t want them to know.

  I don’t want to give away my secret.

  Let them wonder,

  Let them ask




  and let them

  feel what it’s like

  to have no answers

  for once.

  It makes me smile,

  (maybe bigger

  than I thought

  a smile could be)

  to imagine

  all these kids

  who’ve called me

  Ben Who What Why

  (and so much worse)

  for so long;

  these kids who think

  not blending in

  is somehow wrong—

  suddenly, they

  want to know who I am?

  They want to be

  as funny as me?

  I wonder what they’d say

  if they knew

  the hilarious

  mystery kid . . .

  the one

  they suddenly wish

  they could be . . .

  was me?

  Of course,

  it only takes

  about one minute

  before Mr. Mann

  huffs and puffs

  down all the halls

  yelling things like:

  WHAT is that!


  WHO is responsible for this?


  WHY are you loitering?

  Get to CLASS!

  First period.

  Second period.



  And not one shriek,

  not one laugh,

  not one hoot,

  not one holler,

  not one ooooh

  has started

  or ended


  Hey, Ben Who What Why,
/>   blah blah blah blah blah . . .

  And THAT has not happened

  since . . . I can’t remember.

  I’m invisible today,

  like the wind

  or a ghost.

  No earbuds necessary

  to try to hide

  in plain sight



  I’m gone.

  No one is looking

  at me

  or my clothes

  or my bald head

  or my anything.


  they are looking at my words,

  even though

  they don’t know

  those words are mine.

  So yeah,

  I’m invisible.

  But also?

  I’m everywhere.

  I close my eyes,

  reveling in my happiness,

  like a lizard soaking up

  the white-hot sun.

  I fill myself up with it.

  I bask in it.

  I eat it for lunch.

  Even in the library,

  even after school,

  even from my friends,

  the communal freak-out


  Ben B waves a wrinkled paper

  at all of us

  as he bursts into Newspaper Typing Club,

  eyes wide.

  Did you see this?

  Did you read it?

  I read the whole page,

  and I don’t read the whole

  of anything.

  Well, you did read all of Save Ur Server, Save Urself: A Many Choices Sandbox Adventure Book, because we ALL read all of it this summer, remember?

  Not the point, Jordan!

  Ben Y? Did you see this?

  Of course you did,

  everyone did.

  So who did it?

  It had to be one of us.

  And it wasn’t me,

  so . . .

  Not me! I stayed up way too late last night watching last night’s episode of Fierce Across America over and over and over so that I could learn how to do THIS!

  Jordan flings himself to the floor

  and flops back and forth

  in a wormy kind of wiggle

  until he knocks into a chair


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