Royally Tempted (A Royal Sons MC Book 3)

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Royally Tempted (A Royal Sons MC Book 3) Page 8

by Elle Boon

  Ayesha shook her hands out. “I need to wash my hands,” she said looking at the floor.

  Duke ruffled her hair, pointing to the back hallway. “Right that way.”

  “I’m sorry I sort of lost it.” She nodded toward the floor where Mack was sitting with her hands resting on her upraised knees.

  “Nah, she deserved that whoopin. Go get cleaned up, Rocky. I need to talk to this one.”

  She walked toward the way he’d pointed, not even bothering to inch away from Mack. “I don’t fucking understand what happened.”

  “I do. You were tested, and you passed.” Came from the speakers.

  She looked toward the ceiling. “What are you, like Charlie from the Angels movie?”

  “Hell no, he was a fat old dude.” Came the reply.

  “Well, how do I know you’re not too? And if there’s cameras in the bathroom, I swear to all that’s holy I’ll hunt you down and cut off your balls if you watch me pee.” She shook her fist upward, wincing at the pain from her busted knuckles.

  “Duly noted, Rocky. However, I can assure you, you cutting my nuts off would be the least of my worries if I watched you go pee in the potty,” Keys said.

  Ayesha found the door marked ladies. “You’re a strange one, Mr. Keys.”

  Laughter followed her inside, but she blocked it out. Her sister was safe. King had done what he’d said he would, and now they were on their way back. She looked at herself in the mirror while washing her hands, not really recognizing the person staring back at her. Yes, she had the same dark hair and eyes she’d always had, but the girl she was looking at wasn’t the one who’d been going through the motions of living. No, this one actually looked as though she was excited about the future. “Don’t get too excited, girl,” she warned herself. King wasn’t a guy you settled down with and had two point five babies.

  “Yeah, like the last guy I married had been,” she muttered, shutting off the water with more force than necessary. Her ex’s family were some of the vilest human beings she’d ever had the displeasure of meeting. She was sure if Carlos had survived, they probably would’ve divorced by now. He didn’t have a backbone and would’ve caved to his family’s demands eventually. The last was a hard truth that had taken his death for her to admit to.

  Chapter Seven

  King sat back in the passenger seat; his eyes squinting closed while Coal drove. There was one thing to be said for the man; he was a terrific driver. Every once in a while he looked back to check on the young girl they’d rescued, happy to see she’d fallen asleep. From what he could tell she appeared relatively unscathed from her ordeal. Whether she’d been raped, or if she’d been with any of the fucks, was unknown.

  He pulled out his phone, typing a quick text to Duke. The realization he needed to know how Ayesha was fairing in his absence had him gripping the phone tighter. “Fuck,” he swore, making Coal look his way.

  “What’s up, Pres?” Coal asked.

  He looked in the back again, making sure his outburst hadn’t woken the girl. “Nothing. You notice any tails?” He’d been looking out the side mirror but hadn’t seen any that he could pinpoint. However on such a busy freeway it was hard to say for sure, but since they’d taken an offramp, and did a couple crazy ass loops, backtracking, he was sure they weren’t followed.

  “Nah, I think we’re good.” Coal tapped the steering wheel. “That was a real classy neighborhood. Lots of cameras and shit.”

  Both King and Traeger had gone in wearing all black, keeping their heads and faces covered just in case cameras captured them. Like Keys could, they assumed everyone would have facial recognition equipment. “Do you think more than the one home was involved in the operation?” King hadn’t thought about it at the time.

  Coal raised his shoulders in a shrug. “Traffickers are sick fuckers. I think they realize what kind of big business it is and like to migrate together.”

  King rubbed his hand down his jaw, feeling the whiskers there scrape his palm. “I’ll get Digger and Keys on it. We’ll see if Tiana saw any others at the house she was at once I get her reunited with her sister.”

  He noticed his friend’s lips twitched but being the smart man he was didn’t say a word. “You think I should ask her now?”

  “Not saying a word, Pres.” Coal shook his head, holding his hand up.

  “I didn’t see anyone else while I was there,” Tiana spoke up from the backseat, startling them both, with her voice only shaking a little.

  King turned around, looking at the young girl. “Sorry, Little Bit. How you feeling?”

  Tiana smiled, showing a hint of the young teen she was. “Thanks. I mean for everything. You can ask me whatever you need if it helps stop them from taking another girl.” Her words died off. King wanted to slay every motherfucker that had dared to touch her.

  In the dim lights of the car, real fear reflected on her face. Yes, he wanted to ask her questions, but at the same time, he wanted her to have the comfort of her sister before he did. “It can wait ‘til we get to the clubhouse. Besides, your sister will have my nuts if she’s not there to hear it too. You don’t need to rehash the same shit twice.” He kept an iron grip on his temper, barely leashing the urge to call one of the prospects to meet him with his bike so he could go back and mete out justice.

  “Are you going to call the cops?” Her words cracked. A single tear rolled down her cheek.

  King reached back, wiping it away. “Little Bit, we’ll make all decisions once we’re back on my turf. Until then, you relax and know ain’t nobody gonna hurt you. They gotta go through me and my brothers. Trust me, we’re a whole lot meaner than any cops on their best days.” Which was true because they had a code they lived by, some ethical, some not. The club were brothers and they came before anything else. Once you were one of them, you were protected at all cost. If you were a member and you didn’t show loyalty, you’d be stripped of your patch, and no true brother wanted that. Ayesha and Tiana were under their protection, for now.

  They continued the drive in relative silence with King and Coal keeping their eyes peeled for anything that appeared suspicious behind them.

  It was late when they pulled into the long drive to the clubhouse. He’d made sure Duke had let everyone know they were closed for the night, which meant no brothers, save for a few, were around. Those were the ones who were watching his back.

  Coal drove straight to the clubhouse, bypassing his home. Several bikes were parked there, his included. “You ready to see your sister?” he asked Tiana.

  The young girl sat up straight. Her disheveled hair was hurriedly pulled back into a ponytail. “Yes,” she exclaimed.

  “Let’s go then.” He shoved open his door, opening hers next. Before he could be a gentleman and help her out, she was hopping down and running toward Ayesha.

  King turned toward the clubhouse door in time to see the sexy little woman he’d been fantasizing about since she’d first invaded the Royal Sons sanctuary, her cry of happiness totally eclipsing Tiana’s. A grin tipped his lips while he watched the two women embrace, their joy of being reunited filling him with contentment.

  “You’d think they’d been separated for months instead the short time they were,” Duke said, coming to stand next to him. His brother folded his arms, leaning back on the car while they watched the two women embrace.

  “How’d things go while I was gone?” he asked, sensing his brother had a story for him.

  Duke sighed, looking toward the sky before answering. King’s nerves began to stretch, worry for Ayesha and what might’ve happened while he’d been gone filling him. “Brother, you’d best spit it out before I go apeshit on your ass.”

  “Well, you see. Mack thought she should test Ayesha’s merit.” Duke held his hands up as King growled. “Now, before you get pissed, let me say your girl definitely handed Mack her ass and giving back even more than Mack anticipated. Hell, more than I’d have thought she could if you want to know the truth. If you plan to be w
ith her you can’t do shit about it. You know that’s how it goes around here. But, if all you plan is to fuck her and let her go, well, by all means, go give Mack an ass chewing.” Duke uncrossed his arms from his chest, straightened up, moving a step away.

  King looked to where Ayesha and Tiana stood, both women laughing and crying. “That little bit kicked Mack’s ass?”

  Gravel crunched next to them as Keys stepped up next to them. “Oh yeah. It was a thing of beauty watching Rocky take Mack down a peg or two. I mean, I like Mack, don’t get me wrong, but it was high time someone put her in her place.”

  “Who all watched this go down?” King asked, staring at Ayesha, trying to see her hitting another woman.

  Keys shrugged. “Only me and Duke, but I got it on video. We could do a pay-per-view night if you’d like?”

  Duke laughed, lifting his hand up, he and Keys slapped palms. “That would be fucking cool as shit, man.”

  “Fuckers,” King muttered, but a smile broke free. “I’m going to check on Ayesha and her sister. By the way, there will be no pay-per-view, ever,” he warned. However, he wouldn’t mind seeing the video. Hell, he wouldn’t mind making a video of his own, only he’d be the one holding the camera while Ayesha was the star. Shit, he needed to stop thinking along those lines or the little bit they just rescued would be getting an eye full of his hard-on, which he was sure she didn’t need to be seeing.

  He heard the two men muttering about him being a spoil sport as he walked away.

  Ayesha ran her hands up and down Tiana’s arms, reassuring herself she was safe. “Oh god, I can’t believe you’re here and okay. You are, aren’t you?”

  Tiana nodded, tears flowing down her cheeks. “I am thanks to you and them,” she cried.

  Her eyes searched out King, his tall commanding presence drawing her attention. Lord, he was so much more than any man she’d ever met before. “I…we owe them so much.” How did she repay him, his people, for rescuing Tiana?

  “Ladies, let’s take this reunion inside shall we?” King asked.

  She licked her lips, knowing his words were more an order than suggestion. “We made dinner for everyone. Mack and I,” she blurted.

  King raised an eyebrow. “Sounds delicious. Did you and Mack get along?”

  Ayesha swallowed the lump in her throat. No way in hell was she going to tell him about her altercation with the other woman. After she’d come out of the bathroom, Mack had been waiting for her. She’d had an icepack over her eye, but she’d been smiling. Ayesha had been shocked to find the other woman hadn’t held any grudge. In fact, it was like she’d been tested and marked approved with a big old green stamp. Nope, she wasn’t tattling. “Mack was great. I think I’d have been lost on cooking for such a large number of people without her help.” Which was totally true since she usually only cooked for herself and Tiana.

  The grunt King gave her could’ve been an agreement or not. Butterflies took up dancing in her stomach. God, she couldn’t remember the last time she’d been so nervous around a man. Ever.

  “Tiana, you hungry, Little Bit?” King asked.

  A blush stole over her sister’s face making Ayesha smile. The gentle way the big bad biker spoke to her sister was an endearing quality. Carlos had tolerated Tiana, but they’d never gotten along, not in the sense that he thought of her as family. Tiana had liked Carlos well enough, but she didn’t really like him, like him. She’d always thought Ayesha could’ve done better, had said on many occasions that she thought Ayesha deserved better too, but at the time, love or rather infatuation had clouded her judgement. Hell, now looking back, she didn’t know what it was, maybe the need for stability.

  “I could eat,” Tiana said, tucking a piece of Ayesha’s hair behind her ear like she did all the time.

  Her easy response and seemingly unaffected attitude made the knot in Ayesha’s stomach ease, plus the nickname King gave Tianna was so damn endearing it made her heart turn over.

  “Me too,” King said, only his eyes were on Ayesha.

  “You don’t even know what we made.” She tried to hold his gaze but found herself unable to do so.

  “Come on, feed me, woman.” King gripped the back of Ayesha’s neck.

  Ayesha couldn’t stop the full body shiver from his touch. His callused fingers felt so damn good on her neck. She wondered just how they’d feel on other parts of her body, parts that hadn’t been touched by another man in way too long.

  “Whatcha thinking about?” King whispered, his warm breath sent a delicious shiver over her neck, another sensation that was nothing like she’d experienced before. She couldn’t help but close her eyes, soaking in all that was King Royal.

  “I don’t think I should tell you. Pretty sure you don’t need a big head,” she murmured.

  His hand gave a little squeeze, his teeth nipped her lobe. “Babe, you’ll learn I don’t need pretty compliments to get a big head.”

  Another shiver wracked her as he eased the slight pain of his teeth nipping her with a soothing lick by his tongue. “Good lord. Have you any clue what you do to me?”

  A chuckle was her answer but before they could say anymore they were greeted by the heavenly scent of spaghetti.

  “Damn, that smells good,” King said, appreciation clear in his tone. He let his hand slip down her back, coming to rest on her hip. “You eat yet?”

  Ayesha shook her head. “I couldn’t—I was waiting for you to get back.” Stupid tears welled in her eyes as she looked at Tiana, her sister looking just as she’d done the morning she’d left for school. Had she been raped, abused, drugged? Questions ran through her mind, things she wanted answers to, but knew she couldn’t ask until she and Tiana were alone.

  “You hungry, Tiana?” Ayesha asked.

  Tiana nodded. “Starved.” She placed her hand on her stomach. “I think I could eat a horse. Did you cook or someone else?”

  King raised his brows. “You saying your sister can’t cook?”

  “Oh no, she can totally cook, but if she doesn’t have all her things…like spices and herbs and all the stuff she says is needed to make things taste good, she’ll swear it’s mediocre.” Tiana ended her speech with an eye roll.

  Ayesha laughed, her fear lessening at the familiar teasing, hearing the way her sister talked about her penchant for always needing to spice up their food, or she felt it wasn’t good made her worry ease a little. Surely if Tiana had been traumatized, she’d not be joking and even smiling?

  Duke led the way into the clubhouse. Mack had the spaghetti on the large table along with the rolls they’d cooked and salad. Although she’d said the guys didn’t eat it as a rule, they’d had the fixings for it in the fridge, so Ayesha had thrown a big bowl together. If they didn’t want any, they didn’t need to eat it.

  “Damn, something smells delicious and it ain’t pussy, which by the way is my favorite meal.” Duke grinned over his shoulder, winking.

  “That’s every smart man’s favorite meal. I like to call it fifth meal and dessert,” King agreed.

  Heat spread across Ayesha’s face at the men’s easy sexual banter, uncaring that they were talking in front of a young girl. Tiana gave her hand a gentle squeeze. “Did they have all the things you use at home?” Tiana asked.

  Her sister’s question brought her attention away from the dirty talking bikers. “What?”

  Tiana pointed toward the large pot of meat sauce. “It smells like what you’d make at home. Lots of garlic and other good stuff.”

  She felt her heart turn over. No matter what her sister went through, or how old she was, she always would be her baby sister. “Oh, stuff can be found anywhere if you know what to look for.” Bumping her shoulder into Tiana’s she couldn’t help but tease the younger girl. “Besides, you think I would ever serve up canned spaghetti sauce?” she asked in mock horror.

  “I tried that but was shut down like I just asked her to give me her baby,” Mack said.

  “Whoa, what happened to you?” Tiana b

  Ayesha groaned. “Um, how about we sit down. Can I get anyone a drink?” She looked at King first, the instinct to see to him first was one she didn’t question.

  “I’ll take a beer.” His hand rubbed her hip before gently running over her ass.

  She looked to Duke and the other men as she went behind the bar, feeling comfortable inside the clubhouse waiting on a group of tattooed bikers. The others waited for King to give them the okay before telling her their choice of drink. Again, she didn’t question the way of things inside the club. The obvious rules actually giving her a sense of security. When she’d been with Carlos, even though he’d had a family who were…more than the average family, she never felt safe. Around the Leglamos, Ayesha had always been on edge, worried she’d do or say the wrong thing, which would’ve angered Carlos.

  She sighed, turning her thoughts back to the here and now. Once she had gathered all the drinks in her hands, two long necks secured in her right hand, and two more in her left with another tucked under her arm, she made her way back to the long table set up.

  “Now, that’s one way to carry drinks,” Duke remarked, eyeing her hands. He took the one from under her arm, twisted the cap off, tipping the bottle toward her in thanks.

  Ayesha placed one in front of Keys, another in front of Coal. The last two she gave to King. “Thank you, Ayesha.” King grabbed her hand before she could move away, tugging her down onto his lap. “You didn’t grab you a drink?”

  She licked her lips, her eyes darting to Tiana. “I…I didn’t have enough hands. Besides, I’m not really thirsty.” Her throat suddenly seemed too dry, making her statement a total lie.

  King’s eyes narrowed. “Let’s get something straight. You can tell me you don’t want to talk about something. I’ll probably insist, but that’s how I am. You can tell me it’s none of my business. I’ll tell you bullshit and make you tell me anyhow. But you need to learn I don’t tolerate lying,” he said in a low voice.


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