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Forever Zara: (novella 9.5)

Page 10

by V. Theia

  Zara didn’t interfere on any of the harsher sides to how Rider operated, but she was his sounding board and confidant when he needed it. She wouldn’t deny she’d been able to influence great changes within the clubhouse.

  She used to wonder when she was an immature girl who knew nothing of men and relationships, why a woman would marry a biker if she had no rights.

  The way her old friend, the one who’d brought her to the Souls club for the first time, would talk about bikers, she made them sound like Gods with very backward ideas of what women were for. Was she pleased she’d had a positive impact on the Souls? Yeah, she was. Zara did not doubt her friends influenced their men and the choices they made too.

  Now, if only she could get her surprise to go off without a hitch.

  It was one of the rare occasions she was alone without her guard. If Pretty-Boy thought she wasn’t staying home, he’d have a fit, and Rider would have a fit alongside him. She wasn’t going far and wouldn’t be alone for long.

  Sure enough, Hawk and Gia were already at the destination when she pulled up in her yellow hatchback. Even now, the boys ragged on her for the ‘banana skin’ car. She was due for an upgrade, but she had sentimental attachments to this vehicle.

  Shivering against the snowy chill, she pulled the coat around herself as she stepped out, lifting the dress a little so it wouldn’t trail in the mounds of slush along the curb.

  “Hey, guys. Thanks for coming.”

  “Rider’s gonna lose his mind knowing you’re out here without Pretty,” Hawk stated in his monosyllabic tone, looking imposing in his club clothes of jeans, cut, and a leather jacket. His hand reached out to curl around Gia’s waist when she backhanded him gently in the stomach and told him, “hush you, no he won’t, it’s romantic.”

  Her soon-to-be sister-in-law beamed at Zara, and the two women hugged. “I’m so excited. Thanks for including us.”

  Zara couldn’t think of two better people to have here with her.

  She was nervous but enthusiastic too. And that enthusiasm tripled when she heard the familiar roar of engine pipes coming around the corner. They stood by the curb, watching Rider’s big Harley growing closer.

  Though he gave his VP and sister a curious glance when he pulled in and switched off the engine, his gaze was all for Zara. He lifted off the helmet, hung it from the handlebars, and swung his leg over the bike, climbing down.

  “I got your weird message to meet you here. What’s going on, Icy?”

  Navy eyes scanned her from top to toe and back to her face. She reached out and took his hand, the cold palm wrapped around hers, and she went toe-to-toe with her biker-man.

  It was crazy; she was feeling nervous.

  Her heart was rattling like chains in her chest.

  This was Rider. The least complicated man she knew. He went above and beyond to make her happy, to make their kids happy, and to keep their spark alive. She felt it now, sizzling along her arms and making her chest bloom with heated love. Their lives could have been so different, so empty without each other.

  But here they were on the cusp of their wedding day.

  A day neither of them thought would come.

  Being happy as they were, she’d been apprehensively to rock the boat, assuming getting married would somehow jinx what they had. But Rider, loyal and lovely Rider, persevered until she’d been ready. It was a kick in the pants how she’d waited all this time to marry him.

  Now she couldn’t wait.

  “We’re getting married.” She exclaimed, beaming up at him. She watched his dark eyebrows fold in, kicking a glance to the other two for a second before coming back to her.

  Outside of the courthouse, the snow fell softly. She loved snow almost as much as the man standing before her, anyone knew that.

  “We’re getting married?”

  “Yes. Just you and me. With Hawk and Gia as witnesses. I planned it all. Are you surprised?”

  “Yeah, baby. You could say.” He half-smiled. “What about tomorrow?”

  “Oh, we’re still having that ceremony tomorrow too! Today is for us, honey.” Curling both arms around his waist, she felt at peace when his two hands touched the base of her spine, and he brought his lips to her forehead. “Are you okay about it?”

  She knew his answer even before he smiled his rogue smile. Her heart knew too because it was lazily rolling over in her chest at his nearness.

  “Zara, I would marry you any fuckin’ day. You know that, want you for my old lady.”

  “I’ve been your old lady forever,” she pointed out, and he smirked so sexily.

  “Wish I’d known so I could have dressed better.”

  “That would defeat the purpose of a surprise,” she told him with a smile etching the corner of her mouth. Because he so rarely looked unsure, she was enjoying seeing his surprise. “Besides, you always look sexy.” He smirked at that. Ego biker-man. “You’re perfect. So, are you going to marry me today?”

  For a big man, tall and intimidating to everyone but her, he crumbled so gracefully as he let his neck fall, and their foreheads came together.

  He breathed in. And she breathed out.

  “I love you. So much.” She told him in a whisper.

  “Fuck, Zara. You sweep the fuckin’ air out of me; you know that? Let’s get inside before you change your mind.”

  “Unlikely.” She poked him.

  One more surprise when they were inside, and she brushed off the ankle-length padded coat, handing it to Gia. She had brought little with her, keeping all the wedding fanfare for tomorrow, but she’d bought a small posy of white roses and baby’s breath. When she turned around, Rider’s eyes were hot and hooded, skimming over her.

  She knew what he was seeing.

  It wasn’t the same, but it was similar enough to touch his memories.

  Hot all over and a little shy, she smiled when he shackled a hand around her wrist and roped her in until their bodies were aligned. She was wearing a strapless sunshine yellow dress that fell to her ankles. A dress so parallel to the one she was wearing the first time they’d met at his club party, Rider groaned by her ear. “My sweet, innocent Icy-baby. It’s like looking back in time. I feel like I’m about to defile you all over again.”

  Zara shuddered. Reaching up on her tiptoes, she pressed their closed lips together. It felt right somehow to take them back to that day, bringing their love full circle.

  Tomorrow was for the white designer gown, table decorations, and a party to end all parties. Today was sunshine yellow, a biker-man in sexy denim, and promises given to each other.

  Their fingers locked together, Rider’s eyes deeper and more loving than ever.

  This was right, she thought.

  It had been a whim to plan something private for the two of them. And now she couldn’t imagine anything better.

  An hour later, Rider slapped Hawk’s hand while Gia and Zara celebrated with a tight hug.

  They were married.

  Oh, my god. She was Zara Marinos.

  She’d married her hero. Man of her dreams.

  It was strange. She’d been happy with him for years. She was well used to contentment and joy. But this new peace, this elation tingling her skin, was brand new, and she could hardly contain her squeal as she launched herself into his arms. Naturally, Rider caught her, their mouths met, and it was sweet.

  A married kiss. The second one after the celebrant declared them husband and wife.

  “I love you, Mrs. Marinos.” He rasped. The emotion he was feeling in his voice brought tears to Zara’s eyes.

  “Oh, my god, Rider. You’re my husband.”

  “Thought I’d been that all along?” He smirked.

  “Now it’s official.”

  “Worth the wait,” he gruffed by her ear, keeping her close where she always wanted to be. She curled her arms around his waist and let out a sigh, unable to stop smiling.

  Yeah, she agreed. Some things were worth waiting for. Worth going through hel
l to reach the other side.

  The piece of paper and rings would not change their day-to-day life.

  She felt loved today in the same way she did yesterday. Wholly.

  But their lives were different now. In small ways. In huge ways.

  No one could accuse Zara of being fast out of the starting gate. She’d taken her time saying yes to his many proposals, and then it was her who did the asking.

  But she got there in the end.

  Loving her biker-man.

  She’d loved him before she knew him, loved him every second since.

  “Got you.” She gloated up at him, and he dropped his head, kissed her soundly until all she tasted was him.

  “Yeah, you do.” He replied. “Let’s buy ice cream on the way home.” He added, and her insides flamed at the memory flickering through her mind.

  The same dirty memory Rider wanted her to have.

  She hoped they didn’t break their kitchen table this time.

  Gia would see that she got Zara’s car back to her house. Zara wanted to be on the back of Rider’s motorcycle more than ever. He climbed on and helped her onto the seat, her arms instinctively twirling around his waist.

  She had so many memories of being on the bike with him.

  That first terrifying time when she clung tight, traumatized yet relieved. And all the times in between when they went for rides to be alone. Riding for the first time as his wife was going to be her favorite memory.

  It might be cold and a little snowy, but she was swamped in Rider’s leather jacket he insisted she wore. Smiling the entire way home with her arms wrapped tightly around her heaven.

  Rider would laugh if she shared that with him. He’d tell her he was far from heavenly.

  Mine. She thought.

  This one here is all mine.

  “One wedding down. One to go.” She declared once they were home.

  The house was quiet for now. Her parents had taken the kids out to eat. Rider caught her around the back of the neck until she bumped up against his chest.

  “Kiss me, wife.” He gruffed, already taking her mouth fast. Wet, sweet, and hard. “And then, gonna fuck you and make this official,” he shared, fisting a hand into her hair, tipping her neck back where she could see the color of his eyes.

  Her sweet biker-man, the love of her life, was turned on.

  She thought he’d be on her the second the front door locked. Zara had wanted it, had braced for it with her stomach and heart tumbling crazily.

  But this was better. Sweeter. As though he needed to be a softer man for her. She went up on her toes, kissed him gently until he growled, and bit her lip, made her open wider for his spearing tongue.

  Ahhhh, there he is, she thought. Her deviant biker-man.

  His grip hurt so lovely. His kiss swelled her lips, and his taste—oh his taste, became rushing sounds in her ears.

  Two big hands mapped her hips, around her softened stomach and up between her breasts. “Mine,” he said, almost to himself.

  “I’ve always been yours, biker-man.”

  Sloppy, uncoordinated kisses followed.

  She all but climbed him until he latched her legs around his lean waist, striding through the house, up the stairs, and didn’t stop until he bounced her on their bed.

  “You surprised the fuck out of me today.” He said, crawling between her legs, dragging the cotton of her dress up until they exposed her briefs.

  “I have to keep you on your toes too, baby.”

  His laugh was rough. It was sex and promises, and it went straight to her erogenous zones.

  Zara stared at him. The gathering of his bunched shoulders; he seemed bronze-dipped, muscles stark and firm on his torso, decorated in his ink. Damn. Oh damn. Tremors ran up her calves, shaky anticipation for what was to come, making her uncoordinated.

  And then he lifted his head and looked up at her, and her mouth went dry.

  Holding her gaze, he slid his hands purposefully up between her thighs where she was already wet for him. He made a low, pleased sound in his throat, pushed up to his knees, and put his mouth to her. The pleasure was like a speeding bullet rushing underneath her skin.

  “Oh, my God.” She kicked her head back against the soft pillows, shuddering under his wicked tongue. She raked her hand through his long hair, holding a handful in her fingers.

  “You are so good at that.”

  His answer was a sly sweep of his tongue that threatened to take her out if he lengthened the pressure.

  They only had an hour.

  But it was the best hour.

  She cried his name, and he groaned hers.

  And when they were only panting breaths and hammering heartbeats, she curled all four limbs around him, chanting her love for a man who’d changed her life.

  They didn’t share their secret with their parents that night at a family dinner.

  Zara smiled across at Rider, already staring at her, and felt their love expand around them.

  Being a Marinos never felt so right.


  “We do. Again.” - Rider

  Wedding day.

  The sensation of waking up in her husband’s arms was one Zara wasn’t ever going to get used to. And the day was only going to get better.

  “Wake up,” she poked his ribs, “Ambrosio Marinos, it’s time to get up so I can make an honest man of you. Again.”

  He was faking it, because he smirked with his eyes still closed.

  She kissed his closed lids, along his stubbled cheek, then glided her lips over his beard, down his chest.

  “Fuck yeah, keep going lower, see what surprise waits for you.” He gruffed in his sleepy voice. A hand came out of the sheets and burrowed into her hair while she peppered kisses on his neck.

  What a man she was marrying, she grinned.

  They might not have gone in for the tradition of spending the night apart. With what happened this week, Zara couldn’t bear to have Rider anywhere else but at her side. But once her mom got into military mode that morning, she made sure they dressed apart and then went to the hotel venue separately.

  “I love you, Ambrosio.” She yelled down the stairs when Zara heard he was leaving with Hawk and his parents. She caught him chuckling from the bottom of the stairs. “Love you, Icy. Don’t keep your man waiting.”

  A thrill rushed through her at his husky command.

  The photographer got the photos he wanted of Zara and the kids.

  And then it was time to leave.

  The day was beautiful.

  The first surprise was walking down the aisle to her favorite song being played by a quartet orchestra. And then, seeing Rider at the end waiting for her in a dark gray suit floored her.

  Everything fell away.

  She saw only him.

  Looking like the hottest, sexiest man alive.

  Holding her dad’s arm, surprise stole her steps before she started moving again. Her eyes only for Rider, who smirked as if he knew what he’d done to her.

  She knew he’d want to wear clothes he was comfortable in, she was more than fine with that and hadn’t pushed for him to suit up.

  This was typical Rider to turn her on at the worst possible time.

  She grinned so big at him.

  As she hugged her dad, Rider stepped forward to take her hand. Once she was close enough to see the smile in his eyes, he lifted that hand to his mouth.

  “You take my breath,” he rasped for her. “You look incredible, Zara.”

  Their lips met.

  And it was magical.


  “You suited up.” She breathed, grinning like an idiot.

  “Couldn’t let my girl down.”

  “You never do.”

  “Shall we do this thing again?” He asked for her ears only, and she almost giggled in front of the female celebrant about to marry them.


  There were no doubts.

  Not one.

s man in front of her, with the burning blue eyes, was her dream come true. She was only sorry she’d waited this long to put a ring on his finger.

  And oh, she intended to put a gorgeous black band on his finger. She was territorial over Rider. Knowing he was going to wear a ring was about as possessive as she’d ever felt.

  Throughout the ceremony, the kids were noisy. They were Marinos’ after all, no one minded, least of all Zara or Rider. Her heart was too full, and everyone here was her family, her loud, chaotic family.

  But the vows, oh, the vows, were her favorite part.

  Again, Rider surprised her. She hadn’t known he wanted to say his own and not recite the vows after the celebrant.

  With her two hands clasped lightly in his, his thumb rubbing slowly over her knuckles, she was unable to look away, caught in the trap of Rider’s smiling eyes. It was a moment in time she never wanted to forget.

  “Zara, it’s hard to believe I got so lucky. You are the rare exception to the phrase too good to be true. I love your beautiful face and the beautiful person behind it. I promise I will always fight for us. I will shield you with my last breaths. I give you my word to make you happy, even when I piss you off.” This last part made everyone chuckle, even Zara. His voice was raspy when he finished his vows, eyes boring into hers. She believed every word. “I promise to love you unconditionally.”

  Oh, her biker-man. He knew when to bring the emotion, and he’d brought it tenfold. Her smile was watery as she offered it up to him and he brushed a thumb under her left eye.

  Then it was Zara’s turn to give her vows until she got a little stage fright and almost forgot every word she’d practiced for weeks now. She opened her mouth, and no sound would come. Oh, shit. Until Rider, her lovely hero dipped forward and pressed his lips to her forehead. “You got this, wife.”


  That one word reduced her to a state of calm because she had this, and she was already his wife. Today was frosting on what was already their perfect cake.

  And then all the love for him came bubbling out of her lips.

  “You’re my best friend. My biker-man. You’re everything I’ve always admired, respected, and looked up to. You are the man of my dreams and the wish I made only for myself. Not only are you a wonderful father and friend to many, but to me, you are the love of my life. I love that you’re always fair. I love how disciplined and hardworking you are, and nothing is too out of reach for your family. Despite working as hard as you have, you’ve never complained.”


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