Royally Tempted (A Royal Sons MC Book 3)

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Royally Tempted (A Royal Sons MC Book 3) Page 18

by Elle Boon

  “Hey, brother, you got a late start?” Mag stood up, locking right arms with King and pounded his back.

  King gave a halfhearted chuckle. With Mag, the President of the Aztec Devils MC there, he didn’t want to discipline Ayesha, but he would. Mag stepped back looking at Ayesha, his light blue eyes taking in her low cut tank top showing off her ample cleavage. King wrapped his arm around her, letting him know without words she was his.

  “Ah, staking a claim, brother?” Mag’s eyes took a little longer than King liked coming back to him.

  “Yep,” King said, turning to Zinc, Mag’s VP. The red-haired bastard was even bigger than both King and Mag, which was saying a lot since they were both a little over six-three. Zinc stepped up next to Mag. His Irish ancestry mixed with a little something else allowed the fucker to get a nice golden tan, making him a favorite of the ladies.

  “Och, what a fine looking lass you’ve got, King. What’s yer name?” he asked.

  “Cut the fucking accent, Zinc. You were born and raised in fucking Missouri.” King released Ayesha, bumping knuckles with the other man. “Ayesha, this ugly bastard is Mag, and this one is nobody.” He pointed at Zinc.

  Zinc put his hand over his heart. “I’m wounded, man. Seriously, I thought we were tight.”

  King shook his head. “We got company coming. You good with that?” He and Mag went back a long time. Although the other MC was closer to One Percenters, they were solid. If King needed them, Mag would be there and vice versa.

  Many people believed all outlaw motorcycle clubs were the same, but there was a fine line between them. King and his MC didn’t participate in illegal activity to support their club, at least not like they had in the past. The Royal Sons foundation was built by their forefathers running everything from guns, to drugs, and even women. But that all began to change even before King’s father took over.

  Guns became a thing they only allowed to pass through for a fee, not actually making the sales. Drugs they walked away from before King’s father, and when King’s sister was taken, they shifted their focus, no thanks to King Senior. They still owned several strip clubs. The businesses made them a lot of money, but King and Duke were silent owners. Hell, he couldn’t remember the last time he’d been to one of them. If the Royal Sons brothers wanted to hang out and throw their money at the girls there, they were welcome to it, but they were to always show respect to them.

  He pulled out his chair at the head of the table, his back against the wall, settling Ayesha on his lap. Rubii, one of the waitresses, was there with two beers before he could place his hand on the cool wood. “Thanks, hun.” He gave a bottle to Ayesha, picking up the other for himself.

  “Rubii, this is my girl Ayesha. Ayesha this is Rubii.” He tipped the longneck toward the little dark haired woman who delivered their drinks.

  “Would you like something else?” Rubii asked.

  “No thank you, this is great.”

  King placed his hand on the inside of her thighs giving a subtle tap. He took a long pull, taking in the crowd. Shit, whatever Ivy had come to tell him sure as fuck couldn’t be good, and he didn’t like the fact it was coming so close to their last job.

  He tapped his finger along with the song playing. Korn was a favorite the DJ played often. His brother looked at his phone, more than likely getting an updated text as well. King ignored the vibration in his pocket, not wanting to appear worried. He had Duke and his MC brothers there. The only wrinkle was having Ayesha with him, but he couldn’t change what was. Besides, if shit was coming, he always had a backup plan.

  Mack walked up to the table, a smile on her face. “Hey King, can Ayesha help me out in the kitchen? Curly got sick earlier, so we sent her home. I think this pregnancy is gonna be a boy. Boys always seem to make women sick.” Mack had her hands folded in front of her, looking at King first, swiveling toward Duke with the same chagrined expression, before gazing at Ayesha with a smile.

  “That’s up to my girl. You wanna help out?” He asked, taking another drink, emptying the bottle.

  Ayesha took a swallow. “Sure, but I ain’t being the bitch,” she warned Mack.

  Mag tossed his head back laughing. “I fucking love her. That’s right, you let them know who’s top bitch in the house. Aroo,” he howled with his hands around his mouth.

  Mack raised her fists, one facing out, the other in and began rolling her right hand while the middle finger on her left began to rise slowly. “Oh, what’s that? she asked sweetly. “Why that’s my give a damn meter, and it’s bigger than your dick.”

  Mag’s eyes narrowed but before he could open his mouth, the DJ cut off the music.

  “Ayesha go on and go with Mack,” King said, pushing her off his lap.

  He took the bottle out of her hands, finishing the rest of her drink, waiting for her to question him. When she looked at the entryway, then at him, he prepared for questions, readied himself for what he’d have to do. Only she didn’t do what he expected. Fucking-A, his woman was game. She bent, giving him a view of her tits, and kissed his chin. “Be careful and I’ll try not to hurt Mack. Try being the key word here.”

  King spun her around, tapped her ass a little harder than necessary. It really was a fine ass. “Be good,” he growled as he watched her walk away.

  “Where the hell did you find such a fine piece, brother?” Mag’s question came from beside him.

  “I found her hiding in my clubhouse and decided to keep her. You’ll need to look at your own place for an ole lady.” King wasn’t going to offer up one of his brother’s girls, even if they were only casual hookups.

  Tymber Black and Ivy, his little brother’s best friend, was winding their way through the crowd. He liked the man with Ivy. It wasn’t the other man’s fault Luke had killed himself all those months ago. Hell, Tymber hadn’t been a part of Ivy’s life at the time and unbeknownst to all of them, Luke had been using Ivy as a decoy for his real relationship with his roommate Darian.

  King took a deep breath, waiting for his friend and tattoo artist to come to the table. “Tymber, Ivy, what brings you both to my neck of the woods?” he asked, waving to two chairs in front of him where Mag and Zinc had been sitting.

  Tymber pulled one out for Ivy, flipping the other around for himself as he eased it to the side, putting his back at an angle to the nearest wall. Smart man.

  “Just left my shop, thought we’d stop by and have a drink. Damn shame about that salon next door, being blown up and all. Thank god the walls between our two places are thick as fuck, though. We only had minimal damage, so the city cleared us to reopen this weekend.” Tymber put his arms over the top of the chair, staring directly at King, no sign of fear.

  “Yeah, that was some shit, man. Glad your place didn’t sustain any damage. How you doing, Ivy Girl?” Her red leather jacket was open, a black tank with Twisted Ink on it under it. Wearing red from head to foot was something the club had come up with as an early warning sign years ago. He was glad Ivy had remembered, or at least he thought that was why the duo was here.

  “I was thinking of buying a new car, but then I saw this one that had too many issues. I didn’t like the tint job. Looked more like a hipster’s ride. You know, one that someone with too much money would drive. What did I say that make was, Tymber?” Ivy turned to her boyfriend.

  “Shit babe, let me think.” Tymber looked around the room, taking his time before coming back to King. “I don’t think I’ve met your friends, King.”

  King lifted a hand toward Mag and Zinc, introducing each of them to Tymber. “Nice to meet you. You need a tattoo, come see me or one of us at Twisted Ink.” He didn’t offer them a card or address; which King knew was just a formality. What he was doing was asking if he could speak freely. Nodding, King sat down, signaling Rubii to bring them some drinks.

  “I’ve had some new customers come in, thinking about getting tattoos. Rich little fuckers. They were a little surprised to see the shop next door had been in such a state. Wanted to
know if they were safe at my place. Not very good actors if I do say so myself.” Tymber paused, accepting the beer from the waitress, handing one to Ivy at the same time.

  “Were you there, too,” he asked Ivy.

  “I was just arriving when they were leaving. I got their license plate numbers, plural. Tymber said only two came in, wearing jeans, clearly trying to appear casual. However, the guys in the second car were in suits and ties. I pretended to not notice them when I got off my bike.” She looked at the drink in her hand, taking a gulp, grimacing at the liquor.

  King laughed. “Still don’t like it, huh?”

  She shrugged. “I like light beer or Corona, but this is fine after the fourth or fifth.”

  “Yeah, well, you can’t taste it after that many,” Mag agreed.

  Ivy lifted the bottle toward Mag. “My point exactly.”

  “How exactly did you pretend not to notice a car with dudes in it?” Duke asked.

  Ivy sat the bottle down, shook out her hair and stood up. “Pay attention, boys.” She shrugged out of the leather jacket, pulling out her cellphone. “Are you serious? He broke up with you? He’s a lying ass fucker. We will cut his dick off and make him eat it. I’m not kidding, Lisa. Just calm down, and I’ll come over after I fuck Tymber six ways to Sunday, alright. Yeah, I know, but screw him and his little dick prick self.” Ivy fluffed her hair as she sat back down, not bothering to put the jacket back on. She took another drink of her beer.

  Mag opened his mouth before shutting it with a snap. Zinc did the same. Duke slapped the table once, twice, letting out a choked laugh.

  “Shit, that would definitely make me think you hadn’t noticed either,.” King agreed.

  “So, did you get screwed six ways to Sunday?” Mag asked Tymber.

  Tymber grinned, his hand reaching over to Ivy’s thigh. “Oh yeah,” he said.

  “I knew you were trouble the first time I met you all those years ago, but damn, you’re good, girl.” King nodded. “Did you give Keys those plate numbers?”

  “I think they bugged my shop when they were there, and they most definitely have the salon next door under surveillance. I also think we had a tail here for a while, but I lost them. Fuckers are good, man. Ivy’s got what you need wrote down, but I didn’t want her sending them electronically since I didn’t have any way of knowing if I was tagged, or you were.” Tymber gestured to Ivy.

  Ivy turned in her seat, opened her jacket and fished out a sheet of paper. “When I did look at the driver of the other vehicle, it was like looking at death. Like he had no emotion at all. I swear, nothing. I think he would’ve walked up, slit my throat, fucked me before my body got cold or even after and walked away without missing a beat. That was the impression I got from just a glance. I think that’s why my fight or flight instinct kicked in so quickly.”

  Tymber tugged her chair closer to him. “You didn’t mention that to me,” he growled.

  She bit her lip. “It slipped my mind, kinda.”

  King saw storm clouds brewing in his friend’s eyes, knowing he’d have had Ayesha over his lap already, giving zero fucks where they were if he’d heard what Tymber had. “Not good, Ivy Girl,” King murmured.

  “Shut up, King,” Ivy said, pointing at him, turning a glare at Tymber. “If you even think to be like him,” she paused, her finger still aimed at King. “I will not be held responsible for my actions.” She crossed her arms over her chest with a huff.

  King raised a brow, looking to Ivy first, turning his intense stare on Tymber. “You got your hands full, brother.” Not that he didn’t think Ivy was worth it, but King and the other man had different ways of dealing with their women, obviously.

  “Come on, Ivy, let’s go. I think I’ll take the long way back. If I hear or see anything I’ll let you know. Is there a better way to do it than having her ride out in that?” Tymber gestured toward Ivy’s clothes. “Not that she’s not sexy as fuck, but my dick was hard the entire way.”

  Ivy snorted, standing up she stretched, making Tymber groan. “Woman, you’re gonna get me into a fight,” Tymber muttered.

  “Nah, everyone knows she’s yours. Besides, she’s a brat.” Duke ruffled her hair.

  Ivy pulled her jacket on. “Not to mention I paid a shitton for this jacket, and I think of all of these guys as my brothers. Older, annoying brothers,” she teased.

  Tymber shook hands with King and several other Sons, and Ivy was hugged by even more. King could see the relief cross her face before she left, and he too felt a weight ease from his shoulders.

  “Felt good seeing her…happy and shit,” Duke said, his hand came to rest on King’s shoulder.

  King took a deep breath and nodded. Mag and Zinc had followed the other couple out, saying they’d make sure Tymber and Ivy were safe, which King appreciated. “This letting shit go is for the birds, man.” King ran a hand down his face.

  “Go get your ole lady and fuck her. That’ll relieve some stress.” Music pumped through the speakers while bodies gyrated on the dance floor and around the room in corners. His brothers didn’t care where they were when they wanted to make out with their woman.

  “I think I’ll do just that. You staying here?” More often than not, Duke had been heading down to the city to party with Cosmo and a few other Sons.

  Duke shrugged but didn’t answer.

  “Take it easy. We got trouble coming,” he warned. The Trevino’s had money, which meant they could buy just about anyone and anything.

  “Yes, dad.” Duke pushed off the wall with his last word and walked away.

  After he saw Duke melt onto the dance floor, he went in search of Ayesha, finding her in the kitchen laughing with Mack and Katy. He leaned one shoulder against the doorway, watching them while she tried to teach them how to do a dance move. Her ass shook, becoming a sexy bounce moments before she announced, “And that is how you twerk, bitches.”

  He clapped his hands. “On a scale of one to ten, I give you a twenty. Damn, baby, I can’t wait for you to drop that ass on my cock and work it like that.” His right hand went to his dick, adjusting it in a more comfortable position.

  Ayesha looked over her shoulder, grinning. “You gonna make me do all the work?” She lifted her arms over her head, moving her ass in a similar fashion again. This time, her hips began a swivel motion that had him mesmerized.

  “Little Dove, unless you want me to fuck you where you’re standing, stop shaking that ass like that.” It was the only warning he’d give her.

  She turned fully to face him, her hard nipples on full display through the front of the silky tank top she had on. “That should probably freak me out, but nope, I find myself excited instead.”

  “Girlfriend, you’re gonna get in trouble,” Mack drug out the last word as she sidestepped around Ayesha. “Come on, Katy, let’s make ourselves scarce for a bit, ain’t nobody ordering right now.” King looked toward the kitchen area seeing they’d already cleaned up. He’d been talking with Tymber and Ivy for close to an hour and had seen several dishes going in and out. Knowing Mack and the others had probably been working hard for hours, he didn’t doubt they’d had almost everything done when she’d asked Ayesha to come back. Keys being the smart man would’ve taken care of that for him since they didn’t know what kind of problems were coming through the door. He’d have to thank him later.

  He put his hand on Mack’s arm, halting her. “You get a pass for the other day. Thanks for taking care of my girl.”

  Mack nodded, her throat working to swallow. “Always.” She stood there waiting for him to release her.

  “Katy, you too. You girls are good. Tell Lick to take care of you both,” he instructed them. All the women were watched and made sure they got home safely, but having Lick personally see to them meant he’d also slide them some cash, more than what they made for working at the club.

  King held his hand out to Ayesha. “I promised you a soak.” Even though his dick was demanding attention, he wasn’t going to use her j
ust to get off, yet.

  “You gonna tell me why you sent me in here?” Her husky voice washed over him, making him think of fucking her tempting little mouth.

  “Come on, brat. I’ll tell you back home.” He twisted his hand in the back of her hair, the silk strands wrapping around his fist. Giving a slight tug, he tipped her face up to his, taking in her shiny lips. “I could lose control because of you,” he muttered.

  “Is that a bad thing?” she asked, all innocence and sin.

  “For a man like me, yeah.”

  Chapter Seventeen

  Ayesha shivered at the tone of King’s voice. He thought he was bad for her, but he didn’t know what bad was. Sure, he and his club might skate the line of right and wrong. She’d seen what they did to those who crossed them. She wasn’t sure what happened to the men who’d had her sister, and truth be known, she didn’t care. Her salon was gone, and it was only by the grace of God that nobody had been hurt. No, King and the Royal Sons weren’t the bad guys. They just didn’t let a little thing like the law get in the way of getting shit done. It was why she’d come to them when Tiana had gone missing. Again, she believed things happened for a reason. Chloe had been there at the right time when Ayesha was desperate. Call it Divine Intervention, or whatever. At the end of the day, she’d needed help, and that’d come in the form of tattooed men on bikes.

  “I owe you more than I could ever repay you, King,” she whispered.

  His fingers tightened in her hair. “Is that what you’ve been doing, paying me back?”

  She jerked her head back, wincing at the sting to her scalp as his fingers held tight to her hair. “God no. That’s not what I meant. I know you’d have done that without me and…and you sleeping together,” she said, stuttering over the words, needing to erase the anger filling his dark gaze.

  “Good. If I need to get off, I sure as shit don’t have to coerce a woman,” he growled.


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