Royally Tempted (A Royal Sons MC Book 3)

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Royally Tempted (A Royal Sons MC Book 3) Page 20

by Elle Boon

  When he did find his sister and the little plaything she took from him, he’d have some real fun, because now he didn’t have anything holding him back since his father was dead.

  Chapter Eighteen

  King looked over at Keys, drumming his fingers on the counter. The other man had his laptop on the bar, tapping away on it like normal. “Brother, it’s been two weeks. You don’t really think he’s given up do you?”

  “My gut says no, but for all intents and purposes the house is empty. All the staff have been let go, which means they don’t plan to return anytime soon. Kailani’s accounts haven’t been touched. It’s as if he’s ghosted.” Keys turned the computer screen to face King. “Look at the amount of net worth she’s got.”

  King whistled through his teeth. Traeger and his ole lady had stuck to their area for the last two weeks, and so had Ayesha and her sister Tiana, but he could see they were all getting stir crazy. The need to get out amongst the world was making Tiana bratty. “Traeger know about that?” he asked. His Sergeant at Arms was finally back to a hundred percent, or so he’s assured King since his bullet wound.

  “What’s Traeger know about what?” the man in question asked.

  King glanced over his shoulder, shaking his head. “Why you sneaking around?”

  He pointed at Keys. “He knew I was here.”

  King let out a tired sigh. “Did you tell him about his ole lady?”

  Traeger crossed his arms over his chest, his leather cut creaking in the silence that followed while they waited for Keys to respond.

  “Nope, I told you, figured you could tell him.” Keys tapped his keyboard a few more times, pausing before giving them his attention. “What?” he asked.

  King and Traeger shared a look. “He’s got looks and brains, but he’s seriously a stupid fuck.” Traeger took a step toward Keys, clearly ready to pound some sense into him.

  “Hey, don’t mess with the looks.” Keys made a circular motion around his face. “Besides, I knew you’d overhear our conversation, which would lead to you hearing.” He pointed at one then the other. “There was a probability of eighty-five percent.”

  “Can I hit him now?” Traeger asked.

  “I’ve been asking that for the past five years, and the answer has been no. If anyone gets to beat him, it’s me,” Duke said with a straight face, walking in carrying a bottle of whiskey.

  King glanced at the clock on the wall then at Duke. “I guess it’s five o’clock somewhere?”

  Duke gave a salute of the bottle before taking a drink. “So, your ole lady is fucking loaded, I hear. That’s a dangerous thing to have hanging on her head with a crazy non-bro lurking around. You need to keep better tabs on her.”

  Traeger froze, his entire body stopping in mid motion. “What did you say?”

  “There you go.” Keys put his glasses back on and looked at the screen. “They found another body. Oh, I haven’t told you yet. So far, in the last five days, there’s been five bodies, all dark haired, young women of Latino or mixed heritage. The first two were prostitutes; they were fucked up bad. These last three were college girls who went missing from campus at the same time, but each girl’s body was discovered a day apart.”

  “Are you saying you think these five girls’ deaths have something to do with Kailani’s brother?” Traeger asked.

  Keys turned the computer around, showing surveillance footage. “I’ve finally got my program right. I’ve been able to upload my spyware into the servers of the traffic system. I can then hack into every traffic camera, narrow it down to where my program bots can detect whichever vehicle type, from make and model, to tire and wheels I program into it. Once I have the correct profile into the program, I upload it, let it piggyback through their system, narrow it down further by giving my bots more specific information. Once it had the vehicle in sight, they followed it. I was able to back-trace it as well and…saw when they procured the victims. Kailani and Tiana are very lucky to be alive,” he said soberly, taking his glasses off.

  King was aware there were a shitton more technical things to Keys’ program, but the other man dumbed it down for the three of them, knowing he, Duke, and Traeger would be lost to the details. “Is any of that going to be admissible in court?” King asked, figuring it best to ask. They skirted the law.

  Keys shook his head.

  “Shit. We need to stop him, or our girls are going to be virtual prisoners for the rest of their lives.”

  “That’s not gonna happen,” Kailani said.

  King growled, throwing his hands in the air. “What the fuck happened to my security?”

  Keys pointed at Traeger with his thumb over his shoulder. “He knew she was coming too.”

  Traeger dropped his chin to his chest. “She’s not like Ayesha.”

  “Sucks to be you ‘cause my ole lady is perfect. In fact, I’m going to go and show her just how fucking perfect she is.” King pushed past Traeger and a smiling Duke. He snatched the bottle of Maker’s out of Duke’s hand. “You’re on deck tonight. Sober up.” He left without looking back. They were going to need to set a trap for the bastard. But using either of the two women wasn’t happening.

  Tiana sat at Curly and T-Rex’s place, holding their new baby in her lap on the swing. Curly and T-Rex were in the chairs off to the side, watching. King raised his hand. “How’s it going, brother?” he asked.

  T-Rex got his name because he had a big ass head, but he also had huge arms that consisted of muscles upon muscles. The fucker also loved dinosaurs and had a collection of them any kid would envy. “Couldn’t be better, Pres. Charlie’s a good boy. Strong like his mama.”

  King laughed at his words. Where T-Rex was huge, Curly was tiny. “I don’t know how she puts up with a shithead like you, but you better be good to her. That kid’s cute as shit, looks like his mama.”

  “Ain’t that the truth,” T-Rex agreed, looking behind him at Tiana.

  “T, did you get your homework done?” he asked Ayesha’s sister. Since they didn’t know where Rico was and his threat was still real, they couldn’t allow her to go to school, so they’d gotten her online classes, which she was happy about. Ayesha had no clue her sister had been unhappy at school. Teenagers could be shits with their bullying ass bullshit. If King had still been in school, he’d beat the living shit out of all the little fuckers. But, Ayesha had made him promise he wouldn’t scare the hell out of them, no matter how much he wanted. He was still working on a work-around to that promise.

  When he realized the girl hadn’t answered him, he barked the question again, a little louder.

  “Yes I did. Gah, what do you think I am, an idiot?” She rolled her eyes.

  “I say yes since you just spoke to me like that,” King agreed.

  There wasn’t much they could do to her, short of standing her in a corner for timeout each time she did or said something wrong. Yeah, they needed to get Rico off the streets, stat.

  He turned back toward his house, and if his steps quickened because he knew Ayesha was there alone, that was between him and his dick.

  Ayesha watched King’s approach from the big window. She had already bit her nails all the way down to nubs. If she didn’t get into a salon, any fucking salon soon she’d be biting cuticles. King was amazing. Everything about being with him was nothing short of perfect…except she needed a life outside of here. She felt like a stupid woman. One of the females in her books where they had everything they ever wanted, and of course, they tossed it all away. Only she didn’t want to give King up. She just wanted some of her identity back.

  She moved away from the window, going back to the kitchen where she’d already organized his cabinets. Every single one of them. Not a room in his home wasn’t organized and color coordinated at this point. The beep beep sounds the alarm made when a door was opened and shut made her sigh. Her body so attuned to the daily routine her nipples hardened. Before any of this happened, she’d have been at her salon, doing some awesome hairdo, orderin
g supplies, and preparing for the next day, rinse and repeat. She loved it…she really did. Sorta. Okay, if she was honest, she was tired every night. Her back hurt from standing, along with her hands from cutting, shaving, washing, and drying. What she really missed was just being able to come and go freely, and that wasn’t anyone’s fault but a crazy bastard who needed to die.

  “You look upset, Little Dove.” King walked into the kitchen, not stopping until he was right in front of her.

  There was no sense in denying it. The man could read her like a book. “I wish Rico was dead. Does that make me a bad person?”

  King tugged her head back, sending tingles from her scalp to her lady parts. He’d literally reprogrammed her in the short time they’d been together. The man owned her.

  “If you didn’t want him dead, I’d think something was wrong with you. Where’s my kiss?”

  She smiled. His deep velvet voice made her wet in ways nothing else before ever did. “Right here.” She stretched up on her toes, kissing his lips, nibbling on his full lower lip with a suck before dropping back onto her feet.

  King lifted her onto the counter, his arms boxing her in. “You’re going stir-crazy, aren’t you?”

  “A little.” She held her thumb and pointer finger an inch apart.

  King pushed them closer together. “I’m thinking that’s closer to the truth.” King cupped her chin in his hand, his dominance such a part of him it was natural, forcing her to look at him. “Tell me I own you. This body, your pussy, your orgasms, and your heart.” He held her gaze.

  Her breath came out a shaky pant, her lips parted on a whimper of need or agreement, probably both. “Y…yeah,” she tried to say, her mind fogged with need from his words.

  Her legs tightened around his hips as he pushed his jeans covered cock against her. She had on a pair of yoga pants. The brush of fabric hitting her clit with each thrust made her moan. “That wasn’t an answer.” King bent his head, biting Ayesha’s neck.

  She tilted her head to the side, giving him better access. “I’m yours, yes,” she gasped.

  His mouth closed over the little mark he made, soothing it with his tongue. “Say it again.”

  “Yours. I’m yours, but your mine, too,” she added the caveat because she wasn’t a sharer. They’d agreed to that.

  King chuckled. His face so close to hers she could pick out the little flecks in his eyes. “Oh yeah, I’m all yours.” He covered her mouth with his, licking along the roof, stroking her tongue with his. Ayesha loved how he held her head with his hands, twisting her head how he wanted it. How he kissed her until she needed air. He knew how much she could take. He would give it, god he gave it, the diabolical man pulling back with little biting kisses that he’d soothe with his tongue, setting her on fire.

  Her shirt came off, followed by her bra. Not in a frenzy, but the need was still there. The yoga pants were slid down, but her thong he looked at like it shouldn’t be there, a wicked smile lit his face as he tapped her mound, meeting her eyes. “I think you should stop wearing panties all together.” He didn’t wait for her to agree or not, his declaration stated and done.

  She tangled her hands in his hair because he hadn’t told her she couldn’t, and she loved the feel of his silky curls beneath her palms. He began kissing a path down her chest, down to her stomach, turning his torso and jerked a chair over. His hands went back to her legs, spreading them wide with a rough push that excited her. “Oh yeah, this pussy is all mine.” He traced his fingers up and down, gathering up some of her wetness to show her. “See this.” He paused, waiting.

  Ayesha nodded. “Yours.” She didn’t mind telling him that.

  “Fucking-A right it is.” He pushed two fingers into her pussy, closed his mouth over her clit and sucked hard.

  A cry was wrenched from her, pleasure so intense she thought she’d come right then and there. Her hands in his hair pulled tighter, making him growl. King licked and sucked, his fingers pumping in and out of her, building the sweet pressure to the point she was sure he’d push her over any second. Her entire world zeroed down to the two of them. Him making love to her with his mouth, his two fingers fucking her, the sounds of her excitement the only thing filling the room. “God, King, so close. Yes, please,” she wailed.

  He lifted his face away from her, his lips and chin covered in her juices. The action pulled her away from the edge of orgasm, her legs shook as her muscles protested. Her entire body begging for release that was just out of reach. “Dammit, why?” she cried.

  “Didn’t I say I owned your orgasms?” He stood up, kicking the chair backward.

  She nodded, fighting not to cry. “You come when and where I say, and I want to feel you coming around my cock.”

  Ayesha nearly sagged in relief. He pulled out a condom from his wallet, undid his belt and jeans and had that monster cock out in seconds.

  “Put it on me.” He held the condom out toward her.

  Her hands were steady as she ripped the foil packet open and rolled the latex over his dick. He pressed the head against her, sliding up and down a few times like he always did, coating himself in her fluids. He was a big, tough, dominant man, but he always made sure she was prepared for him. She moved her hips forward, wanting him to enter her as he swiped the tip of his cock past her entrance again. King slapped her hip. “I’m in charge of when. If you keep it up, I’ll make you suck me off and not give you release at all.”

  She whimpered, knowing he would follow through on the threat. He took his time, sliding in one slow inch at a time. The sweet pain of his thickness filling her even though she was slick and eager. Fuck, she loved the slight burn of having him inside her until her body adjusted to his.

  When he was balls deep, he tugged her forward on the counter, rocking his hips back and forth, slowly at first. He only went out halfway at first, plunging back inside in a swift push. After a few gentle thrusts, he sped up, sending a tidal wave of pleasure rocketing through her. “Look at your cream coating my dick. I want to fuck you bare, nothing between us.”

  He pulled her closer to the edge, his pelvis hitting her clit with each thrust. His breathing became faster, matching her tortured pants. His fingers dug into her hips, adding a bite of pain that was another layer extending their pleasure. She tossed her head back, spiraling close to the edge but wouldn’t go without his permission. “Please, King.” Her eyes met his, knowledge rocketing through her. He was waiting for her to ask.

  He nodded, pulling her in harder, faster, his hips pumping quicker and fiercer, in tandem to her, and then he sucked her nipple into his mouth, tossing her over the edge. An almost silent scream had her arching her back in ecstasy, her pussy spasming around his dick. His shout of pleasure was followed by him groaning her name. It was exactly what she needed to hear. It had her body contracting again around him. “Jesus fuck, woman, you’re gonna strangle my cock.” His big body shuddered.

  She wrapped her arms around him, his sweat dampened shoulders made it hard for her to get a good grip, but she didn’t care. She locked her legs around his waist, holding him to her. They stayed like that, both shuddering, sweating in the aftermath of their combined, explosive orgasms. “I don’t think you should say Jesus fuck, King.” Ayesha brushed a kiss along his shoulder, tasting his salty skin.

  King pulled away after what felt like forever. The drag of his semi-hard cock made her shiver. “Did I hurt you?” he asked.

  She shook her head. “Not in the slightest.”

  He took care of the condom, tying it off, and tossing it in the garbage. “I meant what I said about not wanting anything between us. I’ve not had a woman without a condom since I was thirteen. I’ve been checked regularly. My last checkup was two months ago.”

  She was still trying to process the fact he’d had sex at thirteen when she realized he was waiting for her response. “I’m on the shot. Um…the only other person I’ve slept with besides you were my late husband, and we always used a condom. I’m clean. Thirteen,”
she blurted.

  King chuckled, lifted her off the counter, tossing her over his shoulder, slapping her ass. “Is that what’s got you stuck?” He swatted her again.

  “I mean, yeah. Thirteen is young. How old was the girl? Nope, never mind I don’t want to know.” Ayesha squealed, and then there wasn’t any more talking for a long time.

  Chapter Nineteen

  King looked at his phone again before glancing at the sleeping form of Ayesha. A month had gone by, and the dead girls had piled up. Finally they’d gotten a break. He eased out of bed, snatching up his jeans as quietly as he could. His first thought had been to wake her to let her know what was going down. After debating it with Duke, they’d decided to let her and Kailani sleep while they took the man out. Less of a chance for them to slip up if questioned later.

  He checked on Tiana after he was dressed, making sure she was sleeping.

  Frog and Lick were in the front yard of his house, both posted by trees smoking cigarettes. He shut the door, securing the alarm automatically. Traeger’s house couldn’t be seen from his porch, but he knew the other man would be making his way up to King’s place. Even though he would rather not leave his ole lady, they had the property well protected, taking out the bastard was their job. “Soldier on his way?” he asked Lick.

  Lick nodded toward the road where the man in question was riding in on his bike. They’d been smart when building their homes, making the walls extra thick and the windows triple paned. The loud pipes of the bikes rolling in at three a.m. would’ve woken Ayesha up had it not been for that.

  Their two cage cars pulled up with Coal and Digger driving. King looked at the guys he was leaving to guard his girls. “You make sure nothing happens to any of the women here. Feel me?” He looked at each man, letting them know their top priority was keeping them safe. “You think something is off, you know the code, get that shit off immediately. I’d rather have a false alarm than anyone hurt. Got it?”


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