Great Leaders Have No Rules

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Great Leaders Have No Rules Page 18

by Kevin Kruse

  How will you lead today?


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  What if every one of your managers had their own executive coach? Introducing Coach Amanda, the world’s first executive coach powered by AI. Organizations use the LEADx platform to increase managerial competence, employee engagement, and productivity. Founded in 2017 and trusted by Fortune 500 companies, LEADx provides members with on-demand access to a suite of tools including adaptive assessments, directed learning paths, microlearning courses, and AI-powered executive coach bots. Don’t all your managers deserve their own coach?


  First, I’d like to thank Lolly Daskal for introducing me to my agent, Giles Anderson.

  I’d like thank Giles for his tenacity and wisdom, which eventually led to this book deal.

  Thank you to all my LEADx colleagues who are innovating leadership development solutions as we advance in our mission to spark one hundred million leaders around the world.

  Thanks to my LEADx Leadership podcast guests for selflessly giving their time and advice: Morra Aarons-Mele, Heide Abelli, Jerry Acuff, Jon Acuff, Radha Agrawal, Aron Ain, Alan Alda, Delisa Alexander, Erika Andersen, Vernice Armour, Cam Awesome, Dick Axelrod, Paul Axtell, Patty Azzarello, John Baldoni, Craig Ballantyne, Justin Bariso, Luke Barnett, Dov Baron, Susan Baroncini-Moe, Thomas Barta, Alicia Bassuk, Mark Batterson, Dr. Stan Beecham, Vic Belonogoff, Beth Beutler, Ken Blanchard, Rene Boer, Kris Boesh, Gary Brackett, Michael Breus, Judson Brewer, Patrick Brigger, Michael Bungay Stanier, David Burkus, Joe Byerly, Evan Carmichael, Carter Cast, Daniel Chard, Subir Chowdhury, Dorie Clark, Gary Cohen, Alisa Cohn, Rachel Cooke, David Covey, Jennifer Cue, Andy Cunningham, Lolly Daskal, Susan David, Dan Diamond, Robin Dreeke, Chris Ducker, Ann Dunwoody, Andre Durand, Dina Dwyer-Owens, David Dye, Chris Edmonds, Ellen Ensher, Bill Erickson, Leland Faust, Jody Foster, Susan Fowler, Erica Ariel Fox, Jason Fried, Jon Gordon, Jeff Haden, Morten T. Hansen, Sally Helgensen, Daisy Hernandez, Cameron Herold, Naphtali Hoff, Bryce Hoffman, Sally Hogshead, Ryan Holiday, Robb Holman, Dave Hopson, Karin Hurt, Khe Hy, Tiffany Jana, Leila Janah, Jathan Janove, Whitney Johnson, John Jonas, Michelle Joy, Shawn Kanungo, Karl Kapp, Amy Kates, Robbie Kellman-Baxter, Carrie Kerpen, Dave Kerpen, Matt Kincaid, Monica Klausner, Corey Kupfer, Lisa Lai, Mary Lamia, Abby Lawson, Andy Levitt, Elizabeth Lindsey, Scott Love, Mark Mader, Paul Marciano, Sara Margulis, David Marquet, Leigh Marz, Patty McCord, Mike McDerment, Daniel McGinn, Annie McKee, Doug McKenna, Bonnie Micheli, Donald Miller, G. Riley Mills, Christie Mims, Kathryn Minshew, Andy Molinsky, Angie Morgan, Amy Morin, Eric Mosley, Dave Munson, Tanveer Naseer, Dan Negroni, Tara-Nicholle Nelson, Rachael O’Meara, Barbara Oakley, Betty Palm, John Parker, Ben Parr, Andy Paul, Marilyn Paul, Rajeev Peshawaria, Joel Peterson, Dan Pink, Dan Pontefract, Christine Porath, Michael Port, Rhett Power, Skip Prichard, Jonathan Raymond, Nate Regier, Tom Reilly, James Robbins, Dan Rockwell, Tracy Roemer, John Rossman, Shelley Row, Chuck Runyon, Christina Russell, Jan Rutherford, MJ Ryan, Wendy Sachs, Jeff Sanders, Tim Sanders, Dave Sanderson, Greg Satell, Carl Schramm, Kim Scott, Patricia Scott, Steve Scott, Tina Seelig, Jason Selk, Jeremy Slate, Emily Smith, Hyrum Smith, Paul Smith, Andrew Sobel, Michael Sonnenfeldt, Sharon Spano, Joshua Spodek, Mike Steib, Gretchen Steidle, Sully Sullenberger, Jay Sullivan, Shelly Sun, Justin Talbot-Zorn, Connie Tang, Karissa Thacker, Maura Thomas, Mike Tippets, Bruce Tulgan, Dave Ulrich, Rory Vaden, Mike Vardy, Sarah Vermunt, Chris Voss, Cy Wakeman, Ron Warren, Peter Waszkiewicz, Michael Watkins, Jim Whitehurst, Scott Wintrip, Christopher Wirth, Liz Wiseman, Monica Worline, Gabriel Wyner, Denise Lee Yohn, Jill Young, and Kay Zanotti.

  Finally, I’d like to thank the LEADx VIP community for all their support and getting the word out, especially in our early days: Adam Morris, Adam Olsen, Aideen Brennan, Alessandro Motroni, Alex Day, Ali Dahab, Alonso Castañeda, Andrew Mackay, Andy Storch, Andy Willingham, Василий Ларионов, Becky Beasley, Bethany Tahon, Bijay Limbu, Bill Barnes, Bob Casey, Brandon Trahan, Brett Angus, Brian Dunworth, Brian Lott, Calv Ng, Carl Hansen, Carlo D’Amico, Cathy Cagle, Cathy Tedesco, Chad Washam, Chidozie Moore Ekeanyanwu, Chito Mallillin, Chris Davis, Chris Edmonds, Chris Mayer, Chrissie Reynolds, Christopher Lewis, Chuck Roberson, Cole Dailey, Craig Douglas, Dan Milnor, Dan Wilson, Danielle Luigart, Darren Horne, Darren Tanner, Daryl Nauman, David Hackler, Deacon James, Dean Morbeck, Debra Wilson Hope, Diana Smeland, Diane Mobley, Don Maclaren, Don Polley, Ebong Eno, Eddy Piasentin, Ehsan Rasul, Emily Day, Eric David Jackson, Eric Puff, Erin Elizabeth, Frank Hoffman, Gail Nelson, Gisclerc Morisset, Glynnis Richardson, Greg Lauer, Gregg Taylor, Hassan Megahy, Heather Gale, Heather Speakman Morrison, James Lamb, James Nickle, James Skweres, Jamie Alford, Janine Blackburn, Jason Clayton, Jason Isaac, Jason Tremere, Jeff Davis, Jeff Miller, Jeff Moore, Jeff Rowell, Jennifer Carson, Jessica Hill, Jessica Paske-Driscoll, Jo Letty, Joe Groenhof, John Coakley Jr., John Moller, John Murphy, Jonathan Black, Joseph Rich, Julian E. Kaufmann, Kamal Jaroor, Kaoru Sato Miller, Karen Dimmick, Katie Kinnaman, Kelly Chau, Kenny Febers, Kevin Wan, Kim Weaver, Kris Painter, Kristine McFerren Daly, Kristof Maeyens, Laura Donnelly, Lauren Nicolette, Leland Vogel, Lemuel Goltiao, Leonard Brown, Lesley McCoy, Linda Kapembeza, Linda Lieratore, Lisa Brooks Ferguson, Lisa Day, Lisa Zawrotny, Lucy Yan, Lynn Gunn, Lynn Peter, Lynne Yura, Madeleine Murray, Marcelo Reda, Marcos Delgado, Marcus Gullett, Margaret Coley Crowley, Marie Johnson, Mario Gonsales Ishikawa, Mark D. Jones, Mark Gilbert, Mark Howell, Mark Richardson, Mark Teel, Markus Rabello, Martin McGlynn, Matt Milne, Matt Sloniker, Matthew Walker, Megan Thiessen, Michael Barrett, Michael Cook, Michael Raymer, Michalina Kunecka, Miles Park, Molly Ford Beck, Muzaddid Rashdee, Nathan Shields, Nic Lewis, Nicholas Moon, Nick Davies, Nick Hendren, Nina Lorene Hermann, Padraig Ruane, Pat Bates, Patrick Lin, Patrick Mumba, Paul Keen, Paul Simkins Jr., Reba Bailey, Rich Manwell, Rob Calder, Rob Diefenderfer, Rob Palacios, Robert Bell, Roi Ben-Yehuda, Rolf Biernath, Rosemary Hopkins, Ross Loofbourrow, Roy Chong Rong Yao, Ruby Cherie, Russ Bush, Russell Bush, Russell Green, Sabita Limbu, Sajit Sam Abraham, San Teekasub, Sarah Bright, Sarah Dye, Scott Yates, Sean Leong, Sharon Green, Stef Stroobants, Stephanie Kaufman, Stephen Stormonth, Steve Hand, Steve Nagy, T.C. Thompson, Ted Martin, Terri Keener, Thomas Christensen, Thomas Forbord Eikevik Koch, Tim Goldstein, Tim Pangburn, Tobey Mathas, Tonya Dunbar McKinney, Tricia Odell, Will Leighton, Yaqub Adesola, Yoann Hamon, and Zachary Ashby.


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