Ben Y and the Ghost in the Machine

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Ben Y and the Ghost in the Machine Page 17

by K. A. Holt

  because Ms. J and Mr. Mann

  are talking really loudly.

  When Ms. J shouts,

  Well, I have zero tolerance for your whole attitude!

  and then

  Well, I think YOU should be suspended!

  and then

  What has HAPPENED to you, Malcolm?

  and then

  No, I think YOU have gone to the Dark Side!

  and then



  Ace and I decide

  we should definitely

  blast right out

  of the front office

  and definitely

  set a course

  leading us directly

  to the safety

  of the library.


  We run in,

  shut the door behind us,

  walk past the Planet Safe Space poster,

  where someone has helpfully added

  a drawing of a big bald head

  just ahead of where my rocket is facing,

  which I guess is supposed to be

  MY own special planet

  and har-har hilarious.


  Ace takes the marker,

  writes ACE on a rocket,

  rips it off,

  sticks it back on,

  pointing the same direction as mine,

  toward Planet Giant Head.

  That’s better.

  Ace’s hand goes up:



  I say,

  with a smidge of a smile.

  Ms. J bursts into the library,

  eyes flashing,

  mouth set in a line.

  She walks past us,

  past the Planet Safe Space wall,


  backs up,

  looks at the Planet Giant Head graffiti,

  at Ace’s rocket,

  at mine,

  takes a step back,

  then hurls herself at the wall,

  tearing the poster off

  in giant ripping chunks.

  When she’s done,

  Ms. J faces us,

  out of breath,

  steaming mad.

  So neither of you goes to class anymore?

  Is that it?

  Divergence is one thing,

  but don’t be divergent delinquents.

  Ms. J’s face softens.


  No one is a delinquent.

  I’m . . . angry right now.

  About a lot of things.

  I shouldn’t take it out on you.

  Even if you should be in class.

  She pauses.

  Is she waiting for something?


  she yells at us.

  Shoo! Get out of here!

  I’ll see you later at Newspaper Typing Club!

  We walk fast

  past the piles

  and shreds

  and pieces

  of ripped rockets

  and torn paper planets

  and I hope Ms. J

  has someone

  checking in on her.

  She might need

  a teacher time-out

  or some forest-bathing,

  or something.


  Uh, Ms. J, Ben Y told us you ripped down that whole giant poster like you were some kind of angry wild animal who hates posters and no offense but are teachers even allowed to get mad and rip stuff off of walls like that? Do teachers have consequences? You might get some consequences.

  Jordan seems genuinely worried.

  Ms. J rubs her hand

  straight down her face

  like a mime

  changing from a smile

  to a frown

  only her face stays

  in a grouchy wrinkle.

  I appreciate your concern, Jordan,

  but at this point,

  I’ve lost track

  of all the consequences

  everyone at this school

  including me

  should face.

  She takes a deep breath.

  Jordan breathes deep with her.

  I don’t even know

  if he knows

  he’s doing it.


  How are your articles going?

  Did anyone remember the deadline?

  Which is today?

  Ben B shuffles his feet,

  Javier looks at the ceiling,

  Jordan’s uh-oh face

  shows all his teeth.

  I don’t know what my face does,

  and Ace says,

  Here you go,

  handing over at least three pages,

  in a clear plastic folder.

  When we all stare at Ace,

  and no one says anything,

  Ace’s cheeks turn pink.


  We had a deadline.

  Who ignores a deadline?!

  Ms. J finds her voice first.

  Well, thank you, Ace.

  What a surprise and delight.

  The rest of you . . .

  twenty minutes.

  Final drafts.

  On my desk.

  Twenty minutes?

  Final drafts?

  We glance at each other,

  wondering who will save us now,

  when the lights in the library blink off

  then back on

  then off

  then on.

  Mr. Mann is standing in the doorway.

  He has campus police with him.

  Shiitake mushrooms,

  Ms. J breathes.

  THIS is what it’s come to?

  Everything in my guts


  rising in a giant wave

  of sloshing . . .

  shiitake mushrooms.

  Are the police here

  for me?

  For Ace?

  For us?

  Because of our clothes?

  Because of the Unauthorized Hart Times?

  Because we are literally against district policy?

  Mr. Mann

  and the police


  into the library

  as Ace

  takes big steps


  and my feet

  are frozen,


  in this one spot.

  Mr. Mann

  breezes past us, though;

  the campus police

  breeze past, too,




  what in the world?


  It’s just a suspension!

  she yells over her shoulder,

  her caftan whipping and billowing

  like a flag just before a storm.

  With pay!

  She throws a thumbs-up at us

  and a big smile,

  even though

  there’s a campus police officer

  on either side of her

  escorting her

  down the hall.

  Don’t worry about me!

  She flings her head

  over her other shoulder

  as campus police hurry her

  to the door.

  She’s outside now,

  the electronic doors closing slowly

  while she yells one more thing:

  Obviously Newspaper Typing Club is canceled today!

  We’ll reschedule the deadline!

  Javier, Jordan, Ben B, Ace, and I

  stand in the main hallway

  watching the doors lock tight

  as our mouths hang open wide.

  Out on the sidewalk

  in front of the bus loop,

  Ms. J says something

  none of us can hear,

  and Mr. M

  arms fly around

  like he’s being attacked

  by killer bees.

  We all watch everything

  through the big glass doors,

  like we’re all Jordans

  and it’s the season finale

  of Fierce Across America.

  Out of nowhere,

  Ace turns

  and bolts down the hall,

  out of sight.

  Jordan shakes his head,

  sighing like a teacher

  or a mom.

  See. I told you Ace isn’t part of the team. I could tell from the very beginning. Because I could tell Ace was trying to steal you away from me and be your new best friend and I didn’t like that at all and I mean, I guess it was nice that Ace tried to help you not get in trouble, Ben Y, and if I think about THAT, then I think maybe Ace is probably nicer than I thought, but mostly—Oh.

  Ace is back,


  Ms. J’s purse in hand.

  Figured she might need

  her car keys,

  you know?

  Ace runs to the big glass doors,

  holds up the purse,

  shakes it back and forth,


  then mimes driving.

  A campus police lady nods,

  comes inside,

  takes the purse,


  Thank you.

  Ms. J gives Ace a thumbs-up

  as she slings her purse

  over her shoulder.

  Ace does this thing in response,

  a quick touch,

  hand to chin,

  then hand forward

  then back down again.

  Ms. J’s eyebrows go up,


  as she smiles

  and returns the

  hand-chin response.

  As Mr. Mann turns,

  ready to come back inside,

  none of us need to say anything

  to know one thing:

  We’re not sticking around

  to hear what HE has to say.

  Ben B, Jordan, Javier,

  Ace, me,

  we run fast,


  sliding around corners,

  racing to the stairwell,

  and out the emergency door

  that we all know

  (except Ace,

  who pre-winces)

  has a broken alarm.

  The air is hot,

  thick with storms

  boiling in the sky

  as we run run run.

  But even in the heat,

  even with thunder rumbling

  and lightning flashing in the distance,

  it feels so good

  to break free

  from school,

  from Mr. Mann,

  from the hallways

  from everything.

  I hope Ms. J is right

  and she’s not in big trouble.

  I hope maybe

  she has a chance

  to feel free

  (at least for a minute)

  while she also


  Mr. Mann

  and school.

  I could run forever,

  with my friends by my side,

  and I wonder

  if this is how Benicio felt

  when he packed his car,

  and left for California

  with Paul and Juanita

  and a Sandbox dream.

  We’re all still running

  and it starts to rain

  and those big splats,

  those splashing drops,

  that cold water

  making me gasp

  as it drips

  off my nose . . .

  it makes me laugh

  and laugh

  and laugh

  until I’m so out of breath

  my laughs turn to

  wheezing gasps

  just letting it



  Come on!

  Ace motions

  and we all follow,

  climbing on the 315,

  not knowing exactly

  where we’re going,

  even though

  we somehow

  do know

  (without anyone

  saying a word)

  that it doesn’t matter . . .

  not right now,

  because the most important thing

  is that we know

  wherever we find ourselves,

  we’ll all be there . . .


  Jordan squeezes my shoulder

  as I take a big deep breath

  that turns into a big wide smile,

  and I fall into a seat,

  head pressed


  the steamy window

  feeling free



  as everything

  behind me,

  behind us,


  and the 315

  picks up speed.



  BenBee: but do you think she’ll find it?

  0BenwhY: for the millionth time, yes!!

  JORDANJMAGEDDON!!!!: but why would she even go to the sandbox library if we aren’t in Newspaper Typing Club?

  0BenwhY: because she knows we’re worried about her, silly. She’s going to look for us.

  jajajavier:): do you think she plays sandbox at home? without us?

  BenBee: of course she does! who wouldn’t?

  0BenwhY: well, if she logs onto the Newspaper Typing Club server, she’ll see my note.

  0BenwhY: i spelled it into the grass. she can’t miss it.

  JORDANJMAGEDDON!!!!: these cookies are super yummy, Ace.

  JORDANJMAGEDDON!!!!: how do I say thank you, again? touch my chin and then—

  BenBee: you know we aren’t in Typing Club, Jordan. You can actually talk instead of only chatting.


  JORDANJMAGEDDON!!!!: well, I kind of forgot. but whatever. your grandma is AWESOME, Ace.

  JORDANJMAGEDDON!!!!: your house is awesome, too. it feels very comfortable and squishy.


  0BenwhY: She’s here!! Yay! See? I knew she’d find it! Are you ok ms j???

  BenBee: Ms. J! Are you ok??? What happened?

  jajajavier:): What happened?

  PlanetSafeAce: What’s going on?

  JORDANJMAGEDDON!!!!: Are you getting fired? Please nooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooo! You get suspended more than we do! akjflhkgfdl


  JJ11347: Calm down, calm down, everyone.

  JJ11347: Thank you for worrying about me, but I am absolutely fine.

  JJ11347: Not only am I fine, but I’m feeling very zen right now.

  JJ11347: I can’t really talk about specifics, but my job is safe.

  JJ11347: It was quite a jaunt to get here, by the way. This is a lovely safe space, but not easy to find.

  0BenwhY: My brother made this cabin a long time ago. It’s not easy to find because it was supposed to be a secret place where secrets are safe.

  0BenwhY: I thought it might be nice to finally share it with other people though

  0BenwhY: kind of like a Sandbox safe space?

  JJ11347: It’s so comforting, yet energetic.

  JJ11347: I really love the varying designs and colors.

  JJ11347: It’s fabulous work.

  jajajavier:): check out THIS fabulous work!

  JJ11347: Do we really classify blowing up a chicken as *fabulous*?

  jajajavier:): better?

  JJ11347: Yes, everything is better with a confetti cannon.

  0BenwhY: and everything is better with you here, Ms. J

  JORDANJMAGEDDON!!!!: Teacher’s pet!!!!!!

sp; BenBee: anyone see some marble? we should make a statue of Ms. J

  PlanetSafeAce: the queen of taking one for the team!

  JORDANJMAGEDDON!!!!: that reminds me . . . i’m sorry i said that thing, Ace, about not being part of our team. I was jeal—


  JORDANJMAGEDDON!!!!: and that was mean of me. Sorry. You ARE part of the team, and there is definitely enough Ben Y for ever—




  0BenwhY: no marble, Ben B, but i do have a test potion that will turn Ms. J into a statue.


  JJ11347: Ha ha. Hilarious.

  JJ11347: Thank you for inviting me here, and I hate to chat and run, but


  JJ11347: I’ll see you all *next* Monday.

  JJ11347: Stay out of trouble!

  0BenwhY: YOU stay out of trouble!

  JJ11347: No promises.


  As a child, K.A. Holt rushed through classwork

  so she could play The Oregon Trail.

  She died of dysentery, a lot.

  As an adult, she rushes through deadlines

  so she can play Among Us.

  She gets tossed out the airlock, a lot.

  K.A. Holt lives in Austin, Texas, with her wife and three kids.

  She is bad at video games, but good at writing books.

  Most of the time.




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