Royally Tempted (A Royal Sons MC Book 3)

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Royally Tempted (A Royal Sons MC Book 3) Page 11

by Elle Boon

  “Um, King, is that a hammer in your pocket or—” she trailed off.

  “If I were Thor, that would most definitely be my mighty hammer. Since I’m not him, I guess that would be my dick, and it’s most assuredly hard enough to pound something, preferably your sweet pussy, or a few other parts of your body.”

  Her laughter eased the tension from his shoulders. “Come on, it’s been a long night. Let me show you to your room.”

  “Where’s your room?” The innocent question made him smile.

  King bent, pressing his lips to hers. The small kiss turned into more as she opened for him, stroking her tongue across his lips. He growled, pulling her body flush to his. The next thing he knew, he had her under him on the supple leather couch, her top rucked up beneath her chin while he tweaked her breasts. A sound disturbed his concentration just as he began to move down, nibbling biting kisses along her exposed skin. King pulled back, lifting his head up to listen. “Your sister is awake,” he muttered.

  Eyes so filled with passion blinked up at him, confusion making her slower to understand what he’d told her. “What?”

  He got up, tugging the bra he’d shoved up moments before, back into place, doing the same with her top. “Tiana is looking for you. I think she had a nightmare.” King kept his voice low while Ayesha sat up, his body blocking Tiana’s view of her sister.

  “Oh,” she said. As if a switch was clicked, she hopped up, big sister mode kicking in.

  If he wasn’t hard as a rock, he’d have laughed at the ease she forgot about him. Of course, he also admired her dedication to family.

  Ayesha hurried toward Tiana and the fear she could see on her little sister’s face. If King hadn’t heard her crying out, she’d have probably walked in on…Ayesha wouldn’t finish the thought. Her little sister would’ve seen a whole lot more than she’d bargained for, that was a guarantee.

  With a red face, she met Tiana in the hallway. “What’s wrong, sis?”

  Tiana shivered. “I’m sorry to interrupt you guys. It’s just—I had a dream, only it was so real. I thought if I got up and walked around I could erase the images in my head.” Tiana shivered.

  “You need anything to drink?” King offered.

  Ayesha looked over her shoulder, unable to stare at the masculine perfection of the man who was becoming more than just the one who rescued her sister. He stood with one shoulder leaning against the wall. “I’ll just grab my water. You good T, or do you need anything?”

  Her sister reached for Ayesha’s hand. “Can I go with you?”

  King stood straight. “I’ll grab your water and an extra for Little Bit.”

  She knew by his tone not to argue. Their little interlude was over, for now. “Thank you.”

  He nodded once before turning around and going back down the hall.

  “Did I interrupt something?” Tiana asked as they walked back into her room, her hip bumping Ayesha’s.

  “There’s nothing more important to me than you. How about I sleep in here with you? Do you think that would help you sleep better?” Ayesha eyed the big bed, wondering if King had used it before pulling her mind away from thoughts like those. He’d asked her if she really wanted to know the answers, and if she was honest, she’d have to say no. However, at the same time, his answer was an answer in and of itself. Clearly, he was a highly sexual man who made no secret about what he wanted. But just how long would he want her for, and was she willing to give herself to a man who wasn’t made for the long term like she was? Again, she found herself saying yes when it came to King.

  “You look at King with stars in your eyes, sis,” Tiana said, climbing into the bed on her chosen side, the one closest to the bathroom.

  Ayesha sighed, not wanting to lie, yet not willing to admit to anything. “Want to tell me about your dream? They say if you talk about them, they don’t have the same power.”

  Tiana snorted. “Yeah, well whoever said that is stupid.”

  Two knocks interrupted them from further discussion, making her heart bang against her chest.

  King looking like the man of the house, was walking in the door, his hands holding two bottles of water. “I figured even if you had water left over, you might want a fresh one.” He came over to Ayesha’s side of the bed, putting her bottle on the nightstand. “The alarm is set so don’t try to go outside or you’ll wake the dead.” He tipped her face up to his. “Get some rest.” Before she could prepare herself, he swooped down, kissing her solidly on the lips. This time it was he who licked over her lips with his tongue, coaxing her to do the same. Ayesha lost all her senses, following his lead, tasting the bite of hard liquor he’d clearly drunk in the short amount of time they’d been apart.

  He pulled away, giving her a hard kiss as their lips separated. “You could become damn addicting,” he accused.

  “Wow,” Tiana murmured.

  King pointed one finger at her. “And you, you listen to your sister and don’t do anything stupid. I’ll see you both in the morning.” He held the extra bottle of water out, passing it across the bed to Tiana.

  “I’ll be so super smart from here on out,” she vowed, nodding her head.

  Ayesha could see Tiana fought to keep the grin off her face, but her lips twitched.

  King shook his head, muttering something about women being the death of him, but his lips parted on a small smile.

  “Get some sleep and I’ll see you both in the morning. If I’m not here when you get up, I’ll have someone on the porch who’ll know how to get in touch with me.” King walked to the door but didn’t turn around as he walked out, closing it behind him with a soft snick.

  “Holy cow, he kissed you like he meant it.” Tiana covered both her cheeks. “I thought kisses like that were only in movies, but he totally did it.”

  She knew her face had to be on fire. His kiss had been exactly like what you’d read about or fantasize about. Hell, she was sure she’d be dreaming about that kiss for the rest of her life. “Alright, since you’re not going to tell me about your dream, do you think you can go to sleep now? I’m so tired I’m pretty sure I could sleep standing up.” She yawned so hard her jaw cracked.

  Tiana yawned directly after her. “I could sleep too. Seriously, if you want to you know—go out there with him, you can. I think I’ll be okay now.”

  She was so tempted to take Tiana up on her offer. Only she wasn’t sure what to do, or rather what would happen in the bright light of day. She’d never slept around. In fact, the only person she’d ever slept with had been Carlos, and while he hadn’t been a fantasy lover, she still couldn’t imagine just hopping into bed, or wherever with King.

  “If King and I were meant to be together, or whatever, tomorrow is another day. Tonight, my sister needs me.” Ayesha pulled the blankets back on her side of the bed, sighing at the absolute comfort that met her. “Oh my gawd, this bed is like heaven.”

  Tiana giggled. “I know right?”

  They both moved around, getting comfortable with the pillows getting beaten into their perfect position. “I love you, Ayesha. Thank you for being my sister.”

  Ayesha lay on her side, her head cradled in the crook of her arm facing Tiana who was in a similar pose. “You’re my family, my life. I’d do anything to keep you safe.” The words were ones she felt all the way to her soul.

  “I’m sorry I made you worry and for doing something so stupid.” Tiana blinked rapidly. “I’d like to thank Kailani when we are safe.”

  Ayesha wanted to thank the other woman herself, so it was easy to agree with Tiana. “Get some sleep, T. We’ll discuss more tomorrow.”

  Her eyes felt gritty and heavy, but she wouldn’t allow sleep to take her until her sister’s eyes closed and her breathing evened out. She didn’t know what she’d do if Tiana messed up again, only the next time they couldn’t save her. No, she wouldn’t allow herself to think along those lines.

  The next morning Ayesha woke, bright sunlight barely making it through the heavy cu
rtains over the windows. Her sister slept soundly beside her, but something had woken her. She lay there quietly, listening for what it could’ve been. The sound of King’s voice, barely registered through the closed door.

  She eased out of the bed, trying not to wake Tiana as she did so. She tiptoed into the bathroom, making quick work of her morning rituals. After she washed her face and hands, she brushed her teeth and tossed her hair into a messy bun. Looking at her clothes, she thought of showering but needed coffee before she could truly function. If King expected a pretty woman in the morning, he was in for a rude awakening.

  When she walked out of the room, Tiana hadn’t stirred, her deep even breathing made Ayesha feel as if her sister was going to be fine. However, she was still planning on talking to a counselor.

  “Fuck, man. I don’t blame you. We need a clean up crew?” King asked.

  She walked into the kitchen amazed to find him looking even sexier than he’d been last night. “Need coffee,” she muttered.

  He tipped his head toward the counter where he had two different coffee machines. Ayesha went to the one with the pods, selected her choice and waited for the brew to finish sputtering into her cup.

  “Cosmo isn’t freaking out having a few bodies on his property?”

  At King’s words, she turned around, the coffee forgotten. King raised a brow, his relaxed pose unchanged. How a man could be standing in nothing but a pair of jeans with the top button left open, feet bare, and nothing else, speaking of dead people like he was talking about the weather stunned her. “Good. Bring the girl and get your asses back here. Tell Cosmo to remember what I said. I expect to see his ass soon, no more bullshit excuses. Time to pledge to the Sons or get the fuck out of my territory.”

  Chapter Ten

  King disconnected his call with Traeger, wondering what was going through Ayesha’s mind. He’d known she was there but let her hear his conversation. Early this morning he’d gotten a call from his Sergeant at Arms who’d gone with him to rescue Tiana with news about the men who’d taken Ayesha’s sister. Since Traeger and he had split up, with King taking Tiana and Traeger taking Kailani, they both knew there would be danger. Only he hadn’t counted on it coming so soon, or that his friend would have to kill…so soon.

  “The father is dead along with a couple of his men,” King said, waiting to see how she handled that bit of news.

  Ayesha gasped. She took a deep breath, turning back to the coffee, her face averted from him. “Do you have sweetener?”

  He moved to where she stood, opening the cabinet above her head. “Here you go.” He had several choices for her to choose from. Ayesha opened up several packets, stirring the coffee while she appeared to mull things over in her mind. He let her have the time she needed. In his life he’d seen too much, been party to many things that bordered on illegal, shit, probably slid on the wrong side. “What’re you thinking?”

  “What about the son? The little fucker who talked my sister into…” She waved her hand in the air without finishing. Finally, she stopped stirring her drink and took a healthy swallow.

  “You leave him to me and my brothers. Just like the father learned. If you fuck with the Royal Sons, you’ll not like the outcome.” King pinned Ayesha against the counter, letting her take another drink of her heavily sweetened coffee. “How much caffeine you need before you’re firing on all cylinders?”

  She tipped the cup to her lips, drinking the rest down. “I could use another cup, but I’m good.”

  King eased the porcelain from her fingers, setting it beside his. Bracing his arms on the counter on either side of her, he placed his forehead on hers. “How’d you sleep?”

  Ayesha lifted her arms touching his sides, dropping them before he could truly enjoy the feel of her touching his skin. “I slept like a log once my head hit the pillow. That’s one comfy bed.”

  He kissed her forehead where he’d been resting his own. “The one in my room is even better,” he said with a wicked chuckle.

  “Hmm, is it now?” This time when she lifted her hands, she kept them on his sides, tracing his ribs. “I love your tattoos. I’m too chicken to get any but love to see them on other people.”

  “They don’t hurt, much. For me, I just zone out and let the artist do his thing. I think your skin would look beautiful with my ink on it.” He feathered a kiss over her collarbone.

  “Your ink? Do you tattoo people?” She rolled her head to the side, giving him access to her.

  He gave the tendon she exposed a little nip. “No, but I like to draw. If you got a tattoo, I’d be the one to draw what was put on you.”

  Shit, he jerked backward as he realized what he said. Here he was, laying claim to a woman he’d just met. Last night after he’d left her in the bedroom with her sister, it had taken him longer than usual to fall asleep. He’d had to take himself in hand, with images of her in his mind to ease the ache that kept his dick hard long after he’d walked away from her.

  “I’d like that. Would you go with me too?” she asked softly.

  Before he could answer his phone rang, saving him. “I need to take this. It’s Duke.” Shit, why was he explaining to her? King straightened. “What do you got for me?”

  He heard the sound of the coffee maker working, followed by a spoon clanging against porcelain as he listened to Duke give him a rundown of what they’d found out about Rico.

  “This sex ring isn’t small time, brother. I’m afraid we’ve only just scraped the surface. You heard from Traeger?” Duke asked.

  “Yeah. He killed the father and a couple of his men this morning. Cops got involved but since he looked like a man on vacation with his girl, and is ex-military, he thinks it’s an open and shut case. Problem with that is, it’ll make the papers and more than likely, the old bastard’s buddies will know who killed him. The repercussions could have a lot of recoil all the way up here. I told Traeger I wanted him to bring the girl here. We’ll set up a safe house for them both, but Cosmo needs to be patched in as a full brother, or there’s gonna be issues.”

  Duke grunted, which King knew meant his brother was thinking. “I’ll touch base with Cosmo and put some feelers out. We had a hit on the dark web.”

  King cursed. If they had a hit on one of their profiles, that meant someone was looking for something they shouldn’t. “Could Keys trace it?”

  “Working on it. Let’s worry about one thing at a time and that’s Tiana, right now.”

  When his brother got a tone that was flat, almost toneless, King knew there was no swaying him. Oh, he could order him, as the President of the MC, but that wasn’t how their relationship worked. He wasn’t like his father and never would be. “Don’t go rogue on me, Duke.”

  They’d lost their little brother, Duke’s twin to suicide only a few months ago. It hit King hard, but he’d been Duke’s identical twin. Well, identical in looks. Personality, the two couldn’t have been more different.

  “You don’t have to worry I’ll do something stupid like Luke.” The sound of something breaking came through the phone. “Shit, that was…that was a dick thing to say. Listen, I’ve got some things to look into. I’ll keep you in the loop. Love you, brother,” Duke said and hung up.

  King dropped his head, his chin resting on his chest, taking several deep breaths. “Fuck,” he muttered.

  A soft hand touched his back, making him jerk. “I’m sorry,” Ayesha jerked her hand away.

  He spun around, reaching for her. “It’s not your fault.”

  She walked into his arms, her soft body molding to his. “Is there anything I could do?”

  King tugged at the bun on the top of her head, pulling the band holding it up out. His fingers worked through the silky strands. “I love your hair. So soft and silky.”

  Ayesha laughed against his chest. “You know, you say the nicest things. I bet it gets you laid quite often.”

  He fisted his hand in the dark mass at the back of her head, tugging until she looked up at him. “Want
me to tell you what else I like?” He didn’t let her answer, keeping her trapped in the position he had her. “I want to hold your hair in my fist while you kneel at my feet with my cock in your mouth. I want to watch you part those sexy lips and see just how much you can take of me before you have to back off, and still I’ll push for more. I want to train you to take all of me.”

  Her eyes dilated, not in fear, he knew fear, but need and want. “I bet if I was to strip you right now, your pussy would be dripping with your juices. Wouldn’t it?”

  She licked her lips and nodded, but she seemed to remember he wanted a verbal answer. “Yes,” she said.

  “Good, girl. Have you ever swallowed a man’s cock, Ayesha?” he asked.

  “You mean given a blowjob?” She moved her hands up and down his sides, her touch setting his body on fire.

  “No, I mean swallowed a man’s cock. There’s giving a blowjob where you lick and suck dick, but then there’s what I want, what I like. I like when my woman takes me into her mouth, all the way to the back of her throat. I want to feel my dick at the back of your throat and feel you swallowing around the head of my dick. I’ve been imagining you doing that. It’s had me hard as a motherfucker since the first time I met you.” He pushed his pelvis into her for emphasis.

  She licked her lips but shook her head. “I’ve never…I’ve not ever done that, but I’d like to, with you, that is.”

  “Damn right you will.” He tilted his head, groaning as he recognized the sound of soft footfalls. “Hold that thought, Little Dove, your sister is coming, which means neither of us will be.”

  The little vixen laughed. “That is such a bad play on words.”

  “Ayesha your phone has been ringing and ringing.” Tiana held her phone out.

  She shook her head, happiness making her steps lighter. “Here, let me see who it is.” She didn’t know who’d be calling her since she didn’t have any appointments at her salon, having called and cancelled them once Tiana had gone missing. She had a manager who ran the salon when she wasn’t there, and the other stylists took care of their own booths, so it really was an easy business to run.


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