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Virama Page 3

by Taryn Jameson

  “You will come with me.” He gripped her by the arm.

  Yanking her arm away, she took a step backward. Even if she questioned the validity of her mission, she must complete it. “I will not!”

  “Suit yourself.” In seconds, the man was gone, and the golden scaled dragon reappeared. It began to ascend, then fast as lightning, picked her up with one of its claws.

  “Put me down!” Yelling was of little use. Her voice was lost to the sound of the flapping of his enormous wings. She wriggled to get loose, but hell, even if she was able to activate her wings, she could not escape those talons. They had caged her quite effectively.

  I’m not hallucinating. This is very real.

  Chapter Three

  The dragon flew high. Much higher than Seventeen ever dared to use her wings. The cold air whipping around them stung her face. Luckily her suit kept her body warm, or she would be chilled to the bone.

  After what had seemed like only moments, he swooped downward and approached a tall mountain. When they got closer, she saw thirty or more houses that were built on a vast plateau at the top of a very steep cliff. Was there more than one dragon? Had to be, unless the man had a harem up here, and each wife had her own place.

  Like in the elf village, children were at play outside the homes. Well, he’s been busy by the looks of it... that is if they’re his...

  The plateau was flat with a cleared area near the edge of the cliff. He set her on it, then landed next to her. She was about to activate her wings and take off when the man grabbed her wrist.

  “Take off the harness and wings,” he ordered.


  “If you do not, I will take them off for you.”

  “Bite me.” The man might be hotter than Hell itself, but she’d had enough orders to last her for the rest of her life. She’d take no more pushing around from anyone. Even a hot guy.

  To her annoyance, he chuckled.

  “Tell me that again, and I just might. And for your information, I am not hot.”

  He flashed that damn dimple at her. She wanted to bite him. Instead, she glared at him. He still held her wrist. Even with her enhanced strength, she could not break loose from his grip. When he began to take off the harness, she squirmed. The heat of his touch made her stomach do a somersault.

  “Take your hands off me, you... you... beast!”

  After he removed her harness and wings, he let go. “I will have one of the women give you appropriate clothing. You cannot continue to wear that suit.”

  “And who might this be?” A deep voice sounded behind them.

  She had not even noticed anyone approaching. She had been too busy trying to curb her body’s reaction to Edrian.

  “Son, why did you bring another of these Earth people up here?” The man looked much like Edrian, except he had dark hair instead of auburn.

  “Two and Four are here?” She pinned Edrian with an impatient stare.

  Finally, she was getting somewhere. She may be able to get this whole fiasco of a job finished so she could move on with her life. Whatever that may be. For now, she would be stuck on this planet, unless she could contact Schultz.

  “No, they are not,” Edrian directed at her, then turned to the speaker. “Father, this is Seventeen. She is from Earth, like our former guests. Seventeen, this is my father, Timyt.”

  Seventeen merely nodded. The tall, imposing man, was just as muscular as his son, and even taller. She felt ready to explode. Even if Two and Four weren’t here, these people knew their location. “Where are the traitors hiding? Take me to them!”

  “Not on your life. You aim to terminate them. You will stay here with us for now until we decide what to do with you.” Edrian stood his ground.

  Damn, the man was stubborn as hell. She had to get her wings and make an escape. If the dragon people would not assist her, she had to continue tracking Two and Four without their help. If I can get that damn tracker to work...

  Timyt shook his head. “Son, you should not interfere with the laws of another planet.”

  Could it be? A voice of reason in this whole crazy situation. She held her breath waiting for Edrian’s reply.

  “Father, if she were here to just take them into custody and bring them back to Earth, I would consider telling her where they are. But I read her thoughts. She is here to find and kill them.”

  Wait, what? That couldn’t be possible, could it? She felt her face flush red. If he could read her thoughts of Two and Four, what else had he pulled from her mind?

  “Starla and David are heroes. They are under our protection and the protection of the royal house.” Timyt studied her for a moment, then turned back to his son. “If what you say is true, then we must keep this one in our custody and notify the king of her intentions.”

  Keep her in custody? Notify the king? The man was just as crazy as his son. So much for the voice of reason. “You can’t keep me here. I am on official business from Earth. You and your king do not have the right to interfere.”

  “You stand on Brevona soil. Earth’s laws do not mean anything here. The ones you call Two and Four are heroes. They saved the king and the royal family from execution. We will not allow you to harm them,” Timyt said, then motioned to Edrian. “Escort her to our home. I will consult with the king on how best to deal with your prisoner.”

  Seventeen bristled. Prisoner? How best to deal with her? Schultz would have her head if he knew how badly she had botched her mission.

  Edrian grabbed her wrist again. “Come, I will take you to my mother. She will look after getting you some clothing.”

  “I won’t get out of my suit.” She yanked the phaser out of its holster with her free hand, but he was too fast. He took it from her before she knew what was happening and handed it to his father.

  “If you do not remove your suit willingly, I will be happy to do it for you.” He chuckled again, then nudged her forward. “I hope Mother has dinner ready. I am famished.”

  His father led the way. Edrian still had a vice grip on her arm and pulled her along. Trying to struggle, was no use. Her enhanced abilities were no match against the dragon’s brute strength. She felt small and insignificant next to him. He had to be at least seven feet.

  Edrian pulled her into the house. A tall woman bustled around a long table setting plates and utensils on it.

  She looked up at them when they entered. “Edrian, you brought us another guest?”

  “Mother, this is Seventeen. She is from Earth. This is my mother, Bidiana.”

  Seventeen nodded in greeting. She wanted no war with a woman. The man’s mother seemed pleasant enough. Tall, like her husband and son, she looked just as formidable, not someone to mess with.

  “Mother, can you get her appropriate clothing?” he asked.

  “Yes. She might fit into your younger sister’s clothes. I will get them. Follow me, young lady.” Bidiana smiled warmly, but her gaze was all steel.

  “If she gives you trouble, Mother, just call me,” Edrian called after them.

  He wouldn’t dare. Would he? Yes... he probably would. Nudity usually didn’t bother her, but for some reason, the idea of being stripped by the handsome beast made her feel shy, and her body ache. She followed Bidiana to a room.

  “You can stay in this room while you are our guest. Wait here. I will get the clothes.” She swiftly left the room.

  Seventeen had no choice but to get changed. She sure as hell didn’t want Edrian to strip her. All she needed was for him to pick up on one of her stray thoughts. His mother was much bigger than her and judging by the small scales on her forehead and temples, also a dragon. She had no wish to tangle with the woman. Some battles were not worth the fight.

  Bidiana returned carrying a small pile of clothing. “I hope these will fit. I am not sure about the boots. You have small feet. The bathroom is two doors down the hallway. I will leave you alone so you can change.” Bidiana left and closed the door behi
nd her.

  Seventeen inspected the room. It was much larger than her little room at the Institute, and it was colorful. The walls were painted a bright yellow. In the center stood a bed with a multi-colored blanket on it, a wooden chair positioned next to it. Several objects decorated the walls—childish drawings, a spear, some ornamental hangers and a large tapestry that looked hand-made. Dolls sat on the floor here and there. It must have been a child’s room. At least she thought it was. She’d never played with dolls, much less had a room as cheerful as this.

  Seventeen sniffed the clothes. They smelled fresh and clean as if they’d just been washed and dried outside. There was a pair of brown tights, a yellow and brown tunic, and a pair of dark brown leather boots. They looked a tad big for her, but after she put them on, it wasn’t too bad. She pulled the elastics from her hair and let it fall loose wishing she had a brush. She left the bedroom to look for the bathroom, having forgotten where Bidiana had told her it was. The first door she opened startled a young girl sitting on a bed.

  “Who are you?” the girl asked.

  “I am Seventeen.”

  “No, not your age. What is your name?” She stared at Seventeen expectantly.

  “Seventeen is my name.”

  She was beginning to hate being a number instead of a person. But all trainees of the Institute bore numbers instead of names. She was no different except that she was the seventeenth girl they had recruited for the program.

  She had no idea what age the girl could be. She looked to be a teenager and was about the same size as Seventeen.

  “My name is Gana.” She smiled warmly. “I am glad my clothes fit you.”

  “Hello, Gana.” Feeling a little uncomfortable at the girl’s perusal, Seventeen shifted on her feet. She wasn’t used to social niceties at all. “I’m looking for the bathroom. Sorry for barging into your room.”

  “It is the door next to mine.”

  “Thanks.” Seventeen quickly left.

  She’d not had as much conversation in all her years at the Institute as she was having with these dragon people. She really had no clue how to interact with people. There had been no need for such education. She was a trained killing machine, a virama, who was not supposed to have feelings or thoughts or desires, and least of all... social skills.

  After finding the bathroom and much-needed relief, she was happy to see a brush and comb on the counter. To her surprise, the bathroom was large with actual plumbing. She looked in the mirror at her messy hair and picked up the brush. Should she use it? Why not. They wouldn’t leave it there if one weren’t allowed to brush one’s hair with it.

  Gazing at the reflection in the mirror, she grimaced. There were no mirrors in the Institute. She’d only ever seen herself as a reflection in a window. Her eyes were a reddish brown. Compared to the dragons, her skin was quite pale with tiny freckles dotting her nose. Her black hair cascaded in waves down her back.

  At least the doctors hadn’t enhanced her hair. Some of the other girls had ended up with colored hair, some of them two-toned. Apparently, the doctors liked long hair, because very few of the recruits had it cut short. She could only think of two of them, Twelve, the girl with the bionic arm and Twenty-four, the girl with cybernetic implants on her face.

  After brushing her hair, she quickly went back to her room and sat on the side of the bed. It was so much more comfortable than the hard mattress and scratchy wool blanket she was used to.

  Someone knocked on the door. “Come in.”

  Edrian peeked around the door. “Dinner is ready.”

  That strange fluttering started in her stomach again at the sound of his deep voice. “I’m coming.” She pushed herself off the bed.

  The whole situation was strange. If she was truly a prisoner, why was she allowed to eat with his family, given clothing, and granted freedom to leave the comfortable room they had provided for her?

  He took her arm after she stepped out of the room, then led her back to the large kitchen. Whatever his mother had cooked smelled appetizing. Her mouth watered. She hadn’t realized just how hungry she was.

  Quite a few people sat around the table. Edrian introduced each one as either a brother or a sister. She’d never remember their names, numbers were so much easier to memorize.

  “You have a large family.” She sat in the chair he pulled out for her.

  “Yes, I do. Hush.”

  Everyone joined hands. Seventeen hesitantly placed her hand in Edrian’s and the girl’s sitting beside her on the other side.

  Timyt raised his hands. “Goddess of the fruits of the soil, thank you for what we are about to consume, and please bless the hands that prepared our food.”

  A buzz started around the table as soon as the blessing was complete. Everyone talked so fast that, at times, Seventeen couldn’t follow their chit-chat. Was this what it was like to belong to a real family? All the talking made her feel almost dizzy. It was so quiet during meals at the Institute. If anyone tried to talk, the guards would stop it immediately.

  Edrian tapped the table with his fork. “I introduced all of you, but I am remiss in introducing our guest. Everyone, this is Seventeen from Earth.”

  They bombarded her with questions. What was she doing there? What was Earth like? Did she have brothers and sisters? The questions went on and on, and she couldn’t answer most of them. Had they interrogated Two and Four the same?

  Edrian heaped food on her plate. She had no clue what it all was, but it smelled heavenly, nothing like the cardboard fare she’d been used to for so many years.

  “Be quiet, all of you. Let her eat. You can talk to her later.” He sent a stern look to his brothers and sisters.

  After she’d had a few small bites, she dove into the rest of it like she’d never had a meal in her life.

  Dessert consisted of some kind of fruit—red berries, with a creamy sauce. It, too, was to die for.

  If anything, at least I’m getting fantastic food. I need to get out of here and find Two and Four, though. It should be easy enough to leave after everyone is sleeping.

  “No, you won’t. After the others leave the table, you, my father, and I, will sit down and talk.”

  Fuck. I forgot that he can read my mind. I’ll have to watch what I think.

  “Yes, I can.”

  She glanced at his face and saw the glimmer of amusement in his eyes. Oh, but he caused her heart to flutter and weird sensations in her lower abdomen. As angry as he made her, she couldn’t help herself. She’d learned about sexual relations between a man and a woman but had never given it a second thought. Now she wondered what it would be like to couple with him. She saw the merriment in his eyes and his expression. Fuck, Seventeen. Stop it. He knows what you just thought.

  He grinned at her, flashing that dimple and making her squirm in her seat. What the hell was happening to her? She had years of training at keeping her emotions at bay, at hiding the reactions of her body. He had managed to rip all that training to shreds the moment he changed from beast to man.

  And what about her mission? She hadn’t wanted to execute Two and Four in the first place, but if she didn’t complete her mission, Schultz would find and punish her. She had no doubt about that. But with no communication device, how will he find out? A small voice nagged in the back of her mind.

  Bidiana, with the help of some of the others, cleared the table. She set three glasses on it and a jug of what appeared to be wine. Another forbidden treat. She’d been taught alcohol was from the devil. Although, she’d seen the doctors and staff drink some at times, and Schultz always drank the strong-smelling alcohol he kept in his office.

  Timyt filled their glasses, then picked up his and raised it. “To our new guest.”

  Seventeen warily took her glass and sipped from it. She wasn’t sure if she liked it or not. It was light and a little fruity, but also burned a little going down. She felt the tension in her body easing a little. Had the wine accompli
shed that?

  “Seventeen, first I would like to ask you to pick a different name for yourself. To be named a number is hardly unique. Your friends are Starla and David. Do you have a name preference?” Timyt asked.

  She set her glass on the table and shook her head. A true name was not something she had ever considered. “I don’t know. How did Two and Four choose their names?”

  “They remembered their names from their childhood.”

  “I have no memories of a life before the Institute. I was very young when I was recruited. Still in diapers from what the doctors told me. Though, I’m surprised Two and Four know their names because their memories were wiped when they entered the Institute.” She looked at the two men seated with her at the table. Though they could have, neither had harmed her in any way. What would it hurt to humor them? “We were allowed to read a few classic novels. I liked one in particular. Jane Eyre. So maybe I’ll choose Jane as she lived in an orphanage. But I don’t see why I need a name.”

  “Now that we have established that, Jane, let me ask you. Do you like being an assassin? A killer?”

  “I don’t know. I’ve never killed anyone. But that is what we are trained for from when we are very young.”

  “Yes, that is what Starla and David told us. It is barbaric,” Timyt said, frowning. “You were raised to know no better.”

  “Our targets are bad people.” At least she’d been taught that during her training. But Two and Four had been trainees like her, and they had completed their mission. What group could they have joined that made them traitors to the Institute and WLO?


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