Royally Tempted (A Royal Sons MC Book 3)

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Royally Tempted (A Royal Sons MC Book 3) Page 13

by Elle Boon

  “Why the hell don’t you just let it go, and…I don’t know, just do normal shit?” Doc turned away from him, pacing toward the bar. “Shit, I can’t have another, or I’ll need a DD.”

  They both turned at the sound of feminine voices coming from the open door to the kitchen and the scent of bacon. “Hey, King, breakfast is done. Oh, sorry,” Ayesha said, pink highlighting her cheeks.

  King lifted his hand, waving her toward him. “Come here, I’ll introduce you to an old friend. Doc, this is Ayesha and her sister Tiana. Ladies, this is Doc. He’s the one we call when one of us gets stupid and needs to get fixed up.”

  “Which happens more often than is healthy, if you ask me,” Doc groused.

  “Don’t listen to him. You want some breakfast?” King narrowed his eyes, warning the other man to shut the fuck up without saying it out loud.

  “Thanks, but I gotta go. Think about what I said, King. It was nice meeting you two.” Doc nodded, picked up his bag, and left with a wave over his shoulder.

  “Is he a real doctor, or do you just call him Doc?” Tiana asked, squinting toward the doorway.

  “Oh, he’s a real doctor, got the fancy letters to go in front of his name and everything.” King inhaled. “Let’s eat before it gets cold. I don’t like cold eggs.”

  Tiana laughed. “I think there’s a Dr. Seuss book about that. I don’t like green eggs and ham or something like that.”

  “First I got the Doc telling me about a real life Hannibal Lector doctor, now you’re quoting Dr. Seuss. I’m seriously going to need to reassess my people,” he said, tugging Ayesha to him. “What about you? You got a doctor to quote me?”

  Ayesha licked her lips, the action made him want to see if she tasted like the bacon he could smell. “The only doctors I’ve seen lately have been my dentist and my lady doctor. Pretty sure you don’t want to hear about them.”

  King waggled his brows. “I don’t know. I think I’d like to discuss the latter one in great detail.”

  Tiana made a gagging sound, which had Ayesha groaning.

  “That was such a bad pickup line,” Tiana said with a laugh.

  King looked over Ayesha’s head. “It wasn’t a line.” He smiled, thinking he honestly would love to delve between Ayesha’s legs.

  Ayesha pulled away from King, turning around so she could walk backward, shaking her finger at him. “Behave,” she admonished.

  King leaned forward, nipping her finger. “I never behave, Little Dove. You should know that from the jump.”

  His words made every single fiber in her body come alive. No man should be so…so everything like him. “You should come with a warning label,” she whispered too low for Tiana to hear.

  “What would your label say, hmm?” His warm breath fanned over her ear and down her neck as he bent down to her level.

  She shivered, unable to control her body from reacting to his nearness or the man himself. “If I told you, you’d get a big head.”

  King pulled her into him. “Honey, let me tell you something. I already have a big head, but you’ll love it when I fuck your pussy, or when I have you on your knees as you take me between those fuckable lips. Never doubt that.” He kissed her quick and hard. “Mmm, you taste like bacon. Feed me, woman.”

  She looked around to see if her sister overheard, but she was on the other side of the table putting out the dish with eggs. “I’ll go get the rest.”

  King’s phone must’ve had a message come in since he made a face and pulled it out. “Holler if you need help.”

  She and Tiana made one more trip into the spacious kitchen, grabbing the platter of bacon and plate of toast. “Can you get the butter and jam?”

  Tiana being the smart aleck she was, held the items in her hand for Ayesha to see she’d already grabbed them. “Duh, already got ‘em. Hey, I know you think I’m too young and you need to protect me, but I see the way King looks at you and all. We haven’t talked about the fact your salon was blown up because of me and my bad decisions. Instead, we’re in a motorcycle club kitchen cooking breakfast like nothing’s happened, Ayesha.”

  Her heart jerked at the pain her sister’s words caused. She had hoped if she pretended nothing was wrong, if by pushing reality to the background, it would give them another moment of peace before the real world crashed in on them. Nothing could change the fact her salon was gone. Blessedly nobody was hurt, and since King had taken charge, diverting the cops from their whereabouts, she took the out he gave without blinking an eye. Clearly Rico wasn’t going to just let Tiana go without a fight. He was willing to go to drastic measures to do whatever damage he could to those he deemed his enemy. Although Ayesha hadn’t been part of Tiana’s rescue, Rico obviously didn’t care. Hiding out at the Royal Sons was where she wanted to be even though the loss of her livelihood hurt, having her sister safe and within her reach made every sacrifice worthwhile.

  “T, I can rebuild my salon. My clients can be contacted and rescheduled, or shit, I can find new ones. What I can’t replace is you. I’d do anything, anything, to keep you safe. Do you understand me?” She sat the dishes she held down, the overwhelming urge to shake some sense into Tiana made her grab hold of her sister’s arms, giving her a little shake.

  “Easy there, you’ll make me drop this stuff,” Tiana muttered.

  “Hey, what’s going on in here?” King asked from the doorway.

  Ayesha took a deep breath. “Nothing,” she said before turning to pick the platters back up.

  “Tiana, go ahead and take that stuff on out there. I need to have a moment with your sister. Duke’s out there waiting. Tell him we’ll be out in a second.” King came further into the room, taking the platters from Ayesha and placing them back on the counter.

  She wasn’t surprised to see her sister obey King as much as she was shocked at the way her body responded to his command. “What’s wrong?” she asked. “Did you hear something else about—”

  King placed one finger over her mouth. “We’re gonna get something straight right here and right now. I have rules that will be followed. If I ask a question, you will answer me with the truth. Period. If you lie, there will be consequences. Now, when I came in here and asked you what was going on, you said nothing when clearly something was. That was a lie. Care to be truthful this time?”

  She tried to turn away, but he gripped the back of her hair in one of his hands, the action sent a thrill through her veins. “Tiana was upset and didn’t understand why I was pretending everything was fine. I…I tried to explain to her that she was more important than my business. There, is that what you wanted to hear?”

  “For starters. Now, another thing you need to understand is you are important, too. You don’t put yourself in harms way either. When I said you were under my protection, and you agreed, that meant you agreed with how I handle things.” He brought her body against his. “Do you know what happens if you break one of my rules?”

  Although he held her tightly, Ayesha wasn’t scared. His hard body gave her a measure of security she should’ve fought, but instead, she relished. “I’m assuming you have some sort of punishment. Do you send me to bed without dinner?” she joked only he didn’t smile like she’d hoped.

  “Oh no, that’s for little girls, and you’re no little girl. Of course, I suppose me putting you over my lap and beating your ass red might make you think that’s for little girls.” He tugged on her hair, keeping her head at the angle he wanted.

  “Are you threatening to spank me?” She swallowed hard.

  “No, I’m promising. This was your one and only pass. Now, let’s go before Duke and your sister come looking for us.” He released her hair, his fingers sifted through it as if he couldn’t help himself.

  “I don’t know why, but I kinda want to push your buttons, King.” She reached for the bacon platter.

  “Oh, trust me, I’ll have you over my lap, ass in the air before too long. However, you don’t want me to have you there because you’re in trouble. The fo
rmer I’ll give you pleasure like you’ve never known existed. The latter you’ll beg me to give you relief, but I’ll keep you on the edge until I feel you’ve learned your lesson.” He ran his hand over her ass.

  “We better get out there,” she said, nearly stumbling over her own feet.

  King laughed. “Come on, Little Dove. I’ll help you carry these. Grab some orange juice out of the fridge, will you?”

  By the time they finished eating, several other members had shown up, their easy acceptance of her and Tiana set Ayesha at ease, but she still didn’t think it was appropriate for a sixteen year old girl to hang around a clubhouse. “We’ll head on back to your house unless you—” she trailed off, not knowing what to say.

  “I’ll walk you back. Duke, I’ll be back in a few minutes. Call Keys and tell him to get his ass here within the hour.” King and Duke bumped knuckles. King seemed to do the same with every man they passed or got a back pounding hug. She and Tiana got nods and murmurs of ma’am, but the men were more courteous than she’d have thought tattooed bikers would be. Of course, her experience consisted of television shows, not real life, which she mentioned on their walk back.

  “Oh trust me, we have a lot in common with what you saw on that show.” King raised his hand and gave a small wave in greeting to a man sitting on his porch. “Hey, Wheels, how’s it going?”

  Wheels stood up and stretched. “Good, man, nothing but the usual.”

  King went up the stairs holding Ayesha’s hand in one of his. “That’s good, brother. Go get a drink and a bite to eat. I saw Heather’s ride coming in along with Porks. They’ll have the grill going and shit to fill all you motherfuckers’ stomachs in no time.”

  “Want me to bring you guys anything?” Wheels offered.

  “Nah, we’re good. I’ll be back down there in a little bit.” He gave Wheels shoulder a squeeze. Throughout the entire conversation, one thing she’d noticed, King kept his body in front of her and Tiana’s. Although Wheels could see them, King made sure he was in between them. The sensation that he would literally put himself in danger rather than allow harm to come to either her or her sister made her fall a little in love with the biker. He was a temptation she couldn’t help but want more of, damn the consequences.

  Chapter Twelve

  King left Ayesha and Tiana inside his home after showing them into his media room. What the women didn’t know was the room also acted as a safe room. The windowless space with the huge reclining chairs could be locked down with the only way in being the vault like door he could lock remotely if he needed. Paranoid? Maybe, but he’d rather be prepared than regretful. He’d had his rooms in the lower level completely kitted out for safety and pleasure but didn’t think Ayesha was ready to be introduced to that level, yet. The fact he wanted to was new to him since he didn’t allow women into his personal spaces he’d created in the basement of the house, except to fuck and dominate, then send them on their way, happily.

  “What’s put that frown on your face, Prez?” Keys asked, coming up beside him.

  King looked at the lot, searching for the man’s custom Harley. “Where’s your ride, brother?”

  Keys jerked his thumb over his shoulder. “Over there,” he said, pointing at the matte black beast next to Duke’s.

  “Everyone here?” King pushed the door open. With the music blaring it made Keys answer almost indiscernible.

  “I got some more intel on that fucker. Want to hear about it out here, or where it’s quieter?” Keys said once they were both inside.

  King looked around the crowd, searching for Traeger. “Is this something Trigger needs to hear? He’s involved with the sister.”

  “Figured that out already. I’d say no, but I’ll let you decide once I tell you. At this point, I think the less who know, the better. You’ll want to have eyes on the girls at all times. This shit is big, bigger than we thought,” Keys sighed.

  Duke stood up, when he saw King and Keys heading toward the back. The door to the private office where they had Church was always locked unless a meeting was being held. The things that went on behind the closed door wasn’t allowed to be discussed outside of there. To break that rule had consequences no member wanted to face.

  King punched in the code on the security system, the locks disengaging. “Could you imagine what the old timers would think of this shit?” King asked as the red lights blinked green. He shoved the heavy oak door open. Familiar scents assailing him as they entered.

  Duke closed the door after he came in last. “Ah, I love the smell of cedar and cigars. Shit never gets old,” he said, breathing deeply. “Who needs a drink?” He raised his right hand, waiting for King and Keys.

  “I’ll take one.” King took a seat at the head of the table, resting his arms in front of him with his hands clasped.

  Keys sat to his left, waiting for Duke.

  Duke passed their drinks out before taking his seat. They all raised their glasses, tapped them together in the middle the table, everyone lifting them once again in a silent toast as one, drinking their liquor down in a deep swallow.

  “Alright, let’s hear what you’ve found, Keys.”

  “You ever hear the saying about cutting off the head of a snake only to have two more grow in its place?” Keys asked, knocking on the table while he waited for King to answer.

  “Of course I have. Are you saying there’s already two other sick assholes taking up where their buddy left off?”

  “From what my resources have heard, yes. Not that I’m surprised or anything. These men are well connected and more than likely already had a schedule set.” Keys sat a tablet down. “Want to look at this or on the big screen?”

  King stiffened. “What’re you showing us?” No way in hell did he want to see some homemade porn that could have a child in it.

  Keys snorted. “Not what you’re thinking. Although there was a shitton of stuff on their server that I have forwarded to some authorities I thought might find it interesting.”

  The images that came up had King and Duke both leaning forward. “Holy shit, look at those fuckers, rolling up like they’re the king of the world.” Duke turned the tablet toward him. “How do they not cause a scene coming in droves like that?” he asked.

  “Because they all live in gated communities that cater to likeminded individuals. Look at this,” he said, pointing at the screen and used two fingers to increase the size of what he was showing them. “This location has one access that isn’t by air or sea. Meaning they control who gets in or out. It’s the perfect place to hold people against their will.”

  “How’d you find it?” King was never truly shocked by Keys’ ability to find shit out on the internet, but even he was stunned at how quickly he’d been able to find something on this level, especially given the amount of money involved.

  “I got lucky thanks to Traeger’s ole lady. She gave me access to her…well the man who she thought was her father’s cell. He was a cocky bastard, which was a stupid move on his part. I started tracing the calls he’d made before and during your rescue of the two women.”

  King moved the tablet closer to him, flipping through the screens Keys had saved. “All of them are rich and connected. Look, this one has a wife and a daughter around the same age as Tiana. How could he stomach doing things to…?” He stood up, unable to continue. Men who did what ones like these did, had no conscience.

  “I’m barely scraping the top of the mound. Imagine an ant hill. Now, if you’ve ever accidentally stepped on one, you’ve seen dozens of the little bugs scurry out. I’m afraid that’s what we’re facing.” King tapped one finger on the table, pointing at the tablet.

  “What’s up with you and your references? First snakes, now ants. Shit, I say we go in with some Molotov cocktails and watch ‘em burn. Neither snakes nor ants like fire,” Duke said.

  “Listen, we need to slow our roll. We don’t have enough manpower, or fire power, pun intended, to take down something on this scale. Keys, what’s you
r opinion? I know you didn’t bring the both of us in here to show us all that, knowing we can’t do shit without significant losses on our end. We were only able to get Tiana out because we had the element of surprise. Do I think we could do it again? Yeah, but we’d have to go in a whole different way.” King went back to the table, leaning over Duke’s shoulder at his brother’s exclamation.

  “Are these images from inside that monstrosity overlooking the ocean?” Duke asked.

  Keys nodded. “Yeah, I found them on the Dark Web. Don’t ask,” Keys said, forestalling further questions.

  The home in question looked like the Starship enterprise on steroids, built into the side of the mountain. How many levels does it have?” King asked.

  “From the outside it appears to have at least five, but who knows. From what I found in city documents, there’s over thirty thousand square foot in that monstrosity. That’s what they’ve gotten permits for, who knows what they commissioned without a license. Look at that,” Keys growled, pointing at an image that showed a home being demolished. “They bought up the houses around them, even when the homeowners didn’t want to sell. Intimidation tactics worked wonders if money didn’t. I’m sure they paid too but look at those homes. We’re not talking million dollar homes, but multi-million dollar homes.”

  They spent another half hour running through what Keys had found, the man’s ability to find information that most couldn’t still amazed King. “Here comes our boy, Trigger and his woman. She sticking around?” Keys asked.

  “Looks like it,” King said from his seat.

  A hard rap heralded Traeger’s entrance. “What’s up?”

  King motioned for the two of them to come in as Keys got up and moved down a chair so Traeger could have his.

  “You look better, Kailani. You still look like shit, but I guess that’s your ugly mug.” King grinned at Traeger.

  “Sorry it took so long to get here.” Traeger pulled Kailani onto his lap.


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